Days of our Lives - Thursday 11/11/2021


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Mar 24, 2009
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Evil music Philp drinking remembering the conversation that he overhead. Crushes a crystal drinking glass in his hand.

Chloe comes into the office, wants Brady to sign documents. HE refuses because there’s is a spot on the table

Gabi whining about being in the room. Jake tells Gabi to hush she’s not helping. Melinda comes in she will drop all felony charges on one condition…

Chloe continues cleaning down a table while Brady talks about sex on the conference table. Chloe talks of trusting Philp.

Victor is having an adult beverage, wondering why there is a broken glass on the table. Philp walks in tells Victor not to worry, Henderson said he’d get someone to clean it up. Victor asks isn’t about time you clean up after yourself? Or better yet stop making messes. Victor tells Philip that Victor had a conversation with Melinda Trask, who spilled the beans about Philip being in league with Ava again.

Victor and Melinda have a deal that will have Jake say under oath that Ava was behind the deal with Carmine.

Abby and Jack, Jack is a shell of a person, because of Gwennie. Gwen is no longer welcome in the house.

Gwen and Xander in Xander’s hotel room, she’s crying while eating fries and sandwiches. Xander tells Gwen that Abby is no angel. Gwen says Abby’s right, I’d be a terrible mom, Xander tells her that she raised Abby’s brats and did a great job. Gwen says but only after I drugged her mum. (make this stop, please) Abby told Jack that Gwen is incapable of loving anyone. This melts Xander’s heart, where does this leave us? Best Friends? Gwen doesn’t want to deal with real feelings anymore. Xander comes up behind her, Gwen does more “all I’ve ever wanted is a family” speech. Gwen doesn’t know Xander is penniless, she wants to run away.

Jake and Gabi talk as Ava is walked in. Gabi big mouth goes on and on.

Philip and Victor discuss Philip’s poor choices. Victor calls him a moron. Victor tells Philip that he is fired.

Abby tries to smooth over her attack on Gwen earlier. Jack says I’d forgiven her for drugging you, sleeping with your hospital. Jack now is angry with himself, for not believing his first daughter. Sorry Jack you didn’t have your thinking cap on for most of Gwen. (Why can’t Jack have a decent story?) Abby says she’s okay, look at me. Jack grabs her in a fierce hug. Jacks relationship with Gwen, he isn’t going to stop loving her, but he isn’t going to ask anyone in the family to deal with her.

Gwen thinks Xander won’t go away with her. Xander tells, Gwen that Trask is going to keep the money. Xander tells Gwen that Trask overheard the conversation, so he gave her the money. Gwen is really down (too bad)

Ava tells Gabi that no one can prove she killed Carmine? Gabi big mouth goes on and on. Cop brings in the paper work Jake signs and leaves.

Philip is upset he’s been canned thinks that Xander and Justin can run it perfectly from Jail. They are out quips Victor you are behind the times. Xander, Justin and Philip are all in the running for my least favorite relative. Justin is on his honeymoon, you can bet Xander will run Titan again. Philip figures it will be Brady again. Philip figures it will be perfect. First he takes, my girlfriend and then my job. Kristen’s lawyer sent Brady a text telling Brady that Kristen wants to see him.

Gabi and Jake walk into the kitchen where there is a chalk layout of Carmine with blood in the head area, even though he was stabbed in the chest.

Melinda gives Ava her statement to sign, Ava crumples it up and tosses it. Ava confesses to the murder of Carmine. Ava was making dinner, Carmine shows up at the Police Commissioners door, looking for a place to stay, Ava told him she couldn’t help him out. Carmine grabbed a dish towel and tried to strangle her, she shows Melinda the bruise, but it’s faded (because it’s been an entire 9 hours since it happened Salem time) Ava couldn’t really breath, so she grabbed the knife she had been using and she stabbed him in self-defense. Melinda Trask doesn’t believe a word of it.

Xander tells Gwen that he’s not walking out on her. Gwen says that’s sweet, Xander says it’s my room!! Gwen smiles. They can’t get the money back; they discuss Melinda’s fund for undocumented folks.

Brady is certain that the lawyer wants to allow Rachel to see Kristen. Chloe is sorry that Brady has to deal with it. Brady says he is still in recovery. Kristen is like a line of cocaine to me.

Philip and Victor argue Philip hopes whoever gets Titan next tries to burn it to the ground and Philip will throw gasoline on it.

Jack and Abby discuss don’t throw out Gwen. Jack rehashes everything Gwen has done since day one.

Xander wants to go talk some sense into Jack.

Gabi and Jake in the kitchen where is a conference room table???

Ava tells Trask you don’t believe me? Melinda says she can make this stick. Ava says it’s my word against Carmine, but he isn’t speaking. Ava vaguely threatens Melinda Trask with her background family ties. Ava says Melinda should thank her that the man who shot the mayor has been taken care of and that Kristen DiMera is behind bars.

