Days of Our Lives Thursday June 9, 2022


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Dec 31, 1969
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Opening: (Jan Day)

Kate/Chad in the Square, she asks why he told Abby about Lucas kidnapping Sami..

Marlena and Lucas outside the Pub. So good to see Will, he'll be back soon...She is questioning Lucas saying "Nice to have the WHOLE family together" saying Will said that as well when he left for the airport and Roman mentioned planning a party ... Before he can explain, her beeper goes off, she has to go for an appointment..

Jan/Shawn..she is fluffing pillows, he asks if there is a problem with the couch, she has had no problem flopping on it all this time? Jan says today is different, her first appointment with Marlena.. The house is not designed for someone about to make a major psychological breakthrough...she will be the mother their baby deserves.

DiMansion/EJ's room: EJ in towel, Belle is returning his robe, didn't know he was in there... Obviously not..

Susan has arrived at DiMansion She is sensing a presence that shouldn't be in the house.. Abby says maybe it's the tooth fairy? Susan says she is not on good terms with the tooth fairy...she owes her $1.50 for her Wisdom teeth.. is she still there?? Susan would like to have a word with her! Abby will go take a look..


Marlena has arrived at Shawn's. Thanks all around, she will be the best patient Marlena has ever had..
Shawn is leaving...Jan wants to know where he's going, not stalking but wants to know where he is incase something happens with the baby..
Shawn is going to Marlena's to talk to Belle.... Marlena says she's not there.

EJ asks about Belle's breakfast...Belle says breakfast has disappeared...(guess we know now where Thomas got the breakfast for Leo)

Susan offers to go with Abby to the tunnels, she feels a presence and it could be someone mean, mean, mean... The prison is calling Abby... it's Gwen, needs to see Abby. Abby doesn't want to ever see her again. Gwen tells her it's extremely important.

Pub...Lucas asks for a refill, it's Clyde behind the bar...offers him a drink, he doesn't drink. Lucas giving him a hard time..
Clyde says he overheard his conversation about a run in with EJ and enemy of EJ's is a friend of mine.. They talk about EJ & Clyde being cellmates...says EJ talked about Lucas all the time...said Lucas was the one who kidnapped Sami. Lucas says EJ was projecting since he was guilty.. Clyde says he could sue for slander...Lucas doesn't need the money. Clyde now offers a partnership to Lucas. Lucas will pass, he would like to stay out of prison...Clyde says for now.
Lucas looks at a drink on the bar...Kate comes up, "what are you doing"

Belle/EJ still in EJ's room, EJ still in his towel...she is going to go, but they keep talking... He asks if she has told anyone about she hasn't. He has a revenge plan. She thinks he should scrap that and let her do it legally..
Now he is offering's brunch, she accepts and goes.. He looks after her...

Back at Shawn's, Marlena explains the issue with Belle and not coming home...Marlena tells Shawn she stayed at the mansion. Jan looks pleased, Shawn is going over there..

Kate scolding Chad for telling Abby about the kidnapping...he only did it because he feels guilty..
It's not like that...he explains Abby was going to investigate.. they debate if she would have found the truth. They debate Abby telling someone else...jokes about non-disclosure. He assures Abby won't say anything, Kate doubts.. Chad reassures, guarantee..

Back at the mansion: Gwen begging Abby to come to's urgent.. Abby hangs up on her..
Susan questions Abby hanging up, she didn't even say goodbye?...She asks who it was, she wasn't getting a good feeling, glad she hung up.. Abby explains it was her sister...Now she's in Abby's head and she has to go find out what she wants. Susan tells her curiosity killed the kitty cat...Abby says good she's not a cat. Abby goes. Susan, that's what they all say...she seems worried..

Marlena and Jan get started with her session, but Jan first has to ask if Belle and EJ are officially together.. Marlena tries to shut her down, but Jan persists, it's not about Belle or Marlena, it's about her. Jan wants this this to work, she needs to be a good mother. Marlena thinks it may be an act for Shawn.. Jan swears no other reason... Marlena still doesn't believe her. Jan assures her it's over. It will all end if Marlena sees any signs of old Jan..

Marlena asks if Jan is willing to feel the pain of those she's hurt? Jan goes into some sort of pain, holding her baby belly.. thinks she is in labor... Marlena doesn't even get out of the chair to check on her. LOL!! Now she goes over to her, still doesn't seem overly concerned but Jan is really playing it up.

Back at DiMansion: EJ & Belle walk into the living room and find Susan. She questions Belle, Harold told her she stayed over... she's sensing something is going on between them, Shawn walks in then and wants to know about that himself?? Shawn questions her being there...they argue...wants to know what's up.. EJ explains she needed a place and says Belle can stay as long as she likes. Shawn accuses, EJ has been trying to steal Belle from him...she's sleeping with him isn't she?? (Shawn is such a dunder head) You can tell Belle is hurt by this statement..she is NOT sleeping with EJ, she has a room...
They argue.. discuss how they could move forward, Marlena calls.. they are at the hospital Jan is in labor.

EJ invites Susan for brunch...she doesn't want to be a 3rd wheel.. She reminds they are both still married and she doesn't think EJ has moved on from Sami...she leaves..

