Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 26, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Family and friends stand around Theo’s bed, tears rolling down cheeks, as Theo’s eyes open blink. Val asks him to squeeze his father’s hand, he does. She checks his vitals, all is well. She has asked everyone but Abe to leave the room, they do. Claire & Ciara actually hug in happiness, as does JJ & Lani. Soon, Ciara & Claire are doing their verbal catfighting, Meanwhile, Theo is asking Abe how come he is there, Abe explains him being shot, Theo doesn’t remember. Abe comes out, tells them he knows emotions are heightened, but no stress for Theo. Girls agree. Val comes out, saying Theo wants to see his girlfriend, and Ciara rushes into the room before Claire can take a step. Claire complains to Val, stands outside the door, vowing not to let Ciara get away with this.

Inside, Theo is surprised to see Ciara, noting she is back. Yep, and all she could think about from the second she boarded that plane to this minute is Theo. Blah,Blah, and more blah. But Claire comes in, straight over to Theo, who is happy to see her. Claire then tells Ciara that Theo can have only one visitor at a time, shags her out, but not before Ciara comments to Theo how much they are going to hang out together now.

Claire does her own thing, how she was there every day with him, sorry for the fight they had, never again will anything come between them.

Meanwhile, Eli has gone home, stares at his disheveled bed, pulls all the blankets and pillows off, and picks them up, is out his door, and there is Gabi, wondering why he is doing laundry on Christmas. She comes in, he asks her what happened last night, she tells the story of going to bring Arianna’s gift for JJ, him in dress uniform, the stack of letters, one to her, ripping it open, and realizing he was going to kill himself. She is crying, Eli holding her, she had not slept as she tried to keep an eye on JJ. She tells how he was going to shoot himself in the square, Eli hurries to pack up the gun, hasn’t had a chance to take it in yet. She cries, what if she had waited til today to bring the gift. Eli reminds her she went, and she saved JJ’s life. She was strong and still is. Now they talk a bit about her 2 offers to buy Gabi Chic, and her decision to go with Countess W and Kate. Eli asks why, ….well,Eve made a better offer, but she doesn’t know her, and she trusts Kate. Trust is more important than money. Cue flashback #3 for the day for Eli & Lani in the sack.

Over at DiMansion, Andre is protesting Kate being ousted from the homestead, Chad insisting, going on about Kate being reason Theo in hospital in coma. Abby stands listening (wearing a really awful dress, in my opinion, terrible color & style) but Andre points out that Kate sealed the deal with Gabi Chic, and there is always a “trial” period. Once Gabi learns Kate is out, that will be the end of it. He thinks Kate should at least stay with the company. Nope, Chad is adamant, leaves the room. Abigail nods at them, follows. Kate is surprised & grateful Andre stuck up for her, protested, etc.

Later, Chad & Abby come rushing back in, got a call, Theo out of the coma. Chad now agrees to let Kate stay, but warns Andre that if Kate does a single thing wrong, not only is she out, he is, too. Chad takes off for the hospital, Abby staying behind with Thomas. Kate is telling Andre she won’t forget what he did for, ever. He protected her, she never did that for him. She promises to always be on his side as well.

JJ & Lani are sitting together at the hospital. She tells him she knows about last night. That he was going to kill himself. He asks how she found out. She goes thru the whole thing, going to see him, Gabi & JJ in bed, undressed, hugging. How upset she got, went to Eli, told him, made him think Gabi was unfaithful. Then how he went off on Gabi this morning, Gabi telling him why she was at JJ’s, etc. etc. (yes, she leaves out the roll in the hay with Eli). She now talks of how she was not there for JJ, she knew he was in a dark place, did not realize it was that bad. She loves him so much, and if he ever feels down, please tell her.

Val comes and says they can go see Theo, they both go.

In Theo’s room, Lani is telling Theo how she told him as he went into surgery, he better come back to her, and he did. Theo smiles, “just took me a while”. He comments on JJ not saying anything, JJ doesn’t know what to say, except..he is sorry, he is the one responsible for Theo being here, he shot him, it was his fault. And he never knew it was Theo. Theo says no, it was not your fault. I remember a policeman telling me to drop the weapon, but I did not have a weapon. Sometimes I have to hear the exact word. And I had what looked like a gun. It was my own fault.

In the square, Ciara & Claire run into each other, with Claire chiding Ciara for what she tried to pull back there. Ciara claims she thought Theo was asking for her, Claire warns her to stay away from Theo. Nope, you are not going to tell me what to do.

Abby comes back into the room, apologizing to Andre for Chad’s attitude. Where is Kate. Gone to see Theo.

In Theo’s room, Abe has returned, Lani is talking to Theo. She says she was on duty with JJ that night, and to them it looked like Theo was trying to break into the warehouse. Yes, Theo says he was. Lani asks if that was his idea…Theo is silent. Or did someone put you up to it? He is still silent. Did a DiMera perhaps ask you to do it? Theo is still silent, moving his head a bit, looking around, and thru the window, sees Kate peering in.
Both Eli and Lani seem on the verge of telling their love partners what they did, but both get to the edge, and then take a step or two back.

