Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 6, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A mixed bag today, as we flit around town, as Salemites deal with their issues. Adrienne is at St. Luke's, having evidently spent the night. Father Louis comes in, she cries about how she handled things, hurt people, is so scared, feels so lost. He tells her to "tell him" meaning God, & leaves. She kneels & prays, ignoring texts & voice messages on her phone, and when she finally leaves the church, she leaves her phone behind.

Sonny meets up with his father, is blaming himself for her running away, Justin assures him not his fault, she just did not want to face the test results, has been living with this scare for some time now. Sonny thinks he made things worse by locking her in that hotel room. Justin says no.

JJ tries to once again talk Abby into revealing herself to Chad & Thomas. Abby refuses. After he is gone, she is looking at a picture of Chad & Thomas, and flashing back to when Chad first talked her into moving into DiMansion. (This is newly created, using present actress, Marci Miller in the flashback). She is complaining about old, musty, etc. and he is talking redecorating with all their own pictures, baby toys scattered all over, etc. She makes a decision, runs to leave the attic, only to find Andre there, come to see her.

Kaya & Steve are talking, have not found Adrienne, she suggests going home, he doesn't want to....(Jade). She mentions having to clean up Jades's dishes, all her wet towels on the bathroom floor. Steve figures they will be having a talk with Jade, as Kayla notes they will be laying down some ground rules.

Earlier, at DiMansion, Chad has to go to a business dinner, the people want to bring a blind date for him, he hates those, wants Gabi to go with him. Andre is coming in, thinks it a bad idea, Gabi would contribute nothing to corporate business talk. Chad tells him to stay out of his business, goes to change into the clothes Gabi had suggested. Andre now gives Gabi a hard time, would not look well for Chad to be escorting an ex-con, and more of the same snide, snarky insults. Chad returns, Andre pretends he was all nice, but Gabi has gotten the message. She refuses to go with Chad, and in fact resigns. Upset, he tries talking her out of it, but she is adamant, talking of needing time to grow a client list, yada, yada, and leaves.

Jade is on the sofa, Joey bringing her a plate of fruit. She munches, as she asks why they have to sleep in separate rooms, and then if they are going to get married. Joey hasn't thought that far ahead, thinks they should learn about being parents, etc. Jade figures Kayla knows all that stuff, being a doctor, so no worries. Later, they are in the park, he has a manual, Chapter l is about getting pregnant, about being off the pill for at least 2 cycles before trying to get pregnant. Joey figures she needs to see a doctor right away, but she claims she has been off the pill for a while, since she was at Gramma's. Joey wonders why she did not get back on, or was she actually trying to get pregnant?

Abby has come downstairs, mom has coffee, the crib is in the living room, knocking at the door, she runs upstairs to hide, frantic Lucas arrives, tells Jen how Adrienne passed out, hospital, tests and she ran off. He thinks maybe she came He spots the two cups, asks if anyone there, she claims JJ stopped by, but Lucas knows JJ was out looking for Adrienne all night, feels the still hot cups, is convinced Adrienne is there, starts calling her name, nearly going upstairs. Jen calms him down, assures him she would have told him, inasmuch as Adrienne seems to have a medical problem.

Steve comes into the Pub, finds Adrienne eating chowder. He sits, talks gently to her, she knows she should not have run off, he isn't going to scold, since he has done it himself dozens of times. She is back, though, and he calls all concerned that he has found her.

Kayla, Lucas, Justin, Sonny have all gathered, and Steve enters with Adrienne. She hugs Sonny, is sorry, then Justin, and then goes over to Lucas, another big hug. She is sorry, and now it is time to answer the $64 ,000 question. She faces Kayla, so what is wrong with me.

Chad is at St. Luke's, lighting a candle. Father Louis is there, Chad is talking of Abby, of how much he loved her, and how he wanted to hold on to that, but it is slipping away, not even a grave. Father Louis suggests a shrine or something to honor her, that it is hard to let go, and he has to move on.

Andre is trying to convince Abby to show herself to Chad, assures her that nothing is between Gabi & Chad, that he got whatever to stop and go away. Gabi & JJ are back together, he will soften Chad up a bit so he won't go into shock. But she is running out of time now.

