Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Nov., 21, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, November, 21, 2019

Jennifer is having a fitful sleep, dreaming (in slow motion flashback) of going into the room, admiring everything, out on balcony, taking flashdrive from her purse, but then falling in front of Jack & JJ. She starts awake, seeing Justin standing there, he apologizes. (out in the hall, Jack has arrived, talks to Kayla, who mentions Eric having been there, Jen walking with him, resting now. Kayla tells Jack of being with Justin now, Jack berates Steve, calling him names, Steve did not come when his sister died. He has not yet told Jen about Adrienne, does have to, lots has happened in the past year, he wants to tell her all. )

Jennifer tells Justin what she had been dreaming, about the fall, but cannot sharpen the images to really say what happened. He says Eve has been in prison all this while, still swears she did not do it. Jennifer gets animated, telling Justin to tell Adrienne she will be back soon, and will be helping carry the load, etc. Justin's face changes, Jen notes it, he realizes Jack has not told her.....but Adrienne died. What? What happened, how, Jen is full of questions, and after we return to the scene, Justin has told all. He also tells her how he withdrew from everyone, but eventually began to let people in, one person in particular, who has been a godsend. And now, they are involved romantically. Jen is at first horrified thinking it was immediate, Justin assures her no, very recent, then admits it is Kayla, just as Jack & Kayla come in the door.

At the prison, Ben is trying to get Clyde to release Mickey back to her parents, no dice. Done deed. Too late. Clyde figures he can get Xander to confess, promising to return Mickey if he does, only he doesn't intend to, as he figures he can use Mickey to bargain out of prison for himself. They argue, Ben grabs the phone, Clyde wants it back, they are getting physical, guard comes in, Clyde squeals, Ben returns the phone. Guard says these are not allowed, but sometimes I make exceptions, handing the phone back to Clyde. Guard leaves, Clyde reminds Ben he has people all over, and proceeds to text back & forth with Xander.

And at the Kmansion, Sarah is still hysterical, still crying, wanting to do something, Maggie comes in, is told of the kidnapping, etc., tries to comfort her, Sarah wants to go to cop shop, Maggie will drive her, Xander staying behind in case kidnappers call. With them gone, Ciara still there, he makes excuse for her to leave, she does, but eavesdrops, as Xander goes to tell Victor all that has happened. AND, what the kidnappers want...Victor against it, tries to talk Xander out of cooperating (note, no one mentions just what anyone did...either side). Victor is still cautioning Xander who is torn, he loves his daughter, just as Sarah does. He finally decides what he has to do, no matter about him, as long as Mickey is back with Sarah.

Eric has come to the Pub, tells Roman about visit with Jen, the walk, then shows him a ring box, intends to propose to Nicole. Gets a call, young lad he counsels has been arrested, he has to go police station. Maggie is trying to calm down the ever-crying Sarah, stroking her hair, Eric sees thru window. She decides to go see if update, runs into Eric, fills him in. He goes into see Sarah, who falls crying into his arms.

Ben & Ciara on phone, he tells her about Clyde's plan, she tells Xander upset, talked with Victor, he tells Clyde not planning on returning baby once Xander confesses. He wants her to go to police. She is reluctant, he wants her to promise, Disconnect. He tries calling her back, no credits left on his account. Ciara mutters that she is going to handle this herself.

Jen upset with Justin & Kayla being together already, Jack not happy because he intended to tell Jen all that happened but Justin beat him to it. Justin & Kayla leave, she feels badly, Justin assures her, she did nothing wrong.

Jack holds the sad Jennifer, she realizes she treated Justin & Kayla very badly. He says a lot has happened in the past year, but I am here, right here, I will be here.

Xander writes out the confession, signs it, is determined to go against Victor, bring Mickey home.

Ciara has some lead she got from Ben, and vows to bring Mickey back to Sarah, no matter what.

