Days of Our Lives - Thursday, May 22nd, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Episode 10,832 Taped 4/21 Director – Herb Stein

Kayla is once again cooing over hr baby, when Ava walks in, and telling Kayla the baby is hers, takes it out of her arms. Kayla is crying out give me back my baby, when she jolts awake…….only to see Ava walk into the room with a bouquet of flowers. Kayla is surprised, but Ava tells her she felt she had to come, that she feels she might be responsible for Kayla going into labor early. Steve had told her it was a high risk pregnancy. Kayla tells her this happens to many people. They talk about Ava having been on those power drugs that made her act irrationally, she doesn’t really remember it all, but thanks Kayla for having the pills analyzed and thus getting her off them. Kayla talks of being unable to see her baby, but maybe tomorrow. (Steve is supposedly down there now). Ava leaves, but returns a bit later, dressed in hospital greens, cap over her hair, mask dangling. Seems she wanted to get into neo-natal without anyone questioning her, and gives Kayla her camera phone – she snapped a pic of the baby. Kayla is thrilled to see her beautiful baby boy.

Philip arrives at the Pub, to be told by Pete that the Pub was closed early tonight. Philip is meeting someone there, so Pete lets him in, and then some guy arrives. Mysterious conversation, he is going to do something, the Kiriakis name cannot be connected to it at all, not to worry says the guy. Philip assures him the money will be transferred when everything is completed. The guy leaves, and there is Chloe, wondering what THAT was all about. Philip just say “business”. Now they both talk of their mutual wants and needs, with Chloe claiming her divorce should be final soon, and she thinks she & Philip can sort of distract each other …..from dwelling on Brady or Belle. (LOL, talk about casual sex). I guess they agree, and next they are kissing.

Over at Casa DiMera, Sami is trying to convince an unbelieving Lucas that this was the first time she slept with EJ, but he is rather disbelieving. EJ walks in, confirming this, Sami asks him to leave, he does. She keeps talking or yelling about the e-mail telling her to move on, while Lucas shoots right back that yes, he did, he loved her, and did want her to have a life, but not with their mortal enemy. In walks John, asking who are you, and why are you talking to her with such disrespect. Lucas replies he is Lucas, and John calls him “the convict” from that point on. LOL. Now Marlena comes in, surprised to see Lucas, gives him a hug, learns he has been released under house arrest, ankle monitor and all. John comments about the 10 yard perimeter, Sami asks why she did not tell them. John thought a surprise would be nice, obviously not. Marlena wants to know what is going on, Lucas tells Sami to tell them, Sami is silent, looking grim. He relates how he walked in on Sami in bed with EJ. John says “Ow”. Marlena is shocked. Sami again is trying to explain. John asks why she has to explain being in bed with her husband. Lucas wonders why Sami is still married to EJ, the vendetta is over, Marlena says there is an explanation. Yeah, replies Lucas. She’s a lying, cheating whore. They go back and forth, with Sami talking of how much EJ has helped her with the twins, and lately was being such a good husband to her, and then she gets this e-mail telling her to move on. Lucas is insisting that yes, he loves Sami, he did not want her visiting him in prison with their children, to see him like that, and wanted her to move on……..but not with their mortal enemy. She defends EJ, talking of how he turned against his father, took responsibility for what he did, saying Lucas should, too. Lucas is astounded….he DID take responsibility…….HE went to prison! They argue about their own divorce, with Sami saying she never lied to Lucas, told him her plan, etc. But he never told her he was going to shoot EJ. Lucas keeps insisting he was always protecting her, he loved her. Marlena tries to assure Lucas that this WAS the first time, she knows because she lives there, too. (LOL, and if Lucas had not come home, would Marlena even KNOW about this tomorrow? )

