Days of Our Lives - Thurs. June 24, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Episode #11,363 Taped 4/21 Director – Albert Alarr

Excellent episode today, you won’t want to miss a single minute, even tho Kate….well, read on. Bo is sitting on the sofa at home, answers the door to find Kayla standing there. Hugs, welcomes, tells her to come in, but she has a surprise, and there comes Kimberly. More hugs, yes she is fine, has gotten her life back thanks to her little brother. They sit & chat, everyone happy to see each other, talking of how family is so important at a time like this, especially for the children. Kim mentions how hers have not talked to Shane in quite some time, it is like he fell off the face of the earth. You know Shane, playing superhero, saving someone or other, but ignoring his family…just who does he think he is! Roman comes in, saying…that’s a good question. Hugs, and is it not great to see the 4 Brady siblings all together in one room at last? Later, Bo says he has bagels and stuff in the car (??) and is going to get them. Kayla offers to help, but he explains he wanted to give Carly a call. Kayla is indignant. Carly! She is NOT coming to the funeral is she? No, replies Bo, who can tell Kayla disapproves. You are darn right she tells him. Now Bo tries to make his excuses, saying that Hope had moved out, Carly returned to town, he did not mean for any of it to happen, but he fell in love. Was not intentional. Just happened.

Meanwhile, Rafe sits next to the window on a plane, soon surprisingly joined by Shane, who smiles as he tells him the reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated. Shane indicates the ISA has told him of problems within his family, so he wants to check on them all. Rafe has no idea what to expect when he gets back to Salem, might not even be retuning there if it wasn’t for his sister. Shane asks if he talked to Sami, Rafe says no, Shane tells him that Alice Horton died. Rafe never met her, but she is Will & Allie’s great grandmother, he heard a lot about her, what a wonderful person she was.

Hope is alone in Alice’s kitchen, crying, asking aloud who she is going to go to now, Gran. Doug comes in, asking “what about your dad”?. They hug, and later are walking near the pier, sitting on Benchie, as Hope talks of never getting the chance to tell Gran how sorry she was she disappointed her. She wonders if Alice knew Carly had moved into their house – yes she did. Doug assures her Alice was not disappointed in her, that Alice herself told him she figured that eventually Bo & Hope would find their way back to each other. They are back in Alice’s kitchen, Doug still reassuring Hope, she flashes back to Alice giving her Addie’s earrings on her wedding day, reminding her that tho Addie wanted Hope to be given these on her wedding day, Alice had them out, but did not give them to her when she married Larry Welch. No, she was not going to give them to her until the day Hope married Bo Brady.

Jennifer is on the phone with Rev. McMartin, Julie standing anxiously by. Jennifer hangs up, telling Julie they do not have to meet with him, it is all done, that when Mickey died, Gran summoned the Reverand, and planned her entire funeral. They talk and joke a bit how up in heaven today, everything is clean, tidy and very organized with Alice there. Julie flashes back to a talk with Alice when she was about to go to court in regard to a custody hearing over her son. Someone is at the door…Julie answers, and there is Abe, come to pay his respects. He hugs both women, expressing his sympathy, talking of ever feisty Alice Horton, and we flash back to the day a much younger Abe had to arrest and put the handcuffs on an unprotesting Alice, who actually insisted he do so.

Maggie is in her kitchen when Bill Horton arrives, checking on her, letting her know Julie, Jennifer & Hope are tending to things at the Horton house. Maggie gets a bit indignant at being left out, that everyone wants to smother her now. Bill just mentions them all knowing she recently lost Mickey, she insists she is doing fine, he asks if she is so fine, why did she keep the return of her mysenthia gravis from everyone. She gets upset that someone at the hospital was professionally unethical, but seems he heard it from Alice herself. She reminds him that Marie & he himself have just lost their mother, and should be taking care of themselves. He gently tells her how his brother Mickey asked him once…that if anything ever happened to him, Bill should look after Maggie. And that his mother asked him the same thing. (gosh this Bill is soooooo good in this part!) They embrace, as Maggie thanks him.

