Days of Our Lives -Tues., Aug. 21, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Will is in his room, Paul arrives, Will tells him all that has happened with Ted, and how Kate paid him off (so Will thinks). Paul apologizes for thinking something was going on with Will & Sonny, Will repeats he loves Paul, they hear something outside the door, Paul opens, tis Susan Banks (now played by Stacy Haiduk.) She has been released from hospital, shows papers, wanders around the room, delving into various items. Will is glad she is better, knows she cares about him, she is all huggy and grateful. She wants to apologize to Marlena, but Will lets her know today not good day, party at Doug’s Place, etc. She understands.

Over at Doug’s Place, Claire is evidently in charge of decorating, Brady, Eve, Eric & Jen are helping. Eve is constantly throwing digs and remarks at Jen, quietly, but Brady suggests she leave, doesn’t want any trouble. She won’t go, promises to behave, (a lie) the guys leave.

Steve meets up with Kayla, tells her of bringing Bonnie back, wants to have their talk, knows she is hiding something….but Val arrives to go to the party, so Kayla leaves, promising they will talk in the morning.

The guys are all at the Pub, chattering away, playing darts, kibitzing, Will arrives, Roman can tell something bothering him, Will is upset over Sonny saying he still loved him, hasn’t told Paul, not wanting him to start worrying over nothing. Roman is understanding,….for some reason John & Paul go outside to play catch, John wishes he was able to do that with him as he was growing up. Paul figures they are doing it now…so is fine. John always has wanted to catch a 100 mph pitch from a famous pitcher , talks Paul into giving him one. Paul winds up, as he throws Abe comes up saying, hey, John. This distracts John, who ends up being hit in the eye by the ball. Yep, a black eye for his wedding…..Roman brings his ice pack, John ends up leaving with Steve, back to hotel room. He is beside himself, moaning and groaning, his eye is now 12 different shades of purple.

Over at the club, the ladies are supposed to be painting pics, easels in front of various seats at the tables. Eve opts out, Claire says they cannot start til everyone is there. Cue Belle to come thru the door. Marlena is delighted, Belle decided to come a day early, Shawn comes tomorrow. Eve mentions Claire’s problems, Claire & Marlena brush them off, tis nothing. (Hope & Ciara not there). Marlena has brought that Marlena doll, asking if any of them sent it, nope, no one has, and then Susan comes in, Oh, Dr. Marlena Evans, you got my gift. (O.K. let me just say both parties are rather lame, dull, but at least Susan livens this one up a bit). Everyone is surprised to see her, she says Will mentioned the party/location, so she had to come. She is sorry she kidnapped Will and made him think he was EJ, she is apologizing a lot to Dr. Marlena Evans.

Val is taken aback by her, Kayla says “don’t ask”. Susan doesn’t want to paint, mentions her painting on velvet of Elvis. Kayla says something about wishing she had the answer to something, Susan drags out her deck of tarot cards, seems Celeste taught her all about them. She tells Kayla to pick one, she declines, so Susan does, says something about having a big secret, hiding something. Claire picks, and it is the death card……Val notes it can mean something else - renewal. Marlena has to pick, gets the lovers card, oh, that is wonderful.

Party is over, Marlena thanks everyone for coming, twas lovely. She leaves. More snark from Eve to Jen. Brady & Eric arrive, Jen asks Eric to take her for ice cream, they leave. Brady hugs his sis, so glad to see her.

Back to John’s room, he is pacing, still using the ice pack, moaning and groaning to Steve. Knock at door, tis Marlena, wants to see John, say good night, have him hold her. He is panickville, making all these faces at Steve. Finally, the door opens, Marlena gawks, there is John in a patch. LOL. He says he lost a bet, has to wear this all night til morning. Now he starts says arghhh like a pirate, shiver me timbers, etc, she is laughing, they kiss.

Back at the club, Susan starts having a meltdown, no, no, no, no, no. Seems that lovers card was upside down, which means misery, heartache, trouble. This marriage is doomed.
or they'll just say that Noah got sick and the Reeds couldn't fly.
Heather, you called this back on August 11th.

Post #66

That's exactly what happened. In the beginning, John and Marlena are talking and her phone rings. It's Carrie, telling her that Noah is sick and they can't come to the wedding. Marlena tells John, and notes that neither Carrie or Sami will be there. He tries to put a positive spin on it and remind her that Belle and Shawn are coming.

I thought Stacy Haiduk did a great job as Susan today. What was kind of funny was her saying she loves painting, because her Y&R character of crazy Patty loves to paint, too. Wonder if it was a little inside nod to that character? Like the time Brady had a background check done on Eve and it came back that she used the names Blair and Chelsea, names of characters the actress played on One Life To Live and Guiding Light.
Thanks for the summary. We got interrupted here on the west coast for about 15 minutes for breaking news.

I thought the new actress did a fine job playing Susan. She was hilarious at the bachelorette party.

At least they mentioned why Hope and Kate were not at the party and it was good that they had Carrie call in and mention Noah was sick. Many times characters are ignored if they are not present for big events when it makes sense that they should be there.

Brady hugs his sis, so glad to see her.

