Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Oct. 28, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kate has discovered the monitor in Viv’s bedroom, and the earpiece, plays cat & mouse with Viv a bit, then heads down to the mauseleum. Viv is positive Kate is going to free her, but kate has no such plans. She toys with Viv for a while, brings up Vivian stealing her egg, trying to steal her son, Philip. They go back and forth , and just when it seems Kate is going to relent, find the lever and open the sarcophagus, in walks Victor. Kate tries in vain to hide the earpiece, but he notes it, realizes Kate knows all, offers her $$$$, which makes kate laugh. Like any amount of dollars would buy her off. Victor laughs, too, invites her back to the house for brandy, both are chuckling as they depart, much to Vivian’s dismay.

In Arianna’s room, Rafe & Gabi are saying their goodbyes. He is kissing her hand, stroking her hair, hugging. Sami stands near the door, goes out and there is EJ right in front of her with that bouquet of fake flowers (I am sorry, but that is what they looks like. He throws it at Sami, asking if she is happy now. Sami has a fit, reminding him that a woman just died, and going on about this not being about him. He rants again about her taking away his children, Arianna having proof, Sami is holding her own. He is getting pretty nasty, Will comes up, gets in front of Sami telling EJ to leave her alone. EJ backs off, Lexie tells him to leave NOW. Will & Sami talk, Sami trying to confort him as he is blaming himself, but Will says this is all EJ, he did this, and mentions how much he hates him.

Rafe & Gabi sit with Lexie, who talks of Arianna designating herself as an organ donor. Rafe says that sounds like her…..Lexie tells them of a 15 yr. old there at the hospital, who needs a heart, and Arianna is a match. Gabi wonders how they knew that, Lexie explains that when Arianna coded the first time, they ran the tests. Gabi isn’t sure, wants to talk to Mom first, Rafe says no….not necessary, it is what Arianna wanted, and says something about the first time that 15 yr. old will fall in love……with Ari’s heart. They agree, and we see Ari being brought out from her room. Gabi cannot bear to watch, runs off, Will follows, Sami stands by Rafe, they hug.

Bo is with Victor, talking about Arianna, and about Hope. Victor doesn’t think Bo has done enough to get Hope to forgive herself, he figutes if Nicole could get a pardon after what she did, so can Hope. Bo knows Hope does not want Victor pulling strings, he is going to the prison to tell her about Ari in person.

At the prison infirmary, Hope is asking questions about April of Lee, who tries to brush them off, sends Hope on an errand, calls the warden. When Hope returns, the warden comes in, hearing her asking more questions about April. She pulls April’s file, showing Hope that the surgery could not save April, and she was cremated, according to her wishes. The warden gets a call, tells Hope her husband is here. Bo tells Hope about Ari’s accident and death, Hope mentions having written her a letter asking for forgiveness, and Ari’s reply that she knew it was the pills. She forgave her. Now Hope quietly tells Bo all about april , & her suspicions, and tho Bo offers to look into it, Hope refuses, saying she is on the inside, it is easier for her.

EJ is back at DiMansion, frustrated because he doesn’t know what Arianna was going to show him, but convinced Sami shot him, and both she & Will know what Arianna had. Stefano comes in, talks of having Arianna followed, they are back and forth about her going to her brother’s place. EJ calls someone, no luck as to her going any where else. He tries to figure out just what Arianna did, how long she was there waiting for him.

Sami & Will are talking about Arianna, wondering what she did with the camera. Sami asks Will if Ari was already at the Pub when he got there. Yes, she was waiting for someone, EJ evidently. Sami wonders if perhaps Arianna hid the camera someplace in her room. Sami figures she has got to get to Arianna’s room before EJ does.

Thank you for posting the summary. And thank your for continuing to post same day summaries. I really appreciate it. If tomorrow's is up this early, I'll get to read it before I go to my daughter's class party. :) If not, I'll just pull it up on my cell later.
Thank you! Cannot wait to see Viv , Kate and Vic .. that should be good.

Ari's organs are going where??? Can we all write this plot or what??? We(Lexie) or just the new doc ran the tests???

thanks again :)
Thanks, Barb. So happy to find this summary up this morning as I'm not at all sure I'll be able to watch today's show.

Aha, Arianna is an organ donor. Gosh. Who would have ever seen that coming.:sarcasm:
Well, her brain should be in good shape since it didn't appear to get much use in Arianna's head! Perhaps they can find some kindly scarecrow to give it to!
Thanks for write up!! :clap: Always appreciate the hard work you do! :D

Sounds like they are already setting Will up to do harm to EJ. Dejavu

Love that Will continues to stand up for his mom! I know Sami has done something horrible (though I would definitely do the same thing to protect my children), but it is nice to see a teen stand up for a parent. Loving this Will.
I tell you what bugged me. Didn't Dr. Walters say that Arianna's heart had been "nicked"? I have no idea if that makes the heart still o.k. or not......but it was the first thing I thought of when lexie mentions Arianna being a match for the teen girl.
methinks her heart was actually NOT nicked and Dr. Walters will use that as the reason she died, when in fact, it was because he wasn't giving her proper care to being with.
Thanks for the write ups! I have been reading your write ups for a long time now. I love this site and I really do appreciate all the hard work you put into this. I also love the commentary from everyone else! Soooo entertaining and you all make my work day more enjoyable! So thanks to you all! :)
I was surprised Arianna even had a heart. Now, if she only had a brain.
That bugged me too, Poirot. Although, I do think it was only Dr. Walters who said that, so he definitely could be lying.