Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 25, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Sheila and Abe run into each other in the Private Area. Sheila is surprised because he's supposed to be in DC. His DC trip was a disaster, he and Valerie are emotionally separated and he skipped out early when Val had to go to work. Sheila suggests he work on his relationship. Later, she has brought him a gift: new tennis shoes. (She used her money from officiating Leo's wedding on them.) They argue fashion and he accept them, but they don't go with his suit. Sheila promises to fix his style later. Abe gets a text about the Children's Event at the hospital, remembers last year, when Theo came out of his coma. He wants to stop by the hospital.

At the Pub, Roman, with Will and Kayla, is talking of a successful holiday dinner. Kayla and Will are down. Kayla leaves the room as they clean up; Will won't tell Roman what's going on. Roman feels Sonny & Will are the real deal (probably not best to take advice from Roman on romance), will work it out. Lucas calls, Will steps outside to take it. Kayla rushes in, wondering if that was her phone. She's upset that Steve hasn't called her yet, Roman is sure Steve's just working the case to catch the spy. Kayla frets that her actions won't be forgiven by Steve.

At the Kmansion, Chad and Sonny are putting Chad's actions against Sonny aside to let Ari & Thomas celebrate Christmas. They come running from the room; Leo (looking sharp as always) has informed them Santa's not real. Sonny feels Ari's been traumatized, and chastises his husband. Later, Sonny and Chad are preparing for the event at the hospital, Leo is excited that there will be reporters there, and despite his dislike of children, he will attend for his and Sonny's "social début". He goes up to dress, passing Gabi, whom he compliments. She is revolted by him.

Gabi is dreaming of a happy family with Chad, post-Abby. (There's more to the dream, but it's not fun.)

At the Horton House, Julie comes in as Abby is looking at Charlotte. Julie is filled with joy. They recap as Abby feels badly about putting Julie in the situation which hospitalized her. Abby thanks Julie for her help, but laments she still doesn't have proof. Julie vows to help her, but Abby wants no more chances of injuring her elderly relative. She's grateful to be away from Stefan0. Ding-dong, guess who's here. Abby tries to send Stefan0 away, he wants to give his daughter a present. Julie is furious, making quips from the sidelines, as the rapist wakes the baby up to give her a stuffed bear. Abby has pulled out the "he's her father" baloney, and the rapist thinks he'll take Charlotte home tonight.

At the hospital, Roman is dressed as Santa as Will and Kayla help him. Will sees Leo with Sonny, is stunned. Arianna and Thomas run in with Chad and Gabi. Santa takes them to get cookies, Gabi and Chad lament Will's having to face Leo with Sonny. Will says at least Abby got what she wanted, a divorce from Stefan. Gabi looks shocked. Later, Will's recapped everything about Abby faking "Gabby" to get released by Stefan (his family told him); Gabi reminds everyone that "Gabby" tried to choke her. Kayla is about to read the Christmas story, Leo makes an announcement (I know I'm in the minority here, but he's funny) about how sick the kids are and his husband's donation. (It only takes about a minute.) Kayla thanks him awkwardly (Abe and Sheila, et al, exchange looks about it) and goes on with the story.

At the Horton House, the rapist refuses to leave. Abby will fight. Stefan has papers. Julie is watching, recalls everything. She drops an ornament and lays out the facts to the rapist about finding the results in Gabi's room and putting them in her purse, and the confrontation with Gabi getting them back. Voices get loud as the rapist tries to blame Julie's faulty memory, but the pieces fall into place for Abby. The rapist fights; Abby says let's go to the hospital.

Back at the hospital, "Santa" gives Thomas (head of the line) a gift. Kayla admires Abe's shoes (odd camera shots here). Abe says they're growing on him. Sonny scolds Leo for his "scene", Sheila comes to chat with the newlyweds. Leo kisses Sonny; Will watches and Roman tells him he has an idea. Chad has a flashback (of promising to do everything to protect Abby - looks pre-recast but I can't find it; it might be a new flashback); Gabi snaps him out of it, saying they need to take the kids home.

Later, Leo is ready to go, he and Sonny leave. Kayla stops them, tells Sonny that Roman needs to see him for some extra reimbursements in Room 304. Leo wants to find the bar, Kayla gives him a glare and stalks off, just as Abby and Charlotte enter with the Big Z.

In Room 304, Sonny finds Will in the Santa suit. They kiss. Back at the DiMansion, Chad and Gabi are wiped out. Gabi is spinning a tale.

In Kayla's office, Abby tells her tale, Kayla recalls that Gabi was here the day the results were returned as Kayla was called out on an emergency. Abby says that even if the paper results were tampered with, the hospital database would still reflect the correct results. Big Z rails and rants, why would Gabi do that, and Abby explains Gabi's plot as Kayla gets the results. Kayla drops the bomb: Abby's right, Charlotte is Chad's.

Back at the kids' event, Sheila and Abe dance with the kids to royalty-light music on Sheila's phone.

Back in Room 304, Sonny and Will exchange another kiss before Leo interrupts them. They cover; Leo and Sonny leave.

