Days of Our Lives - Thursday, 8/21/2014

Just Samantha

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May 18, 2010
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Days of Our Lives, Thurs., 8/21/14

Sonny blows up at Will for including Abby's name; Will is blindsided. Will tells Sonny he'd never do anything like this to hurt Abby. Sonny asks how they got Abby's name; Will says he has no clue, then a light-bulb goes on....Sami...Sami did it. Sonny feels awful over accusing Will and apologizes, but Will snaps at him, saying Sonny should've known he'd never do that. Sonny apologizes again, but Will doesn't want to hear it.

Knock, knock.... it's JJ at the door; he barges into Sonny and Will's apartment, saying "hey, you SOB, what did my sister ever do to you???" Sonny tells JJ that Will didn't out Abby, but the damage is done. He says he tried to protect her, while JJ points out that he mentioned where she worked and gave so many clues that everyone would've figured it was her anyway.

Will says he did it (the article) to hurt Sami, and JJ says that was pretty lousy of him to want to hurt his own mother like this. Tells Will it really sucks and leaves.

Sami, who is at the DiMansion, is eating it up (Abby being humiliated via the article); she quips she'd rather be Hillary than Monica. EJ storms in, ready to rumble with Sami over what she told Mr. Shin (that they're back together and things are going well), but then he asks Sami for "just one chance".

Then EJ gets a text about the article and asks Sami if she knows about it as she tries to distract him from going online to read it. Sami pretends she did everything to stop the publication of the article. EJ said she should have come to him and he could've killed the article on the spot.

Sami tells EJ she called everyone on the board and all major stockholders to schmooze them about how everything is fine and their marriage is good now. She says she prevented an emergency board meeting. He tells her he'd have liked a heads up; she said he doesn't deserve one and acts like she was too busy to let him know, too busy putting out all the fires pertaining to the article. He asks for her tablet, which she's reluctant to hand over. He tells her he'll go upstairs and read it anyway. She hands over the tablet and he sees that Will is the author.

Lucas is talking to Jordan, telling her he just got back from a business trip and he saw Sheryl, who was "all business". Told him to give Jordan and Rafe her best. Jordan tells Lucas there is no more "Jordan and Rafe".

Jordan and Lucas get coffee and talk in HTS about Rafe and the break-up; she tells him it's over Rafe sleeping with Kate, again. Lucas tries to say there's no way that could've happened, that Kate is just pushing her buttons, but Jordan tells him that Rafe admitted it and Lucas tells her he's sorry.

Abby tells Jenn and JJ that Will wrote an article and outed her as EJ's mistress. Jennifer and JJ are outraged and JJ storms out (lots of people storming around Salem today). Jennifer and Abby talk and Jennifer says she's going to help Abby set things right; she's going to call the hospital and put the kibosh on any talk of Abby (yeah...right!!).

Ben talks with Rafe in the park, apologizes for losing control, but he's not sorry he hit Rafe. Rafe says it's OK, he'd have done the same in thing if it were his sister, too. Rafe asks Ben about Clyde. Ben says he doesn't talk about the old man.

Clyde and Kate sit on the park bench, chatting. He asks her for business contacts, says he needs help with staffing. She says she'll give him the name of the HR person at DiMera Enterprises and goes to leave, but he takes her arm and says he'd much rather talk to her instead. He asks her if she can point him to some of Stefano's "discreet professionals" for "distribution". Kate seems uneasy as Clyde smiles away, knowing he's getting his point across.

Clyde mentions Rafe, and Kate says Rafe would have nothing to do with him. Clyde tells Kate he'll tell Rafe that Kate was so "concerned" about Jordan that she tracked him down in Poplar Bluff. She understands and says she'll get him the referrals he's looking for and he's delighted.

Lucas and Rafe meet in the pub; Lucas asks Rafe how stupid he could be to do that to Jordan. He tells Rafe to do whatever he can to repair the damage. Rafe says he'd love to, but she won't talk to him. Lucas said when he talked with her, she seemed resigned and sad; tells Rafe not to give up.

Jordan runs into Ben, as she's reading her "PalPage" and sees that everyone is going nuts over Abby's affair with EJ. Ben says he has to go and rushes off to Abby.

Clyde runs into Jordan in HTS; tells her he's sorry to hear about her friend Rafe. She brushes him off. He tries to lay on the charm about getting together with her, Ben and a shrink (referring to Marlena). She says "no way" and leaves.

