Days of Our Lives - Thurs. July 3, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, July 3, 2014

My goodness, what a well thought out, intricate plan thought up by Kate & Sami. The bride is still down at the jail, declaring her love to her husband, who has figured out that only one person could be the architect of a scheme like this...Stefano. He gets Sami all riled up, with her vowing he is not going to get away with it, that she & EJ will prove themselves to be stronger than Stefano. She decides to go home, tend to the kids, change out of the dress, and of course EJ tells her how beautiful she looked and how sorry he is about their wedding night being postponed just a bit.

Over in Horton Square, graduation is over, graduates with families, pictures being taken, congratulations offered, hugs, etc. Jennifer, Maggie are with JJ, Eve with Paige, Rory & Bev sort of looking on. Abby rushes up, sorry to have missed the ceremony, then tells her family about EJ being arrested. Paige wants to go over and talk to the Deveraux family, but Eve makes excuses, they look like they are in serious conversation. Finally JJ is bragging at all the awards Paige got, wants to say hello, Maggie turns around, spots Eve, calls her Eve Donovan. More fake smiles and nice talk. Eve offers to take everyone out to dinner at Moulin Rouge, asking if they still serve that great coq au vin. Maggie corrects her that it is Chez Rouge and yes they do. Jennifer declines, JJ is puzzled and out it comes about Eve suing Jennifer for the royalties on the book. Paige is mortified, did not know, Eve takes her off, but not before Eve & Jennifer have a few nasty comments to make to each other, Eve claiming she is looking out for herself & her daughter, Jen insisting she is following Jack's desire for all monies from the book profits go to veterans.

At home, Paige is upset her mom has not told her, but Mom wants to talk only of what Aunt Theresa told her about drug seller, user, JJ Deveraux, who, Eve says, was involved with Theresa in every sense of the word. And at the Horton house, JJ wants to know why Maggie called her Eve Donovan, thus learns Theresa is Paige's aunt. Jen makes Maggie promise not to say anything for a couple of days, she thinks Aiden will have everything taken care of by then, because Eve would just love for this all to become the talk of the town. Maggie promises, has to leave, Abby drives her home. JJ goes up to change clothes, comes down as Jen is holding the pic of Jack. She goes to see what she can rummage up in the kitchen for dinner, he calls Paige, both saying they need to talk.

Marlena meets Roman at the Club, and he reluctantly tells her of the good news, and bad news. Good is EJ's arrest, the bad is it was after the marriage. They talk a bit, Roman thinks Marlena knows something she isn't telling, but then both decide to go give Sami their support.

Hope is with Rafe at the cop shop, talking over what happened, thinking that it is all too pat, everything fits, and yet, Hope says, it doesn't add up. They do think that Stefano is the tipster, though, and Rafe made some calls, learning of the upcoming board meeting. Hope recalls just a year ago how EJ ousted Stefano, probably payback time. She gets a call, tells Rafe there is another tip that just came in, goes off for a warrant.

(This is all just too delicious). Rafe goes to visit EJ for a bit, but EJ is very calm, will be out of here soon, but does wonder who tipped them. Rafe is mum on that, EJ rubs it in that whoever it was, Rafe was too late, as he & Sami were already married. Rafe knows about the upcoming board meeting, EJ has no fears, he will be there. If you say so, replies Rafe, who takes off.

Now let's go over to DiMansion, where Sami has changed clothes, now in a short leather skirt, boots, and a white top, along with the blue latex gloves. She goes into the study to get things ready. She opens the safe, remembering via a flashback, how she wanted to see the wedding rings, which have been in the Dimera family for years. She & EJ are sipping wine, he obliges, goes over to the safe behind Stefano's portrait to open it, Sami whips out her camera and tapes it, hiding it as he brings the rings to show her. She is grinning as she opens the safe, laughing because EJ used their children's birthdays for the combo. She pulls out an envelope with money, then some passports. Next she is pulling out other envelopes, one with pictures of the trio down by the river with Nick, one with the evidence EJ gathered up the day after the "river" thing, and one with the evidence that Will shot EJ. She comments that EJ must have been saving all of these for perhaps a rainy day, closes the safe, and burns all that evidence in the fireplace. The door bell, she yell to Harold she will get it, as she takes care to adjust a file folder on EJ's desk....then mutters that Hope is right on time.

