Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug. 29, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Thoroughly enjoyable episode, kudos especially to Bryan Dattilo who plays Lucas. Lots of smiles, chuckles, despite serious situations. LOL John wakes up Marlena, calls her thru the vent, they chat a bit, orderly comes in...who are you talking to? She claims she was talking to herself, since they won't let her talk to other patients, etc. He says Dr. Evans has ordered indefinite isolation, leaves. Marlena panics, they are going to be in there forever. John is reassuring, reminding her that they have been thru a lot....Stefano, Orpheus, Kristen....and came thru. Where are they? Dead or on the run. We are still here, and we will get thru this. She says she doesn't feel safe unless his arms are around her. He tells her to close her eyes, think of being together, his arms around her. She fantasizes him being in the room with her, both free of restraints, he pulls her up, and into his arms, stroking her head. Marlena smiles, opens her eyes, is feeling better. John says good. And while sitting there, he has thought of a way for them to escape.

Kate & Andre are chatting, Andre supposedly coming up with the name of a psychiatrist who will attest to his being sane, etc. Kate laughs it off, remembers the name as one of his "associates" in the past, says she got her degree from the inside of a match book cover. She knows the board, especially Mr. Shin, won't fall for that.

Hattie sits in the square, has a call from Bonnie, is constantly reassuring her they will have no trouble about Anjelica from the police, or anyone. She hangs up, here comes Andre.They exchange snark, then Andre mentions Kate kissing Roman, which of course upsets Hattie. Well, it seems Andre is such a changed man, wants Marlena to attest to him now being so. Hattie debates a bit, but decides to do so. She really doesn't like Kate kissing Roman, making the excuse that Roman was her husband, and deserves much better than Kate. She tells Andre to call her office, make an appt. He leaves, she mutters about paying Alfie back, digs into her steak.

Sonny comes to visit Abby (yes, Chad is there) is all happy, talking of getting married soon. Same for Chad & Abby (honestly, did not get what they were talking about with owing each other $50). Seems Abby & Chad have found St. Luke's had a cancellation, so they will be married there. Uh, oh, Sonny just booked that spot. they go back & forth about the other taking the spot, then Abby brings up the double wedding thing, yes, she was sort of serious about it. She talks of marrying this man (Chad) for ever, same for Sonny & Paul, and they all will be friends forever, raise their kids together, etc. Grins, happy talk, smiling faces, Paul comes in, is o.k. with it. Done deal.

Paul goes to see Kate, who is worried about John. Last she saw, he was upset, was going to try and find Marlena, have not seen/heard since. Paul also has not seen or heard from him either. Kate says, then the last person to have seen him had to be Marlena.

Lucas slowly wakes up, sees the back of Anjelica's blond head, begins talking to "Adrienne", wasn't a dream, she is there. He comments she is so cold, turns her over, jumps up in shock, is babbling, he didn't, he didn't he couldn't. He jumps out of bed, panic has set in. He puts on a shirt, is running around the room, throws a sheet over Anjelica, calls Chloe, needs her help. He is putting on his pants, Chloe arrives, misunderstanding chatter, he shows Anjelica, Chloe thinks she is sleeping, he says dead, explanations, yes, drunk, etc. etc. Chloe is trying to get him to remember, he only has bits and pieces, he remembers Eric, going to DiMansion, where his mom threatened to fire him. then he went to hospital, no idea why, but Jen tried to get him to go to a meeting and he took off.

They both figure that he let himself into Adrienne's room, and perhaps Anjelica came to see her. Lucas doesn't understand why they would have ended up in bed, no matter how drunk he was. Chloe is going to call police, Lucas gets hyper. He has enough trouble in personal life, his mom already threatened to fire him, he can't have trouble in business life as well, scandal for Countess W. Chloe suggests perhaps she can make an anonymous tip to 911. Lucas babbles, is greatful, is grabbing his phone, his jacket, will never forget this, thank you, thank you, thank you, I owe you, anything, ever, anything, will do without a question. He dashes out the door, with Chloe yelling a warning about not going to a bar.

Sonny has left Abby's hospital room, she & Chad are happily talking of having set the date and place, and soon. She decides she wants to try walking, he protests she can only do bed to chair, and vice versa (she is in wheel chair) but she is insistent, if she is going to walk down the aisle towards him. He gets up to help, nope, stay over there. She slowly eases herself up, wobbles a bit, and while humming the Here Comes the Bride, takes a few steps towards the waiting Chad. He reaches out towards her, she grabs his hand, he catches her as she starts to fall. Kiss.
Of all people Lucas could call for help he calls Chloe. Why not call Kate? She's an expert at throwing bodies into the river.
He could also have called Sami, who's got some experience in this area. That said, unless the ditzy diva wipes the room clean of fingerprints (which would also raise red flags), the Salem P.D. might find those of interesting people -- Hattie who's supposed to be in Bayview, Bonnie who belongs in prison, and poor Lucas who will have some explaining to do.

Speaking of Hattie, she ought to watch her table manners. If she scarfs down her food like a hungry inmate fighting for seconds, it might raise suspicions. E.g, Roman: "Why is Marlena eating her baked potato with hands?" (Note: years ago, I saw a program in which a would-be American spy who was to be sent to WWII Germany was told that his U.S.-style table manners would give him away and that he'd better start to learn to eat like a European.)

