Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 6, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our lives
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

In the Kiriakis doorway, Jennifer is passionately kissing Daniel, she has missed him, wanted to do this, they step inside for a bit, more kissing, both have some free time, so off they go to one of their bedrooms, and accompanied by a vocal song, happily give in to their passion, but the sheets stay intact covering up what they are supposed to cover. She has to get back to work, more kissing, declarations of love and not being able to stand being away. She is at the hospital, getting messages from Maxine, being told JJ is in her office. Now isn't this great, she was named PR Maven of the year. Maxine is congratulating her, as Daniel arrives, obviously thinking Jen has told Maxine about her & Dan. Maxine gushes to Jen about having been named nurse of the year, and now Jen is PR person of the year. They laugh and Jen goes to her office. Dan talks to Maxine, stumbling a bit as he realizes they are talking about different things in re: Jen & Maxine's conversation.
In her office, JJ tells her he sent her texts, she said her phone was on silent, sorry. He wants a favor, but before that, gets the feeling his mom is in a really good mood. Something you want to share?

Over in the square, Theresa bumps into Nick, who is in a suit and tie, having just had a job interview cancelled. His papers are all over, she helps pick them up, thinks he is a stock broker, and begins flirting all over the place, so interested in what he does, all kinds of questions, maybe we can have coffee sometimes. Nick is flattered, has time now, and off they go. He gets a call he has to take, she gets the coffee and along comes JJ, a bit ticked she stood him up. He saw who she was with, says this is his cousin, and when she begins bragging about the guy being well off, JJ fills her in on it all. The kidnapping of Melanie, killing her father, going to prison, getting out, marrying the first chick he met after that, getting it annulled, & how whatever money he has would go for child support. He adds in about being fired, and washing dishes at Theresa's gramma's Pub. Theresa is appalled, JJ leaves, Nick returns, and she quickly tells him off and takes off.

Replay of Nicole bumping into Brady and wanting to talk to him about Eric. They have a nice conversation, as Nicole explains how things are uneasy between her & Eric, but she wants to know how he is health wise. Brady assures her he is fine, but they talk about her feelings for Eric. She mentions EJ told Eric, she has denied it, but Brady tells her she was in love with Eric long before he became a priest. He thinks she should come clean with him, that he is not going to rip off his collar and want to fall in bed with her. She worries he will tell her to get another job and place to live. Brady tells her it is best for her to tell him, and he leaves.

Kristen is crawling around on hands and knees looking for her bracelet, Eric comes into his office wondering what she is doing. She explains, he asks why she did not just call, instead of breaking into his office. Well, she did knock, no one was there, he knows there is something she isn't saying, she admits she wanted to really, talk to Nicole.Since she & Brady are back together now, she wanted to make sure Nicole understood her affair with Brady is "done". Boy, that floors Eric. Ooops, Kristen realizes she let the cat out of the bag, but no harm. Tis all over anyway, right? She leaves.
When Nicole arrives Eric wants a word with her. About his brother. Are you sleeping with him?

At DiMansion, Kristen is changing clothes when Brady arrives for their luncheon date. He is zipping up her dress when Father Matt arrives. He wants a word with Kristen. Seems the Bishop enjoyed his conversation with her at the dedication, was impressed with her donation to the scholarship fund, and wants her to work further on it. Determine eligibility for the scholarships, read essays, etc. She thinks that is fine, until he says she will be working with Father Eric. She says absolutely not, NO WAY. Cue the good father, and Brady, too, both looking very puzzled.

Justin is on the phone confirming the court order for the exhumation. Marge has come in, said no way. Justin points out the court order, she doesn't care, then goes on and on in a tirade against Sami, her shooting Bernardi, yada, yada, blah, blah. Justin is trying to tell her there is nothing she can do, there IS a court order, nothing she can do to stop it. Already have, she boasts. Seems (as many surmised) that her husband was cremated. Justin checks, nope, records state he is buried in Salem cemetery. No cremation. She notes that the funeral director pointed out that to have Joe buried would cost $10,000 more than the cremation. She knew Joe would rather that money be put aside for Timmy. So the private burial after the memorial service was to bury the urn.

At the jail, Ej is staying with Sami, awaiting word from Justin, making plans for her getting out. Johnny calls, she has a tearful conversation with him, hoping to be home soon. She & EJ talk of their upcoming wedding, which EJ wants to go on as planned. They are pretty hopeful about it all, until Justin calls with the bad news. EJ asks about just the autopsy report & surgeon notes that Kayla made Would those be enough for reasonable doubt. Nope. Cause of death has already been established as being from Sami's bullet.
Sami's lower lip quivers, her face tearful as she listens to the bad news.
Thanks, Poirot. I just finished watching (and FF) the show.

Jennifer, PR of the year ! :rotfl: :rotfl::rotfl:Boy, the other PR persons must be really, and I mean, really terrible ! :rotfl:

Joe Bernardi being cremated : Am I wrong if, again, I go :rotfl::rotfl:Oh, Days, how stupid can this get ?

