Days of our Lives - Thursday, December 22, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Today’s episode, brought to you by snotty, rude children

Gabi and Arianna are baking making Mexican wedding cakes. Arianna asks why in Mexico they are called polvorones. (per closed captioning) Polvo means powder. In walks Santa. Ari says you are not Santa.

Stefan is on the phone with James, about pulling strings, Wendy appears at the door.

Chloe runs into Kristen and Rachel at HTS, where the roof must be closed as everyone is hat-free, coats not buttoned and hands are glove-free. Chloe is shopping because she has a bigger shopping budget now that Kristen has been fired. Rachel asks if Chloe got her anything, Chloe hesitates and then darling Ms. Rachel tells her it’s okay she doesn’t want anything from Chloe, she will get what she wants not having to see Chloe and she will be with her REAL family. Kristen snarks on.

Brady didn’t hear correctly, Eric wants to kidnap Rachel. Eric knows Rachel’s the key. Brady is confused. Or just his normal state of WHAT??? Kristen has two weaknesses, you and her daughter. Eric is correctly playing all the right notes. Eric claims they have to do something nice.

Kristen tells Rachel we have to be kind to everyone, especially at Christmas, even people who try to steal what belongs to us. Rachel says sorry. Kristen claims that she and Brady are together and Rachel spills the beans that Mommy and Daddy aren’t sharing the same room.

Wendy has an uncomfortable time with Stefan. Stefan wants to know about Jakarta.

Li claims to be Santa’s helper. Arianna Grace starts to name all of Gabi’s boyfriends who used to do lame things to get her to like them. Gabi calls her rude. Li will just send the presents back.

Roman “ho ho ho’s” Kate, but Kate is sad, she claims to be fine. She’s missing Philip. She had thought he’d have progressed to the point of being released, but alas, Philip has had a major set back and no calls are allowed. As for Lucas there has been a major viral outbreak at the prison so no visitors are allowed. Her kids aren’t able to be with her. She’s just sad. Roman wants to help. Roman wants to call Allie and have her bring Henry by. Rex walks in, hugs. The FDA has asked someone to do followup treatment on the work done months ago. They need to do blood work. Kate refuses.

Kristen gives Rachel a large bill to get a hot chocolate at the hot chocolate stand. Nora Jane and her mommy are at the stand so Rachel can join them. Rachel is going to get extra whipped cream. Chloe says well you and Brady are back together but not sleeping together. Kristen claims they are growing more intimate each day. Kristen tells of the Sister Mary Moria kiss. Chloe tries to walk away. Kristen tells of the heat between her and Brady. (I’d like to think the wheels are turning in Chloe’s brain letting her know the entire kick out of Brady’s life game, but alas her wheels have been booted by the Salem PD allowing nothing to turn, so she just feels sad.)

Brady is trying to like the plan, but he doesn’t like the part of being kidnapped. Eric says we are going to tell her that Rachel is going to have a fun trip with Uncle Eric and she’ll have a few days in the sun with her fun (?????) uncle and once you have the orchid she can come back and have Christmas with her family. Yeah, that oughta work.

Wendy and Stefan have a uncomfortable and stupid conversation about the trip to Jakarta. Stefan is upset that a smart girl like Wendy would put everything on the line for something so silly as love.

Li gave something to Arianna and she likes it. Arianna will now have 3 daddies. She hugs Santa Li. Gabi claims this is going to be the best Christmas ever. Arianna wants to wear her gift to the wedding. Arianna wants to know if Mommy is going change her name? Gabi hadn’t given it any thought. Gabi took DiMera when she married Stefan kept it when he died, but now she wants to be Gabriella Hernandez Shin. Li and Gabi kiss. Uncle Sonny is going pick up Arianna any minute.

Now Johnny has joined the dumb Jakarta conversation.

Kate doesn’t want blood drawn because she hasn’t had any side effects, she feels great. Rex tries to convince his dimwitted mother to give the blood sample. Kate finally agrees to do so and rolls up her sleeve.

More Chloe and Kristen snarking in the town square. Kristen calls Chloe a birdbrain. Kristen tells of hearing of Chloe’s trip to Miami. Kristen thinks that next year, they will be sisters in law sitting round the old DiMera table enjoying a holiday dinner. Chloe on the other hand thinks in a year, Kristen will be in prison for one of her many felonies. Kristen thinks that Brady dumping Chloe was like trading in an old clunker for a brand-new sports car. (which is comical given Chloe wasn’t even born when Kristen came to town, ahhh but we are to forget those days of Kristen and John and baby Brady) The claws are out but neither draw blood.

Brady won’t kidnap his daughter before Christmas. Eric says fine we will do it after Christmas. Eric is tired of being a victim and a doormat anymore. He says Kristen raped me I have no reason to be good to her.