And that dress that Abby is wearing. Maybe it is just how my TV shows the color, but it is awful (to me) reminding me of .....well, won't say what, but it is a shade of yellow/gold?? And the style? Can't say I have ever seen anything like it before.

Theo takes a bit to say his first word (Dad) and to get his memory in gear, but it did seem rather swift. I guess with Will having his amnesia, would not do to have another character with memory problems as well. Ciara needs a Gibbs slap, is really insufferable. I don't understand at all why she thinks if she had been there, Theo would not have been shot.

And Casey Moss (JJ)..still turning in stellar work. Kudos.!
I love how coma patients on TV wake up, usually fresh as a daisy, and usually without any lingering issues. (well, Rafe had to learn to walk again) But when they wake up, they start talking as if nothing has happened. I know from experience that is not the case. They're lucky they can sit upright, much less carry on a regular conversation.
Awww,, Theo took a long time to say "Dad".........and he did not remember stuff for about 10 minutes. Maybe 20....You realize that had to be 2 weeks in Salem time...........or is it still Christmas Day? LOLOL

I remember once, New Year's lasted about 6 weeks, kept still being New Year's ........and suddenly it was Valentine's Day. LOL

Actually, everyone today did a good job......but Kate and her fake tears, and head tossing was......well, just did not convey (to me) all the love, guilt, regret, etc. that supposedly she was feeling.
Eve made a better offer, but she doesn’t know her, and she trusts Kate
Well I guess that two days we had smart Gabi are gone. Good night.
wearing a really awful dress, in my opinion, terrible color & style
Hear, hear. It looked like my great-aunt's "updated" 1970s wallpaper.
I remember a policeman telling me to drop the weapon, but I did not have a weapon. Sometimes I have to hear the exact word. And I had what looked like a gun. It was my own fault.
Both Eli and Lani seem on the verge of telling their love partners what they did, but both get to the edge, and then take a step or two back.
Boo. I was hoping for some originality in this story.
Ciara is really insufferable.
Understatement of the decade. Good night, I'd rather have Sami back pining for EJ than to hear one more second of Ciara's delusions.
I don't understand at all why she thinks if she had been there, Theo would not have been shot.
Because she's an idiot. And stupid idiot characters are the worst.
Maybe 20....You realize that had to be 2 weeks in Salem time...........or is it still Christmas Day?
LOL. Also, Abe told Theo it was Christmas. I laughed because Theo asked how long he was out. Abe stumbled (because who can tell time in Salem) and then said it was Christmas. Nice and non-committal.
Additional note: I'm really over the friendship between André and Abby. I liked it for awhile, but now it seems cumbersome and forced.

On the same token, I'm really past sick of Kate and her pseudo-family claim to Chad. She is slime and I would not mind if she was gone. Furthermore, Chad is taking the advice of a psychopath (André) about the business of his ex-stalker (Gabi). DiMera is probably worth nearly a billion dollars. Why is Gabi's alleged company so important? Strains credulity...even for Days.

Normally I don't make wardrobe comments, but what is up with Kate's nails? They don't say million-dollar-CEO to me, they say Long Island Medium.

I would really like it if Theo told Ciara to leave him alone. But I fear that won't come to pass. For the record, JJ shot Theo November 10, 2017.
While I realize that Abby perhaps feels Andre kept her "secret", (not revealing she had been there at the house, & helping her hide out, and get well at Gramma Laura's) I do agree it has gone overboard, the same as Kate's fake "thinking of Chad as her son", and loving Theo so much.
Just why should Kate think of Chad as her son? And actually, Chad should beware her saying that, if he thinks right now about Lucas.........and that Austin has gone far, far away.

Abby can be friends with Andre, civil to him, but she doesn't have to defend him, take his side in everything and anything that arises.
I love how coma patients on TV wake up, usually fresh as a daisy, and usually without any lingering issues. (well, Rafe had to learn to walk again) But when they wake up, they start talking as if nothing has happened. I know from experience that is not the case. They're lucky they can sit upright, much less carry on a regular conversation.
Since Theo is in such good shape, does this mean that he's well enough to be charged with attempted burglary and resisting arrest by D.A. Trask and to be sternly warned by Kate to keep his mouth shut about why he was at the warehouse?

:eek: Gullible Gabi: She chose Kate over Eve because she trusts Ms. Blue Chunk? When was the last time anybody actually trusted Kate?

:sick: Chad the Grinch: He was trying to toss Kate out into the cold on Christmas Day? Even Stefano might not have been that mean. Chad also should realize that saying "over my dead body" to Andre is really not a good idea.

