Days of Our Lives - Tues. Dec. 18, 2012


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Days continues to crawl along in it's race with the tortoise and the hare, sorry folks. Sami bursts into Ej's office, which has gift wrapped packages sitting all over the place. Seems they are gifts for his children from vendors, obviously looking for favor from EJ, who claims the gifts began arriving right after Thanksgiving. He has talked to the children, as he doesn't want them thinking this is all that Christmas is about, and even mentions how Allie would feel, being there is nothing for her. Just then, the kids rush in, being dropped off by the baby sitter, but EJ kneels down, and starts talking of the place in the Town Square that is accepting gifts for needy children. Sami thinks this is all great, the kids do, too, and off they all go, packing the boxes in someone's car. (sorry, no idea whose).
Later, at the square, they all arrive lugging packages and shopping bags, delighting the Marine, and the lady in charge.
Sami spots Rafe, tells him the tale of the gifts, just before the kids spot Rafe and rush up for a hug. Rafe is so proud of them. EJ comes up, commenting that this is going to take a while, as gifts usually arrive unwrapped, so their gifts have to be unwrapped, then wrapped up again. Sami stands rather awkwardly between the two men, looking from one to the other, Rafe commenting that this is all really great.

Wonder if anyone else is as tired as I am of seeing Kristen & Brady in bed...because there they are again, Brady sleeping, Kristen pondering her next step in her plan. She lays down close to Brady, pretends to be having a nightmare about John finding out about them, yelling "don't hurt us". Brady wakes up, calms her down. She fakes concern, he assures her dad won't find out. Next they are getting dressed, she is still pretending worry, he is still promising all will be well, they will keep it a secret until the time is right to tell everyone, then has to leave, kisses her, then notes he thinks 2013 is gonna be a great year. When the door closes, Kristen smiles, saying she could not have said it any better herself.

Marlena is walking near the arch, looking worried, bumps into Hope, who can see something is wrong. Marlena has to talk to someone, makes Hope swear not to tell, and then relates how she saw Brady & Kristen in bed, has not told John, and that Brady did not see her, but Kristen did. Hope cannot understand why Marlena doesn't tell John, but she talks of how whatever she does comes back at her, then explains about deleting the message on John's phone from Kristen, which turned out to be notifying him of Brady being in the hospital. FLASH! Marlena talks of "when Hope's divorce from John became final", they thought life would be back to normal, and then Kristen returned, and things just get worse. They wonder if Brady is really "into" Kristen, or if it is just the sex. Hope will help however she can, has a meeting with Brady a bit later. Marlena remembers him having a crush on some co-worker of Hope's, Sarah. They hatch a plan.

Rafe comes into the Pub, asking Gabi for Nick. He is upstairs, should she call him down, so Rafe can harrass him some more. Nope, he came to see Gabi. Why, so you can yell at me. Nope, wants to just say he is sorry. They talk a bit, he overreacted, Sami talked to him, he realizes how out of line he was. Just wants what is best for her. Hugs.
Later, Rafe sits in the church vestibule as Gabi comes out. He claims he knows she had Pre-Cana, was passing by, stopped in to see how it went. Fine. She mentions being invited to the Hortons for Christmas, he is invited, too. Great, he will be there. She wonders if he had anything going with Sami & the kids. Nope, his face falling a bit. His only plans are to make sure she has a great Christmas. Hugs.

Hope sits with Brady at Common Grounds, thanking him profusly for the donation to something or other to do with the Police Department. In comes Sarah with a file Hope asked her to bring. Hope introduces the two, they all exchange how do you do's, Merry Christmases, Sarah departs. Hope gets a great idea, about perhaps Brady taking Sarah to some gala, or charity event. He strong refuses, doesn't want to be set up with anyone. She apologizes, Brady says it is o.k., has to rush, will talk to her later. He leaves, Marlena comes out from around the corner, has heard every word, remarks how Brady could not have shut her off any faster if he had pulled a switch.

