Days of Our Lives - Thurs. July 22, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Episode #11380 Taped 5/14 Director – Herb Stein

Wow, Kristian Alfonso (Hope) knocks it out of the park today, hope this is in her Emmy reel. However, first things first. EJ & Nicole are down on the pier, making a deal. He will get Arianna off, she won’t reveal the tape to anyone. Rafe comes along, steps behind a wall, and listens as they talk of their truce, both keeping their mouths shut. Nicole suggests they both get out of there, which they do, in different directions. Hmmm, Rafe sort of wishes he had not heard all that, as now he is dragged back into it all.

Hope is pouring gasoline all over the floor and Bo, even his face. She is wearing leather gloves, sits down by the fireplace, rummages thru the paper bag, and pulls out a box of wooden matches. She strikes one. (Perhaps Days doesn’t realize how powerful gasoline fumes are, cuz that would have set the whole area ablaze in a second). She contemplates the match, talking of ending Bo’s miserable life. The match must have gone out, because she takes out another, strikes it, is about to throw it down, when there is a knock at the door. Too bad Daniel doesn’t look thru the windows, but anyway, he knocks again, the door sort of opens, he calls out for Carly, Bo, then sees Bo laying on the floor. He rushes over, starting chest compressions, calling Bo’s name. Hope is behind the kitchen door, gun out, starts to come out, and stops, hearing sirens. Daniel is frantically calling Bo’s name, doing compressions, finally noticing the smell, realizing it is gasoline. Roman bursts in, saying he got a tip from some guy.

Sami answers the doorbell at DiMansion, to find Rafe standing there. She doesn’t think they have anything to say to each other, he does, says they did not finish their conversation, she makes cracks about someone named Tiffany, talking of Rafe buying a corsage for her prom, (???). They sort of go back and forth, with Rafe suddenly grabbing Sami, they kiss passionately…..and wakes up, yep, just a dream. She is talking to herself, when there is a knock at the door. She answers, surprised to see Rafe …talk about déjà vu. He asks about EJ, she says he is at a business mtg., Rafe tells her he just saw him with Nicole, chatting away about agreeing to a truce. Sami doesn’t quite believe him, wonders why Rafe even bothered telling her, he just felt she should know. He leaves. She is looking at a picture of EJ & Johnny, telling herself how EJ became the man she wanted him to be. In walks the man himself. Sami asks about his business mtg., EJ says it was about Arianna’s defense, she asks a few more questions, and ol EJ wasn’t born yesterday, tells of running into Nicole. Sami makes a few sarcastic remarks about what rock she under, etc. EJ manages to put his own spin on the converstion, saying only that Nicole talked of her plan to expose how Sami’s place was flooded. The cat & mouse game continues, Sami offers to tell Nicole she knew all along EJ had done it, but EJ manages to just say that he & Nicole both agreed to leave each other alone, call a truce more or less.

And now Sami tells EJ that she heard from her mother today, she wants to put the apt. up for sale, wondered if it would be alright with Sami, who assured her it would be fine. EJ asks what Sami is thinking to do then, and she replies she thought perhaps she & the kids could “stay here, with you”. You can definitely picture EJ grinning from ear to ear.
Hope has stormed over to Baker’s , having a fit cuz she knows he called the cops. He did it for her, was saving her from herself. Knocking over a few guys was one thing, this is something else. She would go to jail forever. She lets him know that is notl his concern. She thought he was the only guy she could trust, mentions how the DA let the only witness to the kidnapping off cuz someone got to him, that Justin goes around with this big smile, wanting more from her than she has to give. She leaves, off to finish the job.

Chloe goes to see Carly, telling her about her problems with Daniel, wanting to be sure he would not know of the paternity test. As they talk, Carly realizes that Chloe got into this mess, because Vivian hates her, is sorry about all of this, promises that if Daniel is the father, she will stay out of it. Next, Chloe meets up with Father Matt in the park, tells him about Carly’s threats, her fights with Daniel. Father Matt is sympathetic, but did not like her using him to lie to Daniel. Now she tells him about being pregnant, unsure of who the father is, not wanting to marry Daniel until she is, yada, yada. She thinks that even if Daniel is the father, he may not want her any more, she is not worth it, etc. etc. Father Matt assures her she is a child of God, well worth it, promises to not say anything to anyone.

