Days of our Lives - Thursday January 25, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 minutes. Sadly, not all of it on the planning of the scavenger hunt.

At Horton Town Square, Johnny exchanges Chanel’s engagement ring with one she liked. It’s a very historical ring, a blue diamond surrounded by Venetian Glass. The diamond may have been worn by Elizabeth Taylor. Chanel hopes their love lasts as long as Tom and Alice’s.

Paulina is working in her office, Abe calls. Paulina is trying to get things wrapped up before she has to do the hospital stuff.

Chad comes into the Spectator offices to find Everett writing his resignation letter. But Everett won’t be hanging around, only doing a portion of the real stories.

The brilliant trio working on the scavenger hunt, they are working on the name of the game. Caching Cupid is mentioned.

Ava and Stefan are in the all-purpose interrogation room waiting for the cops to come in with. Harris thinks he can get them to cough up their involvement with Clyde. As the police enter to start the questioning, Sloany Baloney walks in wanting to know if the police really planned on interviewing her clients without their lawyer present? Soap stares all around.

Johnny and Chanel talk about Tom and Alice, who were lovely people, Johnny’s been told, but they were not fans of the DiMeras. Chanel has heard that Tom and Alice were fair minded people who gave everyone a chance if they proved they deserved it.

Chad and Everett discuss the drug raid and the Bistro. Per Everett there should not be a modicum of truth given to anyone or anything to the detriment of the truth. Otherwise, this is not an unbiased newspaper. Chad retorts but Stefan’s business shouldn’t suffer, no drugs were found. Everett tells him but it’s part of the narrative, tell all and let the readers make up their own mind.

Everett asks Chad a question, if they had found something what would you do, it would be the headline. Are you sure? Chad wants to know if now after admitting if there had been wrong doing at the Bistro, he’d put it front and center, does he have to find a new editor?

Goody scavenger hunt time. Stephanie has noticed that Tripp’s head is not in the hunt. She assumes he’s worried about his mom and all that’s going on at the Bistro, the tragic overdose, the raid. What’s happening at the Bistro is just terrible the trio agrees.

Meanwhile back at the all-purpose interrogation room, the prop department has found a microphone and plopped it down on the table. Harris wants to start so he slaps his paper down on the table but Sloan says no, let me tell you a couple of things. She goes over all the failures the police department has had at the Bistro. All of it damaging her clients' business. Harris has uncovered new information. He wants to know about Clyde Weston. Now SHOCKED soap stares from Stefan and Ava.

Paulina is packing up her office and getting ready to leave when Chanel and Johnny come wandering in. Paulina wants to know why they are there? To give her a hug, responds Chanel. Paulina accepts the hug and then they discuss thyroid cancer and the cure rate and such. Chanel says they will be there for her every step of the way.

Everett tells Chad that if the DiMeras try to influence the stories in any way he will resign. They have a paper to get out, so where are we on that? Chad asks about the scavenger hunt. Everett tells him that he’s told them that the paper will sponsor it, despite Xander’s objections, which of course he didn’t mention. It will be a big success for the paper. Everett lets it drop that he had dinner with Stephanie when this thing was planned. Chad is like YOU had dinner with Stephanie?

Dang 14 minutes in and the scavenger hunt planning party is breaking up. Stefanie thinks they’ve made some great progress and thanks Wendy and Tripp. A very morose Tripp says that he didn’t do anything, but Wendy did all the heavy listening and adding. Stephanie is really happy with the name for the event that Wendy came up with, but doesn’t mention it. Tomorrow if he’s not working, Tripp is going to help Steve plant some items for a beta test. After Stephanie leaves, they discuss Stephanie bringing up Tripp’s worry about his mother.

Stefan and Ava know of Clyde Weston only by reputation. Harris has the visitor logs from the prison showing that both Ava and Stefan have visited Clyde several times in the past few months.

At Paulina’s office, Chanel does an exaggerated movement with her hand wearing the ring, looking at her watch, and asking if her mom knows what time it is? Paulina ignores it. Chanel continues to picks up documents, she plays with her hair as Paulina continues to be oblivious to the large stone and glass attached to her daughter’s finger.

