Days of Our Lives - Thurs.Sept. 24, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Episode #11,172 Taped 8/10 Director – Noel Maxam

Watching Victor today just had that old Monkees song running thru my head – “I think I love you”. Ooooh, he is delightful, as the day that, for Salem, will go down in infamy unfolds. Lucas is passed out on the floor, as Will tries to leave with Mia. Chad & Tad don’t think it is such a good idea, suggests Will call his aunt. Lucas comes to, begins ranting a bit, insults Mia, swaggers around a bit, then gets ticked at being unable to find his car keys. Will calls Maggie to tell her his dad is there and has been drinking. Lucas is determined to leave, gets up, staggers, the boys grab him, telling Will he should call 911. Later, Chad is with Mia alone in the kitchen, sorry that Lucas insulted her, she says it doesn’t matter, he didn’t know what he was saying. Chad makes a comment that he doesn’t think Mia was ever into drinking and drugs, and perhaps someday, she will trust him enough to tell him. Over at the hospital, Maggie comes rushing in, Will tells her that they had to pump Lucas’s stomach, he was really bad, twitching and ….Maggie says that is alcohol poisoning. She comments that Lucas has been thru a lot lately, but Will doesn’t want to hear it. Tomorrow he will be all politically correct and Al a Teen, but not right now. Maggie hugs him, and later he sits by his father’s bed, holds his hand.

Sami comes home, is fumbling at her door for her keys, as inside Meridith is trying to deal with the unconscious Rafe. Sami gets a call from Sister Claire, thanks her for all she did, promising to call Rafe as soon as she gets inside. She finds her keys, goes in, room is empty. Meridith has dragged Rafe around the corner of the room, and is hiding herself. She sees Sami calling Rafe, gets his phone out of his pocket, turns it off, so Sami gets voice mail. She decides to go and try and find Rafe, and leaves.

Arianna is talking to Troy on the phone, learning the Big Boss doesn’t want to meet her, threatening to take her business elsewhere….as Brady comes by. Awkward moment, no he did not hear her, is just going to Pub for coffee. She is rather apologetic, he sits at a table, assuring her he is there to meet one of Vic’s clients, not her. They exchange some words, he mentions her imaginary ex supposedly in town, but not there, she bring up his (Nicole) which he denies is an ex, just a friend, she accuses him of not telling her what secret he is keeping for Nicole…she leaves, Sami comes in, looking for her. Brady is happy to see her, they hug, she joins him, mentioning having been on a retreat, but did not seem to do her all that much good. Brady encourages her to get in touch with Rafe, she has tried, but cannot seem to get him to return her calls, wonders if he left town, maybe just moved on. Brady doesn’t think so, they went thru so much together, mentions a friend of his having a miscarriage and he never thought he ever saw so much pain, until he saw Sami & Rafe dealing with Grace’s death. Sami tries to call again, to no avail.

Melanie is on the phone, apparently talking to a lawyer, running into Philip near Woody (the other bench). Philip asks if she is planning on suing the Police Dept, and she says yes, that she helped save a life, and they treated her like a terrible criminal. Philip seems down, she wonders if his mother has been arrested. Nope, worse, she is getting married to Stefano DiMera. Melanie thinks that is pretty funny, but gets serious when Philip explains that Lucas seems to think his mother REALLY DID DO ALL THE THINGS DANIEL SAID SHE DID, and Stefano is covering it all up for her. He leaves.

And now over to the site of the impending nuptials. Kate walks in, meeting Maggie, who nicely gives her what for in regarding to using her to poison Chloe and frame Daniel for it. Stefano reminds her she is the help, and not a guest. Kate spots the Carvers, wonders why they are there, Stefano explains they should be there to help them celebrate. Victor comes up, Kate is not happy, but Stefano says he is a guest, well, not really says Vic. I crashed. Stefano has to go take care of something else, leaving Victor to taunt Kate. He asks if she saw Philip, can tell from the look on her face it did not go well. He suddenly gets a great idea, how about he gives her away? He would be delighted to help her get the life sentence she deserves….. LOL. Poetic justice.
Stefano meanwhile has asked Lexie & Abe to be their witnesses. They want no part of it, but up comes Theo, Stefano scoops him up telling him he wants his mommy to walk down the aisle and she says no. Theo proceeds to beg mommy to do so, she caves and agrees. Now Stefano tells Theo he has an important job for him, takes him aside.

Meredith has Rafe somewhere, propped up against a brick wall, whispering in his ear – “welcome to your new home”. (o.k. am guessing Meridith has super powers or something as she has managed to carry an unconscious Rafe to a new location….guess Wonder Woman lives!) His cell goes off, she sees it is Sami, comments he is never going to talk to her again. And now she tells him that her sister Emily did not deserve to die. She loved Rafe and he killed her.

