Days of Our Lives - Tues., Feb. 18, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A really well done episode. Replay of Julie taunting Gabi, who in turn, zaps Julie big time, causing her to pass out. Yep, the gawkers just stare, immobile, Rafe tries to grab the phone, she pulls away. However, Chad manages to grab it out of her hands. Folks are standing around Julie, and Eli has gone to her, upset because she is seemingly comatose. Valerie comes over, Eli saying “do something”. She checks, Julie's pulse is strong, normal, Eli asks then what is wrong. Julie opens hers eyes, slyly says, not a thing.

And tho it gets a bit confusing, it is JJ who tells the tale. (JJ, Lani, & Julie in on it). JJ ran into the guy who was delivering the pacemaker at the hospital. It bugged him, thinking he knew the guy from somewhere. As he walks away, remembers him from when JJ was a cop, bad dude, record a mile long. JJ got a cop friend to take the fellow in, tried to get him to 'fess up on Gabi, no success. So, he came up with different plan, got a different pacemaker for Julie. Told Lani. They later fill in Julie, come up with the plan, Julie determined to help expose Gabi. It worked.

Gabi is not pleased, Lani tells Rafe she knows he loves his sister, but is only cop there, has to arrest her. He does, reads rights, she asks if he has to do this. Oh, yes, he takes her away. Julie apologizes profusely to Lani, thanking her for all she did, sacrificing herself to save Julie's life. Eli is listening. Julie wants to go to Doug now. Lani thanks JJ big time, he tells her to go talk to Eli, who now walks out. Chad & Abby will drive Julie.

Doug sits with Jen & Jack, talking of how Doug visited Hope, can't believe she is Gina, & he could tell all this while, and was unable to get Hope back. They assure him it will happen, just will take time.

Jen gets a call, comes back to the table with sad news, She tears up as she says her father died. Doug hugs her, tells her what a great man her father was, saying he could tell so many stories. Jen is eager to hear some, he starts with being in prison, different name, getting Bill Horton for a cell mate. (flashbacks here, including one where Bill was being threatened, Doug came along, jumped one guy, Bill is grappling with the other, guard comes, all stops. Jen says if it wasn't for you, I might not be here. Doug laughs, tells how he was planning on coming to Salem to woo Susan Martin who inherited lot of money. (flashbacks) Jen asks what happened, Doug says he met Julie. Changed everything for him. He talks of his life, becoming a better man. There is long flashback of Bill Horton coming for Jen's wedding, gifting her with her mother's pearls.

Chad & Abby arrive with Julie, they talk more of Hope/Gina. In comes JJ. Doug says they were doing memories, but there is something more important. Jen gets up, puts Abby & JJ side by side, telling them Grampa Bill died. They all talk of going to Africa, Chad saying he will call travel agent, Abby doesn't want him to go along, so many tropical diseases there, doesn't want to expose the kids, so Chad should stay behind with them. He agrees. Jack is alone with JJ, telling him he knows it has been a tough year, another funeral, he's lost Haley, now this. He feels JJ has done so well, is so very proud of him, big Hug. O.k. Time for all to get going. Abby & Chad says goodbye, will be back before you know it. Kiss. Julie, who has been upset, hugs Jen, talked of how much Bill Horton meant to them all.

At the cop shop, Rafe comes into the interrogation room, asking Gabi how could she have done this. Gabi has been wiping a tear or two away, now starts in on her excuses. She never thought she would find true love, mentioning past lovers, then came Stefan, and she had it at last. Then suddenly, he was gone, along with their hopes, dream future, family. She is going on and on, Rafe tells her no excuse to hurt all those people, commit all the crimes. Gabi still thinks it was o.k., everyone was being so happy, she wanted them to feel the pain like she did. He reminds her she tried to kill Julie in front of dozens of witnesses.

Doug & Julie are alone now, talking of how Doug has been in Salem 50 years. They embrace, start to dance, music plays, lovely song, and a long montage of Doug & Julie, young, middle aged, present day, having a child, then a grandchild. It is truly well done. Back to present day, they dance, they kiss. Across the screen is ...Happy 50th anniversary Bill!
I fast-forwarded through much of this. I can't stand what they've done with Gabi's character. I hated Julie bringing up Nick the rapist AGAIN. I'm glad that Eli is pressing Lani on why she didn't tell him instead of JJ. That whole part of this story has never made sense. They could have done this a year ago in Salem time.
Dangit my last 20 minutes got preempted by a special report. Going to have to watch on demand. The end sounds good.

I cant believe Julie was in on the whole exposing Gabi ruse. Glad it's done but I'm sure she won't pay. Poor Eli. He is never going to want to have a wedding again.
Nice to have the ever-so-brief mention of Lucas (Jennifer said Lucas called to say Bill had died).

She says he had a heart attack in his sleep, notes he had heart surgery a few years ago and she had asked him to come home and relax, but he was devoted to his patients.

Now there'd be a match. Fugitive Jeremy Horton and Gabi. She could get another chance to hang her ornament on the tree. :rolleyes:
Hunky Jeremy and Gabi would make quite a match -- a union of truly dumb criminals. It would be a tough call as to whose criminal plot was dumber: Jeremy's sketchy Touch the Sky Airlines and the shipping of hot merchandise or Gabi's idiotic Julie-Lani-Eli plot. As for today's episode, here are a few comments.

Down memory lane with Doug: Very nice with plenty of old clips showing fan favorites in their younger days.

Salem brain: JJ goes to the head of the class for putting two and two together regarding the sketchy tech nerd and the pacemaker. Abe ought to ask him to rejoin the Salem P.D.

Typical Salem P.D.: Despite having just witnessed Gabi try to kill Julie, Rafe just stood around waiting for everyone to get in their invective and gloating before hauling little sister off to the Salem lock-up. And former commissioner Eli Grant was no better. While a crime was being committed, he stood around looking dazed and confused.

Out of her league: Gabi demonstrated today that she's totally unfit to play in the Salem criminal big leagues. True professionals like Victor, the real Stefano, and Kate would be shaking their heads over her amateurish ineptitude.
I enjoyed today's episode very much, but I see from the write-up, I missed the best part. Darned news report. I will miss JJ. Always liked him. The flashbacks are always a joy for me, as I've seen it all!
Is Laura still in Africa?
Laura wasn't in Africa with Bill. While they were friendly, they weren't reunited as a couple.
Interesting that there was no mention of Addie in Doug's flashbacks.
Maybe the writers were trying to gloss over the fact Doug married his former stepdaughter.
In case anyone was wondering if Gabi can be charged with attempted murder although her app had no ability to harm, the answer is yes. Even though a murder was impossible, she reasonably believed that using the app could result in Julie's death, Here are a few typical law school examples:
  • Scenario 1: Andre dies of a heart attack while sleeping on the DiMera love couch. Soon after, pistol-packing Anna, trying to kill him, sticks her hand and gun through an open window and shoots the body full of bullets, intending to kill the hated Andre. Here, Anna could be charged with attempted murder.
  • Scenario 2: Anna buys a mail-order Andre voodoo doll from Celeste's occult supplies company and then sticks it full of pins, intending to cause his death. Here, there would be no legal liability because it's not reasonable to expect that this would kill Andre.
In any case, the defender of the hopeless, Justin, ought to start reading up on how to plead your client not guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity. Barring some absurd Salem development, this might be Gaba-Gaba's only chance to stay out of prison.