Paulina wants Johnny to help out on Valentine’s Day with the scavenger hunt. Chanel now wiggles her fingers in front of Paulina’s face and says Johnny will be busy that day. Paulina FINALLY sees the ring, grabs Chanel's hand and holy shiitake mushrooms!!!! Paulina is happy for them.

Tripp and Wendy blah blah about Ava. Wendy is going to try to hack into the Bistro POS (point of sale) to see if there is something she can find. Tripp tells Wendy she’s the bestest girlfriend ever, but only Tripp can save his mom.

Best bros and paper putter outers talk about Stephanie and dinner. Chad admits he had no point to asking about what Everett does with Stephanie. Amazing conversation. Chad pokes and prods and Everett agrees to who knows what. Stephanie enters this meeting. Everett tells her that Xander doesn’t want the paper to sponsor the scavenger hunt, but Chad overrode him so they will.

Stephanie says good, I’ve spent most of the night going over plans with Tripp and Wendy so we need to discuss what’s next. Everett gets a beep on his phone; he finds out that Ava and Stefan have been brough in for questioning. Everett is going to the police station to see what he can find out. Assuming Chad has no objections, he leaves. Stephanie wants to know why Chad would object?

Sloan wants a moment to discuss this new information with her clients. Stefan says it's okay, Clyde Weston is the SOB who butchered his sister-in-law so Stefan went to the prison to look the *bleep* in the eye and tell him he hoped he’d rot in prison. Well Ava. what about you? Sloan pipes up with Ava went to the prison looking for opportunities to work with the incarcerated. Ava sits up and says no one is going to believe that. Clyde tried to kill my son to send a message to me. I went to the prison to tell him I wouldn’t work for him.

Harris says and what, he took your "back off" threat for an answer and backed off? Ava says well I can be very convincing. Harris says well Ava, you’re not very convincing now, that’s a lie. Sloan is so far over her head in this game but she jumps in and tells the police since her clients are not under arrest they are leaving. Ava wants to stay and talk to Harris alone. Sloan’s head almost explodes as she tells Ava this is not a good idea. Ava tells her that she is going to talk to Harris alone anyway, even against her attorney’s advice. Everyone clears the room.

Everett asks Sloan what’s going on in there? Sloan says she wishes she knew.

Stephanie and Chad discuss pulling the unsuccessful raid at the Bistro. Then Chad goes into being a bit touchy about Everett. Chad believes that Everett is ethical and honest. (key signs that Everett is going down)

Paulina is so happy with Chanel and Johnny’s engagement and she recognizes the Liz Taylor diamond. They tell her the wedding is Valentine’s Day. Paulina hopes they aren’t eloping and turns it down a bit when they assure it is a small affair. Paulina starts planning. Florist to get flowers, needs to call her gown consultant to get a gown.

Tripp and Wendy discuss the family you are born into determines your whole life. Like being put into a family who loved you till you left as an adult to find your dad and you tried to kill your stepmom. Wendy tells Tripp he is a Johnson, not a Vitali, and that he is a doctor who has dedicated his life to saving people. And Wendy loves him.

Ava and Harris have a heart to heart. They know the real each other. Harris loves Ava, they kiss.

Sloan berates Rafe. She wants to check out the search warrant they used to seach the Bistro.

Everett tells Stefan that he doesn’t have any power over the paper anymore.

We hear, but don’t see, a slap and a "you SOB"

Chad and Stephanie talk zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. They hope each other finds someone special.

Paulina has grabbed this wedding by the horns. Alicia Keys won’t come without a grand piano. A roaring 20’s theme? An 8-tier cake? Then in the middle of this silliness, Paulina’s doctor calls. They can’t schedule her surgery for another 2 months. Johnny is going to make calls; Paulina doesn’t want this to interfere with the wedding.

Tripp and Wendy love each other. Tripp wants to remove Wendy’s clothing on the couch, but she stops him because it would be awkward if his mom walked in on them.

Rafe, Sloan, Stefan walk into the all-purpose interrogation room where Harris is holding the side of his face and Ava demands he keep his hands off of her. Sloan wants to file an official complaint. Ava says no and leaves. Everett wants to talk to Ava. Sloan tells Everett to tell his readers that the Salem PD is harassing innocent people.