:clap:Theo: He gets a big hand for accepting blame for being shot and deserves a nice round of applause for becoming a real Salemite (by being shot). Unfortunately, he may find being in a coma was far easier than being the center of the nasty, immature Ciara-Claire feud.

:clap:Eli: He rates boos and hisses for his shabby treatment of Gabi, but gets a hand for actually heading for the laundry with his soiled bedclothes. When was the last time any Salemite even mentioned wash day? And if he needs tips on how to cleanse his tainted sheets, he ought to check with veteran DiMansion-love-couch-sanitizer Harold.
Well I guess that two days we had smart Gabi are gone. Good night.

I'll start out by saying I think Gabi made a mistake by signing with Kate, but I completely buy her reasoning. She knows Kate, she's been through heck and back with Kate (the Nick stuff) and was supportive of her and Chad. I know that's really not really ringing endorsement of Kate but Gabi has come to see her as a mentor figure.

As far as Eve goes, Gabi doesn't really know her from, well, Eve. LOL

We have seen the countless ways Kate is not trustworthy but Gabi unfortunately hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I'm guessing she's going to when all is said and done. Even though it shows the ways Gabi is still unsophisticated, I can buy it.

Yeah, I know "unsophisticated" probably isn't the trait you want to highlight in a character you're trying to sell to the audience as a sharp and promising young up-and-coming businesswoman. LOL
I would've liked to see a relationship develop between Eve and Gabi, with their connection being Paige. Gabi could've learned about her little half-sister, while Eve would've had someone to share her memories with. It could've been interesting to see them bond through the memory of Paige.
Thanks Poirot.

Enjoyed seeing Ari and the pink bear again today.

It was interesting to hear Lani talk to JJ about how she found him in
bed with Gabi. It would have interesting to hear her say after that
then I had sex with Eli because I was mad at you.

I wondered if Eli was going to tell Gabi the truth too until
she started crying.

Theo told JJ it was his fault he got shot and why. Several of us
mentioned that
JJ said gun, but Theo knew he didn't have one so he didn't put it down.

Kate showed up at the end when Lani was asking Theo which DiMera
hired him. Will Theo tell Lani?
Ciara and Claire are very annoying. I was hoping when Ciara barged her way in, Theo would say "where's Claire?" I have never been a Ciara/Theo fan. They grew up like brother and sister.

Very happy that Theo said shooting was his fault, not JJ's. I was afraid he'd wake up blaming JJ and it would start all over again.

I hope he nails Kate because Theo can't lie.
Chad should beware her saying that, if he thinks right now about Lucas.........and that Austin has gone far, far away.
Hear, hear. Philip, too. She thinks of Chad as a son now because it is convenient to do so. When the going gets tough - her kids get going.
she's been through heck and back with Kate (the Nick stuff)
But surely by now Gabi has realised that Kate's "help" was really self-interest and actually ended up making the situation with Nick much, much worse. That's why I don't buy this. But who knows if we're even supposed to remember the Nick stuff?
I'm guessing she's going to when all is said and done
Surely she will, until the next time she needs not to remember it. :eek:
Can anyone post a photo of Abigail's dress on here? I'm having trouble pulling up the online episode but I want to see it.
I feel like I've been watching the exact same episode for the last 3-4 days now. The only difference is they keep swapping out Eve and Kate. Seriously, I like JJ and Theo but I want to see other stories and other characters and not just other characters supporting this story.

Today we had Abe mediating Ciara and Claire. Yesterday it was Roman and Valerie. WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS??? This alone should be a separate story for Hope, Shawn and Belle. Instead we have Hope running off every time Rafe calls and Belle and Shawn keep getting cut.

Ciara and Theo were never a romantic thing. Yes they crushed on each other a bit but they never dated and when Theo admitted he wanted her, she responded by chasing after Chad. Stop writing them as more than they were which was best friends. Unless the goal here is ago show Ciara as delusional. But seriously this needs to stop.

I still like Claire and Theo but I really like Claire and Tripp. Nice rootable triangle I think.

Kate and Andre are not a thing. Kate and Theo are not a thing. Kate and Abe are not a thing. And stop trying to force Kate and Chad as a thing. WHERE IS LUCAS??? Is he still in detox? Why is Kate not spending Christmas with him? Stop with these forced connections already.

Gabi Chic is also not a thing. Stop making it more important than it should be.

I did not like the color of Abby's dress nor the style. I thought it was too matronly for a 20 something. I did like her Christmas Eve dress though. I thought that was very Abby-like.

Speaking of Abby, I need her out of the Dimera orbit. She can stay married to Chad but I need them out of the DiMansion and I need her to work for The Spectator. Abby has always been independent and spunky and now she is reduced to being a serial killer's best friend? Can we bring Stephanie back instead of Andre?

I'm over Lani/JJ and Gabi/Eli and am ready for Lani/Eli and Gabi/JJ.

Do Jennifer and Abby even know about JJ or Lucas???