And the hysterical Sarah cries to Eric about Mickey, then sobs she is sorry, so very sorry, really sorry. He asks “for what”?
I guess the ending was supposed to convey Sarah about to confess to Eric that she feels he is the father. Ben upset that Clyde has done this, not right, wants Ciara to let cops handle it, but she is definitely in Nancy Drew mode. (Why do all soaps always have the young people so reckless, and feeling they can handle anything on their own?)

Yes, the show is keeping whatever happened to Adrienne under wraps from the viewing audience. Jen now even knows Will is in FEDERAL prison for it!
I had to laugh when Xander said the kidnapper was demanding he confess to what he did and Victor said something like "but you've done a lot of terrible things".

I don't care for how they've kind of rewritten Kayla and Jack's relationship. In the past, she wouldn't have given a flip what he thought of her and Justin now being together. She treated him with icy politeness and he totally accepted it, which under the circumstances, was handled well on both sides. But now, she's concerned about his feelings on her and Justin dating and then hugging him when he gave his blessing? Nope.
So........Steve only sent a condolence card when his own sister died.....but also absolutely nothing when he got divorce papers. Just signed and sent back. THAT is what has ticked off Jack ...and Kayla, too.

I do agree that Kayla was always rather tolerant, but cool towards Jack, but she certainly can see the change in him now. Plus....we have Nicole with Eric, who she once ignored because of causing Daniel's death. She has forgiven and is o.k. with Brady, who blackmailed her into leaving town. And there sits Victor who has harmed a great many Salemites, as has Xander, and all are o.k. St. Maggie even married him, and tolerates the things she learns he does. As others have said.....It's Salem.
I don't get why Kayla and Justin are so worried about why people would care. They said the same thing about Doug and Julie. Jack doesn't strike me as someone who would be weird about it honestly and Jennifer wouldn't either except that it's all news to her. Seems like a weird thing to focus so much on. Unless there's something that hasn't been revealed yet.

Not to mention this is a town where people break up and fall head over heels for someone else in two weeks. Sounds like it took 6 months for Kayla and Justin to even think about it. And honestly I would have enjoyed seeing that story play out over that period of time.
Re Kayla and Justin: I get that sharing extreme grief can bring people closer, BUT it has been only 3 months since Kayla's divorce from Patch [the love of her life!!]. 3 months is like yesterday!!! And 6 months for Justin to deal with his grief is nowhere near long enough. So, I really think it is WAY too soon for either of them to consider another romantic involvement with anyone. This leads me to believe that Steve and/or Adrienne will show up right about the time Justin and Kayla are about to get married. Grrrrrrr.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad you got to see it today. It comes on at 1 where I live and I missed
it again on NBC. It's getting annoying.

Victor agrees with me about Xander and all his crimes.

I don't think we really know what Xander and Victor may have done. Clyde
said they sent an innocent man to prison. Which man? It could be Ben,
Will or any man.

Where is Clyde getting money to pay off guards, etc if he's in solitary most
of the time?

Poor Jennifer she found out Adrienne died. Then she got so upset with
Justin and Kayla.

Will Jennifer remember more what happened the day she fell? Will Ciara
find Mickey at the boarding house? Will Sarah tell Eric the truth about
her baby? Hopefully, the hearings won't be on tomorrow so we can
get the answers :)
I did not think there were hearings today....I know they are supposed to be on tomorrow again...They were not on in NY area either......
I copied this from somewhere and I think there might be someone who hasn't read it. This was written years ago when Caroline was still alive. It's all tongue in cheek.

Salem: on one side, open water; on the other, slums leading to a wilderness full of mental hospitals and convents. Somewhere in the middle, in a converted gymnasium next to the pet cemetery, Samantha Brady returned to home sweet home, only to find out it was a pretty bitter place. Not only did RoboRafe make sure she discovered he's bad at doing his laundry, but he also left a very personal mess in their bed for her to see. She wasn't pleased that he picked up some out-of-town floozy. After all, she's got some hometown pride and Salem's already full of homegrown skanks. He started to wonder if she'd figured out that he was a fake, but she revealed that the fakest things in their relationship were her orgasms. She'd learned how to fake it by watching videos of his favorite porn star Misty Circle so he couldn't tell the difference. They fought and they fought but it takes at least three tries to order a meal in that town, let alone kill a relationship. She moped over to see Caroline, who was eager to get out her knife and make a sausage platter out of RoboRafe.