Kate meets Lucas in the pub, says she's happy things went well in Houston. She asks about Sheryl and he tells her that Sheryl hates his guts. He asks about how she slept with Rafe to break up Jordan and Rafe. He reads her the riot act about making everyone in her life miserable. Kate says that for the record, she didn't break up Jordan and Rafe. He asks how drunk Rafe was; Kate says that's not fair. Lucas remembers the night now, that Rafe was devastated over Gabi and drunk, and Kate hustled Lucas away to take advantage of the situation.

Jennifer calls Maxine; tells Abby that Maxine hadn't heard anything so it's not going around the hospital. Abby says it's all over her PalPage. Knock, knock.... it's Ben at the door, looking for Abby. He asks how she is and how Will could've done this. Knock, knock... it's a reporter and cameraman. Jenn tells Ben to get Abby out of the house, through the garage. Tells him to keep her away for a few hours.

Jenn tells them (reporters) to leave as JJ comes home. JJ says he's giving them (the reporter & camera guy) a chance to leave with their teeth. They're leaving, but not going far. Jenn tells JJ to lock the door. JJ's sorry he left her alone to deal with that. JJ and Jenn are talking about how strong Abby is. Jenn says the media is going to pounce on this, but JJ says "let them" and says with Jenn on their side, he'll take those odds.

Ben and Abby go to the park; he offers to take her to his place. He asks how she's doing; she says she's embarrassed. Says she's not going to hide though, she only left because Jenn insisted; she hates that it's going to be hard on her mom and JJ. Ben tells her he's spent his whole life running, but she's being so strong. She tells him she's impressed he's not running from her train wreck. They kiss and he tells her she's not a train wreck. He tells her she's an amazing person and he's lucky to be around her. Tells her he sat by the pond the other night, looking at the stars, wishing she was there with him. He asks her to go there with him now and she agrees. They kiss again and head off to the pond to stargaze.

Will's now on the phone with Zoe, just sick over what happened, asks how she could have put Abby's name into the article. He crumples like a cheap suit as she apparently apologizes to him and said she was going to give him a heads up but had a family emergency and didn't get a chance. Will explains all to Sonny. Will thanks Sonny for not telling JJ that Sami was the one who outed Abby. Sonny says there was nothing to be gained by doing that.

EJ has read the article and asks if this is why Sami sent the children to camp. He starts to say how badly this will hurt.... and Sami pounces... "oh yes, poor, little Abigail". Sami keeps calling Abby a nasty name and EJ is outraged. He walks out and she tells him to go to his little tramp (not the word she uses). Sami throws something at EJ (a vase?), it shatters on the door frame, and she screams about getting a restraining order (doesn't she already have one???)

Rafe and Jordan run into one another in HTS. They stare at one another and she leaves, as he looks dejected.

Kate tells Lucas he needs to worry about his own son, and tells him to go online and read the True Vista article.

Sami's on the phone at the DiMansion; Sonny comes in and says "boy, did you do a number on your son".

Will's on the couch, holding his phone, muttering that he's left a bunch of messages for Abby; she needs to call him. Knock, knock.... it's EJ... and he's not happy.
Thanks JS! I just got done watching and was about to ask if you needed me to do the writeup.

A Lucas sighting! :clap:I think he's a little too interested in Rafe and Jordan's relationship though. Perhaps Lucas and Jordan will become a couple at some point? I wonder if they will pick up tomorrow with EJ berating Will about the article and Lucas interrupting them. That could be good. I laughed at Sami's line about Hillary/Monica. :rotfl:I thought JJ had some good scenes today. That guy's a great actor. Gee, Rafe/Jordan are STILL boring. :rolleyes:
I was also wondering why EJ didn't just go look up the story on his own tablet.

Will seems quite naive about how the tabloid news industry works and not quite strong enough to stand up to Zoe about it. Could you imagine the absolute hell that would break loose if Miles tried to pull something like this with a story Nicole was doing? It was nice to see a conflict between a couple that didn't either fizzle out after half a second, turn into a screaming match or end up with one person running away and the other wondering if the relationship still existed. I enjoyed JJ's scenes also, although I couldn't help thinking about his own last confrontation with Sami when he was saying to Will that he had gone too far.

The scenes with Abby and Ben were a nice counterpoint too. I'm liking this couple more and more--finally somebody who stands by their partner. However it did not appear dark when they went off to check out the stars--maybe the sun had only set on the other side of the park.

