Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 16, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Eric is on phone with Jen, sorry they were not able to stop the ceremony. Rex comes out, Eric hangs up, but Eric heard part of the conversation, and naturally jumps to wrong conclusion, thinks Eric is talking about him & Sarah. He gets on Eric's case, Eric explain, Rex is sorry, apologizes. Sarah has come in, Rex has to leave to do biopsy on Will, so Sarah & Eric exchange the “looks”. She is on late shift today, so much to do for wedding, lists the things, he volunteers to be photographer, she accepts, he shows her albums of pics from Africa, then she see some of Nicole, he talks of when they first met, fell in love.

Will & Sonny are with Gabi (at Rafe's house) having breakfast with Ari. Mention is made of Will to hospital, all reassure Ari he is o.k., just routine. Eventually, Will & Sonny leave, gonna take Ari for her play date, then to hosp. Brady comes over, making sure Gabi is still with the program, in taking Stefan down, seducing him, etc. She is reluctant, but agrees.

Meanwhile, Stefan is in Chloe's room, they talk of taking kids on picnic, he bought a kite, etc. She agrees, gets up and dressed. Into the living room rushes Gabi, saw he cancelled all his morning appts., he can't, something going on, she is all panicky, Titan will stead the deal. She carries on, Stefan canels the outing, and stays with Gabi, while she pretends there is problems with figures, etc.

Kate has Victor reading over some report she prepared, Maggie comes in, spills the beans about Will's biopsy, Kate has fit she wasn't told. Will & Sonny appear, ask Maggie if she is ready. Kate has meltdown, but Maggie's volunteer day at hospital, just getting ride. They go, Brady arrives, wonders why Kate is there, snarking going on, he leaves. Kate calls Rex, berating him for not letting her know about grandson Will. Rex promises to keep her in the loop. Vic gives the report back to Kate, who figures it was no go, but Vic says it was good work, they will talk when she knows Will is o.k.

At the hospital, Maggie sees Rex, gives him a hard time about being good to Sarah.

Will & Sonny are in his room, waiting for Rex, he shows up, explains all that will happen, Will should be able to resume normal activities in a couple days. He goes to make sure O.R. is ready.

Will & Sonny talk, how lucky they have been, Will wonders if perhaps their luck is running.

Chloe is with Holly in park, unable to put kite together, Brady joins them, manages to do so, all is well with them now, they are going to get some wind, fly the kite.

Gabi somehow gets on the subject of both she & Stefan, hot blooded people, are doing without sex, mentioning her last time was with Eli, he says his was with Abby alter. Perhaps they both need some no strings attached sex. He asks if she is suggesting something.....Absolutely not, she replies, but with a “come hither” look on her face.

Rex returns, all is ready, but Will is having a bad seizure. Rex attempts to hold him still.
It was ridiculous that Rex assumed Eric was talking about him and Sarah. Also ridiculous that Eric and Sarah are still being hot for each other looking at pictures of Nicole. I would think that would be like a cold shower.

Shouldn't Ari be about 10 by now? In real time she should be almost 6. I think she looks about 4. Abigail I think was the only one not to be SORASd. Actually once she was younger when she came back on canvas. Drove me crazy.

Kate finagling her way in again. Gabi with the business talk. I don't think she has a clue. Did she suggest she and Stefan become enemies with benefits? I thought the plan was to get him to fall for her not just have sex with her.

Did Rex or Sarah ever say when the date was?

Poor Will. He has been cursed. I do hope this tumor is because of the memory serum. Would be nice to tie it back.
I was surprised to hear Victor mention the old storyline when Kate used a life-size doll of Will to lure a drugged Sami into jumping off a cliff (when Will was barely more than a toddler) so Lucas could have full custody.
Gabi with the business talk.
When I read that, I thought of how Sami, who didn't even finish high school, ran a multi-billion company for awhile. By the same token, she couldn't even land a job as a dog washer that time she was job hunting. Only in Salem.....
Poor thinking was once again in evidence in Salem.

Sarah & Sonny: She thinks that Rexy is "an excellent surgeon and he says that Rexy is "the best." Really? He probably trained by playing with a child's "Operation" game. In contrast, the brilliant Love Doctor would already have removed Will's brain tumor -- with a pen knife and spoon if necessary.

Rexy: After all big-mouth Sarah has put him through, he still says that she's "kind and understanding." If he'd arrived in Salem sooner, he'd probably be saying that Stefano was a kindly, old philanthropist and Orpheus was a misunderstood genius.

Chloe: She actually thinks that Stefan Zero does work? Unless feuding with Gabi counts as work, Stefan is one of the bigger do-nothings in Salem.

Victor: After all the dirty tricks Kate has pulled over the years, he is actually willing to look at her so-called "financial analysis?" If Victor checked further, he'd probably find that Kate flunked arithmetic back in grade school.

The Writers: Do they actually think that the viewers will take Will's latest medical crisis seriously? After all the blowback when Will was killed off, he's the character who's least likely to be eliminated again.
It is hard for me to really get into anything going on right now. People speculate things and then the show gives us something even more anticlimactic. I did enjoy seeing Ari & Holly. I would’ve liked the scenes with Eric looking at photos of Nicole, but it seemed like they were using those photos to bring Eric & Sarah closer. That makes no sense to me, if anything it would drive them apart. Victor bringing up the Will doll was great. Kate somehow managed to make me feel bad for Rex. I guess she only really loves Will & Chad.
Thanks, Poirot.

A new day in Salem. How long will this one last?

It's creepy to me when Stefan goes into Chloe's room when she's
sleeping. I'm glad he was dressed today.

Cute scenes with Ari and her parents. Also nice to see Holly.

Nice to see Rafe's house.. aka Maggie's old house today.

May sweeps starts next Thurs, April 25th.