Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 3, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Episode #11,388 Taped 6/7 Director – Albert Alarr

Oh, my gosh, great episode!! Chloe comes into the apartment, on the phone with Philip, promising to let him know the results of the DNA tests, hangs up, when Melanie comes up behind her startling her. Seems Daniel gave her a key, and she had bought some books, brought them over. They sit, leafing thru one of them, Melanie talking of wanting to have a child, but Philip wants to wait, Chloe getting that “look”, as Mel talks. Melanie explains that he wants her to finish nursing school, and they get their place, wait a couple years. She figures with her upbringing, she doesn’t know a thing about babies anyway, but plans on helping out with this one of Chloe & Daniels.
Next, Melanie is at the hospital, showing a new employee (Kathleen Bushman) around, introducing her to the two best doctors in the world, her mom, Carly Manning, and later her dad, Dr. Jonas. Kathleen figures she sure is well connected there, then leaves to check the rest of the floor. Carly has already gotten a DNA sample from Daniel , claiming to be doing some kind of gene study….so Melanie would know if there is a chance for certain ailments popping up in her life. But now Mel is telling her of being at Chloe’s, doesn’t think Chloe likes her too much, as when she was talking of helping with the baby, Chloe gave her this odd look. Carly assures her pregnant women have odd moments it was nothing, but Melanie wonders if her threat of making Chloe pay if she ever hurt Daniel is behind it. Carly assures her Chloe did not take that to heart. Later Carly visits Chloe, tells her she has the samples, makes arrangements for her to be at St. Mary’s tomorrow, it is under an assumed name so her insurance will not work there. Tis fine with Chloe. And meanwhile, Daniel is making plans with Melanie to be at St. Mary’s tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. sharp, tho not sure she is going to be interested in listening to 2 docs discussing skin grafts. Oh, she will if one is him.

Nicole & Brady are still in afterglow, with Nicole commenting this being the happiest day of her life. Brady retorts that every day from now on will be the same. She looks at the clock, he wonders why, she claims she was supposed to be on the 11:00 news (hey, Nicole… the Midwest….it is on at 10! Lol) But what the heck, she would rather stay here, and they evidently go in for Round 2.
Baker stands on the dock, putting his money away, saying goodbye to Salem, and to Hope (he is talking to himself). Along comes a cop who arrests him, and we next see Nicole getting a call from Baker, who is down at the station, arrested for illegal gambling. She will be right there, makes excuses to Brady, and takes off. He had been making room on the table (she is making sandwiches) and comes across the ultra sound picture. Nicole sees him holding it, sits down on the bed, sadly remembering that day, and thanking Brady for helping her through it. Down at the station, Nicole is not too happy with Baker, who warns her if she leaves, he will sing like a canary. Oh, he should know her better than that. She makes a call or two, tells him she has arranged for someone to come get him out, and he should then disappear. Yep, that’s his plan, too. Back at her room, Brady answers her phone, advising the person that she is not there. The person, who evidently is from a bank, is concerned about an unusual transaction (so much for those banking privacy rules, lol). Brady will give Nicole the message. Now he grabs a huge sheaf of papers, goes to put them in a desk drawer, spots a receipt from a bank in the Caymans, for a $5 million dollar wire transfer. Uh, oh, Nicole…..what have you been up to now.

Over in Cleveland, Rafe is trying to convince and unwilling Fay to tell him what Nicole sent her. She has changed her mind, will protect her daughter. (These are really good scenes). Rafe convinces her that he is not after Nicole, they are on the same side. She guesses he is after the DiMeras. Yes, true. She slowly starts telling him how Nicole paid her back the Thousand she lent her to go to Santo Domingo, plus a few hundred extra. She thought it unusual for Nikkie to have that much money, her job doesn’t pay all that well or she would not be living in that cheap room. Fay figured Nicole was blackmailing someone. Along with the money, Nicole sent something she wanted her mom to keep, and a letter. Fay only read the first couple lines, could not read the rest. Rafe asks what she did with it….She goes to the recyling bin, pulls out a paper bag. Rafe dumps it on the table, the letter is torn up into tiny bits. The CD is broken in half. He puts everything back in the bag, will take it to the lab, see what they might be able to do.

And now to the Brady house, where night time Hope is attacking Bo with the knife. He deflects it, but she gets away from him and tries again. Now he is holding her arms, attempting to get the knife away from her. They struggle, Hope is angry, she manages to get away, after Bo’s hand is cut, and now stands in front of him, spitting venom, admitting she failed last night but tonight will be different. She intends to kill him. She flips the knife from hand to hand, always pointing it at him, talking of how he failed her, after Zack died it was Billie, and now Carly, always helping everyone but her. Bo claims he wanted her and Ciara with him, but she left him. Hope’s voice is filled with anger, as she reminds him she took Ciara away to get her healthy again. And then Bo moves Carly into “our house”, our bed. He claims he wanted her back, but she reminds him how she asked to come home, her and Ciara, but it “was inconvenient”, “not a good time”. Does he understand what she went thru when Ciara cried she wanted her daddy, how and why they could not go home. (Wow these scenes are just electric!). Bo is trying to calm her down, but Hope begins talking of how “she” doesn’t know anything about this. Bo is a bit taken aback, as Hope talks of the daytime Hope, who will wake up and know nothing. Bo cannot believe she doused the place and him with gasoline, but she readily admits it, commenting how they cleaned the place up pretty well.

