Days of Our Lives Tues., Aug. 27, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

It sure was hard to stay awake today, or pay close attention, but I managed. The first half of the show was ….....honestly........filled with Kristen trying to convince Brady she was telling the truth, Holly was alive and with Nicole, who was alive.; Xander doing almost the same with Maggie, Eric, & Sarah (except about Nicole...just that Holly was alive) and the Hardy Boys going over the events again......until they get a text from Ari's nanny saying Gabi never called Ari, so then they go over all they know about when Gabi was last seen, and the business of her phone being spotted by Sonny, Kristen as Nicole being nervous about that. They go to the cop shop to report, and see if they know anything.

Yawwnnnnnn........2nd half is more of the same of the above. Oh.... also Tony & Anna talking of him trying to get a deal, her trying to raise bail, Lani saying Trask considers him a flight risk, will ask judge no bail. Tony has told Anna about Gabi & Stefan in secret room, she figures that will give him a chance with the DA. He worries that they are o.k., been there a while, so Anna takes off.

And over in that room, Stefan is telling Gabi he doesn't care what she does to him now, he has expressed his feelings (told her he cares about her), she is flippant and snarks about the only feelings she has for him are hate, disdain, blah, blah. He tells her to go ahead, crush him do what she will. Oh, guess she cannot, she does have feelings for him. Folks warned her she was playing a dangerous game, she ignored them, was set on what she wanted to do, but he is right. Was not just sex, she fell in love with him. They start to kiss, in comes Anna, bringing water. Sorry, she will be back later, can't let them out now. Stefan starts to take a swig of the water, Gabi stops him, it could be poisoned!

Back to the Kmansion, where Xander finally has convinced the group that Holly is alive, but he knows not where. They insist he go find out from Kristen. Eric goes with him.

Anna returns to Tony, tells what she did. Tony confesses he told Will & Sonny about Gabi & Stefan, he wants to be a man Anna can be proud of. She is, kiss, kiss. They will find a way out of this for Tony. Along comes a women in a midriff dress, high heels,.........oops, she is a cop! It is Lani, who says the holding cell is ready, takes Tony away. (Do female police officers really dress that way?)

More Brady/Kristen repeating all the same stuff, she loves him, knows he loves her, Holly is alive, with Nicole. She explains how she got Nicole out of the burning warehouse (found a blown out window, dragged Nicole through it, saved her life. She even recites seeing and hearing all that Brady & Eric said and did prior, how hard they tried to dig Nik out, how Brady knocked Eric out, dragged him to safety.

She wants Brady to get her a complete immunity for all her crimes deal......otherwise she won't tell where to find Nicole & Holly.

Stefan & Gabi have realized they love each other, start to kiss again, and soon are making out on the cot. The door opens, there are the Hardy Boys to the rescue. They take in the scenario in front of them, are grinning from ear to ear.

Eric & Xander arrive at the cop shop, Kristen is still in the interrogation room. They go there just as Brady comes out. Yes, Kristen still in there. Eric wants to talk to her, Holly is alive. Yes, Brady knows, but there is more. There is someone else. He drops the bombshell. It is Nicole, she is alive. Cue shocked looks.
Stefan & Gabi being interrupted was so funny, to me, anyway.
Cannot believe they would drag all this out, for so long, such repetition of dialogue in scene after scene. Maggie & Sarah were still giving Xander a hard time, but Maggie is the one who felt, in her heart, he was telling the truth, and was sobbing over her she held the pic, being alive.
Evidently off camera. We did not see it. But Sonny & Will go to the P.D. to tell about Gabi being missing, wondering if she had been there. But when Anna returns from bringing the water to Gabi & Stefan, telling Tony she gave them water, so they will be o.k. and he can make his deal with the cops. Too late, he says, he already told Will & Sonny where they were, as they were here, they knew she was missing.
Evidently off camera. We did not see it. But Sonny & Will go to the P.D. to tell about Gabi being missing, wondering if she had been there. But when Anna returns from bringing the water to Gabi & Stefan, telling Tony she gave them water, so they will be o.k. and he can make his deal with the cops. Too late, he says, he already told Will & Sonny where they were, as they were here, they knew she was missing.
Okay, thanks. One more question: When did Will and Sonny learn Tony is alive? And does Victor know?
Yep, that cutting room floor is getting a real workout. When Tony tells Anna, admittedly I was.............what did I miss here.........Will & Sonny weren't talking to Tony.
Wasn't Tony at the anniv. party???
Come to think of it, Anna was bragging about being engaged to Roman, everyone seemed to know Tony was married to "Nicole" yep, like JS said, people all knew, tho we may not have seen their reaction.
What amazes me is the way folks just say "you're alive"! and no questions.
I mean, in Tony's case he was impaled, so inside organs had to have been damaged. Mayb e that is what took him so long to recuperate.
And then, there is Kristen, talking of how she got out the window, dragging Nicole with her, having saved her life. did Xander, Jack get out? Tony?
Maybe all those initials were just there because those were rooms previously stayed in by those with the initials. LOL
I actually like the way the stuff with Tony telling Will and Sonny was written. No wasting time showing it and then Tony explaining it again to Anna. We got to find out with Anna instead of already knowing.
Please make it stop: Any more conversations between Brady and creepy Kristen and Stefan Zero and Gabi would constitute cruel and unusual punishment for Days viewers.

