Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug. 8, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

John & a now clean shaven Eric come into the cop shop, reporting Marlena missing. John has looked everywhere, contacted everyone she knows, Eric has made calls, no luck.

Anjelica meets up with Hattie, impatient that she get on her way to breaking it off with John. She warns that while she might easily fool someone who doesn't know Marlena well, it will be harder with John. Hattie is confident she has it nailed. She wants to get going with Mr. Roman, but Anjelica notes that she also has a goal. Not to worry, Hattie will help her get Mr. Dimples. But she needs the phone back (Marlena's), Anjelica turns it over. Hattie laughs over the tons of calls on it from John.
She call John, assures him she is o.k., is in the park. John urges "Marlena" to stay put, he will be right there.

Rafe shows up at Eli's door, demanding to know what the FBI knows, that Abby took the hit meant for Dario, and if someone is after him, with Dario gone, they would be after family. The towel clad Eli is adamant he cannot tell him anything. Eli gets dressed, arguing with Rafe who wants to keep Gabi, Ariana, safe. Eli is sorry, cannot tell him anything. Rafe returns to the P.D., tells Hope he is going to Mexico to see what he can find out. Hope worries, but he will be fine.

Now Hope shows up at Eli's door, he tells her same thing about no can talk, but Hope pulls the "your a Horton" card, we stick together. Tells him about Rafe's plan to go to Mexico. Eli caves just a bit, says it was not the Mexican war lord who was going to run Dario down, that Dario had a silent partner, was giving him up, was going to give them proof, but then vanished now. So they don't have the proof, he cannot say any more, said too much already, but if she says anything, his butt is on the line, it will ruin the case. Hope promises to not say a word to Rafe, but will find a way to keep him in Salem.

Lucas & Adrienne are in bed, enjoying the afterglow, wishing they could stay there all day, but Lucas promised Jen he would come to the hospital.He goes to get dressed, she is smiling, gets a phone call from Anjelica, who wants to meet her at the Pub, It is important. Adrienne agrees, rather reluctantly. Anjelica has ordered coffee for them both, slips some drug into Adrienne's latte, and they snark back and forth at each other for a bit when Adrienne arrives. Yes, even Justin's name comes up, Adrienne commenting that Anjelica is not Justin's type, but go ahead, go after him. Anjelica wants to order a big breakfast, her treat. More snark, Adrienne gets up to leave, is a bit unsteady as she goes out the door.

Nicole Is with Brady, who again is making a few sneaky inquiries of her, even saying he hopes she would never hurt him. Of course not, why would you say that. Maggie comes in, has seen Holly who is fine, no pics, something wrong with her camera phone, she is getting it fixed. Nicole leaves for work, Brady says to say hello to Eric. Maggie wonders what he meant by that, lots more hidden meaning than just "say hello to Eric". Brady spills it all, how he overheard Nicole telling Maggie Brady can't know about this, but Maggie won't tell him a thing. Ask them. He goes on about how Nicole was gone when they were watching that movie, and he had to take a call, he knew right where she would be. Went to Martin house, and she was coming out of Eric's room. Maggie doesn't think much of his eavesdropping and spying, and again advises him to ask Nicole & Eric.

In the square, the well disguised Nicole (yes, the regular Salem disguise, dark baseball cap & sunglasses) spots the foster care mother and a young girl with the stroller/buggy. The woman goes to put more money in the parking meter, telling the girl to watch the baby. Holly begins to cry in that newborn baby voice, Nicole comes up, offering to help. She picks up Holly, holding her, rocking, singing a bit. The woman returns, the young girl explains she could not get Holly to stop crying, this lady offered to help. The woman thanks her as Nicole puts Holly back in the stroller, and now the woman looks as her...."don't I know you"? Nicole has that, uh, oh, the jig is up expression, and here comes Eric, calling Penny, good to see you. He jabbers away, as woman says she looks like...but Eric just laughs at how it seems we always run across someone who looks like someone, arm around Nicole, hustling her off. When alone, Nicole breaks down, almost got caught, would have lost Holly forever, as she thanks Eric for his help.