I hope those reporters who came to the door don't publish a story saying that Ms. Deveraux's brother threatened them with bodily harm when they tried to ask about the situation :rolleyes:
I was also wondering why EJ didn't just go look up the story on his own tablet.
Sami was standing right there, with the story already pulled up on her own tablet. It was easier to read it there instead of going upstairs to get his own tablet. But he told her (when she wouldn't hand over her tablet at first) if she didn't let him see it, he'd just go upstairs and read the article anyway.
I made this comment on twitter when the show was airing live, but Sami said she'd rather be Hillary than Monica, apparently not realizing she already WAS Monica. Not only did she do the deed in her "blue dress", she wore it home to her adoring husband.

NOTE: If I post something here that I posted on twitter earlier, I always note it because I don't want anyone to think I'm plagiarizing tweets. LOL....carry on
I actually enjoyed today's show, really loved JJ giving Will a chewing out. Will just did not think when he agreed to write this article. He is just like his mother and out for revenge.

JJ had all the right words and all Sonny could do is sit there and listen to the truth JJ was saying. Great for Sonny to leave Will sitting there alone!! Sonny, though, is going to have his own problems when Will finds out how he actually got a job.
You gotta love that Lucas cuts straight through Kate's bull and gets to the heart of the matter.
Yes, indeed. Lucas cut right to the chase as did JJ when he forcefully told clueless Will that his description of Abigail was detailed enough so that even the most clueless reader could easily have found out who he was. Good grief, even the hapless Salem P.D. might have been able to figure it out. Meanwhile, Ms. Priss was her usual inept self when trying to handle the pushy newsmen at the door. (It was JJ to the rescue.) Apparently, Jenny only gets truly forceful when she's ranting at the scruffy miracle surgeon. As for Kate, the pigeons are beginning to come home to roost. If she found her encounter today with creepy Clyde unpleasant, wait until Rafe learns just how the perverse Clyde ended up in Salem.
Yep, Will using so many details in his is that protecting Abigail? Still, I wish Sonny told JJ that Sami was behind her actual name landing in the article. I'd love to see more Sami-JJ scenes, and Sami being held responsible for what she is doing.
Love seeing Lucas today. He has great chemistry with Jordan--put them together!
Clyde blackmailing Kate is going to be interesting. Pretty good show on all fronts.
Thanks for the write up, JS.

Great show. I laughed a lot.

JJ nailed it when he talked to Will. He mentioned even if Abby's name
wasn't there people could figure it out. Will wasn't thinking clearly
when he wrote the article :)

Loved Lucas. I was wondering if he might have been in Texas. He mentioned
Sheryl's name. I enjoyed his conversation with Kate. Mentioned
she was branching out making everyone's life miserable.

The most interesting part was Jennifer wanted to do a press release
before they talked to reporters. She mentioned the hospital and called
Maxine. I know some viewers missed part of the show today because
there was something important going on at a hospital and things
were discussed in that topic....even a press release

I'm glad Ben apologized to Rafe. He seems like a nice young man for Abby.
I wondered how they will stargaze in the daylight.

I wonder if Sonny feels guilty yet. If he hasn't asked Victor about
helping Will get a job, than the article wouldn't have been written.

The funniest line was a reporter asked Jen if the rumor was
true that Abby was pregnant :rotfl:
Finally a good episode. Can they top it tomorrow?:clap:

EJ is pathetic. He needs to get over Samanther once and for all. She is not worth it!

Mama Bear Jen was on today. Too bad she is not a good spokesperson for the hospital or her family. What kind of PR person clams up at a reporter? JJ should have her job and she should go back to being a reporter. I wonder if Daniel will see the interview tomorrow? This is a storyline where he actually SHOULD be involved yet they have him in everything but. Jennifer is on pretty much every day yet isn't that annoying. Sami shows up once a week and I can't wait for an episode without her.

LOVED Lucas. I don't think he has great chemistry with Jordan after all but it is WAY better than her chemistry with Rafe. Worth a shot.

The Jordan-Rafe scene at the end seemed like a very cheap knock off of the Sami-Rafe scene at the end of 2012 when they couldn't find each other all day and then found each other at HTS.

Kate looked fabulous today, probably the best I've seen her look in at least 2 years if not more. I wish Lucas would permanently disown her though.

JJ is all kinds of awesome. I much enjoy him Paige-less.
I have to say I am surprised that the whole Eric/Kristen thing got a rest today but it's okay!

I love how protective JJ was today!

Lucas is always welcomed, it's about time he talks to his mom!

I do like Ben, too I hope he stays the nice guy. I hope him and Abigail do not get too boring.

I did not like Sami's dress, had to say it.