She again goes to attack Bo, but this time he is able to knock the knife from her hand, get control of her, and next she is handcuffed to a chair. Hope talks, as Bo, with his back to her, fusses with a very small video camera, turns it on, then starts just talking. Hope talks of how upset she was, how her world had fallen apart, how she went to the doctor for some help to sleep. Bo finds the pill bottle in her purse, calls Carly asking what the drug was that was in his system, then asks about side effects, claiming to be just curious. She has mentioned the sleepwalking for a small percentage of folks, especially women. He was just curious, thanks her. He asks about wallets, she asks how he knew about those. He explains it came from Ciara. She admits to the muggings, claiming the men had done things she didn’t like. Brady had remained loyal to a kidnapper….Abe refused to get rid of that crooked D.A. But she realized that her real target was Bo, talking of how she always loved him, only him, he has always been the only man in her life. Bo tells her he still loves her, always has. She doesn’t believe him, wants him to kill her, she is already dead anyway. I can’t watch you living with ….in our house. Hope is tired, she is so tired, her head goes back on the chair, she is asleep. Bo unlocks the handcuffs, lifts her up gently, and tenderly places her on the sofa. He puts the afgan over her, sits down next to her, cradling her face between his hands, smoothing her hair, saying Oh, Hope, what have I done. What have I done. He kisses her on her cheek.

Wow!! Great write up!!
I will be sure to watch. I bet Bo & Hope are intense! Cant wait to see this!

OMG! I have missed watching days due to work and these write ups keep me going everyday! I can't wait to find out what happens next to Bo & Hope. They have been my favorite couple since I started watching the show in the early 90's:smile:
Wow, great write up for an intense show. Am I going to be able to wait until tomorrow?
great write up

I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode finally Bo figures it out and the whole situation with Hope. and the DNA with

Daniel , Chloe, and Philip I hope the baby is Daniel's. And I hope Rafe (the smartest man in Salem) finds out soon

about what EJ and Nicole are up too. And what is with Brady? all of a sudden he is in love

with Nicole? . as always thanks for the write up
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WOW!!! I have not been a big Bo & Hope scene watcher for a while now, but I will definately have to check out this episode in part due to your WONDERFUL descriptions!!!!
Thanks for the wonderful write up. Will watch tonight when I get home from work. I am a little sorry that Hope and Bo seem to be getting back together. I so loved Bo and Carly. Ohh Fay why did you distroy the proof that EJ was behind the kidnapping. Hope that the lab can fix it.
Dang, I wish it was Tuesday. Can't wait to see Bo and Hope. See how quick this story line is moving, can we find that same speed with Nicole and EJ, Please!

thanks for taking your time for us everyday Barb.
Absolutely fantastic summary, Barb. :clap:

Even your descriptions made the Bo/Hope scenes sound electrifying. It's about time those two had a showdown. It sounds like this is the start of Bo's redemption. He is seeing what his actions have wrought.

And does it bug anyone else that Carly is speaking for Chloe? She is telling Melanie what Chloe thinks and feels. KathyLu, I know this had to bug you. :)
Thanks for the write up! Can't wait for the Bo/Hope scenes.

I'm so disappointed in Fay. (Then again, I'm rooting for Nicole). :(
Thanks for the write up. Love the pure evil of Days to make Melanie want Philip's baby when Chloe could probably be having it. (cue evil laugh).

And since I brought up EVIL...Days writers are just that. They have made me not want a couple I have waited years for, and care about a couple I vowed to forever hate.

As a Nicole fan I am upset baby probably soon no man, while others get it all.

I am disappointed that crazy Hope seems to be at her end. She has been my favorite Hope since Princess Gina.

Thanks for the write up!
...finally Bo figures it out and the whole situation with Hope...

Only because Hope confessed. :rotfl:

She is telling Melanie what Chloe thinks and feels. KathyLu, I know this had to bug you. :)

Nope, it didn't bother me at all. Guess I'm used to it by now. :)

It's a shame Bo and Hope couldn't have had this conversation last October. Evidently, Hope said all the things we've been wanting her to say since then.

Thank you Barb...this episode seems to be must see.....FINALLY FINALLY Bo is starting to realize the ramifactions of his actions. Out of all the doctors in Salem Bo had to call CARLY he could have easily called Lexie or even Daniel but why did he call CARLY especially with night time Hope there doesn't he know he was only making it worst for himself by calling the woman who he used to replace HOPE.

Ohh Fay why did you distroy the proof that EJ was behind the kidnapping. Hope that the lab can fix it.

Fay is an amateur .... Wasn't the disk w/ John's 'memories' destroyed and some one was able to retrieve the info??
So Nicole gets 5 million dollars from EJ and she gives her mom a couple of hundred...????? Talk about cheap....

Sounds like a good episode....great write up....!!!
Thanks for the write up! Can't wait for the Bo/Hope scenes.

I'm so disappointed in Fay. (Then again, I'm rooting for Nicole). :(

Rooting for Nicole? How could you root for that conniving b****?

Thank you Barb...this episode seems to be must see.....FINALLY FINALLY Bo is starting to realize the ramifactions of his actions.


the ramifications of his actions??? You seem to think Hope bears no responsibility for hers. As far as I'm concerned, she brought most of this on herself.