John rushes to the place where Hattie is, flowers in hand, hugs "doc", only to have her rebuff him. Hattie really goes full force about tired of waiting around for John to return, she seems to be always waiting, planning romantic things, and he doesn't show up. She talks of how someone is always calling him, he has to run off, she is giving him both barrels. John is so puzzled, this is not like her. He is sorry...but Hattie goes full steam ahead. She wants a divorce, John says they are not married, she replies they have been divorced & married so many times, she cannot keep it straight. She doesn't want to be with him any more, she will move out. John is floored, she cannot be serious. Oh, but she is, she has tried for so long, now is taking care of herself. She wants "Ro.........she ends the word with "mance"...she wants romance. John knows that has been his fault. Nope, she will go to the house, get a few things. John cannot understand what is happening, this is not like her. Yes, it is. Doing something for myself.

Lucas runs into a bewildered John in the square, asks what is wrong. John cannot believe what just happened, doesn't understand it, tells Lucas to keep telling Adrienne he loves her. Lucas says he does. John cautions, every day, tell her every day, throwing the flowers in the trash bin.

Brady is alone, muttering to himself, repeating Nicole's words about never hurting him. He goes to the booze bottles, pours himself a drink from the decanter. He is still muttering, and you can see him fighting with himself, he will, he won't, he will, he won't. But he holds the glass to his lips, still hesitates...but then, down the hatch.

Anjelica is standing next to a passed out Adrienne, who is on a bench outside the Pub. Where the heck is Hattie. But Hattie comes running up, accomplished the mission, broke it off good with John. Anjelica needs Hattie's help to get Adrienne out of there. O.K. Hattie comments she is getting good at this, as she grabs Adrienne's legs, while Anjelica is going after the upper half.
Oh Nicole, what a dumb move. I am so done pulling for her. How in the world could someone who has gone through as many heartbreaks and disasters as she has, still be so stupid? I had such high hopes for her after she dumped Deimos. I am not on board with her possibly being paired with sourpuss Eric. No, no, no.
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Hope pulls the "your a Horton" card, we stick together.

Good for Eli to sticking to his guns and not spilling it ALL to Hope. He hasn't been in Salem or in the family long enough to know that he is expected to break a law or something for them!

Aww poor John! I think Marlena is good as Hattie. And Anjelica, to me, is just her coach so far - I am not expecting this story to last a long time.

And I did not mind Maggie trying to set Brady straight!
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They certainly followed up a great show yesterday with a klunker today. Rafe is such a hothead. How is he a cop? Nicole, I actually fast forwarded over most of her stuff with Holly cause it was such a dumb move on her part!!! I cannot believe she would risk losing Holly for a glimpse. And really Maggie, the camera on your phone not working? Lame. And now Brady is drinking?! He didn't drink when Theresa, the mother of his child, left him and their child, did he? This jealousy is just ridiculous.

I'm sorry, but Salem has had so many doubles that I would think that would be someone's first thought when someone isn't acting like themselves. I would have thought "Marlena" almost calling herself a shrink would have been tipped John off. Plus Anjelica was outside the Brady Pub with a passed out Adrienne for how long and no one saw them?

All in all I thought today was terrible.
I think Kerry meant "her" coach..

And yep, first thing I thought when Anjelica was in front of is broad no one around....and where is Pub manager Roman? Adrienne is passed out, and in a really odd position on that bench, and not a soul says a word. Guess it must be like yesterday with all the yelling in the hospital room with the open door and no on heard a thing.
Thanks for writing this up, Poirot. I will watch this anyway but I agree it sounds like a let down from yesterday but then, yesterday's episode would be a hard one to follow. But still, doppleganger--ugh. Nicole's stupidity. Brady's jealousy and drinking. Rafe angry and going off to Mexico. None of this is must see tv.
Dialogue I would have liked to have heard today.

