Days of Our Lives - Tues., Feb. 17, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Good show, with a couple secrets finally coming out, plus the obligatory filler scenes. Clyde meets with Victor at Vic's request, and is told that Victor has disbanded his trucking business, is finding new jobs for all his men, they are good men in case Clyde wants to pick some of them up. Victor wants no trouble, wants his loved ones safe. Clyde seems a bit wary, can't believe Victor would just roll over and quit, but Vic says at one time he enjoyed being the meanest guy in Salem, but not any more. Now he only wants to sit in his garden, take a walk with his wife, watch old movies on TV, particularly with Myrna Loy. (loved that comment). Clyde says he is o.k. with this, Vic says fine, our business is done, and our paths won't ever be crossing again. He leaves, but Clyde looks after him with an odd look on his face.

Marlena is at Will's apt. wondering where the sitter is. Knock, knock, but it is Kate. Marlena explains, Kate tries to contact the sitter, learns she had to cancel, but her sister is taking her place. Kate does a bit of questioning about Will & Sonny and how they are to each other, Marlena's antennae go up, they play the ol, "what do you know" game.Knock, knock, oh, yayyy, it's the sitter. Nope, tis Roman to see Will. He is surprised to see the two ladies in the room together, and the room still standing. They update him on the situation, Roman wanted to see Will, and give him this, asking Marlena to to so. A plastic bag containing Sonny's wedding ring, found near where he was attacked, all prints wiped off, so Will can give this to Sonny. Marlena is pleased, Kate goes to see Ari, comes out to find Marlena & Roman gone. Looks like she is doing the sitting now.

Adrienne is in the lounge getting coffee, Lucas comes in, saw her arrive. She notes Will is in with Sonny, she wants to give them time together. Lucas asks about Justin, but Adrienne doesn't know a thing, hasn't seen nor heard. She is near tears, but composes herself, as all that matters is Sonny.

Meanwhile, Will fusses with his tablet to show the article to Sonny, but an ad comes up first (I HATE that, happens to me all the time). He finally is about to show Sonny the tablet, when Justin walks in. Hugs, greets, (Justin badly needs a shave), he came straight from the airport, figured Adrienne was there. Sonny is very glad to have his dad back, makes a few pointed barbs about how long Justin has been gone, including him not returning for Christmas. Justin claims Titan business merger has resulted in all kinds of other mergers, etc. but Sonny comments about the beautiful woman who is assisting him.
Will decides to leave, puts the closed tablet on the nightstand, and takes off. In comes Lucas & Adrienne. Justin hugs Adrienne, she is rather stiff, she had no idea when he was coming in. He claims to have thrown clothes in a suitcase, and rushed off, his phone went dead, forgot his charger. Adrienne ends up leaving the room, Justin goes after her. She gets her coat in the lounge, talks of having a party when Sonny gets home, will Justin still be there. He doesn't know. She walks out. Lucas has overheard just a tiny bit at the end, comes into the room for his coat. He gives Justin a hard time, talking of how Sonny nearly bled out, almost died, last minute donor is what saved him, Justin knew none of this. Adrienne did not tell him. Well, she did not want to worry you, but what's the matter, you could not buy a new charger at the airport. Since when. Lucas talks of all who were there, how Maggie & Victor were the ones who found Sonny. He mentions various folks who came and waited. Justin comments frostily that seems Adrienne had a lot of support, including you, I suppose. Yes, I was there as well. Lucas walks out.

Victor calls Sonny, wanting to visit, but Sonny needs some sleep. Vic understands, tells him to rest, call him if he needs anything. Next, Victor calls Rafe, leaving a message saying to contact Victor the minute he gets back to town.

Clyde has called Kate, learns she is babysitting, will meet with her later. He then calls Marlena, gives her a song and dance about missing his last appointment, is sorry, still wants to see her. He has a lot he wants to tell her.

Derrick comes to Paul, telling all about his conversation with Sonny, how bad he feels as Sonny rushed out, and got stabbed. He feels guilty. He is sure Sonny still loves him, acted all jealous. He then confesses that Sonny had come to see Paul 2 other times, when Paul had that writer guy in there. He did not say anything, thinking maybe he had a chance with Paul himself, but realizes that won't happen, and really thinks this guy still loves Paul.
Of course, Paul dashes off to see Sonny, runs into Will, manages to tell him how he may be able to get back with that guy who proposed to him. Will wishes him luck.
Will goes home, Kate is happy to see him, he tells her the article is on line now. She reads it, says it is really good. Will tells her how he bumped into Paul, who may be getting back together with his old boyfriend. Will just wants all of them, Paul, himself & Sonny to be happy.