Jennifer and Daniel : those are the parts I FF the most : :zzz:

Theresa, JJ, Nick : :zzz:FF again

Kristen : What a horrible, horrible monster ! :mad:

And Eric : Sorry, Father, but who Nicole sleeps with, even if Brady is your brother, is none of your business ! But alas, once again, Nicole (I do love this character !!!!) will be put through the ringer.

Oopsie ! Forgot to mention Sami and EJ : :sick: And I guess Johnny is really the only one who matters to these two wonderful love birds. :rolleyes:
Daniel-Jen made love. Cue them breaking up again in 3... 2...1.. It's OVER
Jen wins the PR award...Is it for laziest/incompetent employee!
Theresa calls Nick a broke, Ex con, loser....She's a lying,cokehead money hungry twit
Major faux-pas Justin not being informed of Bernardi's cremation before getting the exhumation order
People in Salem should not cast stones, especially if their names are JJ or Theresa.

I had mixed emotions about there finally being music in Days (this is the first time I've heard some in awhile) only for it to be used in a Daniel-Jenn sex scene. Not impressed.

Overall, Days is really slowing down with the interesting factor. End of May and June, some of July, were pretty good, but right now it's all kind of boring.
So Victor is ok with random couples getting it on his house in the middle of the day. Although haters of Marge will think she's hiding something by having her husband cremated, financially, since she is now a single mom, cremation makes sense. Who Nicole is sleeping with simply is none of Eric's business, unless it's in her employment contract that she can't be sexually active while employed by the church. :rolleyes:

Sami blabbering that the cops look at her like she killed one of their own - dirty or not, you did genius.
EJ also gave his cell phone to Sami in jail. On the other end of the line is Johnny and they have a nice chat. However, I was wondering who was with Johnny since it appeared he was alone in the town square talking on the phone. So who are taking care of Sami's kids?
I thought at first perhaps Johnny was on the bench outside the pub, but I think that one is white, and this was green.

Never knew jails allowed visitors to be in such close proximity to each other. I mean Sami & Ej are kissing, holding hands, he has brought in his phone which he gave to her. Is she really allowed all that privilege, even in a holding cell?

maybe Eric thinks Nicole should have taken a vow of celebacy like he did. Especially if he is getting that she has feelings for him????

Most viewers expected Bernardi to have been cremated, as soon as the subject of exhumation came up on the show. Of course things will not go smoothly for Sami, and there has to be reasons for her to screw up her face, be sad, shed some tears, etc.
I thought Marge's harrangue went on entirely too long, but she was enjoying it as she had a bombshell to drop.

To tell you all the truth, I almost wrote just 5 ot 6 lines for the show because nothing really happened. I was gonna say just.....o.k. Jen & Dan hit the sheets, Bernardi was cremated, Theresa is interested in Nick until she finds out he is without a job,& an ex-con, plus Kristen spills the beans about Brady & Nicole's roll in the hay. That about covered it all, right? LOL
EJ-Sami talk about their wedding, Sami says it will be her last one and the most important one too... Ej is delusional or that bullet did more damage to his brain than we thought..

Kristen don't mind lying/raping/manipulating/drugging..But gossiping is beneath her!

Marge should charge The Salem Police Department of "Favoritism"!
Seems the Bishop enjoyed his conversation with her at the dedication, was impressed with her donation to the scholarship fund, and wants her to work further on it. Determine eligibility for the scholarships, read essays, etc. .
The bishop was impressed with Kristen and wants her to work on the scholarship fund??? Even if he is unaware of Kristen's past history, this is the same nutty woman who wanted him to hear her confession in public during the school dedication. An evil DiMera wacko like Kristen should be kept far, far way from St. Luke's Academy. The poor bishop is either senile, totally clueless, or blinded by dirty DiMera money. Somebody at the diocesan office better contact the Vatican and let them know it's time for him to be eased out.
EJ wants to get Sami out jail,takes her home and marries her...Gary Tomlin (producer) replied we can't let her out just yet... How else could we drag this story out until November sweeps... The Dimera couch replied ...Keep her away!!

edited to add producer's first name....JS
I want off the Daniel/Jennifer merry-go-round. It's nauseating. I'm sure JJ will figure out that Daniel is the reason for Jennifer's good mood and we'll be back to "we can't be together right now because of my son" malarky. I thought the love scene was pretty tastefully done, so there is that.

Sooooo predictable that Bernardi was cremated. I guess they're going to have to find another way to get Sami exonerated. It was nice to see Johnny today. Too bad it was wasted on Sami. I thought he was sitting on that bench outside the Pub.

I agree that it is none of Eric's business if Nicole and Brady had sex but of course he's going to confront her about it. I'm really getting sick of people taking their digs at Nicole about her feelings for Eric. At this point, she should just be honest with him. Tell him she has really grown fond of him and cares about him but understands due to his profession things can never go beyond a friend/work relationship and that she is trying to work through her feelings. Yes, it may be uncomfortable or embarrassing to admit it but it would take away the power of people like EJ, Kristen, and Brady razzing her about it.
Eric is very judgmental..Perhaps his collar is too tight.. Nicole works for him, she NEVER vow to take up the nun veil with the job..
On one hand, I can see why this is none of his business, but on the other hand, Nicole works for the church and lives in the convent, so she needs to adhere to their rules and not having sex outside of marriage is one of those rules.