Hope: "Rafe, you're going to Mexico to find Dario? Where are you going to start? It's a big country.

Hope: "OMG, Rafe, you're going to ask about some bad guy named El Fedeo while you're in Mexico? Don't you remember all the problems that the Three Amigos had when they went looking for El Guapo.

Hope (with John listening): "Hattie! I'd know you anywhere. When did you get out of prison?"

Eric: "Nicole, don't you realize by now that a black baseball cap isn't much of a disguise?"

Maggie: "Brady, how dare you ask me to reveal a secret. You'd have better luck asking Father Louis to break the Seal of the Confessional."

Salem Passerby: "OMG, there's Adrienne Kiriakis! She's passed out! Let's phone for help."
The Doppelganger saga: I'm usually Mr. "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" when it comes to my entertainment. Just to illustrate my generosity in that regard, when the Schwarzenegger flick End of Days came out, I said: "Arnold taking on Satan himself? Sure I can buy that. It had to happen."

But even I draw the line at insultingly stupid, which is I found that whole business of Anjelica and Adrienne, outside of the Brady Pub in broad daylight, to be. I've tried to be patient, but this whole thing just says "big dud" to me. I'm getting close to the point where I'm no longer interested in Anjelica's rationale for her cockamamie scheme. I just want it to end.

On the bright side, John can already see that something is obviously very, very wrong with his beloved "Doc", so hopefully this doesn't drag on for too long.

I hope Nicole gets Holly back sooner rather than later because I think Brady is desperately in need of another session of having the baby put on his chest so she can reawaken the St. Daniel's heart and stops Brady's descent to the dark side.
Thanks, Poirot.

DrBakerFan good point about Hope knowing Hattie. Will Hope see her as Marlena and wonder
what's going on?

I'm glad John didn't drink as much stupid juice as Brady. Brady has gone off the deep end with
his jealousy. John kept thinking something was wrong with Marlena. Interesting conversation
John had with Lucas.

Some interesting comments Hattie made today. She referred John as John Boy when talking
to Anjelica and she would wash him out of her hair. At the end, she said she deserved a
Daytime Emmy.

Nicole took a big chance holding Holly. She's lucky Eric came by to save the day.
I didn't enjoy this one.

Hattie definitely had some funny lines though as did Anjelica with Adrienne. But still not enough to pique my interest in the doppelgänger stuff.

Nicole and Brady are both idiots. Rafe was a hothead today and I didn't like it. I'm also tired of a local police department going on overseas trips to the same office set. That's Eli's job.

Hope is now giving Eli the Claire treatment by referring to him as "Horton family" instead of as her nephew. I guess we will have to wait 2 years for that.

I liked that Eric was with John but would have liked some lead up to that.
I didn't enjoy this one.

Hattie definitely had some funny lines though as did Anjelica with Adrienne. But still not enough to pique my interest in the doppelgänger stuff.

Nicole and Brady are both idiots. Rafe was a hothead today and I didn't like it. I'm also tired of a local police department going on overseas trips to the same office set. That's Eli's job.

Hope is now giving Eli the Claire treatment by referring to him as "Horton family" instead of as her nephew. I guess we will have to wait 2 years for that.

I liked that Eric was with John but would have liked some lead up to that.
I couldn't agree more with your analysis of today's episode.
Actually El Fideo is an alias, his real name is Mateo. So the guy supposedly after Dario and the guy Theresa left with are indeed one and the same. I checked a recap archive on another site to be sure.

I remembered from my high school Spanish that "El: is Spanish for "the". As for the translation of Fideo well, I have to wonder if the writers were aware that the alias for a drug lord that even has the mighty Victor Kiriakis shaking in his boots translates into English as "The Noodle." LOL