Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 20, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Jade is in the square, stops to look at a stand with baby clothes, selects an item, goes in her purse, evidently not enough money. She puts her wallet back in her purse as Joey comes along, just wanting to make sure she was o.k. as she just got out of the hospital. She is touched, figures it means he cares, but then realizes he is only concerned about the baby, so gets huffy, & walks away. (color me confused here as Joey is talking of wanting to be sure she is eating, getting rest, etc. And that all sounds as if she is not LIVING WITH the Johnson family???)

Jade is sitting alone, Santa comes along (good appearing Santa), asks to join her, is on his break. Figures she looks down in the dumps, asks her what she wants, teases about Santa granting wishes. She finally tells him what she wants cannot be bought, or wrapped up. And of course Joey is once again nearby and listening. She tells Santa she is pregnant, and of course wants most of all a healthy baby. That is #1, but she wishes the father of the baby would love her. She spots Joey, gets up, takes Joey on the side, he is apologizing, but she figures it was a stupid wish, you cannot make anyone love you, it just has to be there, naturally. She never should have made such a stupid wish, ends up telling Joey to just leave her alone, let her be, she is fine.

Adrienne is at the hospital for her first chemo, they are running a bit late. She tries to schedule again for after the holidays, but Kate appears, nope, you are not going to do that. It won't be a long wait. Kate & Adrienne have a nice talk, Kate telling her what to expect, soothing her nerves, and advising her to stop pushing people away, they love you, want to help and support you, let them. Along comes Lucas with flowers, Kate telling how much Lucas helped her, was there every step of the way. Lucas teases a bit about Kate being there, since his mom is not usually so kind, lol. Eventually Kate leaves, Adrienne has asked Lucas to stay with her. The nurse comes to hook her up, (rather surprised me as I thought it would be in the arm, but her dress jacket stayed on, there is a bandage around her hand). Lucas chats with her, offers to play cribbage, then will play music perhaps, he brought her favs with him....and is too funny as he mentions Josh Gorban (Groban) and Michael Bubbly (Buble'). Eventually he is just holding her hand as she nods off asleep.

Philip as burst into the Kmansion, steamed as all get out, throws open the doors, calling Deimos names, grabbing him, they are wrestling around, struggling, knocking over a lamp, nearly knocking down the Christmas tree (which seems to only have lights) until Victor comes in, making them both stop. Philip yammers about Deimos having his thug kidnap him, drug him, asking Victor what he will do about it. Victor claims he has no proof, Deimos is denying this, Philip gets really ticked off. He is done with this family, done with Salem, is leaving. No, will not go to a Titan European office, is going off on his own, will make his own way. Victor wants him to reconsider, nope. Victor has already made cutting remarks about Chloe, which was the cherry on the cake for Philip. He is tired of Victor's insults and put downs. He loves him, is sorry he cannot see Deimos for what a snake he is, how he slithers out of all the evil he does, how he paralyzed Maggie, blackmailed Vic into giving up the house & business for a cure, then invites them all to live there when the trio of bad guys came to town, but only really to keep an eye on Chloe. He leaves.

When Deimos returns to the living room, Victor says he admires his poker face through all of that, he knows Deimos did exactly what Phil said, believes Phil. Deimos mixes himself a drink, figures he did what he had to. Vic lost his son thru all of this, Deimos figures when Phil cools off, he will be back. Victor warns if he ever tries to do something like this again, he will answer to Victor.

In Chicago, Chloe is rather startled to see Nicole, is obviously worried that Nicole knows the paternity of the baby, but Nicole reminds her that Chloe knew she was coming, that she wants to repair their friendship. Nicole wants chloe to return with her to Salem, along with Parker, she & Maggie will watch him when Chloe eventually goes into labor. She talks of everyone loving her, but Chloe knows Maggie only loves Parker, not her, Victor and her don't get along. She tells Nicole about Philip leaving town, had declared his love but Chloe cannot reciprocate. Nicole protests that the two of them have gone back and forth forever, but Chloe thinks too much of Philip to make him think there may be something between them. At one point Chloe tries to point out to Nicole the evil that is Deimos, but Nicole only protests that Deimos has worked so hard to change, to do good, blah, blah.

Nicole tells Chloe that since she won't come to Salem, that Nicole will stay there the night with her, especially with that snowstorm coming. Chloe jokingly asks if Nicole can find a fork lift to help her get up. Nicole calls Deimos to let him know she is staying in Chicago overnight, will be back tomorrow. Chloe comes with a worried look on her face. She thinks her water broke. Nicole hustles her off.

