Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 24, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 24, 2019h

A rather nice Christmas Eve in Salem, well, let's say 98% nice. LOL. In the prison, Hattie is attempting to decorate the rather dismal looking Charlie Brown tree in the visitor's room. Eve comes rushing in, just off the phone with St. Justin, who got her released. She is out of there. Merry Christmas! Later, a guard come in, looking rather solemn, Hattie wonders what she did now. Guard smiles, early Christmas gift, you have been released. Hattie dances around, happy as a lark, starts to leave, but goes back to hang one more snowman on the tree, and she is out of there!

Jennifer is tending to JJ in the hospital, he is thanking her, she just wants no more secrets between them. She is so grateful to Eli for getting JJ to the hospital, is not angry he kept his word to JJ, not telling them. JJ says one more person knew.

At Horton house, Doug has put lights on the tree, Julie is distracted, doesn't even rearrange them as she usually does. She finally admits to Doug she has been keeping a secret for long, it is wrong. Next scene she is off phone with Jen who called, all is o.k., JJ told her Julie knew, Jen not mad. Now about those lights! LOL.

Back at the hospital, Jack & Abby have come in, the family is spending Christmas together. JJ tell them to go to the ornament hanging, tradition. Nope, this is where they will stay, don't want to be anywhere else. They flashback to last year, Jen in coma, all in her room for Christmas. JJ will not have it. He decides there has to be some doctor in the hospital who will release him, everyone gets all excited, looking for his clothes, leaving room so he can get dressed.

Chad is at home, reading A Christmas Carol to Thomas & Charlotte, Gabi appears in the doorway, he smiles, starts talking of them having Scrooge right there. Gabi smiles, tells the kids when she gets all the shares someone else will be the scrooge. LOL. Cute scenes, Chad takes the kids, leaves. Eli finds Gabi sitting, planning on staying home, he talks her into changing her mind, coming with him.

Back at the Horton house, Chad has come in with the kids, Julie wants to talk to him about Gabi, gets him to the side, reminds him Gabi saved her life, and he should put his negative feelings aside today.

But Julie figures with all going on, no one will come to hang ornaments. Doug tells her to have faith, doorbell, what did I tell you. She opens in to the entire Deveraux clan, is so thrilled to see JJ (hey, he shaved!) Chad happy to see Abby, who hugs her kids.

At the Kmansion, Xander is rather down in the dumps, as Maggie ends a call from Sarah, not giving him a chance to wish her Merry Christmas. Maggie invites him to go with her to the Horton's, Vic has claimed a headache, but Xander declines, will stay, have a drink with the grouch. She leaves, giving him a hug first. Xander roams around, drinking something from a cup, but he keeps spiking it from his little flask. He remembers last Christmas, Sarah very pregnant, talking of the baby, him playing Santa, Sarah actually saying to him “you have not forgotten you are not really the baby's father, have you?”. He does a few more flashbacks, calls Sarah, gets voicemail. (Maggie mentioned Eric & Sarah were meeting with Mackenzie's doctor).

Eli & Gabi arrive, there is talk of Peace on Earth, not the time or place for animosity. And finally the ornaments get hung, Julie hangs Tom & Alice's, telling young Thomas about her grandfather, a wonderful man, and Thomas is named after him. She & Doug hang each other's side by side. Maggie does Mickey, Sarah & one for Mackenzie. The Deveraux family all hang theirs, Chad helps Thomas. Julie takes one over to Gabi, talking of how she hopes Gabi hangs it close to hers, she gave Julie her husband's heart, and opened her own. Eli hangs his, and David Abraham's. I think it is Doug talking of peace, forgiveness, happiness, etc. And in walks Eve saying Bah, humbug! She rushes over to thank Abby for all she did for her, truth & justice, etc. But then your parents are another story, she rants of them. (Everyone is silent, not saying boo, as she goes on and on. She finally says she has something for all of them, reaching into her purse. Eli rushes over, thinking she has a gun, but she pulls out a one way plane ticket, glad to leave all you losers behind. Julie had said that is enough, Eve, but she did not think so, but she finally goes. The couples all snuggle a bit.

