Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 19, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Salem is a busy place today, as Justin & Brady have coffee at the hospital, trying to figure out what the heck happened to cause Victor to give all his assets to Deimos, a man he hates. They figure blackmail, but don't know the "why". Theresa overhears them talking, & thus learns what happened. She asks "how", but Brady doesn't know. In his room, Victor is talking to Deimos, who is not there, of how he took what was his long ago, and I made you pay. Flashback to young Vic arguing in Greek with Helena, she falls, hits her head, Victor checks on her, then goes for help. Young Deimos comes along, sees helena, kneels down beside her, using her hankerchief against the wound. Young Vic returns with 1 paramedics, who check on Helena, but she is dead. They are sorry. Victor mutters "Murderer", saying he saw Deimos push her. Deimos is protesting, goes after Vic, but the other men restrain him.
Back to the present Vic is saying Deimos is going to pay.

Over at the Kmansion, Deimos is looking at Helena's picture, then dons a jacket, starts to leave, but there is Justin at the door, telling Deimos to return everything back to Victor or he will be in court, as Justin runs down the blackmail, coercion, etc. charges. Deimos knows Vic won't press charges, so is not worried.

Later, Justin & Brady are at the Pub, talking this all over. Deimos is not afraid at all of going to court; normally, Victor would be roaring to get out of the hospital, but he has not. He has a plan. The guys are pretty funny, talking about the long ago Greeks, who talked of surrender, before roaring back to fight and be victorious. Justin smiles, Uncle Vic is building his own Trojan horse. Brady grins, both agreeing that these couple of Greeks are all for it, gonna help. They shake on it.

Abby is talking to Marlena about Ben, how she wanted him dead so he won't be a danger any more, because no matter where they put him, he is going to come and kill her. That is his intention. It is why she knew she had to kill him, but Chad stopped her. She talks of all she did, getting Ben upstairs on the bed, tieing him up, pouring lighter fluid on him, wanting to see him burn to death. But chad stopped her. No one believes her that Ben intebnds to do just one thing, kill her.

Chad is with JJ, they talk over Abby's problems. JJ knows she needs professional help, Chad agrees, Marlena is with her now. They both want Abby to get well, not be afraid. Chad goes home, we hear Thomas crying, Abby goes to see to him. Chad asks Marlena how it went, Marlena thinks Abby needs intensive therapy for her PTSD (and this is what they continually call her problem). Abby has come down and hears them talking, Marlena saying how Abby has been under so much stress, that she MIGHT have a psychotic break. She mentions a closeby clinic, specializing in PTSD, very secure, she would be safe, and still close to family. Abby ducks away until Marlena leaves, then comes in. She makes excuses to have Chad leave to get her prescription, and when he is gone, calls JJ.

She meets JJ in the park, and though he is loving and supportive, she realizes he thinks her being put away in the clinic a good idea. He says they all want her to get well, offers to takek her home. She feigns needing some water, her meds made her mouth dry, JJ leaves, and she high tails it back to DiMansion. We see her later with the baby carrier, her purse, diaper page, and out the French doors she quietly goes.

Deimos has called Kate, has a proposal, she tells him to come to the square, she is having coffee. Philip sits down, nad does his best to convince his mother that she is in danger frp, Deimos, but she waves it all off. Phil just wants to get back in his father's good graces. They go back and forth, he talks of no longer having a mother if she doesn't help, she laughs as all her kids have disowned her at some point, and all return, needing their motheer. Deimos arrives, Phil starts to leave, but Deimos urgles him to stay, he has an announcement. He actually offers Kate the job of heading up Titan completely, along with him. He will buy Basic Black, fold it into Titan, and she can continue to run it along with his other intersts, with him. She glances over at Philip, who is listening to all this closely.

Nicole visits Maggie, asking when her therapy starts. Maggie lets her know that is pointless, she will never walk again. Theresa has come in, no, don't say that. Later, Nicole is gone, Theresa is playing cards with Maggie, says it would be nice if she & Victor moved in with them, they could play cards all the time. Maggie laughs, Vic is never happy being a house guest, he likes being Lord of his ostentatious manor. Theresa mutters, oh, you don't know. Maggie catches it.....what....what is it I don't know.

