Days of Our Lives - Thursday, March 28

LisaK in AZ

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
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Thursday, March 28, 2019

JJ, Tripp and Haley are talking. JJ tries to talk them out of the wedding, since it didn’t work with Dario and Abby.

Eve and Claire are talking and Eve wants to know if she agrees to the plan (not mentioned what the plan is). Claire pushes back and Eve assures her she can do it. Jack walks in and wants to know what’s up. Eve assures him that his brilliant campaign manager will save the day. She said Abe doesn’t stand a chance as long as Jack is there to rid Salem of those illegals. Jack said that he thought that was over, until Eve tells him about the planned wedding. When Eve tells Jack about the wedding, Jack exclaims how stupid it is and who came up with that. Eve tells him that it was his son’s idea. Jack insists that his offering to marry Haley was to get back at Jack. Eve tells him that he is not marrying her. She is going to marry his nephew. So, Jack catches on to the idea of taping them and posting it online to bust them.

Sarah and Rex and Eric – Sarah says she has a confession to make. She says that when Rex asked last time if there was anything going on and she said there wasn’t, she lied. She tells Rex that “Eric and I kissed.” Rex, of course, accuses Eric of initiating the kiss and going after his brother’s woman while his mother was dying. Sarah tries to speak up. . .but, not until Rex hits Eric and again claims that he should not have trusted him to not go after his woman and how he was supposed to help him win Sarah back. Sarah finally gets in the words that SHE kissed Eric. Rex wants to know if Eric is the reason she won’t accept his proposal, so they tell about Brady’s blackmail. Rex still questions if that is true or if it is an excuse for going behind his back. Rex apologizes about letting a woman come between us, and Rex brings up Nicole. Sarah says she needs time alone with Rex. Rex asks if it happened because of revenge.

In HTS, Jennifer and Hope are talking about Ted. Jenn Is happy that Hope and Rafe are patching things up. Hope says she was mad when Rafe took off to help Sami again, and Ted was there. Hope confesses that she kissed Ted, but changes it to Ted kissed her. Jenn is shocked that Ted kissed her and Hope says how awkward it was and Jenn understands how Rafe wouldn’t like that. Hope says she hasn’t told Rafe and that she didn’t want to make him angry at her for not handling the situation. Jennifer asks if maybe Hope really liked the idea and attention. Ted, of course, pops up and asks to join the ladies. Jenn suddenly gets a call and Ted says that he will keep Hope company and tells her that Abe and Rafe are meeting. Hope gets worried and leaves.

Ted and Rafe talking about Ted’s interruption of their date. Ted insists that it is his job to keep Hope informed. Ted suggests that the next time he wants to take her out for a nice evening, he should go to a better restaurant. They argue a bit until Abe walks in and asks if anything is wrong. Then he asks to speak to Rafe. Abe said he can tell that he doesn’t like the guy. Abe asks if he can work with him and Rafe says that Abe doesn’t have all the facts as to why he was recommended. He won’t tell him now, but Abe insists that he tells Abe for the good of Salem if Rafe knows anything.

Tripp and Haley want to try out their stories on Claire and JJ to find any holes. They go on about how they met at the hospital and Haley stumbles about wanting to be cool when she met him, and how she was having a bad day at the ER until Tripp made it better. Claire claims that it won’t work. Claire insists they need evidence to let the world know how much they love each other. This is where she insists that they post a proposal online to let the world know (per her plan with Eve above). And asks, “what do you thinks, Hals?” So Claire goes to her jewelry box to get a ring they can use.

Claire sees the lighter and flicks it in Haley’s face and threatens to burn her alive if she tries to make this marriage work – daydream, of course. Then she claims that the lighter doesn’t work for mood lighting (?) and tells Haley to leave the room and walk into the proposal. (Really pathetic scenes here). Tripp starts by talking to whoever is listening and says to wish him luck. Haley walks in, “what is this?” and he does his proposal. Haley, of course, accepts and says how much she loves him. Claire yells, “CUT! CUT!” as soon as they start to kiss.