Adrienne faces Kayla. So what is wrong with me. Kayla thinks Adrienne already knows. She has breast cancer.
Adrienne would not pass out because of breast cancer. As a survivor with many other medical problems as well, blacking out is not a symptom of cancer that I've ever heard of. Pain, lumps, other symptoms, yes...but not what they had Adrienne go through. I really wish the writers would do their research!!
I think it was made as though she passed out from the stress, dehydration, not eating prior to the wedding, etc. But once at the hospital, they ran tests and found the cancer. Kayla was the one who brought up running those tests since she knew Adrienne tested positive for the breast cancer gene, but hadn't continued with her follow-up testing.
Hmm, let's see where should I start oh, yes now I remember:

ANDRE!!! :angry::angry::angry:If there is one thing you do not do it is talk to my Gabi like that!! So congratulations, sir, you join the Heinous Hillbilly in the ranks of those whose name shall never again be typed upon my keyboard. I'm just not sure what a suitable nickname yet but it has been a long time coming, That rassum frassum.

On the flip side, I was proud of Gabi for fighting back :love: I was afraid that she was just going to stand there and take it. But on the other hand, I do think it's good that Gabi resigned because she and Chad do need to distance themselves from each other. I just wish it hadn't happened that way. I have to doubt if Gabi buying suits for one person really does a business make.

Ahh, well, I love her so if she says she has a business, then good golly gosh, she has a business. :)

So it looks like Jade got pregnant on purpose so she could trap Joey and have a baby to love her. I'm kind of relieved because I was afraid she might have done it for all the wrong reasons. :sarcasm:

I really enjoyed the Steve and Adrienne scenes and I wish we saw more of that relationship.
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(This is newly created, using present actress, Marci Miller in the flashback)

I think this was actually a flashback of a scene that we originally saw with Kate Mansi (ex-Abigail). They re-taped it with Marci Miller (Abigail). Makes me wonder if they will re-tape the wedding too since Chad likes to look at the photo. In any event, I thought Chad and new Abigail looked good together.

How, pray tell, did Andre Dimera of all people get into the Horton attic???? Sometimes I just can't with this show.

I liked Lucas going to Jen's but I didn't like that Jen seemed so nonchalant. She should have left with Lucas.

Both Jack and Steve were thrown under the bus by their sons today.

I'm still confused by Adrienne's decision. If she chose Lucas, why would Lucas say he should leave Steve and Kayla's since it was just "family"? But then Adrienne's body language with Lucas indicated they were still a couple. If anything, Justin should leave.

Today is a good example of what is wrong with this show. Lots (not all) of characters I care about and want to see but they're all stuck with bad writing, stories dragging out or mismatched couplings or any combination of the 3. I would really like to see what can be done with a Ryan Quan dominated show. The elements for a good show are there, the execution is just not.
The scenes with Adrienne in the church, and with Steve at the Pub, reminded me of an Adrienne long, long ago. I THINK, but cannot remember for sure, that she was going through the aftermath of a rape by her father. Justin lovingly helped her through the trauma one gentle step at a time. Please correct my memory folks. But I remember Adrienne with the straight hair, tear sodden face, etc.
Yes,that is why I said the scene was recreated. I remember Kate Mansi as Abby, complaining about the decor.

Is the problem because the person writing the dialogue has no idea what the dialogue was the day before, with a different writer?

I don't know, maybe Lucas felt that Steve was her brother, Sonny her son, Kayla her sister-in-law, and they were immediate family. Since he & Adrienne were not married yet.......and Justin was throwing his weight around. plus Adrienne still not giving her "decision"...we are all to remain in the dark.

And yes, Jennifer should have left with Lucas. Adrienne was in crisis, and Jen is her sister-in-law. However, she probably figured if she left, Abby would bolt.
There is definitely a continuity issue with the writers. It's not just bad editing. I think the Adrienne situation is a great example but there have been others as well. For example, today Abby mentioned waiting for Doug and Julie to leave for the day but on Thanksgiving, they showed up as guests.

So the issue is either with the scriptwriters or the breakdown writers. I'm not sure which. But in any event, isn't it the job of the head writer to review all scripts before they go to tape???
P.S. I also liked that when JJ was trying to convince Abby to reveal herself to Chad, & others he referred to how this was what his dad did to them, felt they were better off if he was "dead", and how it made them feel. (and also, loved that JJ moaned "their car was still out there) referring to Doug & Julie, and that they were still in the house, so Abby could not leave the attic.
@heather...........I just thought that Doug & Julie had gone somewhere, and had now come back??? Maybe they really filmed stuff out of order??