Back in Kayla's office, Kayla is looking at a picture of her and Steve (actually shown). Roman brings in her favourite flowers, with a note to answer her phone, which rings at that second. She's relieved to hear Steve's voice (we don't).

At Dimansion, Big Zero enters and throws a fit, trashing the tree and gifts.

At the Kmansion, Gabi goes upstairs to pack. Abby enters, tells Chad that he is Charlotte's father. Chad's facial expression doesn't change. Fade.

In loving Memory of Peggy McCay, 1927-2018.
I liked when Chad gave Will a kiss on his head (at the hospital).
She [Julie] drops an ornament
Julie drops Gabi's ornament and it shatters. Earlier, she's walking around, holding Gabi's ornament and making snide comments about her. This is the second time Gabi's ornament has been broken. Bet the prop department is tired of making Gabi "stunt ornaments" to break.

Edited to add: I watched the scene again; we don't see the ornament actually break; just Julie holding it, then it "drops" from her hands and you hear a broken glass sound.

Leo's suit is certainly eye-catching.
Leo makes an announcement (I know I'm in the minority here, but he's funny)
I thought it was funny, too. I liked how the kids just sat there and looked at him like he was crazy.
Behold, Leo's snazzy suit:

Not the best Christmas in Salem this year

So Will inexplicably doesn't go to the Horton tree trimming yet he knows all about what happened there? Sure.

Gabi and her endless wardrobe of Summer clothes are getting on my nerves.

Loved everything about the Charlotte reveal up until the ending when she told Chad. That part came off as very flat and was not what I expected. Also, I wanted Gabi in the room for the reveal. I want Julie on contract but I need her to stop ad libbing racist remarks in her scenes. I'm guessing these are ad libs based on the Susan Hayes (Julie) interview in SOD as well as the fact that she's the only one saying them.

We can't have John and Marlena's family Christmas or at least more Bradys at the Pub but let's give air time to Leo and Sheila on a holiday. No thank you.
We can't have John and Marlena's family Christmas or at least more Bradys at the Pub but let's give air time to Leo and Sheila on a holiday. No thank you.
Agreed. I'd have much rather watched scenes with John/Marlena/family or the Bradys at the pub over Abe and Sheila with the ugly tennis shoes in the park.
So Will inexplicably doesn't go to the Horton tree trimming yet he knows all about what happened there? Sure.
Bugged me too!
Loved everything about the Charlotte reveal up until the ending when she told Chad. That part came off as very flat and was not what I expected.
I'm hoping we get some more good performances from Mr Billy Flynn (Chad). He can deliver - why isn't he?
I want Julie on contract but I need her to stop ad libbing racist remarks in her scenes.
I'm glad you and I aren't the only ones noticing this and I need this, too. I actually like her quips (like when she rolled her eyes at the Rapist asking his one-month-old "did you miss me" and pointed out it was only one night) and standing up for family but there's a very clear line and she's crossed it twice now.

I actually don't mind Sheila and Leo getting airtime, but agree it's out of place in today's episode. (I already commented on this factor in yesterday's thread.) I also love Leo and am down for whatever he does (up to a point, we know what that is) and I loved his outfit so I'm okay with him getting bits during an otherwise slow episode.

I'm really not sure what's happening with Sheila and Abe, but I do hope it's not romance. I have nothing against intergenerational pairings, I just don't see a spark. I'm hoping she'll be used in the Val/Abe pairing (which is still a thing) as she was with Lani/Eli. HOPING.

Thanks JS for the grabs.
Only caught a few scenes today, no idea what the comments are that Julie is supposed to have made, but maybe, down the road, she gets called on it...meaning done on purpose???
Heck, Archie Bunker used to do that all the time, get called on it, mostly by the son-in-law he called Meathead..But then I don't know what Julie said so......??
Thank you so much, Jason, for stepping up to the plate today. It was very much appreciated.
We are to get a huge storm thursday, so I do hope you are in for your regular day.
That said, I am so very happy that Julie got the lightbulb moment. What was it someone was pulling out of an envelope that triggered it? (Hate when I see just bits, and not a whole scene, lol) . I know she flashed to pulling those DNA results out in front of Abby).
And now, another question, Kayla is at the Pub with Roman, getting ready for Brady dinner. Did we get to see it? Or anything of it? Or was it just those 2? I just got a kick that she is still in the same lovely Christmas Day dress at the hospital, evidently at work...when Abby & the DiMera Pretender came to get confirmation.
I agree with Heather about Gabi & her summer dresses in mid-winter, but I am guessing the actress prefers those types of clothes being she is so into keeping her figure in shape.
And then we have over the top Leo. That suit.....oh, my gosh. Looks like a reject from some host of a children's show. However, Leo is a hoot, oblivious from the getgo, determined to claim his place in the Kiriakis dynasty. And one can tell how much fun the actor is having.
no idea what the comments are that Julie is supposed to have made,
She referred to Gabi as "chica". And last week, I believe she used the term "chiquita".
Kayla is at the Pub with Roman, getting ready for Brady dinner. Did we get to see it?
Kayla, Roman and Will were cleaning up after the dinner (which we didn't see).