Lucas greets Kate , evidently having spent the night at DiMansion. She praises the good job he has done with Hearth & Home, they talk of him staying there permanently. Get onto the subject of Allie, who Lucas thinks belongs back in Salem now, but Kate tells him that with Sami living there, and since Sydney’s kidnapping, Sami & EJ seem to be overcompensating, focusing all their attention on Johnny & Sydney. Lucas asks about Will, who walks in asking, yeah, what about me? Lucas starts to explain about perhaps headquartering in Hong Kong, all is going so well, yada, yada. Kate tries to interject, Lucas tells her to be quiet, he will handle this. Lucas would like Will to come with him, Will says in effect….no way. He can’t believe Lucas wants to live permanently half way round the world, even tho his dad assures him he will be coming back to visit, yada, yada. Will wants to stay with his family there, Lucas asks about Stefano, if he thinks living with him is o.k., that his grandmother did not think so. Will says that Stefano has been fine with him, and even with mom. Tho, that is cuz of EJ….everyone is nice to her. Hmm, cuz of EJ, huh? Lucas doesn’t seem to like that part.

At the Pub, Carrie comes in, greet her dad, hugs, he talks of the FBI being in town, Carrie realizes it is about her mom, no she has not heard from her. Sami walks in, carrying Allie, saying if she sees her she will kill her. Carrie comments on how much Allie has grown. Sami sits Allie on a counter or table or something, and believe it or not, we get a live commercial for Nature Valley whole grain nut clusters, or something to that effect. Allie clutches her package, Sami remarks how much she loves them, and so does Gramma Caroline, giving Allie the extra bag they bought for her to take to Gramma. Allie scampers off, Carrie & Sami sit and do more bonding. They have let their Dad know they have gotten past their old differences, he leaves them to do more catching up. Sami apologizes to Carrie for what she said about her mother, but relates the whole bloody clothes in the river story.
They do have a very nice conversation, Sami telling Carrie all about Rafe, this wonderful FBI guy who moved heaven and earth to help her, she figured he was THE one, but as usual, she screwed up. She relates how hard he was trying to help when Sydney was kidnapped, but then when the ransom note came saying not to tell anyone, she lied to him….and he never lies. Carrie thinks perhaps it was understandable, that he would forgive, and Sami agrees that he would, and she thought he would yell & hollar, but he was so calm, she was the one who ruined it, everything was her fault, and now, he is gone, she has no idea where he is. Carrie asks where EJ fits into this, Sami explains how great he was during the kidnapping. And how she never thought she could have a civil relationship with him. Carrie is listening to all Sami’s words, the expressions on her face very apparent, as she tells Sami….she seems to be in love with both men.

Back at the Horton house, Doug is sitting in the living room, looking at Alice’s chair, as Julie comes in, holding Alice’s bible. Hope is there,Jennifer, too, as Doug talks of how comforting it always was for Alice to have that bible, and how fitting they will be reading scriptures from it today. Hope mentions something Alice used to say, Julie says she asked Alice to write it down, it is there in the Bible, tucked in Psalms. Doug pulls out the paper, starts to read, but we hear Alice’s voice instead. All 4 join hands and bow their heads as we listen to the words…which I believe came from one Christmas episode.
As long as this family gathers together to touch and share and laugh and remember, and as long as our hearts and arms are open to new friends, new loves, then we have everything a human being can hope for in this life. Everything. And it never ends

Thanks Barb. I feel the tears coming on already. I am going to need a box tomorrow.
Wow!! Great write up Barb!! That last part gave me goosebumps!!
Glad Carrie pointed out the obvious to Sami!! She loves both men!!
So good to see the Brady kids all together!!
Cant wait to see this!
Wonderful write-up, thank you so much. That ending with the Hortons sounds fabulous. I'm looking forward to everything except anything involving Sami and her non-credible and entirely uninteresting love life.

Thanks again!
Wonderful write-up! Only negative is I'm not like the rest of you --- my "tearnig up" is full blowb tears running down my face. Going to be a tough one to watch but one you just can't miss. (sigh)
I've been watching these past weeks to pay my respects to Alice Horton... and Frances... The other day they said all the Horton siblings were there... I know Mickey passed earlier this year, in my leaving this show for awhile did I miss Tommy's passing? Thanks for any help.
Thanks for the write up. I will watch tonight as I don't want to go out with red eyes later. I loved when Alice talked about as long as the family have eachother and friends that they have everything they need. I could not remember the words so it was nice to hear it again.
Looking forward to Rafe and Shane getting back in town.