But I think that perhaps some of the dialogue writers are very familiar with history, and some are not. But yes, the headwriter should be on top of it, reviewing and making sure all is o.k.

Once upon a time, Days had a continuity editor, along with the medical and legal consultants......all long gone. Funny thing is, among the viewers, they could easily find folks who would gladly do it for free. But the headwriters definitely would be responsible for overseeing that breakdown and dialogue are in sync. However, editing is a different story........and I think there are filmed scenes that have been cut at fact, we have seen pictures of scenes that never appeared to us on screen.
I'm surprised Julie hasn't wondered what the noise is upstairs. Does Abby sit
very still when Doug and Julie are at home like Anne Frank and her family?

Interesting Lucas thought Adrienne was hiding. Someone is.

I wonder why Paul couldn't find Adrienne via her cell phone. They do it
all the time on cop shows. Was that the reason she left it behind?

Jade told Joey too much today. He knows she probably got pregnant on purpose.

I remembered the scene with Abby and Chad the first time. I didn't remember
the part with Daisy and the dog. This was the first day I felt like the new actress
is Abigail.

Will we ever find out who Adrienne picked? It doesn't matter now does it? I hope
Justin and Lucas will work together and no longer fight since she's ill.
A big day for Father Louis whose presence in Salem is usually ignored by the Salem in-crowd. Perhaps, on Sunday, he can caution the St. Luke's congregation against only thinking of the Church when there's a big personal crisis.

Young love seems to be on the rocks. Perhaps, parents who want to caution their teenagers that their youthful crushes aren't going to last can point to Joey and Jade as an example.

Andre asked, "Why is it my fault." A better question would be when isn't some disaster or dirty doing Andre's fault.

There was more evidence today of Salem's special climate. Visible through Abigail's attic window was a tree displaying its peak fall foliage at a time when almost all trees in the upper Mid-West (and here on Long Island) have lost their leaves. Perhaps, Mayor Abe and the local Chamber of Commerce can promote Salem or at least Jenny's yard as the place to go for leaf peepers who want a fond last glimpse of colorful fall foliage.
The scenes with Adrienne in the church, and with Steve at the Pub, reminded me of an Adrienne long, long ago. I THINK, but cannot remember for sure, that she was going through the aftermath of a rape by her father. Justin lovingly helped her through the trauma one gentle step at a time. Please correct my memory folks. But I remember Adrienne with the straight hair, tear sodden face, etc.
Your memory of that is correct.
I watched about 20 minutes today as I was home sick.

I can't hack this Gabi/Chad nonsense and André as a naysayer only sickens it more. First - they are NOT a real couple and thus don't need a naysayer. Second - the naysayer is a terrible trope that should have been done away with long ago. Third - André is laughable as an ex-con and multiple attempted murderer (not to mention actual murderer) defending a criminal enterprise's reputation from the likes of abusive-spouse killer Gabi Hernandez. So there was nothing in these scenes of any merit.

I'd have liked it if Steve and Kayla were focusing on the positive instead of on trashing Jade. Also, I would like it if we got some sort of originality in the Jade story instead of just the usual garbage storyline about a scheming teen girl. :sick:

The show airs a half hour later in my district than most the rest of the country, and by about the halfway point (for me, end point for the rest) the tweets were looking dismal, so I checked out. Looks like I didn't miss much.
I find (when reading tweets later, and actually, I have seen the show already) that they really don't reflect what is going on, Am sure that is due to the limited amount of words/letters, but mostly, just reflect what the person likes or doesn't like in what is going on.

I do agree that, given Andre's past evil deeds, his comments are laughable, plus his presence in any kind of DiMera enterprise/business would certainly send investors and board members running the other way, for sure.

I don't like him skulking around DiMansion, don't like his slimy comments to anyone, actually. I do love the actor, but having him portray Andre was a lousy idea by previous writers. And making him suddenly the son of Stefano even worse. I do think that Steve & Kayla inviting Jade to stay with them was a great gesture, but Jade taking advantage the way she is, and being so ungrateful, wanting to be waited on, making more work for everyone....that is just not acceptable. She is a guest, and being pregnant does not make her helpless, or unable to at least pick up after herself.
Thanks for the summary.

Obviously the Andre and Abigail stuff annoyed me. Seemed like filler. I'd rather be watching more with Lucas and Adrienne! I did enjoy all their scenes.