And then everyone is back at home. Chad & Abby have put their kids to bed, and time for themselves to get cozy.

Hattie stands in hallway, talking of how Marlena said she owed her big time for saving her life, and right now she needs someplace to stay. She knocks on the door.

Maggie comes into living room, with a plate, saying Xander, I brought you some food........but no Xander! Where did he go?

Eli gives Gabi a gift (at DiMeras) it is a frame with fortunes inside from last year. (flashback had Gabi seeing Eli in square, he ditched the ornament hanging, she invited him to her place as she over ordered Chinese, not wanting to go to Rafe's nacho dinner.) They both had gotten same will meet someone, and it will change you. She is touched.....kissing.

Julie tells Doug that JJ is tucked away nicely now in his room, Jack & Jen at the tree, this was the best Christmas ever!

In Boston, Sarah opens her door in answer to a knock. Surprise, it is Xander, got a lift from ….....sorry, I could not make out what he said. He came to see his 2 fav girls. Merry Christmas, Sarah.
MERRY CHRISTMAS & Happy Hanukkah to all who come here. Wishing you all the best.

Just a note, but I realized that I will not be able to post a summary on Christmas Day, Dec. 25th. I have commitments that will conflict. I may see the show, don't know, but it would be very late. If anyone is able, am sure it will be appreciated by all.

But all........enjoy your day, your family, your friends.
What was odd to me today, was no one mentioned Hope not being there. She is a Horton, and I think always has been there. No Ciara, either.
I did not see ornaments for them, or Lucas, or Will! All Hortons! Hated Gabi having an ornament, tho I suppose as Ari's mother, (she was not there either) she gets one.
Gabi originally got hers as Nick's soon-to-be-wife. After Nick's death, Gabi's ornament was accidentally broken. The following year, JJ had "a new one" made for her, and Julie flipped a bit of a fit.

Last year, Julie broke Gabi's ornament again (she was walking around with it, ranting at Stefan who had stopped by to see Charlotte, and accidentally dropped it; she didn't have much remorse).

I'm guessing it's hung this year since Julie is so grateful for Gabi donating Stefan's heart to her, plus, she's now Eli's main squeeze. No mention that this was another "new" ornament for Gabi (duplicates were created to be broken). Although, maybe Julie had the "new one" made during the "missed year" and presented it to Gabi then.

The rest of the ornaments (Bo, Hope, Shawn-D, Belle, Ciara, Zack, Claire, etc.) were all there, but not shown close-up. You could see them in far shots of the tree.

They even had Daniel, Melanie and Parker's near Maggie's ornament. Annoying that there isn't an ornament for Holly, considering she's Daniel's child, too.

I like to pretend this is Holly's ornament:

Sarah actually saying to him “you have not forgotten you are not really the baby's father, have you?”
I'm hoping they're laying this on so thickly so the reveal is that much more anticipated.
got a lift from ….....sorry, I could not make out what he said.
I couldn't either - but on a hunch I googled "Greek Santa Claus" and sure enough, that's what he said:
Ayios Vassileios

Nice Christmas episode! I'm available for a summary tomorrow, but I thought the show was pre-empted?
Merry Christmas Eve to all!! And Happy Hanukkah too!!

I don't think they aged Charlotte for the time jump. She would have been a year when it happened. She looks about the age she would really be. And would Sarah have been that pregnant last Christmas. I didn't remember she was really showing before the jump.

I like Kassie DePaiva (Eve) as an actress. It's a shame her character sucks. Not happy Hattie is back AGAIN.

Was nice that JJ got out of the hospital for the tree trimming.

Cannot wait for all Gabi has done to come out. Eli is going to feel like such a fool. Julie too. So grateful Gabi saved her life not knowing she had an app that could kill her. I am hoping the ghost of Christmas past pays her a visit!!!
Yes, I did expect verbal mention of the missing....I don't care if it was a phone call, a comment so and so had to work, or is at the Pub since Roman would be alone......Guessing Gina is with Rafe & little David. And there is Maggie, talking of Vic the grump who declined coming because of fake headache.....but don't the Kiriakis family celebrate in some way. Sonny? Justin? Xander, Vic........