In front of the Pub, EJ arrives to find Nicole looking for him. He talks of the scene she made back at the house earlier, and she agrees she should not have come there, 3 sheets to the wind, but she really made Sami jealous, didn’t she. And that is what you wanted, right. Yes, he agrees, he did. She wants to go somewhere for a drink, but the Pub is closed. He lets her know Lucas is home, under house arrest. Nicole laughs, then that is the end of that. Not necessarily, replies EJ. Nikki assures him that Sami has loved only Lucas for 15 years, and nothing will change that. EJ is not so sure, and lets her know that he & Sami were in bed together when Lucas arrived. And just beginning the 2nd round, but not there yet. Nikki thinks that had to be quite the homecoming for Lucas, & tells EJ that now Lucas will be the victim, EJ doesn’t stand a prayer. She then begins talking of being in crisis, her Pookie is all well, but she cannot get him til tomorrow, and she wants him tonight. So wants EJ to do his lawyer thing, and get her dog back. Now EJ agrees, but only if she tells him what is with her. She is beautiful, charming, smart, funny, and yet she is trying to divorce a man old enough to be her father, and her only friend is a dog. Why doesn’t she go back to school, get a degree, find a job, find someone worthy of her. Nikki claims no such person exists for her, she has tried. EJ thinks she looks in all the wrong places.

Back at the DiMera house, Sami continues to try and explain away her actions, then asks for a neutral opinion. Marlena doesn’t want to say…..but Sami says, not you, I mean John. LOL. Marlena thinks that will be interesting. John admits he is not an expert in matters of the heart..looks at Marlena as he says….yet…..then says that part of him sides with the convict…..his woman cheated on him. LOL as Sami starts to get in his face. But he is not finished…..another part of him is happy that “Elvis was finally able to do her because the sexual tension around here was very distracting”. Marlena doesn’t think he is helping, but John tells her that her family is even more screwed up than he is. Marlena suggests that everyone take a break, and wait til morning to continue the talk. Finally Lucas has had enough, announces he is out of there, and goes out the front door. Uh, oh, his ankle monitor lights up and beeps like mad. Oh, Damn,

SOunds good. But I really have to say after all the years of the Sami/Lucas relationship. I am sooooo sick & tired of the both of them throwing punches. Their relationship has alwyas been this way & personally it is a little old. I think both are very strong characters, but their story needs to go in a different directions for once. Let Lucas find his own new exciting storyline & let Sami be with Ej, or no one & focus on the kids for once.

Thanks for the exciting write up Barb. I get the best visuals from your posts!!!
I can not wait to see this one, just becuase of the snard remarks John makes.. lol .. I for once actually like John.. never did before as I always thought he was an "over actor" Any way.. back to the subject... I can not stand Lucas.. I hate how he is treating Sami.. and calling her a whore.. I mean come on.. He has so much hate and anger that we have not seen in awhile, and well, I do not like it.. I understand that he caught Sami in bed with EJ, but he was angry before he even got out of prision....
Well, I do not think he was angry before he got out. He was very happy, and so looking forward to being reunited with his daughter and Sami. That balloon was burst in a very harsh manner.
Right now, both Sami AND Lucas are angry.
HE calls her a whore in front of her MOM??????
As a woman I am so disgusted to watch LUCAS yells at her names...I so wanted John or EJ to deck him.

Even John says he is disrespectful to her....dang, the MUTE button on my remote is going to wear out oh so fast!!!!!

I don't watch Daytime for the yelling and bickering....I watch it for the romance ala 5/20/08 U.S show.....

I went and bought a dart gun and I already have 2 nerf guns. I was ready lucas' face when he was on screen....
all i can say is that dena knows how to wring us out like wet dishrags lol

after yesterdays day ahead i was deflated..wanting to go give a poor on ej's head..

but today, with nujawn shoving it in lucas face about the "sexual tension" sami saying ej has been a good husband..marlena telling lucas ej is not the same man..and best of all ej again gently rejecting nicole..

it is plain to see who dena is rooting for!

for all the lumis..hey, give ej and sami a chance..and encourage tptb to move lucas into better stories that play to his strenght..he is a very good villain..but a villain you can see the motivation behind..i always thought hogan wrote in a silly manner that was too cartoonish to be taken seriously.
As far as Lucas being angry/mad in prison, he started yelling and the guard spoke and more or less told him to quiet down... I don't remember why and the day, maybe the 18th.. And even when he found out that Sami was living at the the Dimera Mansion... However, maybe I am just in EJ and Sami heaven and have a thing about Lucas now. I guess from the past couple of weeks, there has been a lot of sexual tension between EJ and Sami (as John and it was all good. Now we have Lucas come back and the "Happy Times" are now shattered... atleast for us EJ and Sami fans... I like Lucas.. but he seems not to fit in anymore.... And .. it is just my opinion...
I totally agree about the naming calling and yelling, I can't stand Lucas! I am so tired of hearing how Sami is such a failure, bad person and now a WHORE?? Horrible!