Li has the cutest apron over his red Santa suit, it matches Arianna’s and Gabi’s. They talk children, Gabi breaks the news she can’t have children. Arianna tests cookies and picks Li’s being the best cookie.

Johnny and Wendy have the same conversation they did last month about Dr. Rolf and brainwashing.

Stefan runs into Chloe at the town square.

Eric and Brady chat as Rachel and Kristen come home. Kristen senses the tension.

It took 10 vials of blood. Rex is going to run the blood to the hospital then return. Kate thinks Roman had something to do with that. Ma Brady used to say family love grows warmer at Christmas. They talk of their wedding vows and stuff claim to be in it for the long haul. In Salem that means they will be married till June.

Gabi and Li start to get frisky when a call comes in, it’s Arianna’s dress-maker. Gabi bursts into Spanish yelling at the woman, Gabi hangs up on her and goes to leave NOW. Gabi is wearing overalls, with an open back, cute in July, but she runs out holding her coat. Li looks sad.

Stefan gives Chloe her Christmas gift. They are time sensitive, tickets for the opera that she loves, five tickets; one for Chloe, Parker, Nancy, and a date for Nancy. They talk of this being the first Christmas back since being dead. Stefan wants to tag along.

Eric and Rachel have a cute little scene. Brady and Kristen snark at each other, Kristen is upset he forgot to join them at the town square for lunch. Kristen is thrilled to tell Brady that Chloe is going to Miami with Stefan.

Wendy and Johnny have the same conversation again.

Chloe and Stefan are going to New York to spend Christmas. They talk of how tall Parker has gotten and that he is still a huge Amani fan. Of course Li and Gabi stumble upon Chloe and Stefan checking tonsils.

Kate doesn’t have a gift for Rex as she shipped them all to Chicago so she needs to go shopping. She gives Roman a gift he can open now. It’s in an envelope, it’s a trip to Zurich to see Austin, Carrie, and Noah. Roman purchased the exact same thing for Kate.

Rachel tells of mistletoe and kissing. Eric snarks, Kristen snaps at Eric telling him he has enough problems with his own love life to stay out of Brady’s and hers. Brady snaps we don’t have a love life. Kristen turns the knife in Brady as Eric watches.

Back to Johnny and Wendy. They are now going to fake break up from their fake relationship. Wendy doesn’t want to do that. She would rather be friends. Johnny got Wendy a Christmas gift. Wendy opens the gift it’s an amazing scarf thing in blues and browns. Johnny helps Wendy put it on, scarves are so difficult to put on.

Gabi and Li and Chloe and Stefan snark at each other, it’s quite lovely.

Kate says great minds and all, referring to Roman’s gift to her and then says well at least it’s not a Gift of the Magi thing and then explains the O’Henry story in case any viewers aren’t familiar with it. Kate then says we can take two trips, one for skiing and one for swimming in Lake Lucerne. Rex returns, Roman breaks out the eggnog.

Kristen and Brady continue to snark. Kristen leaves to check on Rachel. Eric points out how horrible life with Kristen is. The brothers agree to the plan.
Ahhh, all the well deserved sarcasm as the show went overboard with the snark remarks today. You hit the nail on the head with them all. I thought Chloe handled herself very well against Kristen, who must have gotten frustrated that the snark she was handing out was not producting the effect she expected from Chloe. Rachel was pretty obnoxious, the influence from Mommy Kristen very evident. Probably what got Brady to finally agree to Eric's plan.

Kristen has truly become too tiresome to watch.

Liked that reference to the O.Henry story.......(couple really had no money for gifts, hubby sold his beautiful watch to buy a lovely comb for his wife's oh so gorgeous hair, and she sold her hair to buy him a watch chain......)

Wonder if those tickets to Switzerland indicate an absence for a while from the show for Roman & Kate???

So now it appears Uncle Eric will be taking niece Rachel to a nice warm fun time down south. Sun, warm swimming, etc. etc.
Great job, Robin, thank you! Love the reference to snotty/rude Ari and Rachel. Those little actresses delivered their lines and brought the brat very, very well.

Drawing blood in a pub? What the heck? Isn't that a huge health code violation? A few loose drops could be mistaken for ketchup. Seriously!

I still don't understand how the kidnapping will get Brady the orchid, because any reference to it will automatically target him as being involved.

So Eric is tired of being a good guy? Is he headed down the rabbit hole with drinking and carrying on with Sloan and possibly others now? Don't want to witness that.

Either Johnny or Wendy needs to make the first move towards "real" dating. When Johnny put the scarf on Wendy, she was practically swooning. Talk about taking it slow!