Back in Horton square, Kate meets up with Eduardo, some flirtatious talk, they exchange gifts, each gives the other a scarf. Eduardo gets a nice warm one, Kate gets a big, multi colored silk one. Here comes Philip to tell his mother what happened, that he is leaving town, came to say goodbye. He is surprised she is not trying to talk him out of it. She claims (once again) she has learned not to try and interfere in her children's lives and decision. Hugs, will keep in touch, he leaves.

Chloe & Nicole enter a motel room, Nicole knowing it is rather run down, Chloe saying the place looked closed, so how did Nicole learn to pick a lock. She smiles...Practice. Uh, oh, Chloe doubles over in pain. Nicole asks if a contraction. Chloe thinks so, had one in the car, did not say anything. We need to get to a hospital. No can do, roads all blocked because of storm, until they are plowed, we are stuck here. Chloe gets another pain, Nicole helps her over to the bed.
Just an observation. Nicole & Chloe have arrived at this motel during a snowstorm. They mention roads being blocked, plows having to come out, etc. And yet, neither one has a single snowflake on their coats, no scarves or gloves, not a single wet strand of hair. Hmmm, Have been in a lot of snowstorms where I live, as I bet many of other viewers have. Doesn't compute. Of course, maybe that run down motel has a fabulous heating system running, despite being seemingly closed, thus the women got dried off really fast. LOL
Who exactly was that woman sitting with Adrienne today??? Did Stefano make one final clone (Kate) that went wrong and was full of warmth and niceness?? :rotfl:

Seriously, I really, really enjoyed the scenes with Adrienne, Kate and then Lucas. Loved when Adrienne told Lucas that Kate was a great help and he asked her if she was drugged. :rotfl:

I wonder if the prop department messed up when they left the tags on the scarf for Eduardo?
Thanks for the summary. I haven't watched yet. I thought it was strange yesterday when Nicole was leaving and Brady was telling her about the snow storm but she just had a light weight coat, no scarf or anything.

Poor Philip. He can't seem to get love or support from anybody! Victor's threat to Deimos seems too little too late to me. I doubt there is much he can do and Deimos knows it.
Brawling around the Christmas tree: Deimos and Philip provided a new low in holiday decorum at the K-Mansion. Even the DiMeras would be shaking their heads over this one.

Unlikely words: Who ever would have thought that anyone except one of her sleazy paramours would ever say to Kate, "I'm glad that you're here?"

Where's Percy?: As the Town Square Santa, his "greetings!" would have filled Jade and Joey with so much instant Christmas cheer that they would have reconciled on the spot.

Christmas gifts: After Eduardo received his scarf, it would have made for a good scene if somebody had come over to their table and said to Kate, "What, he doesn't rate some brownies?"

Just an observation. Nicole & Chloe have arrived at this motel during a snowstorm. They mention roads being blocked, plows having to come out, etc. And yet, neither one has a single snowflake on their coats, no scarves or gloves, not a single wet strand of hair. Hmmm, Have been in a lot of snowstorms where I live, as I bet many of other viewers have. Doesn't compute. Of course, maybe that run down motel has a fabulous heating system running, despite being seemingly closed, thus the women got dried off really fast. LOL
These women are Salemites. The snow just doesn't stick to them.
Funny how Nicole and Chloe went from an outdoor cafe to a hotel room in a major snowstorm. So how did they do that if the roads are blocked? And why didn't Nicole call 911 anyhow?

Speaking of Nicole, I really hope Deimos does hurt her at this point. So she can wake up and move on. The anvils seem to all be there but she continues to defend this lying sleaze. After that, I want him out of Salem permanently.

I was annoyed at Victor today too. He should have defended Philip in front of Deimos. And what work have they done on their relationship exactly? I certainly didn't see it. Sad to see Philip go. I hope this is temporary.

I'm shocked to be saying this but nice Kate scenes with Adrienne and Lucas.

Someone should tell Kate though that she should remove her existing scarf first before putting on a new one.
JS, the budget at Days is so low, they probably left the tags on scarf to get a refund :)

There must have been a big lake effect snow storm since there was no snow at
the outdoor restaurant and now the roads are blocked.

Victor was snarky day. I'm glad he knew Deimos did something to make Philip leave.
Nice to see Victor hug Philip goodbye.

