Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 3, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Brady in the square, on phone with Nicole. Seems Eric did not come home last night, stayed at his dad's. Brady assures her all will be o.k., he is still her good friend, if she wants to hang out??? She declines. A bit later, Eric returns home, yep, all mad, unforgiving, just came for a few things, will be staying at his dad's. Nicole goes into tears, tries to plead her case, she loves him, they were so happy, but Eric won't budge from his stance.

Cira is busy with the drill, trying to get into Xander's box. Sarah comes in, scolds her for the noise. Ciara says she found an old metal box of her mementos, can't find the key, sorry for the noise. Sarah worried it would disturb Mickey. They chat about the kidnapping, Mickey being safe, checked over by mom and doctor, all o.k. Mickey crying is heard, woke up on her own, Sarah leaves, Ciara resumes her drilling. She gets into the box, rifles thru it's contents, finds nothing to prove Xander killed Jordan.

Xander has Mickey on his lap, chatting with Sarah, Eric arrives, no knocking, as Xander notes. Eric wants to talk to Sarah privately, about custody, Sarah is o.k., Xander gives Mickey to her, leaves. Eric now reams out Sarah for keeping his daughter from him, lying, but Sarah defends, knew he & Nicole were all happy & in love, just wanted him to be happy, not be obligated to her in any way. She praises Xander for helping out, being such a good father to Mickey. They talk of sharing custody, both are o.k. With it, but Eric has one condition.

Ben is struggling over the knife with Clyde, and gets stabbed! Will rushes over, takes off his shirt to stem the bleeding, yelling for a guard, telling Clyde to stay away. Next scene, evidently Ben has been taken to prison infirmary, as Clyde is telling guard that Will stabbed Ben, Will is denying, pointing out he stemmed the bleeding and was one to yell for guard, then saying just ask Ben. Guard takes Clyde out, he wants to see his son. Now he is with Ben, who says it was just a flesh wound, got a few stitches. (he is in a bed) Clyde warns him not to implicate him, he is daddy, etc. Guard enters, asks Ben, who tells the truth. Clyde did it, not on purpose. Was attacking my cellmate, I was trying to get the knife away from him. Clyde not happy, guard is now taking him back to solitary, Clyde tells Ben he will be sorry he did that.

Ben calls Ciara, who relates she got into the box, nothing there, will have to find similar to put it back. She looked online it is a common one. (By the way, it is still Thanksgiving in Salem). Ben doesn't think she can do that on Thanksgiving day......but, later, she is putting the new box back in the drawer in Xander's office, just as he enters, she pretends she just brought some reports in. He says next time give to assistant.

Earlier, he was having a piece of pie with Uncle Vic, (seems Kayla made a few she gifted to folks). Vic wants to talk about the confession Xander apparently did not write. Xander flashes back to doing so, and then later burning it, but just tells Vic the secret is safe. Vic berates him for getting involved with Sarah/baby, and now Eric knows, Xander will be out Xander loves the baby, got closer to Sarah, feels all will be o.k.

Later on, in the square, Brady has been shopping for Tate, Vic is sitting having a drink at a table, stops him. Brady has nothing to say, Vic ousted him from company at a low point, just after losing his baby, was terrible. Vic says he felt the company was suffering, as Brady was distracted, Kristen and the whole thing. Brady says Vic acted badly to someone he always said he loved. Vic claims he does love him. Brady doesn't feel things will ever get back to where they were, walks off.

Xander has gone to see Nicole, blows up at her for opening her mouth to Eric, she is upset, but tells why, he proposed and she just could not accept with this big thing between them. They argue a bit, but he does leave. Nicole sits sadly on the sofa, then calls Brady, asks if the offer is still open to hang out.

Evan is washing dishes at Rafe's, Sonny arrives with Evan's scarf he left behind. Evan invites him in for some pie Kayla gave, they chat some, talk of Will (a few flashbacks to “last year's Thanksgiving with Sonny & Will) Sonny is leaving, Evan suddenly kisses him, the apologizes to him knowing he is still married, etc. Sonny smiles, tis o.k. He goes out, Evan is berating himself, why did I do that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Rafe comes in with David, small talk, Rafe puts David to bed, tells Evan he is there for David, not dishes. Evan doesn't mind, likes it. Rafe asks if he & Sonny are a thing, Nope, just friends. Rafe figures Evan really likes Sonny, but warns him he comes with a lot of baggage, & he would not want Evan to get hurt.

Ben is back in the cell with Will, but holding his side. Will thanks him for saving his life, Ben says he owed him one. Will notes he even told the guard the truth. Will figures now they are even, puts out his hand to shake Ben's. Ben eases down onto his bunk, telling Will that Clyde is now in solitary, but when he gets out, he will be after them both!

Ciara leaves Xander's office, but tells herself she is not done yet, she will find proof, & Xander is going down.
Thank god Ben didn't stick up for his dad! Got me worried when he said no. But he did the right thing.

Baby David sure looked grumpy! And he is 2. I was worried when Rafe covered the stroller.