Someone hasn't been paying attention: Will actually asked about gaining access to the DiMansion: "How will we get in?" As he found out when he went over there with Big Boy Sonny, anyone and everyone can just breeze in the front door.

Verbal overkill: Sourpuss Eric, loudmouth Sarah, and Maggie were really laying it into Xander using terms like "sadistic," "opportunistic," and "heartless." Is this really wise when a bad boy wants to help you?

Intellectual property theft: Sami might just sue Zero and Gabi for stealing her concept of "hate sex." Since the infamous "hate boink," she and Mummy EJ have had the rights to the "hate sex" concept.

Legal insanity I: Kristen wants immunity for telling where her captives are? Anywhere but Salem things just don't work that way. In effect, she's blackmailing Melinda, which is yet another felony. The same applies to Anna's crackpot scheme about telling where Zero and Gabi are to get Tony released. If Tony had tried this, he'd be in more legal hot water.

Legal insanity II: Anna keeping Zero and Gabi locked in the DiMansion dungeon constituted false imprisonment. If the two haters/lovers told their full tale, Anna would land in the Salem jail. It would be a fine joke if Tony got off on self-defense only to find that his beloved is headed off to keep company with Bonnie and Hattie.
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Someone hasn't been paying attention: Will actually asked about gaining access to the DiMansion: "How will we get in?" As he found out when he went over there with Big Boy Sonny, anyone and everyone can just breeze in the front door.
I literally laughed out loud when Will asked that question. Maybe he's still suffering some memory loss? :rotfl:
Thanks, Poirot.

I miss Susan already.

Interesting what Kristen said to Brady about Nicole helping her be Nicole.
Nicole was tied to a chair or something.

The show was too long with all the Holly stuff again. They should have talked
about how and where to find her.

Maybe John can help find Holly and Nicole.

The best part was at the end of show. Brady told Eric that Nicole might be
alive. Xander turned his head and smiled... He was probably thinking
Sarah is now all his.
Here's a little more about immunity and Kristen. Melinda has already given immunity to Kristen's co-conspirator, Xander, a man with a long criminal record, so he'll testify against the DiMera witch. Anywhere but Salem she'd never then give immunity to Kristen. Essentially, she'd then be letting the X-Man walk free for nothing. In addition, what Kristen saying is that if you don't give me immunity, I won't tell you where my prisoners are. This is outrageous. The system just doesn't work this way. For example, the Great Train Robbers in 1960s Britain could never have gotten a deal by saying if you don't give us immunity, we won't tell you where we hid all the loot.

As I've said before, if Kristen gets a deal, I'll throw something at the TV set. And such nonsense isn't needed if the writers want to keep Kristen on tap to trot out whenever they need a plot. All they have to do is have the lawyer representing Kristen (pity him/her) to successfully plead insanity, meaning Brady's wannabe lover would head off to Bayview, making her available for future plots at any time.
Especially if temporary insanity. However, inasmuch as the writers have recently sent Claire & Jordan there, they may be hesitant to do the same for Kristen.
What about a pardon? That is what Stefano got for Andre'......