Xander walks into the Horton house to talk to Jack about Gwen.

Melinda in the interrogation room, Gwen walks in she want’s Xander’s money.

Ava walks in on Gabi and Jake making out in the kitchen. Ava steps over Carmine chalk guy and goes to use up all the hot water in a shower.

Brady sends a voice text, he doesn’t want to see the lawyer’s client ever again. Brady tells Chloe she soothes him. They make goo goo eyes.

Philip wanders to the Chloe/Philip tree and flashes back to the time he got the tree and gave it Chloe. He brutally attacks the tree so childish, rips it out of the ground and then grunts and grinds teeth into the camera.
So much frustration today. Jack's attitude gave me whiplash and so did Abby's. Are we all just moving on from zombies without anyone having a real conversation? Shouldn't Ava's story have struck more of a chord with Gabi? Philip is both right about the underlying vibe between Brady and Chloe and yet also psychotic.

Once again, Xander was the only watchable human.
Thanks for the summary. I only got about half way into my recording when I realized I spent far more time wondering why there was a picture of Jake McKinnon from Another World behind Jack.
:rotfl: Seriously, if you're going to have a picture in the background so prominently make sure people can tell who it is. I still have no idea.
The way Philip was growling or whatever, clenching fists, thought maybe he was turning green and into the HULK! Egads.
No one is talking zombies, etc. cuz it was Re-Ron's stupid Halloweenie episode, so they will all be forgotten as Days continues with the very exciting issues of whether Jack will forgive Gwen & let her call him Dad, Trask will give Xander back his money, Rafe will really split up with Ava,& Nicole will sleep with another guy (EJ) on her apparent "bucket list", then try to decide who she will eventually be with and for what reason. :sarcasm:
P.S. Kate used to be the Queen of sleeping with every male in Salem, seems Nicole is trying to take the crown away.
Philip grinding and gnashing his teeth? What is this world coming to? Why should he be berated for loving Chloe and screwing up things at Titan?
I guess he's really "chewing up the scenery". Send that clip in for an Emmy nod. Bravo!!
Philip is not being berated for loving Chloe......It is his paranoia, unfounded suspicions, jumping to wrong conclusions....distrust of her, that is his downfall. His mother does not help in the least. His jealousy clouds his judgement, his actions, his thoughts. (I know whereof I speak, very well) He is his own worst enemy. Chloe has not cheated on him, Brady has honored his pledge to not interfere...yet Philip spies, overhears, interprets wrongly, won't talk over anything, instead just goes beserk. He HAS made problems for Titan, and should have been relieved of his job, but then, he should not have been CEO to begin with.
Victor is asinine, in my opinion, with his playing God with the CEO position, appointing and firing the family members so fast, like a game of Musical Chairs. If I had stock in Titan, I'd sell it so fast, and long ago. Just really did not understand Phil talking of someone setting fire to Titan.........made me laugh. Titan owns companies all over the country/world. Burning a bldg. (if there is one) in Salem would be nothing, not even make a dent.
Thanks, robin.

The end was the best for me with Philip doing is "I hate Brady and Chloe" face :)

Poor tree. It didn't have time to grow very much.

What's Rafe going to do now since Ava change her story to get out of jail? Will we ever find
out if the police found the graves disturbed?

Will Xander convince Jack to forgive Gwen?

Will Gwen convince Melinda give back Xander's money?

Who will be in charge of Titan? Will Victor give the job it Gabi? Or will he give the job to Ciara who
probably has no idea how to do it? Maybe Victor will do it himself.
Philip is not being berated for loving Chloe......
I believe that Victor judges him for wanting Chloe because he doesn't like her with Philip or Brady. I feel too that people on this site have not felt he deserves Chloe because he is so hyper jealous and psychotic about her talking to Brady. While I agree he does not deserve to have Chloe's love and affection my comment was meant sarcastically 'why would anyone judge or put down Philip" as if to sarcastically imply he is some wounded love sick teen puppy that needs our sympathy.
Who will be in charge of Titan? Will Victor give the job it Gabi? Or will he give the job to Ciara who
probably has no idea how to do it? Maybe Victor will do it himself.
Ciara is probably at the top of the list. They empower women on this show with not an iota of business acumen. They learn as they go and just like any typical high school graduate, they are so quick on the uptake that they soon make incredibly business decisions so that WHEN the family fires them in the future they are in a bidding war with the competitors. SO STUPID and SO CORDAY.

How about you empower women to get some education whether it be a pipe fitter, a mechanic or a financial advisor. Stop this "they will succeed because I have faith in their decisions they have made up to this time of their lives"

You know, do I get acrylic nails or do I try the dipping powder? Should I get hair extensions for the prom? How about going to culinary school. Hardly anyone seems to know how to cook. Ciara wouldn't have learned from Hope, that's for sure.