Well, Christmas Day we will go to the prison, and I think we get to see Ari! I think Jason47 has mentioned the spoilers for that day.

Meanwhile, I did like Julie mentioning Jack dragging the tree in, hurting his back in the process. And JasonD is pretty smart to think of yes.........Ayios Vassileios is what my CC said! Had no idea what it meant, and could not make out Xander's pronunciation. Thanks, JD.
I missed the camera doing close up of all the ornaments.
They didn't do a close-up of all the ornaments, just a select few. The other usual ornaments were only shown in the far shots of the tree.
And JasonD is pretty smart to think of yes.........Ayios Vassileios is what my CC said
In the flashback to last year, Xander was wearing the Santa hat and he told Sarah about Ayios Vassileios.
It IS strange that there was no mention of Hope or Ciara. I am glad that JJ was there, since there was absolutely no physical reason he had to be in that hospital bed for so long, considering he was well through the withdrawal.

LOL - I must have been a bad girl - we got Sarah, Eve, and Hattie in the same show. It looked like Sarah has a school bus tire under her dress!
During Eve's rant, right before the commercial break when she's reaching into her purse for the plane ticket, NBC ran one of those stupid pop-up ads for their show Manifest. It starts as a bunch of smoke in the lower left-hand corner. At first, it looks like Alice's couch has caught fire and is smoking (next to Jennifer). I channeled my inner Roman and said "what da' hell???" when I saw it out of the corner of my eye. I thought someone was going to scream "OH NO, a candle fell on the couch!!"

Thank you for the summary, Poirot.

I agree that about 98% of it was good.

I was yelling at my tv at seeing Eve, Hattie, and Gabi today. I'm so sick of Julie's fawning over Gabi, I'm also sick of Eli getting so much time because that means Gabi will be on, too.

I feel so bad for Xander. In my opinion, he has turned into a much better person than Eric.
Thanks, Poirot.

The oddest thing to me was Sarah popping out so much with her pregnancy. We saw
her in November (year ago) and she wasn't showing. A month later (year ago) she
looks like she's going to have the baby any minute. It's Salem

It would be great if the tree was still up when Julie finds out the truth what Gabi
did with the app. Then Julie could take the ornament and throw it.

Nice scenes with Jack, Jennifer, JJ and Abby.

I enjoyed the ornament party. Too bad more Hortons weren't there.

Jason, the show will be on Christmas, but it's not on New Year's Day
Mr. Scrooge: Comparing this famous penny-pinching miser to Gabi is a real insult to him. Sure, he was a heartless moneygrubber, but he never heartlessly schemed or plotted against anyone. And since he was careful with his money, if anyone had suggested that he invest in GabiChic or DiMera Enterprises, he would have said "bah humbug!" and hit them with his cane.

Xander: It's too bad that Maggie didn't talk him into going to the ornament hanging and then surprised him with his very own Xander ornament. When sourpuss Eric learned that there was now a X-Man ornament on the sacred Horton Christmas tree, his head would probably have exploded.

Gabi: It's too bad that the ugly truth about Gabi and Julie's heart didn't come out at the ornament hanging. In addition to all the shocked and angry looks, her ornament could have spontaneously fallen off the tree and smashed on the floor.
The oddest thing to me was Sarah popping out so much with her pregnancy. We saw
her in November (year ago) and she wasn't showing. A month later (year ago) she
looks like she's going to have the baby any minute. It's Salem
This reminds me of when Chloe was pregnant with Parker. One day, she was dressed in her usual skin-tight, short dress and didn't even look pregnant. She went to take a nap and, when she emerged from the bedroom, she looked like she could go into labor any minute. :)
Xander: It's too bad that Maggie didn't talk him into going to the ornament hanging and then surprised him with his very own Xander ornament. When sourpuss Eric learned that there was now a X-Man ornament on the sacred Horton Christmas tree, his head would probably have exploded.
We'll just have to give him one.