Finally, unless Father Louis has pulled a King Henry VIII and pulled St. Luke's out of the Roman Catholic Church, how can Paul and Sonny be married there? The Pope has definitely liberalized the Church's views on gay Catholics, but has most certainly not endorsed gay marriage. Instead, the happy foursome should ask Marlena to reprise her performance at the Sonny-Will nuptials. Imagine Hattie's consternation if she's asked to perform a wedding.
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I liked Lucas, "she got stuck with the short of the stick". But poor Lucas. Such a mess he is in.

I enjoy a doppelganger story as much as the next person, but these two do not act like the person they are impersonating much at all. It would be funny if they'd have Maggie say it's always bothered me how much Adrienne looks like Bonnie Lockhart.

Then today with Hattie and Andre.They were involved, intimately. I think he would know that is not Marlena. She said so many things unMarlena like. My show got interrupted so maybe it happened then but I'm confused that Andre had a psychiatric report at the beginning but was then trying to get "Marlena" to help him with a psychiatric analysis.

Still don't know why but I am liking Abby and Chad. Can't wait for the double wedding. Hopefully Gabi won't object.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wondered about Sonny and Paul being married at St Luke's too. It's Salem.

I was disappointed the hug scene with John and Marlena was just a fantasy.
It was interesting to see John calm her down.

So, Hattie knows Kate and Roman kissed. What will Hattie do to Kate?

I was surprised to see Chloe show up to help Lucas. Maybe later he will remember
more what happened that night. Hopefully, he'll keep his promise and
not drink again.

And will the Salem PD take the time to fingerprint the room? There are
so many prints there now.
Of all people Lucas could call for help he calls Chloe. Why not call Kate? She's an expert at throwing bodies into the river.
I'm super glad he didn't. That would have made a sticky, but legal and not bad situation, into an actual crime. Just like how she ruined Gabi's life.
Finally, unless Father Louis has pulled a King Henry VIII and pulled St. Luke's out of the Roman Catholic Church, how can Paul and Sonny be married there? The Pope has definitely liberalized the Church's views on gay Catholics, but has most certainly not endorsed gay marriage.
I wondered this too, and frankly find it hard to believe that Sonny would wish to be married there. (Further, his comment that he "grew up going to St Luke's" doesn't track, since he grew up while his parents were globetrotting.)

I like that Paul is worried about John. I like that Kate was not involved with Lucas. Calling Chloe made sense- she could get a history lesson on Anjelica, Justin, et al. We also got an Alex mention.
So, Hattie knows Kate and Roman kissed. What will Hattie do to Kate?
As long as it's funny, she could draw and quarter her. Honestly, Kate has tried to murder multiple people and has no loyalty to anyone but herself. She can check out anytime.

I think Hattie-slowly-getting-better-at-being-Marlena-but-doesn't-quite-have-it-yet is top-notch acting. So is Lucas in both comedy ("Oh no, how could I do that, how could I sleep with ANJELICA DEVERAUX!?!") and tragedy mode. And all the pieces of the show fit together cohesively, with characters appropriately talking about other things that happened in related stories (aside from the TRAVESTY of the Raines-Dario story and its related victims, Eli/Lani/JJ/Abe/Rafe/Hope).

I didn't hate Lucas and Chloe today. I liked the resolution of not calling the police, but I second DrBakerFan's notion that fingerprints could blow this thing sky high. Too much to hope?
Don't know how much more I can take of the Abby/Chad show. The new bubbly/giggling Abby is worse (to me) than her witch costume-wearing, attic-hiding, Dario-marrying, angst-suffering, former self. The new Golden Couple is moving to Fast-Forwardville. :sick: :sick: :sick:

Poor Father Louis!

Hattie was actually eating! That should be a dead giveaway. :rolleyes:
Out of all the family members John and Marlena have in Salem, Kate and Paul are the ones to realize something is off? Again, why must Kate be the only character over age 60 who consistently gets involved in multiple storylines? Where are Eric, Brady and Claire??? Hattie was eating at Claire's restaurant. Where was Claire???

I did like the John and Marlena scenes but I really hope they get out soon. The scenes are depressing.

Bad job hiding Nadia Bjorlin's (Chloe) real life pregnancy. It would help if they had her in looser clothing.
Thanks Poirot!
I think Lucas' scenes were awesome - Brian Dattilo hit it out of the park! :clap::love: So glad to see him get to do some acting that he is obviously capable of! Hope this leads to more good stuff for him - especially hoping he goes back ON the wagon!!

I have to disagree with A.Guy - I am thoroughly enjoying Chad and Abby as they are giggly and having fun falling in love - or rather re-falling in love - whatever! I'm liking it!

Loved the John/Marlena scenes - especially when he calmed her down. That's what friends/spouses/family do for each other! Do still hope the Hattie/Bonnie thing is over SOON! It makes no sense to me that nobody has figured out the switches yet. Right?

I'm glad Sonny and Paul are getting married without political or religious stuff getting in the way - it is just a story after all!
Chloe helping Lucas - there's a :huh:
Thanks for the summary. This was a good show. Nice to see Abigail & Chad and Sonny & Paul doing the wedding talk. I'm a bit curious as to why Sonny chose a Catholic church rather than an Orthodox one? Since he's Greek, I found it a bit unusual. And then there's the whole political issue over being gay and the church. But a double wedding will be fun! Has Days done one of those before? I also like that Paul and Kate shared scenes. I think it's been a while, so it's cool that they're mixing it up.

Lucas and Chloe had the best scenes. Is it too much to wonder if/hope that they could start dating again? If not, though, I enjoy their friendship. And Marlena/John is making me sad. Someone wrap this up quick!