Nicole goes in to see Victor, tells him she did some research on Helena...and that Victor was right about Deimos. Victor then asks.....just how much are you willing to do to make Deimos pay for what he did.

Chad has gone to talk to Jen, who has a fit at the idea of Abby maybe needing that stay in the clinic. They argue. Chad gets a call from Ciara, letting him know she arrived, Abby & Thomas are gone, the carrier is gone as well. Chad & Jen rush off to DiMansion, JJ joins them. Abby's purse is gone, JJ says Ben is locked up in jail, being watched every second. Chad realizes she has taken Thomas, JJ says she knows about the clinic, overheard you & Marlena talking. Chad wonders where she could possibly have gone.

Abby arrives at some hotel room, double locks the door, closes the window curtains (this looks a bit like a bedroom using the living room of what had been Will & Sonny's apartment). She sets Thomas on the bed, cooing at him, they are safe, Ben will never find them, Marlena will never find them, and Daddy will never find them either. No one is going to take you from me, no one.
The storm clouds are gathering on the Salem horizon. With Victor's determination and desire for revenge, Brady's brute force, Justin's legal knowledge, and Nicole's guile (perhaps she's Victor's Trojan horse) things are looking ominous for Deimos. Accordingly, Philly K. was on target today when he advised his blue-chunked mother not to sign on with Team Deimos. She ought to keep in mind the old Chicago political adage from when old Mayor Daley was in office: "Don't make no waves, don't back no losers." That said, young Victor was a real piece of work, accusing Deimos of killing Helena when it really was a Willow-Stark-type accident. And what's with this Helena? She'd have been a perfect fit for Salem -- engaged to one man and sleeping with another. Victor's parents should have picked out a better girl for him.
I like the idea of an alliance between Nicole and Victor to take Deimos down and help Victor reclaim his life's work. However, for some reason I have a sinking feeling that Nicole will end up falling in love with Deimos or something like that in the process. I'm not sure how I feel about that prospect. I have been wishing for Nicole to have something other to do than pining after dead-Dan but I hope this isn't a case of careful what you wish for. Wait and see, I guess. I also like the idea of Justin and Brady going after Deimos but for some reason I don't see this going anywhere and it should involve Philip as well.

I'm ready for Maggie to be up and walking again or at least out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Done with the hospital scenes. Although, I actually like the relationship that's been forged between Nicole and Maggie.

Kate brought up an excellent point to Philip: her children have disowned her time and again and they always come crawling back.

So, are the writers just completely inept at going back a few months to make sure they got the story straight with how Victor explained how Helena died? I could swear he said back in Jan/Feb that she stumbled off a cliff. My guess is that it made for an easier shot to just have her fall and hit her head on a rock than to try to create a cliff scene? Although, seriously would that really be that hard? I just do not like inconsistencies like this, minor as it is.

I liked the Abby/Marlena scenes. Apparently Abby has been going to therapy since the ordeal with Ben last December. Was this ever mentioned before now? I recall Fynn showing up at DiMansion prescribing a mild sedative or something to help her relax when she thought she was hallucinating Ben but if she was seeing a psychiatrist wouldn't that person have been the appropriate one to call at that time? Seriously, what the heck? I hate being so anal about this show sometimes but this stuff just annoys me.
Thanks, Poirot,

It must be a slow viewing day. A lot of things happened in Salem today.

Will Theresa be the one to tell Maggie the bad news about Deimos owning everything?
Will Kate take Deimos offer to buy Basic Black and get more power? What will
Kate do when she finds the picture of Helena on the mantle :)

Interesting conversation Kate had with Philip. Mentioned all her children left her, but
came back. I laughed when she said to Philip and where
he finds women. I wonder if there is a woman Kate would like for Philip.

Will Nicole be Victor's Trojan horse?

Nice to see Justin. What will Brady and he do against Deimos?

I wonder who Maria is. She was taking care of Thomas. Is she a nanny or a maid?

Marlena knows what Abby did to Ben. Too bad Abby didn't hear the whole conversation
about doing out patient therapy first, then to a clinic if she needs to.

