Days of Our Lives Thurs., June 27, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, June 27, 2019

And the wheels continue to turn, but slowly. Sonny & Will still on their honeymoon, Sonny ordered a special meal to the hospital room. Gabi arrives with Ari, who is happy to see her daddy. She lays next to him as he talks of fun things they are going to be doing together. Gabi says time to go, Ari doesn't want to, but they will return tomorrow. Alone at last, ooops, no, in comes Jack, offering congrats and good wishes on Will's recovery, and their nuptials. Sonny & Will are civil, but get to the point, what is it. Jack talks of Rolf's diary, Will getting his memory back, and tho a tumor developed, an antidote developed. He has been told about some of his past, thinks maybe he might like to know what he was like. Will never regretted what he did to get his memory back, but has a condition for giving Jack the diary. All charges against JJ have to be dropped, slate clean. Jack says not his area, tis D.A. Sonny thinks he could get it done. Jack leaves. The guys smile.

Claire is with her dad in Pub, poking at her food, exploding at Shawn when he asks if she intends to eat the salad, or just continue pushing it around. She rants, then apologizes, is sorry, he figures something bothering her, she talks of being dumped by Tripp, cannot blame him after what she did. She flashes back to setting the fires when Shawn inquires what she did, but only tells him of recording Tripp admitting marriage to Haley a farce, and giving to Eve. She figures everyone hates her, Shawn assures her not so, all loves her, yada, yada. When he suggests they do sundaes, she decides she has to get home, leaves.

Jack meets up with Eve, cannot go home, lots of work tonight, she is gonna order out, he promises he will be back home, but later, rushes off. As Shawn leaves the Pub, runs into Eve, who wanted to express sympathies to Roman on loss of his mother. He is not there, Shawn will convey. Eve asks how family is doing,he says fine, starts to go, she asks about Claire, and her comments indicate she has come to know Claire pretty well. She thinks Claire is fragile, suggests Claire's parents stay in town a while, and help her cope.

Tripp runs into JJ, they talk about events, JJ not understanding why Ben targeted him. Tripp keeping mum about his plan with Ciara. JJ offers to buy him a beer, no, he has to get going.

Ben shows up at Ciara's door, she is happy he is out on bail, tells him she & Tripp have plan to get Claire to confess. Ben not liking that, Claire dangerous, but they will be careful, just go now, before Claire gets home. They kiss, he still tries to warn her about Claire, one more kiss, and in comes Claire. Ciara pretends Ben forced his way in, she hollers at him to leave her alone, never come there again. He goes out, Ciara happy Claire came when she did, hugs, Claire glad they are there for each other now. Ciara talks Claire into going to get some rest, she agrees, goes to her room.

Gabi shows up at Stefan's door, thanking him for helping her, talks of taking Ari to see Will, tells him Will on road to recovery. She is about to leave, he asks her to stay, have dinner, he was going to go over a lot of work. She stays, afterwards talking of 5 star dinner, he notes he made it himself, learned to cook when on his own. Eventually, he asks her to stay the night (Ari conveniently on sleepover) she smiles, kisses him.

Ben comes along, running into Eve & Shawn outside the Pub. Shawn tells him he is not welcome at Pub, stay away, and stay away from his sister, or he will come after him in person. Shawn leaves, Eve starts in...gonna put him away, hopes Ciara in front row so he will know what it is like to feel the pain of losing someone you love. Ben says there is nothing he can do to bring Paige back, he is sorry, but that doesn't mean she should railroad him for the fires. He is not guilty, she insists she has the kerosene can, the lighter with his prints all over it (He picked that up with a handkerchief!) and a cop who caught him right there. Ben says Claire set those fires, Eve denies it, back & forth a few times. He says he is innocent, and will prove it, leaves. Eve looks after him, pondering what he is up to.

Jack shows up at JJ's, all charges dropped, waves the paper, the lawyers in the D.A.'s office eager to maybe be next D.A., glad to help. JJ not impressed, talks of Haley's life being ruined, etc.He is waiting for pizza deliver, slams door in Jack's face.

Jack returns to Will's room, has the paper still, got the charges dropped, just told JJ. When Will asks how he took the news, Jack admits not well, more concerned about Haley. Will notes he loves her, and Jack's fault. He claims not his jurisdiction. Will gives him the diary, pointing out where the formula is located. Jack thanks him, asks them not to say anything to anyone, even Eve, keep between them, leaves.

Tripp comes home, he & Ciara set their scene, a recorder, removing their clothes, (except undies), onto sofa under a blanket. Tripp first has a lighter he uses to set off the smoke alarm.It beeps, he scrambles under the blanket with Ciara, as Claire comes rushing out of her room, what the heck.! She stares at them in disbelief.

Another knock on JJ's door.........ahhh, the pizza guy, finally! He opens, there stands Haley. Jaw drops!
Thank you, Poirot. I missed the part where Will got his daddy cuddles.

I almost liked Jack today with the way he went behind Eve's back. However everything he did was for his own benefit. He wouldn't have gotten JJ's charges dropped if Will hadn't made it a condition of getting the diary.

I hope we see Claire's head explode tomorrow!
Xander gave it to Maggie & Sarah, (currying favor) to give to Will in order to get his tumor gone, perhaps. Sarah, Rex & lab team used it to come up with antidote, but it was originally intended to be given to Will.
I wonder why everyone wants to get their hands on that original diary. Couldn't they simply xerox what is needed to benefit research, Jack, or whomever might need that formula?
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Certain Salemites are on the skids and they don't know it.
  • Claire is clearly outgunned by the Ben-Ciara-Tripp team. The gullible YouTube flop clearly doesn't have what it takes to make it as a Salem schemer. Poor Shawn will probably soon have to face the fact that his daughter isn't merely a bratty, wannabe singer, but instead is a homicidal arsonist.
  • Eve's world is coming unglued. The newly energized Justin will destroy her fake case against Ben and Jack seems to be on the road to regaining his old self.
  • Gabi is another one who doesn't have what it takes. She'll need more than that short, tight dress to take down Stefan. What she had on today wasn't dressing for success, but instead to reprise Kate's early career, which consisted of trolling the piers for sailors.
Elsewhere, Will was making his mother proud. Scheming Sami would have loved how he forced Jack into dropping the case against JJ. In fact, the screecher would probably say that Will's demonstrated ability to out-maneuver the hapless faux mayor is more proof that she's Salem's best mother.
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I have a feeling that Jack also did something (who knows what the explanation will be) that kept Haley or brought her back. It is looking like Claire will be exposed soon. I do believe her when she said she wanted to be a better person and I hope they will get her help. (Unlike other people who think they are fine the way they are when doing horrible things).

I also thought it was funny about Will owning the diary. Aren't there also other notes in there - what about making those masks? And yes, why weren't there copies made???
Thanks, Poirot.

A very long night in Salem.

Enjoyed seeing Claire with Shawn today.

JJ found out from Shawn that Haley told him she loved him.

Ben told Eve that it was Claire that started the fire. Then he said "we".
He almost gave it away.

Gabi found a winner with Stefan. He cooks.

Nice seeing Ari today.

What's Claire going to do after finding Tripp and Ciara on the sofa?
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