Alas, it is Mom & Dad, come to support her, they love her, etc. They all go in the study, Marlena asks about the kids, Sami explains about them being with Lucas, thank goodness so they did not see their dad in handcuffs. Harold comes in announcing the police are here, and in comes Hope & another cop with the warrant. Sami goes on and on, asking if they are there to arrest her now. LOL when Harold closes the door behind himself, commenting over how many times he has had to say that. !!! The cop with Hope calls her over to the desk, where he has found multiple passports for EJ, Sami & the kids. Hope asks about taking a trip out of the country, Sami says sure, honeymoon. Hope notes the kids' passports are there as well, and then tells of the tip that the DiMera jet had filed a flight plan to Casablanca, where, it seems, there is no extradition treaty with the U.S. Roman warns Sami that perhaps now would be a good time for her not to say another word. LOL

And now, Sami rushes down to the jail, to berate EJ for not telling her of his plan. He doesn't know what she is talking about, as she blabbers on about Morocco, the kids, the DiMera jet. EJ did not do that, figures Stefano did. He now realizes he won't get bail because he is a flight risk. He mentions Rafe being there, knowing of the board meeting, and vows Stefano is not going to get away with this, he is glad he has her by his side. Sami coos and declares how they will fight this together, just tell her what it is he wants her to do. And there is that sweet, innocent smile. LOL
So my biggest question is why would Stefano keep the evidence of Will shooting EJ in a safe that EJ has access to. During Sami's trial last year, EJ didn't out Stefano to police as the one who had Bernardi murdered because Stefano still had the evidence against Will. And the fact that EJ was holding on to the evidence from the river incident against Sami, Kate, and Gabi, should have proven to Sami last year what kind of man her husband is.

Rafe going down to lockup to make fun of EJ :rotfl::rotfl: I wish he'd taken a picture of EJ with his cell phone. :rotfl:
New on here, but have been reading these daily for a long time. Been watching Days for 19 years and so thankful for y'all sharing these updates on the show! We are stationed somewhere where we can't watch them and this has saved me!!

Was Sami referring to EJ using the evidence of Will shooting him against her (on a rainy day). It seemed like that's what she was insinuating when making her statements. Love this Sami Brady way more than EJ's Sami!

Thanks for the updates!!
Yes, Mr. calm, cool and collected Rafe taunting junior made my day. Junior you must remember what goes around comes around, after all you and Nicole ripped Johnny and Sydney out of Sami/Rafe's arms the day they were married, so I see it as poetic justice that Rafe arrest junior on his. YES it's nice to see the old Sami back taking her revenge out on junior after everything he did to her.
GREAT show today!!!!!! And I still think Rafe is in on it. I bet that will be tomorrow's cliffhanger. For once, I'm ok with Hope being part of an investigation. Though what was up with Marlena's comment about not liking her tone? :confused: And what was up with Roman just standing there at DiMansion doing nothing? :confused::rolleyes:

No words for Sami's new outfit!

Eve called Chez Rouge "Moulin Rouge" :rotfl:

Glad JJ and Abigail know the truth about Eve and Jeannie Theresa.

So Abigail is now part of 2 major storylines yet she isn't annoying in the slightest. This is how you write a character on front burner without shoving them down fans' throats. You insert them where it's relevant and don't have them be the "lead" in every scene.
What's interesting is that Hope is more astute about intra-DiMera battles than EJ. She smells a rat, noting that everything seems too pat, while clueless Elvis rants against Fatha. Meanwhile, Sami is setting herself up for a major fall. It's bad enough from a DiMera point of view that she's setting up Elvis, but an even worse crime is that she's defaming the mighty Phoenix by making it look as if he's plotting his son's ruin. Messing with Junior is one thing, but the unbreakable Salem rule is that you don't tug on Superman's cape. Finally, the writers have done a major disservice to one of their characters by having the Salem High graduation in the same episode as EJ's arrest. Elvis sitting in Roman's jail may be remarkable, but it overshadowed the truly miraculous event in today's episode -- slacker/stoner Rory actually graduated from Salem High. Way to go Rory. Now it's on to one semester of doing no work at dear old Salem U. before falling into a cushy, high-paying job.