Rafe as come into the Pub, gets a shot of bourbon at the bar, as Nicole walks in, phone in both hands, busily texting away. Amazing she does not notice Rafe in that small place, but she sits down, her back to him. Later, she is talking to someone on the phone, evidently the owner of wherever she is staying, complaining about someone in her parking spot, wanting them out. Rafe can hear every word. She is drinking a glass of red wine, and evidently has finished a meal. The bartender comes over to take her plate, knocking the glass over, red wine down the front of her white top. (I love that top, by the way, very pretty). She has a fit, the bartender invites her to the kitchen where they will try to get most of it it. She follows him, complaining. Rafe takes advantage, checking her phone first, then into her purse, finds some mail, learns where she is living, and takes off.

Bo is in the hospital, unconscious, full of IV tubes, vitals being checked, Daniel thinks there is a drug overdose. Carly comes rushing in, all upset, assures Daniel Bo is not on any medication. Daniel figures someone gave it to me, that he & the place had gasoline all over, Carly is shocked. Bo’s vitals take a downturn, Carly panics, Daniel orders her out of the room, she is not the doctor, Maxine takes her out. Bo is stabilized, Daniel comes out of the room. Hope has arrives, trying to stay out of sight, hears the news and takes off. Roman comes along, explains about the tip they got coming from an disposable cell phone, Daniel reports about the gasoline and drugged state Bo was in, all are puzzled. Roman thinks someone wanted Bo to burn. (DUH!)

Meanwhile Hope has come into Bo’s room, via a different door, begins talking to him, telling how she knows the hospital like the back of her hand. All the ins and outs. And knew right where to find him. And there is no one in the room next door. Ahh, it must be fate intended for it all to happen this way. She comments that he is still unconscious, which is good…….but not good enough.

Wow Hope has certainly gone to the dark side. Although I was not really enjoying the NTHope S/L this is making it very intersting. EJ/Sami :sick:. Ah it will be good to see Rafe on the screen again. Too bad he is not swimming in the lake. I wonder how long this truce with EJ/Nicole will last? I guess until one of them slips up and causes the other one pain. Should be fun to watch though. I always enjoy their banter.
Everyone sees Hope as the victim in this story. Frankly, I see her as someone who didn't get her way and is taking her revenge. f Bo doesn't kowtow to her in every decision, she gets all bent out of shape. Yes, Kristian is doing a great job, but I still say, if she had stayed and TALKED to Bo, none pof this would have happened. Oh well, then no story
I don't see Hope as the victim, either. She took Ciara and walked out on Bo, told him repeatedly the marriage is over, he can do what he wants, blah blah...and somehow SHE is the "long suffering wife"?? huh? On what planet? Planet Higley and Corday, who worship the Hope character, perhaps. But that's about it.

Hope expected Bo to grovel forever and when he didn't, she got ticked (can't say the other word I originally had). Even worse is that he actually found love with someone who actually loves him back, and cares about him. He wasn't sitting around pining for Hope. That's the real sin Bo committed ... evidently it justifies Hope wanting to kill the guy.

If Bo had stayed alone and miserable, Hope would have been perfectly fine. She's gone off the deep end purely out of a need to punish Bo and put him back in his place. After all, he's HERS, darnit! My! Mine! Me! That's why the story doesn't work. One of the many reasons. Not enough difference between the "two" Hope's.

I know this story is bafflingly designed to reunite Bope (let's put Bo back with the witch that thinks he is so awful and mean that she wants to murder him, ooh, lovely "supercouple" *snort*) but they destroying them. I will never be able to take them seriously again. The show doesn't seem to realize they are writing them into a corner they won't be able to get out of. Most Bo fans want him AWAY from Hope. Bo is the freaking victim here, not Hope. What happens next time Hope bails and Bo doesn't play by her rules? She gotta try to off him again? You can't recover from this. Long ago, back in the 80's, I loved Bo and Hope but this is a relationship that has become unrecognizable and Hope has just lost me. She is pathetic. I wish they'd dump her in a psych ward and leave her there.

This story is depressing and dumb. I cringe when I watch Hope. Kristian Alfonso plays a good villian, though. It works for her, I'll give her that. Better than the weepy, put upon heroine who is constantly pandered to and never grows the heck up because the entire town enables her selfishness. They should just let her bask in her evil, lol. Stop keeping her confined within a fading "supercouple", and set her free to terrorize Salem.