Back to Eve and Jack talking about Phase 2 of the great plan. That is when Claire and Tripp have their own interlude at the Salem Inn and they will catch them and expose the lie. Jack starts questioning why they are doing this because Haley is a nurse and a nice girl. Eve talks him into it by accusing him of going soft on her and they have to do this if he wants to be mayor. Eve insists that he needs to have a killer instinct to win the race. Jack agrees. If Tripp falls, so be it. He owes his family NOTHING. He doesn’t owe anyone anything – until Eve asks, “Anyone?” Evil laughing. Jack asks when they make it happen and go to watch the now posted video.

Tripp apologizes for kissing Haley without warning Claire and they post the video – no backing out now.

Jenn comes back and asks where Hope went. Ted tells her about the meeting Hope claims she had and wants to get to know Jenn better, and she agrees. Jenn says that she and Hope are like sisters and says that she doesn’t like him causing problems. And he kissed her! Ted wants to know what Hope said about the kiss and it wouldn’t have happened if their marriage was good.

Hope bursts into Abe’s office while he is talking to Rafe and gets blasted for encouraging Abe to appoint a blackmailer and it may have cost him the election.

Tripp tells JJ that it will help their love story if he will be their best man. Haley thanks Claire again for making the sacrifice. Claire reminds Haley that she needs to keep her hands to herself, as this is just one big act.

Sarah tries to explain to Rex why she and Eric became so close. Again, Rex says she had every right to be angry. Now Rex wants to know again if she has feelings for Eric. She said she relied on him and their friendship grew into more. She didn’t look for it, but she just felt it. She assured Rex that Eric doesn’t feel the same. Rex wants to know if she is still going to hold out on him and she said that now that she knows that there’s no chance for her and Eric, she can focus on Rex. (And Rex thinks that is ok???)

Ted and Jenn – Ted tells Jenn that it sounds like SHE is interfering in their marriage and leaves.

Abe yells at Hope for withholding info about Ted and Hope claims she made a mistake and apologizes. Now Abe doesn’t know what to do about firing him and can’t let Jack’s campaign find out. He leaves and it is Hope and Rafe in the office.

Jack and Eve watch the video and agree that Claire was a great help. Now she just have to get Tripp to Phase 2. Sex, lies, and videotape, says, Jack. Now it feels like politics! Eve makes a reservation for Claire Brady.

Tripp claims he will make it up to Claire, so Claire suggests they get a room at the Salem Inn. Tripp says they can’t do that.

Ted and Abe meet and Abe tells Ted that the last thing he would ever do is share his campaign with him.

Hope and Rafe argue about Abe now knowing the truth. Hope, asks if it is about Abe or Ted. Rafe agrees – he does not want that man around his wife. Hope claims that Rafe promised that he trusted her and now thinks that Rafe was trying to get HOPE fired because he never came to terms with her getting the job.

Sarah assures Rex how wonderful their life will be and says she wants only Rex. She asks for her engagement ring, which, of course, he carries it with him hoping she will change her mind and say yes. She agrees and he proposes – again. They laugh, cry, and kiss.
Then she claims that the lighter doesn’t work for mood lighting (?)
JJ says he'll light some candles and mentions seeing the lighter in Claire's jewelry box. She immediately gets flustered and squeals that the lighter doesn't work, but there are matches on the counter. JJ then goes over and lights a few candles that are sitting on the counter.
Thanks, Lisa.

Claire's daydream with the lighter was insane.

Spring and winter must be in Salem at the same time. Eve
is wearing
a spring dress and Jennifer is wearing a long sleeved dress.

Does Eve think Haley is a user because Eve is?

So Sarah and Rex are engaged again. Does anyone care?