Eric is a horrible person! He should be most mad at Sarah! It was her secret, not Nicole's, to tell but Nicole did finally tell!! I can't believe he would throw away all he and Nicole have had over this!! He is just miserable. I don't know why she wants him! I can only assume Brady will come over, Eric will come back home and think it's a compromising position he's finding them in! Ugh and his condition with Sarah has to be something with Xander. Eric always want to control everything!! I would love if Mackenzie is not Eric's, is but not Brady's either!! Let her be Rex's!!
I just want someone, anyone, preferably Xander, to just punch Eric to the ground. Sorry. I can't stand the guy anymore. The way he always acts, so judgmental, the way he looks at women, first Nicole today, and then Sarah, in an evil way. He is mean, disrespectful, horrible, always playing the victim and blaming others. Nope. I can't stand him and I'm so ready for him to leave. Go away. Die. I don't care. Just get the sourpuss off the screen.
I'm not sure he has ever been seen actually killing someone on screen but he is a killer in his attempts to shoot Marlena, Eric, Nicole, Serena. It's only been of late that he has been written to not be the killer he was once portrayed to be.

But isn't funny how we make concession for those characters we like. Xander cedrtainly has it in him to kill but I sure like him as a character and overlook traits we normally wouldn't in real life.
Eric: The Salem sourpuss was at his absolute worst today. Instead of ripping into the long-suffering Nicole he ought to be out on an apology tour.
  • Telling Rexy that he's sorry for stealing his wife.
  • Apologizing to Sarah for luring her away from Rexy only to dump her the second Nicole arrived in town.
  • Making an abject apology to Nicole for the shabby way he's now treating her. (He also seems to have forgotten all about his devotion to little Holly.)
  • Dropping by the Pub to tell Roman he's sorry for treating his position there (whatever it is) like a no-show job.
  • Apologizing to the St. Luke's parishioners for abruptly leaving them in the lurch after his misadventure with Kristen.
Kate: She seems to have nothing to do lately so why doesn't she drop by state prison to reconnect with creepy Clyde. They could partner in a new, Ozark-themed version of Hearth & Home.

Xander: Once again the morally-challenged X-man has upstaged his critics by actually going to work. If his counterparts over at DiMera Enterprises actually did that maybe the company wouldn't always be on the edge of ruin.

Brady & Nicole: These two should leave the cruel world of Salem and return to Manitoba to actually run the hardware store that Brady purchased. The locals would welcome them. They must be heartily stick of driving 50 miles to the nearest Home Depot.
@Muzza.........Xander also rescued both Theresa & Chloe from that Mexican drug lord's place (Chloe did the killing there) . He has done the stolen diamond thing with Serena, did try to roast Nicole & Eric, yes, several attempted murders that did not work. So....does he miss on purpose, but looks as tho he is obeying the boss?
He did hide and protect Nicole & Holly, marrying her but not consummating it.
By the way, Muzza, you do note my posting name, right? Have you read Agatha Christie's mysteries. Ever hear of her fab detective Hercule Poirot? The one who always talks of using the little grey cells? LOLOLOL
Nicole deserves better than Angry Eric that jerk. She's better off without him. Heck, any woman would be. He and his cheer squad might think otherwise but he is no prize given his history and current state. Now I hope Mackenzie is Brady's kid just so Eric suffers for how he treated Nicole today. His holier than thou attitude makes me sick, what a jerk. :angry:

PS If Xander has it him to off anyone, it should be Eric after today. I hope either Xander or Victor put an end to Eric's attitude sooner rather than later if he makes one misstep at the K-Mansion. I doubt Victor will tolerate Eric making a scene in his home.
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She gets into the box, rifles thru it's contents, finds nothing to prove Xander killed Jordan.
Is it possible that Ciara is an idiot?
With it, but Eric has one condition.
And not a legal leg to stand on, methinks.
He says next time give to assistant.
How did she make sure it has the same key/combination?
I can't stand him and I'm so ready for him to leave.
Me too. I can't wait for the baby to be proven not his and get him off my TV!! Although he's not reached EJ territory yet, he's close.
Did Xander actually kill someone? I know he tried, but did he kill?
Nope. Eric did though. So did Ciara's sainted father and bio grandfather, despite her snark against the X-man.
Xander: Once again the morally-challenged X-man has upstaged his critics by actually going to work. If his counterparts over at DiMera Enterprises actually did that maybe the company wouldn't always be on the edge of ruin.
Welcome Back, DBF. Competence in Salem is not rewarded!
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a long Thanksgiving night in Salem with the Christmas season
starting with holiday music on the square.

JS, they put the Salem Inn doors up before the "time jump". I think around
the time Vivian was in town. I know I mentioned it awhile ago.

I was surprised Ciara didn't find anything in Xander's lock box. Maybe he has two.

Ciara told Ben she had to get another box. Won't Xander notice if his key won't
open it? or his original combination?

Will sad clown Eric abandon Holly because he has his own daughter Mickey now?

Nice to see Will and Ben shake hands.
I just want someone, anyone, preferably Xander, to just punch Eric to the ground. Sorry. I can't stand the guy anymore. The way he always acts, so judgmental, the way he looks at women, first Nicole today, and then Sarah, in an evil way. He is mean, disrespectful, horrible, always playing the victim and blaming others. Nope. I can't stand him and I'm so ready for him to leave. Go away. Die. I don't care. Just get the sourpuss off the screen.
I would have loved to slap Eric silly today. How stupid can one man be?
Thanks for the summary, Poirot.

I don't necessarily want Eric to be gone, but I do so want it to turn out he is not baby Mickey's father.

I've always liked Nicole and Brady's friendship but have not enjoyed them as lovers. Still, I'm guessing they are going to end up having another romantic fling.