Yeah, I am on Team Bo and Carly but if they insist on Bope, you gotta give me a reasons to think they are better option now. They have lost all credibility. All this does is confirm to me this show has no clue what a compelling love story is. Bo will take the blame for Hope's actions, he will be filled with guilt, yadda. Hope gets a free pass AGAIN to take her hostilities out on Bo whenever he doesn't ask "how high?" when she says Jump! And this is a basis to reunite? This is supposed to endear me to Hope? Relate to her "pain"? This is something to cheer on? Instead of FORCING this couple to be the pre-determined end game at all costs, they should just accept that this couple is as dead as Hope wants Bo.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Will be busy so not get to see this one. Have a great day with the Red Hatters.
Between Sami's dream about Rafe and this gem:

She is looking at a picture of EJ & Johnny, telling herself how EJ became the man she wanted him to be.

I would have to be about ten years old and never, ever have seen even a day of any soap opera before in order to think Sami and Rafe are not the rooting couple here. The only question here is why Rafe would even want this mess. Sami seriously has become the most pathetic character on canvas. She can't have the man she wants so she moves in with the man who fathered two of her children (but not the other two) because hey, he has money and it's easier than her getting a job? Oh, and he's "changed." Give me a break.

Poor Father Matt. You know he wishes he had never met Chloe.

The Nighttime Hope stuff sounds good. She is definitely on a mission to destroy Bo.

Thanks for the great writeup!
Poirot said:
Roman thinks someone wanted Bo to burn. (DUH!)

WOW! Roman must have eaten razor blades for breakfast. He's as sharp as a tack. :rotfl:

In the meantime, Sami is getting more and more stupid...if that's possible.

This is why I have a problem with Rafe. He had no write or search warrant to go through Nicole's stuff. And believe me, I can't STAND Nicole, so I'm not sticking up for her.

You're either a good cop, or a bad one - and Rafe is just pushing it too far.
This is why I have a problem with Rafe. He had no write or search warrant to go through Nicole's stuff. And believe me, I can't STAND Nicole, so I'm not sticking up for her.

You're either a good cop, or a bad one - and Rafe is just pushing it too far.

That may be, but Shane told him to not play by the rules when it came to the all of the Dimeras, and Nicole is with that bunch.......he just needs a little inside info right now, the Dimera house of cards will fall on it's own! ..........JT:cool:
Great write-up Barb. Am loving the character of nighttime Hope right now. As far as the comments that Hope wants Bo dead... that is not daytime Hope, that is nighttime Hope. Daytime Hope has NO CLUE what she is doing at night. But I can't wait for this storyline to be over with.

Do I want Bo and Hope back together? YES I do!! Do I want Bo to help her get the help she needs? YES I DO!!

They both need to get their act together and remember how good they are together and remember that to make a marriage work you have to WORK at your problems, instead of running away from them.

'nuff said... I will duck now. Let the tossing of rotten vegetables begin. :)
Everyone sees Hope as the victim in this story.

I disagree! Hope isn't a victim at all. She started out "acting" the victim by going against police procedure after the kidnapping and got mad because Bo wouldn't. After that she moved out with Ciara, and she got worse and worse from there.

I know this story is bafflingly designed to reunite Bope but they [are]destroying them.

By the way, we aren't supposed to use the contracted names like Bope in this forum. It confuses old goats like me.

Yeah, I am on Team Bo and Carly
Not me! Bo and Hope belong together, although she's got to change back to the way she used to be.
There are no victims in this stupid Bo/Hope/Carly storyline with the exception of Ciara.

Hope shouldn't have reacted the way she did regarding the aftermath of Ciara's kidnapping but who's to say what was the we have a mother who already lost a child thanks to actions of her husband and was about to lose another child and was physically attacked in that house and saw a family member get shot in that house.

Bo defiantely should have understood what Hope was feeling instead it was a my way or the highway route with him and he never confided in Hope. He certainly shouldn't have been involved in Carly's problems and he certainly shouldn't have invited Carly to stay at the house and coldly turned Hope and his daughter away when Hope asked to move back in.

Carly shouldn't have come to Bo once SHE knew the problems Bo was having in his life she should have steered clear from that situation and she certainly shouldn't have gone to Bo when the father of her daughter was in the same town. And she certainly SHOULDN'T have moved into that house especially considering the hostility that is being place on her by a very angry upset and confused five year old.

Barb thanks for the recap