What a nice surprise to see Lucas come to check up on Adrienne. He got a surprise seeing him mother there.

Too bad Nicole couldn't get to the Salem INN before the baby was born. Now the baby will
be born at an
out of business motel. Better than a manger
I am wondering if perhaps Nicole attempted to drive back to Salem??? Nahhh, not after Chloe's water broke. A heavy snow/blizzard CAN cause problems pretty fast, but yes, 911 should have been the call immediately. What about Parker? (I missed where he was, just that he was having fun (phone call)
Grumble.....wouldn't you know Nicole shut Chloe down right when she was about to tell her what Deimos had done to Philip? Of course, when Nicole does find out, she'll be so thrilled to find out what Deimos learned about the baby, she won't even care that he kidnapped and drugged Philip. I hope she finds out some way other than from Deimos.

I enjoyed Kate with Adrienne. Nice to see her with some heart. And she's learned not to meddle in her kids' lives. Could it be they are giving her a makeover?

Also, Jade was almost likeable. I can take her being somewhat immature, if she is showing signs of growth. Regardless of what happens between Joey and Jade, he needs to lighten up and get a little animation. He's like a zombie lurking around.

Overall, it was an okay episode for me.
I'm surprised at how much I'm actually enjoying the Kate and Adrienne scenes. When I first heard about them I kind of rolled my eyes because it sounded pretty contrived in my opinion. But they are coming across more genuine then I thought they would maybe it's because Kate is a cancer survivor herself? Whatever the reason it's nice to see her show some humanity. I kind of wonder if maybe the writers saw that went to far with her during the Nicole/Deimos debacle they decided to try to swing the pendulum in the other direction.

I also felt some sympathy for Jade. I like her better when she lets her guard down a bit. I don't expect her to suddenly become a "goody-goody" because that wouldn't be true to the character. I don't mind her having a bit of an edge but I want to see some feeling and vulnerability sometimes. Otherwise she comes across as too abrasive in my very humble opinion.
[Victor] should have defended Philip in front of Deimos.

Someone should tell Kate though that she should remove her existing scarf first before putting on a new one.
I have to admit, that shocked me. Victor has always been all about family, and he just recently mended a huge rift with his son. The only thing I can think of is that the actor wanted to leave, whether temporarily or permanently, and this is the best the current writers could come up with for an exit.

Most of the time, Kate looks like she got dressed in the dark, out of a rag bag, so that was right in style for her.
I'm surprised at how much I'm actually enjoying the Kate and Adrienne scenes.
Me too. I think it's because no matter how despicable KATE is, the actress is a class act and she's a good one. It shows what Kate can be used for in storylines without resorting to her bedding every new villain in town.
I also felt some sympathy for Jade.
I'm strongly Team Jade all the way. I'm glad the writers are returning her to her multidimensional former self.
JS, the budget at Days is so low, they probably left the tags on scarf to get a refund :)
What about Parker? (I missed where he was, just that he was having fun (phone call)
He was staying at his friend's house. The other mom was apparently reassuring Chloe it was no problem. Chloe said after the baby was born, she'd make it up to the other mom by watching her son in return.
I have to admit, that shocked me. Victor has always been all about family, and he just recently mended a huge rift with his son. The only thing I can think of is that the actor wanted to leave, whether temporarily or permanently, and this is the best the current writers could come up with for an exit.

The show didn't renew his contract after a year. This is par for the course with Dena as she also let Belle and Shawn go earlier in the year. She doesn't seem to like the 30-40 something age range. Same thing happened when she took over in 2008.
I think there is upheaval and reorganizing or something going on behind the scenes. Thus the 2 months off. The suits know full well they are too far ahead, that fans are not happy with certain things, that the dragging out of ANY story is causing viewers to lose interest, not care, etc. Since everyone is warned about keeping their mouths shut, no leaking thus far. But something is going on besides giving the actors a long break for holidays and thus, the time to do other projects.
I hope there is a shakeup, because the show could be so much better. All the pieces are there, it's just not clicking. However, how many shake-ups have there been in the last 5 years +change?

-Horton Town Square
-Daysaster and Sami/EJ are "it"
-redirection with Abby/EJ, then back to Sami/EJ, then Sami and EJ leave (granted not a writer decision but SHOULD HAVE BEEN handled better)
-50th Reunion/Bicentennial/Higley-Griffith in
-Higley out/Griffith out/Higley in???

Higley is Dena Higley, Head Writer; Griffith is Josh Griffith, former Head Writer