Didn't Marlena come to Salem to take care of Laura? Now she's taking care of Laura's
granddaughter and maybe her daughter.

I guess Victor turned the rock into a cliff, ie mountain out of a molehill
Okay, so do these writers not understand what HIPAA is? Marlena, by law, should NOT be discussing with Chad anything that her and Abby talked about, no matter what! The only way she could is if Abby signed a waiver giving her permission. And perhaps we are to believe this has happened, but Salem University Hospital and Salem doctors are notorious for sharing private information. Drives me crazy!
Thanks, for some reason I thought Marlena came when Laura was ill.
I also recall Victor saying that Helena fell off a cliff. Aw well, falling off a cliff or stumbling on level ground and hitting your head on a rock can have the same result. So potato, po-tat-o I say.

Okay this thing with Ben has me gnashing my teeth and pulling my hair out. Is he done all ready? Is this the end? If so this exactly what happened last time. We got some stellar work from Kate Mansi (Abigail), Billy Flynn (Chad) and Robert Scott Wilson (Ben) but a complete and total failure in regards to follow through in terms of writing.

Abigail is the object of Ben's obsession so it's natural for her to be the primary focus of the story. That's fine But this story should have impacted so many more people. But what did we get? We got Lucas saying that the mention of Ben's name gave him "the creeps" just like the mentioning the names of Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson would have on anybody not impacted by their crimes.

You would think that since Abigail and Gabi apparently are still friends since Gabi was originally supposed to be Abby's bridesmaid-before Arianna's kidnapping derailed that- she would at least stop by to give Abigail some support. Especially since Arianna is now fatherless because of Ben. But nope nada.

We got Kate getting busy with Deimos in Ben's old apartment. Even if Kate doesn't know that Will was killed there wouldn't you think that was the former residence of the man who killed her grandson would give her some pause? Oh wait I'm sorry this is Kate we're talking about nevermind.

Then today we had Marlena mentioning Ben killing Will in the most matter-of-fact terms. But in fairness she was at the DiMansion in a professional capacity. So it probably wouldn't have been appropriate for her to be pulling at her hair, while being overcome with soul wrenching sobs and mascara running down her face. So I'll cut her a bit of slack.

Anyway the point of this is lengthy diatribe is that that is story should have impacted more people. But it was ALL about Abigail. And that in my opinion wasn't just bad writing but it was also lazy.
I thought Victor said she fell off a cliff, too.
Yep, he did. But hey, why should we pay attention when the writers don't?

So, Victor sent his brother to prison for a crime he didn't commit, and for which he was at least in part responsible (though not legally to his memory) and I'm supposed to feel sorry for him? Okie dokey...sure I don't like what Deimos did to Maggie, but the real crime is what Josh Griffith (Days head writer) did to her & her backstory (and Victor's).

Plus side: The episode moved at a nice clip, and the Abby/Marlena/JJ/Chad/Jen stuff was tense. Have we seen that Hotel set before?
I read elsewhere its Will's apartment set, redressed.

Edited to add - is it common in the US to hospitalise mothers with mental health stuff without their babies? Here if you have issues when the baby is under 2 its all under the PND umbrella, and if its severe enough to require hospitalisation, where possible you go to a Mother-Baby Unit and are admitted with the baby for treatment.

Source: I run a parenting forum and know a number of women who were admitted to a MBU for treatment.
Day 2 of not being able to watch Days due to all the rain & flooding. (prayers for the victims & families). I hope it's on today and without POP-TV now, it's extra frustrating. The NBC site is a day behind, so just not worth it.
I actually watched all of this one. When I said I wanted Maggie to mentor Theresa, I really didn't mean like this. I need to be more specific in my requests. Also, Nicole tells Theresa to be chipper, so Theresa tries to be over-the-top positive, then Nicole and Maggie whince that Theresa is being annoyingly upbeat? Far out, Theresa can't win.

Love Marlena in Doctor mode, but isn't it the same day as Friday's episode? Did she get changed?

I really enjoy the way Justin says "Kiriakis." He should say it more often.