Now over to stalker Jen, who is facing Daniel at the hospital, and continually has to beat around the bush, never spitting anything out. He wonders what she is doing there, she wanted to talk to him, then suddenly asks about the card in his pocket. He pulls it out, picture of Parker, tells how Kate gave it to him. (honestly, I apologize, the entire conversation is non-sensical, so I just cannot repeat even parts of it.) He claims to relate to parker differently, realizes he did not act right, and it was something Jen had told him her gramma said about "letting go", so he did, and will always love this boy. Jennifer starts to say something, but Daniel insists this is neither the time nor place for them to talk about anything, he has to go, and she should go home and rest. he takes off.

And of course, Jen goes chasing after him. Daniel comes into the Pub (If I was a customer, I would be embarassed at all these personal conversations/confrontations, etc. that go on) and there is the out of breath Jen, coming in right behind him, gasping at how fast he was going she could barely keep up. (Is this still the same day she was released from the hospital? The day after her surgery? Miraculous recovery) Daniel cannot believe she followed him, she babbles a bit, he wants to know what she wants to say. Oh, but first she asks to see that pic of Parker, then begins repeating the stuff about letting go (already said at hospital) but adds she knows he meant her, too. And now she goes on, telling him that she remembers what she said to him in the hospital, and that he told her he loved her, too. He mentions her claiming to have been a bit loopy, but she is smiling, assuring him she is not loopy now, is very calm, in her right mind. He wonders if she is sure. Oh, she is very sure, she loves him. She looks up at the mistletoe hanging over their heads. He is about to kiss her.......but thankfully the scene ends. (Again, I am sorry, I usually try to be neutral, just tell what happens.......but I just cannot get this at all).

Back in Horton Square, Kristen is checking her phone, is all smiles, EJ spots her, wonders what is up. Oh, she definitely has that cat that swallowed the canary look about her. He insists she tell him. Sami is coming back with an armful of those wrapped gifts, spots them. She sets the packages down on the counter. EJ & Kristen have their backs to her, as Kristen smirks to EJ, revealing she "is getting close to someone". EJ asks "who", and Kristen smiles.."you are not going to like it". Camera on the eavesdropping Sami.
Because the vendors/clients were trying to curry favor with EJ, and thus gifted HIS children.
And yes, if they know of his children, then they should also know Johnny is a twin, and that was definitely remiss and very inconsiderate of them to not include Allie.
Ah, thanks Poirtot. In the interest of full disclosure I must confess I was busy making Rew's Rum Cake during the first several minutes of today's episode so I was somewhat, ahem, distracted. And I missed the part about where the gifts had come from.
"FLASH! Marlena talks of "when Hope's divorce from John became final", they thought life would be back to normal,"

They slipped this in so quickly. I wondered if I had missed an episode in which this got resolved????? Or did this all happen backstage and we are just now finding out??
Whoever is responsible for Sami's hair needs to be fired...we put similar bows to the one she was wearing in my 2 year old granddaughter's hair.

This is the first time I've watched in over two weeks and I was disappointed. EJ the do-gooder-:sick:, Jennifer the stalker-:sick:, Brady and Kristen--double :sick:
I'm confused about why they needed to mention Hope and John getting a divorce, since they were never married. :D

He is about to kiss her.......but thankfully the scene ends.
Your impartiality is always appreciated, but in this case I think we'd all forgive you if you just cursed. :wink:

EJ is a human? Sorry, but most slime I know put on a smile for the xmas season. Wouldn't get past me. And Sami's too dumb to realise what she's hearing between EJ and Kristen.

Meanwhile, does Eric Martslof (sp?) (Brady) have it in his contract that he must be semi-nude at least 40% of the time? Yeesh, put a shirt on, man. It's DECEMBER in the MIDWEST and very few people I know flounce about shirtless for more than a minute after getting out of bed. (And most wear a shirt to bed!)

Hope and Marlena dabbling in the sex lives of Salem's youth? Hopefully Belle and Shawn-D don't get jealous. *sarcasm*
So what happens when Johnny and Sydney go home and tell Allie about the huge pile of gifts they got and how they were such good children by donating all of them to charity?
So does this mean that there might be a couple more weddings coming up since John and Hope are officially divorced?? Which means they were officially married, which means Bo/Hope and John/Marlena are not officially married, which means..........shoot, I don't know what it means. LOL
Except the license said Hope Williams, John Black. So they were married using their correct names......(which is why I thought it was all fake and a setup by Stefano