Rafe asks Harris what the hell?
Johnny and Chanel talk about Tom and Alice, who were lovely people, Johnny’s been told, but they were not fans of the DiMeras. Chanel has heard that Tom and Alice were fair minded people who gave everyone a chance if they proved they deserved it.
Johnny could've bragged that he had a coveted Horton ornament when he was born. But after DNA tests proved he was EJ's child, it was never hung on the tree again.

I've seen some websites that say Thomas is the first DiMera to have an ornament on the Horton tree, but it was actually Johnny. Although, technically, it was Peter Blake, when he was married to Jennifer.
Thank you, Robin!

I don't like Stefan's 'stache. He is still handsome, but he looks better clean shaven.

I am guessing that what we didn't see was Ava telling Harris that she was going to concoct a fight so no one would know they were into each other, even Stefan. And hoping that she did tell Harris everything off the record.

Oh, yeah, Sloan as Stefan and Ava's lawyer is money well spent. Not.

Paulina should not wait two months for the surgery, the cancer could spread. What juice does Johnny have, exactly, to hasten an appointment?
I love Johnny & Chanel. Hope Allie doesn't come back and ruin it.

Oh Chad, you can say you were just curious and not jealous but you are lying through your teeth.

I was hoping Stefan & Ava would fess up. Maybe the cops can help them. Not a fan of the 'stache. He doesn't need it.
The meaningful action today was Hard Core Harris, the protector of law and order, trying to nail drug ring conspirators, Ava and Zero. Then there was Hard Core Everett, defender of journalistic integrity, putting his job on the line to protect press freedom. Good luck to both of them. The Salem P..D.’s success rate with in-crowd Salemites hovers around zero. Only the fact that Ava and Zero have hired hack lawyer Sloan gives Harris hope. As for Everett and his beard, good luck to them. What their boss, Chad, knows about journalistic principles wouldn’t fill a thimble.

Finally, with that mustache, Zero is looking like Doug’s would-be substitute in the Liberty Mutual commercials. I kept waiting for him to interrupt Harris’s questions by exclaiming. “Look, there’s Biboo!”
Thanks, robin.

Paulina doesn't understand what small wedding means. She kept wanting to do big things.

What a surprise to hear Ava yell after we saw her kissing Harris like she liked it. Did Ava tell
him something? Does Harris kiss all the criminals to make them talk? :)

We found out today the police did three raids the nights the Bistro was raided. Did Lucas give
them the information on the other two?

Interesting the police checked the visitor records at the prison to see if Stefan and Ava saw Clyde.
Did they just look or was it something they kept from people?

So, Sloan is Stefan and Ava's lawyer. Will she send them a big bill to help pay off Leo?
Finally, with that mustache, Zero is looking like Doug’s would-be substitute in the Liberty Mutual commercials. I kept waiting for him to interrupt Harris’s questions by exclaiming. “Look, there’s Biboo!”
Funny thing is, the guy who plays Substitute Doug in the new Liberty Mutual commercials actually stars on The Bold and The Beautiful as Finn, the super duper doctor who defied his own death and later saved the family patriarch from a terminal (but never mentioned) soap opera disease a couple weeks ago.
Chanel has heard that Tom and Alice were fair minded people who gave everyone a chance if they proved they deserved it.
I've heard historically this wasn't true.

Also, the DiMeras were and are all terrible people. Only Johnny is proving (so far) to be an exception.
Funny thing is, the guy who plays Substitute Doug in the new Liberty Mutual commercials actually stars on The Bold and The Beautiful as Finn, the super duper doctor who defied his own death and later saved the family patriarch from a terminal (but never mentioned) soap opera disease a couple weeks ago.
JS, this guy should come to Salem. He’d end Paulina’s hysterics with a miracle cure and quickly get Holly out of her coma, stopping the weeping, wailing, and EJ hissy fits that have accompanied that event. For an encore he could host Doug and “BiBoo” for lunch at the Pub when they arrive in Salem to save the locals big money on car insurance. (Watching Roman say “What da hell?” when an emu enters the Pub would be worth the price of admission.)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'd get a subscription to Peacock and buy a smart TV to watch it on if they did this!