RetroRafe continued to crawl his way back to his past. Pretty Crane from Harmony, apparently released from the mental hospital she was sent to, became a nun and stumbled on a man who looked distinctly like Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. It turned out he wasn't the same man though, or even a doppelganger, just some guy with the same face and even less of a personality. Since she was now a celibate, his looks weren't much use to her, so she decided to help him get back his brain. In the least believable part of this plot, Rafe recovering at least some of his intelligence was quick and easy and he quickly made his way to the safe house, which the FBI have been keeping carefully dusted. Since they never bothered to change the locks though, who knows how safe it ever was. Anyway, by the time he got there, without a clue about what to do, Sami was already busy filling the place up with flashbacks of sucking down his hot tamales and stitching together his wounds so that the scars would magically vanish.

The DiMera clan continued to be distracted from their usual business of selling crack to children and chemical weapons to terrorist groups. They had something more important to do: trying to keep the tent in Elvis' pants from breaking apart at the zipper. This was no easy task, no matter how many picnics he took by the mud wrestling pit. Even the usually calming sight of Mary wrestling with new company goons as part of their initiation wasn't enough to slake his lust for Taylor. With some ease, he convinced the gullible bookkeeper that Nicole would be perfectly happy with a divorce, proving that Taylor isn't so much innocence and light as dim and doltish. Nic was onto them though and whipped out her DNA evidence to blackmail Elvis into restraining his pelvis. Although he spit out some threats, he was obviously cowed and she molested his lips with a kiss so he would know that his *bleep* was hers. After telling him that she would force him 'to take your alternative pleasures with a smile', she made sure to flaunt to her sister that she was back with Elvis. Taylor sputtered. EJ spewed apologies and shrieked. Taylor's eyes boggled until all of her clothes magically flew into her luggage and walked themselves to the door. Elvis proceeded to do the Charlie Brown walk of anguish around Casa DiMera while Nicole got in a few more kicks.

But the week wasn't all about sticking it to Elvis. Daniel put on his Old Spice and whipped up some seafood stew from what he could find floating in the hospital aquarium for Jenn. She promptly started gagging on it. Chloe learned that the doctor and his PR lady were getting fishy and nearly gagged herself. She managed to keep her mouth open enough to suck down some martinis before a tall glass of sexy named Quinn strolled in and offered to pour some more in her gullet. And, since Will couldn't figure it out on his own, T. prompted him to invite Gabi over for some private studying. She seemed more excited about it than him. When their plans fell apart, he was genuinely relieved.
They were on where I live at noon (Thursday) when Days is on for me. They were on early, went away I got to watch Price is Right but then came back on. Today (Friday) is good. I'm sure they did start their Thanksgiving break a week early! Works for me though.

Jack should have realized that if Justin was going to visit Jennifer she would ask about Adrienne. I know it's hard for Jen. For her, Adrienne just died. I'm surprised she didn't even question what about Steve with Kayla.

I am still hoping it comes out Mackenzie is not Eric's. But since he's ready to propose to Nicole I'm sure Sarah will say she is his. Could so easily be Rex's!
BUT it has been only 3 months since Kayla's divorce from Patch [the love of her life!!]. And 6 months for Justin to deal with his grief is nowhere near long enough.
That's true but Steve has been gone for two years or so, and it doesn't seem odd to me that Kayla would move on. With all the separations from Steve (many of which he had no choice) it's time Kayla moved on. As far as Justin's grief, people grieve in different ways and for different periods of time, so I don't fault Justin for wanting to move on. Of course, I think the Justin/Kayla pairing is just ploy for the writers to let them fall in love, then bring back Steve or Adrienne, or both. It wouldn't be the first time for this plot to play out.
Thanks for the summary!

I think the writers fave thinking is: Pete and Repeat went out in a boat --- Pete fell overboard - who was left? Repeat! Pete and Repeat...