I love the new John and his remarks hope he keeps them coming.

I can't believe Ava was able to get into the Nursery, what happen to security? It was a sweet that she took the picture for Kayla but scary to think she could just walk in.

Can't wait to see Ciara.
Let's see, Sami just had sex with a man who tried to kill him and ruined his family. By Sami's own words, there was nothing emotional, just sex. I think Lucas has a right to be angry.

I find it amusing that people can be disgusted by an upset man calling Sami names when they aren't upset with a man that raped and tormented her.
I just wonder what Ava's motive is...I don't care if it were the drugs that were making her crazy, I wouldn't want her anywhere near my baby or husband. Not unitl I could see for myself (for more than a day) that she was seriously a nice person.
Let's see, Sami just had sex with a man who tried to kill him and ruined his family. By Sami's own words, there was nothing emotional, just sex. I think Lucas has a right to be angry.

I find it amusing that people can be disgusted by an upset man calling Sami names when they aren't upset with a man that raped and tormented her.

Let's stay away from the r word. That gets things very heated in here! Plus, it's not something that happened in this episodes summary...
sami is not upset with ej. sami is upset now with lucas..

and people have rights to what ever opinion they want, so if someone finds that amusing, that is also their opinion. what amuses me (and this is my opinion) is that it is obvious that the writing team and tptb have written their interpretation of how that night went down, and ej reasons for his behavior afterwards.

sami has listened, and after a bit of thought..decided she was not upset least until lucas comes in and begins the name calling. but that is the lucas i remember..and looks like the lucas dena remembers.
Thanks Barb .... Boy is Days getting exciting!

I do think that Dena went a wee bit too far on the whole Lucas calling Sami a Whore. Lucas needs to tone it down. He has a right to be upset but I think that is going way too far and infront of John and Marlena. EJ would have decked him if he heard that! Man Sami must of looked like she was slapped in the face with a comment like that!
sami is not upset with ej. sami is upset now with lucas..

and people have rights to what ever opinion they want, so if someone finds that amusing, that is also their opinion. what amuses me (and this is my opinion) is that it is obvious that the writing team and tptb have written their interpretation of how that night went down, and ej reasons for his behavior afterwards.

sami has listened, and after a bit of thought..decided she was not upset least until lucas comes in and begins the name calling. but that is the lucas i remember..and looks like the lucas dena remembers.

:OT:I understand that everyone has rights to their opinion and I value that greatly. My point is that everytime that gets brought up it gets out of had. If you look back, you can see how many threads were closed over the weekend. The fact is, we are trying to keep threads on topic. That was all I was trying to say. This is Days Ahead, not days past. :OT:
Let's see, Sami just had sex with a man who tried to kill him and ruined his family. By Sami's own words, there was nothing emotional, just sex. I think Lucas has a right to be angry.

I find it amusing that people can be disgusted by an upset man calling Sami names when they aren't upset with a man that raped and tormented her.

Actually it the writing of the characters not so much the characters that I am upset with. I hated that they wrote that Dec 29th Epi it was stupid and damaging to the show! And I can't believe that they have Lucas calling Sami a Whore in this epi ... again this will haunt this (LUMI) relationship. While I think that Lucas has the right to be upset I just wish they would tone Lucas down a bit - Lucas yells way to much and I would rather Lucas handle a mistake or misdeed by Sami differently now then he did over the past 15 years. It's time to grow the character of Lucas not give us the same old Lucas.
I, for one, think that there is toooooo much baggage in the Sami/Lucas relationship. They have been through way too much to be good together. I hope that Sami and EJ give it a shot and maybe Lucas and Nicole need to meet up! Just a thought....would keep things more interesting.