The judge arrives, the ceremony, if you want to call it that, begins. The judge has them reciting vows…all the for better or worse stuff. Philip arrives, just to watch, standing behind Kate. Stefano gets the rings from Theo, the couple recite those “With this ring I thee wed” lines. And are pronounced man and wife.Stefano kisses the bride, Philip walks out. Victor smiles. Stefano breaks out the champagne for a toast, Theo insists he wants some, Lexie tries to talk him out of it, he has a tantrum, causing Kate’s glass to spill all over her dress. Silence….but Kate kneels down to an apologetic little boy, telling him it is o.k. and inviting him to go with her for something to eat.
Later, Stefano & Kate arrive “home”, she tells him he did wonderfully on such short notice, tho a younger couple might have appreciated it all more. Stefano assures her that Shaw was right….(youth is wasted on the young). She comments about their marriage being a deal, a bargain, Stefano refers it to a “contract”. (hmmm, is she trying to wiggle out of “marital bed sharing”, lol? ) However, Stefano assures her they will be having a glorious life.

Meridith is getting annoyed as Rafe’s cell rings again, it is Sami, she mutters that Mr. Hernandez is no longer taking calls, not now, not ever.

The wedding sounds hysterical!! And Victor is a Hoot!!!
Poor Will having to deal with his drunk dad!! What an embarassment!
Glad to see Brady & Sami have some scenes together!!
I just wonder when the truth comes will Brady feel when he fins out tha Nicole has Sami's baby!! Wow!

Thanks for the write up!
Did I miss something? Why does Lucas insult Mia?
That's awful, she's such a sweet girl.
He is drunk, and has been told Mia was in rehab for drug & alcohol he is referring to her as a party girl, etc. Will is totally embarassed, and lucky for Lucas that Will's friends ARE there.
Hey Poirot,

Does Meridith make the comment about Mr. Hernandez not takes call now or ever, to herself or to Sami? Just wondering... This is one crazy lady...
Thanks for the great write up Barb! I can't wait to see Victor he has been too funny lately...
Well, Merideth now has super powers, what is next.(LOL)
I wish they would not have Lucas drunk again, I think they are beating this dead horse into the ground.
Hey Poirot,

Does Meridith make the comment about Mr. Hernandez not takes call now or ever, to herself or to Sami? Just wondering... This is one crazy lady...
To herself. She is sort of looking at the phone, the caller I.D. shows it is Sami. But of course, she doesn't answer it.
Melanie sueing the SPD? What? As I recall (and correct me if I'm wrong) Roman was very kind to her, telling her to ask if she needed anything and allowing her to remain in the holding room rather than a cell. Sounds to me like she was treated well, considering the circumstances.
Thanks Poirot, this lady is absolutely bonkers....

Kisses the bridge, I would rather that than kisses the bride... I'm gonna have to turn my head for that part.

Kate is actually nice to Theo-- she must be out of her mind... This lady has 6 children, if my memory holds true, but I've never been able to picture her as a mothering type-- controlling yes, caring no...
LOL, Hey, early a.m. lucky I remember what I do. Ha....Will go correct that.....and also note that "I think I love you" was the Partridge Family and not the Monkees. Ha. I needed more coffee, me thinks..........
I Think I Love you was by the Partridge Family (David Cassidy), not the Monkees.....
And thanks - I love reading your write-ups, even tho I don't watch the show anymore....
Thanks for the summary.

I wish they would not have Lucas drunk again, I think they are beating this dead horse into the ground.

I wouldn't neccessarily mind Lucas falling off the wagon after everything he has been through and how estranged he is from everyone in his life right now, if TPTB would put an ounce of effort into his story and show that. I'm furious over the Wednesday scenes with Lucas at the Cheatin Heart. I haven't liked everything they've had him doing in this storyline, but at least it was still in character. The way that they chose to handle Wednesday's scenes is not in line with Lucas' character. It was stupid, bizarre, corny and completely unbelievable. In the same amount of time they wasted on those scenes, they could have simply had him sit at the bar, used a few flashbacks of his fight with Maggie, Chloe asking for Daniel, Kate announcing her wedding plans, etc. and then just cut to the scene of him passing out or better yet, just cut directly to the hospital scenes. The audience is smart enough to connect the dots and it would have made it all believable. They handled those scenes more like a weird dream sequence than something that would really happen.
Unless the storylines take an upturn in the next few weeks, I predict the end of Days of our Lives in the next year.

Tomorrow's spoilers are a dead give away of the stupidity of Ken Corday and where he is taking the show. Sami's charecter should have been written off years ago. Kate should have been kept lost at sea, and they should have never ever let John and Marlena go. If you are going to have Stefano, you have to have John and Marlena, period.
Thanks for the recap Barb:)

what did lucas said that insult mia?

and do you know who is in previews?
Thanks Poirot, this lady is absolutely bonkers....

Kisses the bridge, I would rather that than kisses the bride... I'm gonna have to turn my head for that part.

Kate is actually nice to Theo-- she must be out of her mind... This lady has 6 children, if my memory holds true, but I've never been able to picture her as a mothering type-- controlling yes, caring no...

She takes him to get food--maybe she is going to poison him too. :rolleyes:
Lucas is drunk all the time- Sami is either off at the convent, or searching for Rafe or haning out with Nicole, I normally wouldn't feel sorry for him- but poor Will. He sure has some rejects for parents- and now his friends know it. I'm surprised Chad isn't using it to his advantage to "woo" Mia.