Belle is upset, baby could be premature, EJ says maybe an upside, maybe the baby won't survive

Abby arrives at Statesville to see Gwen... They rehash what might have happened to Laura, but it's not about's someone else close to Abby that Gwen is sure she wouldn't want to get hurt. It's about Jack..he could get hurt if he's not properly celebrated! Tomorrow is his birthday, she wants him to know how much she cares, but she can't be with him and asks Abby to deliver a gift she made for him (why can't he come visit..are they back in Boston?) Abby thought she was only capable of making misery..
She shows her a mug that says "dad". (it's kind of sad looking) She made it in art therapy. Abby just laughs at her and the mug...
Abby asks why she doesn't mail it, Gwen says it could take months if she tried to mail it (??) (Abby finally says Jack is in Boston)
Gwen accuses her of wanting Jack to forget her, celebrate without her...begs her to give him the mug..
Abby says she will take it, Gwen seems happy. Then Abby takes the mug and drops it off the table, it shatters.. oops!! then she stomps on it...
Gwen is devastated...they argue over their history.. Gwen calls her a selfish *itch..she will pay!! Abby leaves.

Shawn arrives at the hospital and Marlena sends him to Jan's room. Shawn goes to Jan's room...she is all upset, can't lose the baby, Shawn holds her hand, he is there.. (UGH!!!)

Chad/Abby square..she rehashes the prison scene..

Gwen calls someone about Abigail, if she doesn't get to spend her father's birthday with him, neither does she...

Terrific recap, garysgirl.

Cringe-worthy moments:

  • Abigail smashing Gwen's mug (still have some sympathy for Gwen, despite it all, and Abigail has become insufferable); had she not been so awful, Gwen might have changed her mind and told Leo to call off the revenge plot, just maybe.

  • EJ saying it would be good if the baby did not survive (never wish that on anyone, especially not an innocent baby);

  • Lucas looking at the drink and contemplating drinking it.
There are more, but these three stood out.
I understand Abigail doesn't like Gwen..... but to cruelly drop the truly sad mug on purpose and then stomp on it was uncalled for..... just leave without taking it....
Alley Cat Belle sure hung around EJ's room with him clad in a towel a whole lot longer than normal..... but at least we know what happened to Belle's breakfast tray..... Hope Leo enjoyed "Cooks" finest breakfast meal......

Shawn.... there are fewer and fewer words for you..... dumb butt seems to be filling the gap for now.....
Lucas.... Lucas..... Lucas.....

When I have a super secret that I don't want anyone to know about I got to Desert Ridge outdoor Mall and sit in the middle of the mist area and discuss it with people..... that way it will stay super secret..... :tsk:
Aaah, yes, the setting up has begun. Abby being rather nasty, Lucas contemplates falling off the wagon, Kate being her unbearable self, and even Marlena was rather off her usual mode. Now we all know that when very pregnant Jan began complaining of terrible pains, moaning, etc. Marlena would never have just sat there looking, and asking what kind of pain. Puleeeze! As she has said many times, she has had medical training, & if nothing else, would have picked up the phone for 911.
I thought it was weird Marlena didn’t get up and check Jan, but maybe she was afraid it was a ploy. That’s why she has no business being the therapist for a woman her husband very nearly killed and who is actively plotting against her daughter. Why were Shawn and Marlena even discussing Belle in front of Jan?

I feel like the writers just have words attached to a plot coming out of random faces at this point. I don’t recognize half of these characters. Except Abigail. Today was very on brand.
I loved when Marlena said "If I see any signs..." right after Jan had given her all the signs and a billboard too. And of course it was absurd for her to talk to Shawn about Belle in front of Jan.

I didn't get any of the Gwen stuff but I was thinking when she made the call in the beginning that she was going to tell Abby about Leo. Hoping we'll find out that was her plan until Abby started yelling at her. Otherwise Gwen thinking Abby would help her makes zero sense. And she can still call Jack on his birthday so this woe is me, he'll think I forgot, is nuts
EJ should give up parading around dressed only in his jammie bottoms. He should realize that after people have seen Xander in his towel, nothing else will do.

The DiMeras should wise up and rehire Ben to handle DiMansion security. The sight of Ben holding a necktie would have caused the "Tooth Fairy" to wet his pants and flee for the bus station.

Abigail should have taken Susan on her visit to Gwen. Instead of today's nastiness, the viewers would have been treated to the sight of a confused Gwen trying to make sense of Susan's babble.
Since she brought the mug with her, had it wrapped, Gwen did call Abby to deliver the mug. However, she may have had an additional piece of information she was going to impart.........until, as you say oldschool, Abby got snarky. That is a MAYBE, as I said.
Thanks, garysgirl.

It's too bad Abby or Susan didn't go downstairs to see who Thomas might have seen.

We found out today the food tray that Thomas gave Leo was suppose to be for Belle. Will
someone ever look for it?

So, Clyde wants Lucas work with him. Does he know more about the kidnapping than what
he told Lucas?

Who knew Harold was such a gossip telling Susan Belle slept at the DiMera mansion.

Will Shawn and Jan's baby be okay? If she delivers prematurely will she have to go back to prison
after the baby is born?
Abby, Jan, and Susan are insufferable. Please, oh please, let it end! Shawn is also a moron. Cannot believe he doesn't go talk to his wife about her feelings, yet storms over ASAP and gets mad at her for hanging around EJ.

Lucas and Clyde interacting is interesting. Maybe the best part of the show, in my opinion. I also always enjoy Kate and Chad scenes.
I'm not surprised Abby broke the mug. Honestly, if this were real life, I would have probably done the same. Then again, I wouldn't have been gullible enough to go visit the jail in the first place, and would have gone no contact with Gwen MONTHS ago. Also, I loved the little snort that Abby gave when she laughed at it. That was great.

As for Jan... I wouldn't wish child death on anyone, but this child not surviving could move this storyline along into the past where we'd like to leave it.
Or it makes Jan sympathetic character... to Shawn... as they grieve together. Which would push Belle more out into the cold.... I just don't want to see a premature baby "who certainly is a FIGHTER!" and gets the god-fearing members of Salem rallying around them, saying prayers, bringing a community together over this poor innocent soul (who really should have been taken over by the devil... oh, wait, maybe *this* is how they do that...)