Good for Chloe, standing up to Kristen and not running away. I am sure she wanted to slug her. Wouldn't we all?
Regarding the blood draw in the pub..... in another lifetime I was a traveling phlebotomist and would visit people at their places of work to draw blood. Drawing blood in the public seating area was a better choice than in the kitchen..... up in their rooms above the place would have been the smart choice..... I drew blood in a frozen yogurt store, a tobacco store and the parking lot of a Walmart for folks as that was what the folks wanted....
While Eric is not my fave right now he does have a point. Kristen will never stop! She is so creepy. Manipulating her child to get what she wants. Character is at least 60 and OBSESSED with a much younger man that wants nothing to do with her. She lives in her own little world with everything she was saying to Chloe. Though I do have to agree Chloe moved on to Stefan in about 2 seconds. I really want him to remember his love for Gabi before she gets married to equally creepy Li. Was nice to see Arianna. Been awhile.

Kate talking about Philip, it's been awhile since he left. I forget does everyone think he's dead?
Instead of kidnapping Rachel, Eric and Brady should send her to Nanny Megan’s School for Bratty Children. Having a sweet, polite daughter would freak out the rude and crude Kritter a lot more than learning that she’d been “kidnapped.”

If Roman and Kate do subject themselves to a visit with annoying Carrie and boring Austin, nobody should ever mention Rafe’s name. Thinking of the manly commissioner might just get the lost-cat lawyer busy rubbing herself withe ice cubes again.

Shinny Claus did a passable job today, but he needs a lot more practice to favorably compare with past Salem Santas.
Hey, Dr. B.........I have had a lot of blood draws in my life, truly a lot, but at the most, 1 or 2 vials for different reasons.
So, is a draw of 10 vials normal? For what reason? or reasons?
But also, with that much drawn, would Kate not have needed some sort of nourishment after? Maybe not.....just seemed odd.
Eric says that Kristen raped him- she also raped Brady (sort of). Because she was wearing a Nicole mask and Brady thought he was making love to Nicole. So she raped two Brady men. And in a round about way she even was responsible for John making love to Susan, who was made up to look like Kristen back in 1997 I think.
I hate the entire Brady/Kristen/Chloe stuff. Of course he should have just told Chloe from the start. And the fact that it seems like he's always on the verge of falling for Kristen is gross. I get that you need some sort of villain but if they're staying for a long time they need some likeable side to them. Kristen doesn't even have family that really likes her. If you have a real villain like her then you need a final comeuppance. And I do mean final. She's in no way the person you love to hate.
I found one summary that talks about how John and Susan (disguised as Kristen) are about to have sex (while Marlena and Kristen are locked in the DiMansion's secret room watching/listening on a monitor), but Susan manages get away from John, because she had an Elvis tattoo that he'd see and know it wasn't really Kristen.

John and Susan (disguised as Kristen) keep trying to go at it, but keep getting interrupted by various people.

OK, I found a summary that says John and Susan (disguised as Kristen) "get down to business" (exact description in the summary), but he thinks of Marlena the whole time. So I guess they finally did have sex.
While Eric is not my fave right now he does have a point. Kristen will never stop! She is so creepy. Manipulating her child to get what she wants. Character is at least 60 and OBSESSED with a much younger man that wants nothing to do with her. She lives in her own little world with everything she was saying to Chloe. Though I do have to agree Chloe moved on to Stefan in about 2 seconds. I really want him to remember his love for Gabi before she gets married to equally creepy Li. Was nice to see Arianna. Been awhile.

Kate talking about Philip, it's been awhile since he left. I forget does everyone think he's dead?
I could not agree more. We saw with Kristen herself, Peter, Andre, and EJ (the latter two were teens when they met Stefano) that Stefano's influence on young developing minds was disastrous the same will prove true of Kristen's influence on Rachel's mind I fear if not soon removed. Those four ended up with completely distorted ideas about morality and what love means which they confused with obsession.
Thanks for the write-up and commentary! Your snark and (from the sound of it) the snark of the characters was the best part of the episode!

Honestly, the show sounded a lot like filler. Sure, some conversations happened that were good and necessary and the Roman & Kate stuff does sound sweet. But honestly, there was just too much boring stuff or ridiculous things going on that I couldn't really bring myself to care, which is never a good sign for the holiday season.
Thanks, robin.

I finally saw the last two minutes of the show since everything died yesterday.

Wow, Brady agreed with Eric to kidnap Rachel. Should we start a list of what could go wrong?

Ari seemed rude at first, but she got better.

I'm glad Chloe found out Brady and Kristen aren't sleeping together.

Rachel is her mother's daughter. Is it too late to fix her?

We got another Carrie mention and Philip.

Eric called Kristen psycho.