Ron C never remembers that Belle is also Eric's sister and Claire's uncle. Today they had Brady acknowledging them but Eric acted like he did not know either of them.
Heather, you called this back on August 11th.

Post #66

That's exactly what happened. In the beginning, John and Marlena are talking and her phone rings. It's Carrie, telling her that Noah is sick and they can't come to the wedding. Marlena tells John, and notes that neither Carrie or Sami will be there. He tries to put a positive spin on it and remind her that Belle and Shawn are coming.

Why thank you JS :). But why couldn't Carrie just come alone? I know, I know, the actress is traveling.

Ron C never remembers that Belle is also Eric's sister and Claire's uncle. Today they had Brady acknowledging them but Eric acted like he did not know either of them.

It's always 1 step forward, 2 steps back with this show. I was so annoyed to see this interaction. The scenes with Eric and Belle were a bad note in an otherwise awesome episode. I thought Claire treated her uncles pretty equally though. She didn't acknowledge either one as her uncle.

Who else thinks that Susan is really Kristen in disguise? That ominous music playing over her while she played with the doll was a dead giveaway. I agree that Stacy Haiduk (Susan) nailed it today. This is how you recast correctly. The looks, wardrobe, delivery and writing were all on point for Susan.

The Salem Inn scenes were hilarious with John trying to hide from Marlena. Where exactly did Steve go?

I don't think the bachelorette party needed both Eve and Susan. They could have easily replaced Eve with Julie and had Julie be the active party planner instead of Jennifer. That would have been a better nod to history. And where was Ciara supposed to be? I can't see how she wouldn't be invited too.
Eve was definitely a downer at that party. Shame on her for being unable to keep her trap shut. Gotta say, wherever he was today, John was the life of the party, or should I say the life of the scenes he was in. Also felt Susan was great, definitely a super job of recasting. Yes, Julie & Chloe's club, but they are not there???
Shall I be charitable and say that perhaps Eric/Belle greeting got edited out? Days seems to do that, while leaving in scenes that could easily have been left on the cutting room floor with no problem.
I suppose Eric/Belle could have been cut but not sure where. It seemed like a flawless transition from Brady going over to his baby sister to Eric walking over to Jen. Brady should have said "Our baby sister" and then had both guys hug her.
I thought today was an awesome episode when it's been pretty stale of a show the last week. I agree with Heather4CU, the DiMera dark ominous music playing in the background with Susan as she strokes Marlena's doll is looking very shady and suspicious. I can see Kristen going to Will as Susan to simply get information on the wedding. One thing to point out, when Susan mentioned to Marlena about all the "past good times they had especially in that Dungeon," that to me clicked in my head....but Susan never was with Marlena in the Dungeon, Susan outsmarted Kristen and threw her in there with Marlena, Susan taking over as Kristen to marry John. I was overall happy too see all the ladies' reaction to Susan, mainly Valerie gave the best reactions in regards to Susan. Kinda like girl, why ain't she locked up look? Lol!

Eve was highly annoying as well with her bullying of Jennifer with her "Mean Girl" attitude. I thought it was really nasty and such shade by Eve sending Jennifer a book called "How Bad Girls Keep Their Man" Eve just can't stop taking jabs. Eve was so close to telling Belle that Ben Weston is living at Claire's.
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Thanks, Poirot.

I thought it was funny when Susan was playing with doll's head and said vintage 1994. I think that's
around the time Marlena was possessed.

Is Susan really Kristen? We'll just have to keep watching.

John was funny when he said he wanted to take the doll to his motel room.

Nice surprise to see Belle at the party.

The way Marlena talked to John at the end I thought she was going to stay the night.
But what about Steve. Is there a back door? Will he climb out a window?
How does Eve think she is going to keep Jennifer quiet with her continuous cocky taunting.
Eve is going to go a bit to far and Jennifer is going to realize by hiding the truth she is no better than Eve.
She knows the truth must be reviled to Eric no matter the outcome.
Eve is one snarky remark away from putting the noose around her own neck.
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Why thank you JS :). But why couldn't Carrie just come alone? I know, I know, the actress is traveling.
Would've been funny if they had been able to get Andrea Barber (the original Carrie) to play the part for the wedding.

They could've said Noah got sick on the way, so he was "back at the hotel" with Austin.
But why couldn't Carrie just come alone?
I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't even go to Wal*Mart and leave a sick child , much less halfway across the world.

Eve was definitely a downer at that party. Shame on her for being unable to keep her trap shut.
I thought Eve was supposed to be pretty sharp. She doesn't seem to realize that Jennifer has as much dirt on her as she does on Jennifer. If she continues to poke Jennifer, it could blow up in her face.

TobyJ, I posted my comments before I saw your post. Great minds???? :)
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But Hope has NO idea whatsoever what a self-absorbed brat Claire is. She just ignores her completely. Please understand, would not bother me in least if Claire went off to NY to sing, or L.A. to try her luck. But she is in Salem, alone, is very young, and Hope has yet to offer a single word of acknowledgement, caring, etc. Not even a call to ask how she is faring. Yes, I understand her concern for Ciara now......but her ignoring of Claire has been going on since Claire arrived. Abe & Val have interacted with Claire....even Roman, but definitely not Hope.