Replay of Hope & Aiden struggling over the letter opener, her being frightened, him shaking, not understanding what is wrong. (These scenes are VERY good). She says something about him actually killing his wife, and now threatening her with a letter opener. He is stunned, shaken, cannot believe this. She talks of how he won't let her be alone, stops her from leaving, mentions the video with Meredith being so frightened. That is not a woman who is suicidal, she is scared. Aiden is shaking, his fingers over his mouth, seemingly about to cry. But he tells her to leave, gives her her purse, go now, go. But Hope continues on about his statement to the police, and how there were only 3 people in the house, him, Meredith and Chase. Aiden's face changes a bit, and Hope says, Oh, my God. Chase, it was Chase, you were protecting him, just as you continually protected him after coming to Salem. Aiden keeps looking at the mantle, comments it wasn't there in the video, is that why you wanted the ax, to get something behind that wall, what is there.
An angry Aiden goes to get the ax, you want to know? He knocks down the mantle, begins hacking at the wall. When there is a hole big enough, he reaches in, pulls out a plastic bag with items in it. She begs him to tell her what happened. He finally does. It was 5 years ago, Chase was just 4 years old. We had just bought this place. Meredith was upstairs drinking (we see this unfolding as he talks), Chase found her gun. She is coming downstairs with her glass, sees him, quickly goes to him, that's my gun. Chase says mine, I found it. She is saying give it to me, wrestle with the kid, trying to get the gun away, as Aiden comes in, & we hear a shot.. Back to the present, as Aiden says he cleaned Chase up, put him to bed, got rid of his clothes & called the police, saying Meredith committed suicide. Hope says you covered for him. Aiden says Chase has no memory of this, and now. Well, Hope is a cop. What is she going to do?

Paul comes in the hospital room, finds Sonny sleeping, strokes his hair. He sees the tablet, picks it up, Sonny wakes up. What are you doing here. Paul is explaining, Derrick told him everything, feels bad.......and as Paul talks, Sonny is remembering talking with Derrick. Paul feels that things are different now, and he is hoping to connect with Sonny again. He mentions Derrick telling him how he told Sonny, when Sonny came to see Paul, that he was with that writer fellow. He mentions having been with the guy, but just that one time, was a mistake, and won't ever happen again. Sonny is a bit perplexed. But Paul smiles, says there is this big article about him, he has come out, admitted he was gay. He shows Sonny the article. Sonny is staring at Paul's picture, the title "The Final Out", and the William Horton. Sonny practically spits out "you slept with him".
It was a good show today with some of the secrets finally coming out. Good to see Justin is back. However, with all the secrecy been going on with Will, Sonny, and Paul being that all of them did not know about the others just wondering how all of this will be dealt with. It would have been better if Sonny would have said "You slept with my husband?". Now we have to wait the fireworks.

We finally find out it was Chase who accidentally shot his mother with a gun I am sure he thought was toy. Can't blame Aiden for most parents will go to extremes to protect their child.
Even though there has been a lot of speculation that Chase killed his mom, I wish they had built up to this revelation in a different way. It almost seems like the writers had a different route they wanted to go and then they read some fan boards and changed direction.

Derrick needs to lose his job.

Lucas really annoyed me today. Justin has been a bad husband but none of this is really any of Lucas' business. Also since Lucas was in Hong Kong while Evil, Jr. was putting his family through heck and back, I don't think he has much room to talk about where Justin should or shouldn't spend his time. Only thing I got from that scene was that Lucas wants Justin's wife and he's not too happy that Justin is back. Justin most certainly should have been in contact with his wife, but Sonny has a husband and child and doesn't need his father hovering over him at all times.

Does Clyde really think a man that put a hit on him is going to roll over so easily?

I wish the show wouldn't show their cheap graphic designs. Not even the Enquirer would have such a low quality cover. And really, "The Final Outing", is Paul dying?
The storyline about Chase killing his mother would've been written months before people started chattering about it on message boards.

"The Final Outing" refers to the fact that Paul can no longer play baseball. (with the added "bonus" of dealing with him coming out as gay)
It's the Final Out, and yes, a play on a phrase associated with the baseball career, plus Paul revealing he is gay.

The writers' wanted to do all scary/suspense with the Aiden/Hope scenes at the Puget Sound house, and might have succeeded......except they film sooooooo far in advance, and drag things out soooo long, they leave the viewers entirely too much time to guess correctly, what the final outcome will be.