Did Claire edit the video to take out she said "cut, cut"? Maybe
she turned it off before she did.
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Hope: She's turned into Eve's unwitting little helper by recommending a blackmailing shyster for D.A. Is the status of this position now so low that even the likes of Ted would seem suitable? When he's reelected, Abe should dump her and appoint Rafe.

Claire: This apprentice Sami continues to sink lower in a swamp of immorality, today bring new meaning to the term two-faced.

Rexy: So loud-mouthed Sarah accepted his ring. He's now won the booby prize in the game of love.

Jack: He lost his memory, but now he seems to have lost his sense of self, turning into scheming Eve's willing tool. How low can he go?

Trippy and JJ: Color them both gullible if they think that Claire is playing along in the green-card marriage game. Both of them need to wise up not say a word that indicates the coming wedding is one of convenience.
Really Tripp? Abigail almost got arrested for her green card scam but that's not gonna happen to you because why? And you ask your girlfriend if she has ring you can use to give to your fake bride? Do you really expect Claire to be THAT understanding!?

I am hating Jack and all his scheming with Eve. I was one that didn't give two hoots if Jack came back but this Jack isn't make me love him.

Wow color me surprised! Sarah did admit she kissed Eric. I think she could have been a little quicker with I kissed him, he didn't kiss me. But now she accepted Rex's proposal?

Please please please let this be the final nail in the Hope/Rafe marriage. They have been trying to convince us that they are true loves for a couple years now. Nothing has changed. No chemistry. Not true loves. Even Jennifer says oh maybe you like Ted kissing you?
We all knew that this Rex was a total doofus, but when Sarah said that now that she knows that Eric doesn't return her feelings, she can be ready to focus on Rex and he is happy about that???

I am also hoping that this means Hope and Rafe are done. There really is nothing between them. I am glad that Rafe told Abe about the blackmail, though, and I am guessing that Hope's "mistake" of endorsing Ted, will lead to Hope being fired or maybe she will resign and then Rafe will be commissioner.
Why is Jennifer wearing a turtleneck sweater dress with long sleeves while Chloe and Gabi and Haley are walking around with sexy summer clothes and dresses? Jennifer’s hair was very nice but the dress was hideous and unflattering. Who picked that dress for her?

Rex and Sarah...who cares honestly?

Claire is an awful character. At least Sami was fun to watch and was a character you could love and hate at the same time. There is nothing likable about Claire. Each month she gets worse. Tripp is blind for being in love with her. What does he like about her?

Hope and Rafe are done. Let’s hope, anyway.
So Sarah and Rex are engaged again? Does anyone care?

I sure don't..... I daydream about mopping my kitchen floor when they are on.... and some of you know how much I enjoy mopping my kitchen floor...

I miss the real Jack.

so do I.... so do I.....:love:
Please please please let this be the final nail in the Hope/Rafe marriage. They have been trying to convince us that they are true loves for a couple years now. Nothing has changed. No chemistry. Not true loves. Even Jennifer says oh maybe you like Ted kissing you?

I really hate how they had to ruin Rafe and Hope's friendship to pair them together in a pairing that just hasn't worked. They have lost the trust and respect for each other that they use to have. I miss that.
Thanks for the summary!

I really hate the politically based story - enough! AND if they are going to tackle a subject that is so controversial, they should at least do it accurately. Immigration is a complex issue - there is NO reason to cover it this way! I'm really angry - and I only get angry so very seldom! I'm about fed up with this show.
Why is Jennifer wearing a turtleneck sweater dress with long sleeves while Chloe and Gabi and Haley are walking around with sexy summer clothes and dresses? Jennifer’s hair was very nice but the dress was hideous and unflattering. Who picked that dress for her?

The person who allowed Jennifer to wear that dress on air needs to be fired immediately. That color was awful and it clashed with her skin tone. I'm glad I have an old non-hdtv. Also, I hated the hairstyle it kept distracting me.

And yes way too many characters were dressed for July in March