Days of our Lives - Thursday October 21, 2021


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Possession day
Abe and Paulina doing some wedding planning. Abe tells Paulina what ever she wants. The list is a mile long. Abe claims he has already done his part he proposed to the most vibrant sexy woman, Paulina wants her wedding as perfect as her groom.

Jake sitting in bed Gabi strangely isn’t there trying to suck his face. He gets his gun and starts to play with it. Gabi walks in.

HEY it’s the newlyweds in Bed… enough said

Mar-Devil is sending a text to Ben encouraging Ben to continue being the stud that he is. Mar-Devil want this process to move along quickly. John walks in and ask Doc who she is talking too.

Lani in a blue short nightie, walking in on Eli eating a Key Lime Pie, apparently the twins are sleeping cause now they are sharing the pie, even thought Lani can’t get the pie in his mouth.

Gabi in an towel and Jake hiding his gun talk about how much they hate Philip. They then start the kissing. Jake removes Gabi’s towel and picks her up while kissing.

Paulina believes Sweet Bits will provide the wedding cake free of charge. Abe will call Marlena to be the officiant for the wedding. Flash back to Paulina confessing. Abe is confused, why wouldn’t Paulina want Marlena?

John asks again Marlena who she is talking to, Mar-Devil says a colleague to see how plans are going, John maintains he heard a man’s voice. John apologizes for being a bit.. Marlena says you know what it means, No rest for the wicked! Knock on the door, it’s mad as a wet dog Julie coming wondering why she has to ask for permission

The newlyweds again

Eli and Lani managed to get adult activity done on the couch without waking the babies. Why couldn’t we see them in bed? They discuss how Auntie P will keep it spicy and sexy.

Abe was the officiant at John and Marlena’s wedding, Marlena made Abe promise to allow her to be the officiant at Abe’s wedding.

Marlena is sorry that Julie is upset. Julie is still wet dog mad she wants to see Doug. Marlena won’t budge, John jumps in and says just one visit how can it hurt. Julie asks What Gave you permission to play God with people’s lives. Marlena claims playing God is the LAST thing I want to do. Marlena comes up with a really lame what if that Julie doesn’t buy. Julie asks what if it were John, Marlena you’d fight to get there. Marlena says she’d hope that someone would keep her safe. Julie isn’t buying this. Marlena asks Julie to trust her. Julie feels sick she ever allowed Marlena to talk her into signing those papers. AS Julie leaves Abe and Paulina are standing at the door.

Lani and Eli talking about Aunti P asking Lani to call her Momma.

Abe and Paulina share their engaged status John is thrilled Marlena is not.

Jake and Gabi walking into the Pub talking about their adult activities and how hungry it made them. They run into Ben and Ciara. Ciara wants to talk to Gabi and Jake needs to talk to Ben. The girls go in not promising to start without him. Ben asks what is going on. Jake flashes the gun. Ben gets concerned.

Marlena won’t marry the Happy Couple until the she talks to Tamara. Abe and John are going suit shopping. Paulina wants to talk to Tamara. Marlena knows that Paulina doesn’t want to talk about the ceremony.

Eli and Lani kissing kissing and yet they are late, frantic pounding on the door, it’s Julie, she tells of the restriction being permanent. Julie claims that Marlena won’t allow Julie to see Doug till Hell Freezes over. Eli says there is something that can be done.

The boys Ben and Jake talk about why Jake is carrying a gun, sign over the company or go to jail. Ben is actually the voice of wisdom. The boys continue to discuss Jakes recent history. Carmine is on his way over for a sit down. Ben wants to go to help. Jake says no, I’ll be fine. Makes up a lie for Ben to tell Gabi.

Gabi and Ciara talk about pregnancy. Ciara wants to work for Gabi Chic, Gabi breaks the news that Philip fired her. WHAT? Says Ciara, Gabi wants Ciara to talk to Grandpa

Eli says his badge will get them by any Doctor orders

Paulina and Marlena have a weird discussion, turns out Marlena wants Paulina to tell the truth.

The men’s store is closed today so Abe and John have coffee and chat. John asks if Doc seems like her self lately. John tells Abe that Doc has an edge and she’s been ‘Off” for a while. John tells Abe about how Marlena is all in on the Movie and how he walked in on her last night wearing dark sunglasses reading in the dark. John doesn’t think she’s possessed again. John and Abe start noodling this out. John wants to listen to the tape of Doug.

Marlena and Paulina continue to argue over Paulina’s love for Abe. Marlena even tells Paulina that God will have Mercy on her soul.

Eli and Julie at Bayview, Eli whips out his badge and says it’s a Police Matter he must see Doug William

Jake and Carmine have a circular conversation in the secret part of the park where the trees have turned color. Jake tells Carmine “You lie about me you lose your life.”

Aunti P appears at Lani’s apartment.

Mar-Devil (voice change and contacts) talks about what a fool Paulina is. Mar-Devil is thrilled at all the pain she will be causing Abe, Lani and Paulina. All Hell is going to break loose. A Phone call comes in. Bayview is calling with news of Dec Grant bringing Julie Williams in to see Doug.

John breaks into Marlena’s office and asks God for forgiveness as he plays the tape.

Ben comes in and sits tells Gabi that Jake had to do something he forgot about he will join later Gabi doesn’t really believe the story.

Carmine takes the gun away from Jake. Abe asks what the hell is going on here, Carmine swings the gun from Jake to Abe and fires as Jake tries to grab the gun arm while screaming NO.
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As much as I love Ciara and Ben, I'm tired of seeing them stuck in their apartment. I truly hate this storyline for them. But it was nice to finally see them with other people. I could actually see Ciara and Gabi working together. I really like Jake and Ben as friends. Too bad the writers don't seem to like them as much as I do. Jake's hitman thing is totally out of nowhere. Of course he'll be accused of the shooting.

So glad John is not being stupid. I hope the possession story does not go further than the Christmas.

Thanks for the recap. :)
Wasn't as boring as earlier shows this week, but the moments were few. What I like is that more characters are involved together, in various ways, instead of constantly being in their own little bubble.
Why doesn't Julie fire Marlena as her husband's doc? When other doctors/medical personnel are puzzled, let alone family being refused permission to see their loved one, that person isolated from everyone, questions should be raised with hospital board, chief of staff. And isn't Kayla Chief? She could override that order in a nano sec.
Thanks, robin.

It's a new day in Salem and three couples rolled around in bed. Well, two couples did and Lani/Eli rolled around the
floor or the couch.

It's a miracle. Ben and Ciara actually left the bed and went to town.

It was interesting to see Julie and Paulina in the same kind of necklace.

Do must people talk out loud when they text? I don't text so I have no idea if people do that or not. I'm glad John noticed
the deep voice when the devil talked.

Eli told Lani he would sell his soul to the devil for more key lime pie.

It was interesting when Abe and John talked. Abe asked John if he thought Marlena was possessed. John said I don't think
she is. I was hoping he would continue and say I know she's possessed.

I laughed when Demon Marlena talked to Paulina today about telling Abe and Lani the truth. Paulina needs to, but she won't.

I want to see bolt of lightning in the chapel if Paulina doesn't tell Abe and Lani the truth.

Did Paulina go see Lani to tell her the truth? Well, that won't happen now since Abe got shot. It's Salem.

Will John hear the part of the tape when Demon Doug talked to Marlena or has the devil fixed that part?
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