As to is my opinion that Justin has treated his WIFE abominably since he has been gone. I do not care how busy he was, it only takes 3 seconds to text...."thinking of you", loved the scrapbook, love you, hon. Can't wait to be back home." Just little notes. But Justin sent NOTHING. Not even a word on his arrival time, etc. He did nothing, but ignore his wife and family. And, in my opinion, there ARE times when grown up adult children appreciate having a dad around, or a mom. No, not always, not interfering like Kate. But there. Even just a phone call away.
So, a 4 year old finds his Mom's gun, and she gets accidentally shot as she tries to get it. It's not like Chase would have went to jail or even had a trial. OK, Aiden didn't want him to remember it and didn't want it in the press for Chase to find later I guess? I just find this storyline really lame and lacking.

Justin looked like he hadn't slept in days. I don't mean to be offensive to the actor, I think he is very handsome, just looked bad today. Guess all I can say for today's show is that the Hope and Aiden stuff is finally in the open and we got to see Roman and Marlena.
Yes, Aiden did not want Chase to remember he had killed his mother. While it would've been easy to "hide" from him as a small child, once he could read, he'd have easily discovered stories online or heard people saying "there's that kid who killed his mother".

To me, Justin's appearance was appropriate for a man who had been traveling for 18 hours straight.
And stories about small children finding a parent's gun and "playing" with it abound in the news. A 3rd old in the seat of a shopping cart at Wal-Mart sticks his hand in his mom's purse, somehow manages to disengage the lock she has over the pocket where the gun was kept, and ...his mother is shot. A cop pull the magazine out of his gun, his little kid picks it up, and pulls the trigger. Yep, there was a bullet still in the chamber, the father was shot, but is still alive, fortunately. And there are a lot of stories. So, it happens.
Hope realized it was Chase, understood immediately that he has been protecting his son all these years.

I don't think Hope is going to squeal . She told Aiden she had fallen in love with him, and yet he had been lying to her all along. Her momentary fear evaporated as she saw him falling apart, and guessed finally that it was Chase. Even then, Aiden did not want to admit it, but he finally did.
Lucas really annoyed me today. Justin has been a bad husband but none of this is really any of Lucas' business.
Justin's conduct while away leaves a lot to be desired, but Lucas would have been better advised to keep his mouth shut. He ought to leave such comments to professional busybodies like Maggie. Speaking of Justin, he wins quote of the day award for saying about the Sonny stabbing: "What are the police doing about this?" As a veteran Salemite, he should have realized long ago that all Roman's top cops ever do is wander about socializing. Elsewhere, the beach house of horrors has finally given up its secrets, but couldn't Aiden have found a better method for disposing of Chases's clothes than sealing them behind a wall, when he had the options of the burning them in the fireplace, burial in the woods, or sinking them in Puget Sound? Finally, hopefully Victor's call to Rafe indicates that he's got another card up his sleeve when it comes to creepy Clyde. Otherwise, Days viewers who want the Poplar Bluff pervert to get his just desserts will have to hope for good old-fashioned DiMera vengeance.
Finally we can go somewhere with Hope/Aiden. The scenes were a little over the top with the axe and all of that, but now it's over, let's move on.

Justin looked appropriate for someone travelling 18 hours at a moment's notice. Lucas was on point today to call him out. Business is business, but come on, this isn't 1841. Text your wife, your son, send them an e-mail, etc.

I hope Victor is sincere (though I doubt it) in his giving up his "criminal product territories" because if I want crummy gang BS stories, I'll watch GH. I like Victor as the head of Titan, grandpa to Brady, friend to John, granduncle to Sonny, and sparring partner of Nicole.

I really hope Sonny walks away from Will, but I doubt it'll happen.

LOVE the writing for Derrick. Remember folks, he DOES NOT have all the facts, only what he's seen. (Sometimes people assume the characters know what we all know...not here at the SalemSpectator, but elsewhere.) Should he lose his job? Maybe for taking the bribe from Nicole, unless his hotel made him sign a super-duper secrecy agreement like Salem U Hospital did re: the loser baseball guy. I mean, where else is Paul going to live? It's not like there are any apartments in Salem. Can Derrick's actions reasonably cost the business any money? :wink:

And no matter how good the reveal of Will/Paul might be, I can't get over the many inconsistencies and plot holes to make it worthwhile for me...unless Sonny truly dumps Will forever.

Colour me confused...who is "Raphe?" Or "Raef"? Never heard of him!!! :confused::confused::confused:
The more I have thought about the Will, Sonny and Paul story I have come to the conclusion that Will and Sonny are the ones for having caused this triangle. Sonny should have told Will his ex was back in town and Will should have went ahead and told Sonny who he is was secretly writing about. Paul not knowing the connection between Will and Sonny was just caught in the middle. So the writers really messed this one up since they are against any kind of pure romance. I am sure Sonny has a picture of Will and Arianna in his billfold so why did he not show it to Paul when he said he was married.