Oh with Lucas going to take over in Hong Kong will he take Allie with him? I think the twins should be together.
I've been watching these past weeks to pay my respects to Alice Horton... and Frances... The other day they said all the Horton siblings were there... I know Mickey passed earlier this year, in my leaving this show for awhile did I miss Tommy's passing? Thanks for any help.

Last we heard, Alice mentioned he was living in Hawaii.

Here's who is not accounted for (still alive):

Tommy (Alice/Tom's son, Addie's twin brother)
Steven (Julie's brother)
Spencer (Steven's son)
David (Julie's son)
Scotty (David's son)
Sandy (Tommy's daughter)
Jessica and Joshua (Marie's daughter and son-in-law)
Nick (Jessica's son)
Sarah (Mickey and Maggie's other daughter)
Jeremy (Mike's son)
Abby and JJ and Jack (Jen's kids and husband)
Shawn Douglas and Belle (Hope's son and daughter-in-law)
Claire (Shawn's daughter)


Addie (daughter, and Tommy's twin)
Mickey (son)
Janice (foster child of Mickey and Maggie)
Zack (Hope and Bo's son)

Did I forget anyone?
Thank you JustSamantha for the listing

Julie's brother hasn't been mentioned in years has he? I used to watch with my mom in the 60's,70's and so on like a lot of us not appreciated older (non 18-24 age viewers) and remember Julie and her brother and all of her kids, but don't remember ever seeing them in the 80's forward... the Jeremy reboot was dreadful, the lack of Abby, Jack and JJ is very sad along with Shawn Douglas and Belle, but I'm not going to mourn what we don't have an enjoy what we do have.
oh...well done Just Samantha! :clap:

and what a beautiful quotation...something we could all live by...

As long as this family gathers together to touch and share and laugh and remember, and as long as our hearts and arms are open to new friends, new loves, then we have everything a human being can hope for in this life. Everything. And it never ends
I cannot wait to see this episode! It will be so wonderful to see all the Brady children together.
Thank you JustSamantha for the listing

Julie's brother hasn't been mentioned in years has he? I used to watch with my mom in the 60's,70's and so on like a lot of us not appreciated older (non 18-24 age viewers) and remember Julie and her brother and all of her kids, but don't remember ever seeing them in the 80's forward... the Jeremy reboot was dreadful, the lack of Abby, Jack and JJ is very sad along with Shawn Douglas and Belle, but I'm not going to mourn what we don't have an enjoy what we do have.

No, poor Steven and Spencer haven't been mentioned in years and years. Steven was played by the actor who was Cass Winthrop on Another World. Spencer was only mentioned once, briefly, by Julie. I believe he was the "love child" of Steven and a French model.

A few years ago, Hope and Jen did an online photo gallery for Alice (which we, the viewers, could access) and at that time, I think Steven was mentioned, but not Spencer. I guess Spencer has been erased (like Cassie and Rex Brady).
Although Tommy Horton has not been mentioned in years, the last we heard of him was when Alice mentioned he was living in Hawaii.......there has been no report of his death.
Really? Must be getting old. I swore when Sandy came to Salem (from Hawaii) she had mentioned that her dad had died.

I just grabbed my DOOL Complete Family Album book and saw that Kitty Horton (Tommy's ex-wife) had died. That's probably who I was thinking of.

He should be at the house with his siblings. Tsk, tsk to the writers for forgetting one of Alice's kids.
Sounds like a great episode.

Oh and I jsut have two words I need to say.... GO KAYLA!!!!!
:cry2: i was ok...til that last part... I remember that episode, and even pictured her face with that smile I saw every single Christmas..and can hear her saying those words... and Poirot, Barb you do such a wonderful job with your write ups- they paint the perfect picture and I thank you so much- with my job, your write ups are amazing.

wow- definitely waiting until i get back from convention this weekend to watch these episodes this week... :(