Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan 15, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
January 15, 2019

Those who enjoy shirtless will be very happy, as many of the Salem men will be very obliging. LOL. A sleeping Haley wakes up in JJ's bed (he slept on sofa) to see JJ making breakfast. Good, she is hungry. He gives her a plate of scrambled eggs, then begins peppering her with questions. He knows she is related to Melinda Trask, he heard her on the phone, and since she is not your mother, maybe your sister. Haley doesn't admit to anything except that they are both Chinese-Americans, and now she has to shower before her appt. with Dr. Evans.

In the square, John & Marlena are having breakfast, she has omelet. He has pancakes, tries to tempt her with them, but then shows her tickets to Kiss Me Kate in Chicago, she has been dying to see it. They banter lovingly back and forth, John gets a call from Paul, Will arrives, tells Gramma all his problems trying to find Leo's mother. She suggests asking John, Will feels guilty about Paul, John comes up, and admits he was not all that thrilled at first about Will & Sonny, but then after a period of time, appreciated how Will stayed with Paul, despite wanting to be with Sonny, etc. etc. Of course John will help. Marlena has to leave for work, hugs, kisses, she goes. John sits with Will, a laptop, and talk over how to find Leo's mom.

Xander wakes up to find Leo in his bed, trying to get him to have sex, in exchange for the info on how he got Sonny to marry him. Xander is not receptive, but caresses Leo's face, as if to kiss him, then says he needs more time to think about it, jumps out of bed. Sonny is on phone with Will, talking of the dead end in trying to find Leo's mom, Sarah comes in, Sonny hangs up fast, they chat a bit, and in comes Xander, grabbing a muffin, chomping away, Sarah objects, it was hers, he notes she is new, Sonny does the intro, Xander hopes they are not related. Sonny says she is Maggie's daughter, then tells Sarah, he is Vic's nephew. Xander is happy there is no blood related. But Sarah wonders why he is not in prison, shooting Marlena, Xander laughs about the “rumor mill”. Sonny dons his coat, to go out, Leo comes bustling down the stairs, will go with him to hospital appointment. Sonny tells Sarah if Xander misbehaves, hit him with a poker.

Over at Eric's apartment, Rex is up, pestering Eric about helping him win Sarah back. He wants him to talk Rex up to her, tell Rex what she says about him. Eric comments she never says his name, just creep, jerk, cheater, etc. Rex says he is not involved with Mimi, only will be discussing custody, he doesn't love her, only Sarah, always will. He goes to take a shower, Sarah arrives, tells Eric that Xander is alive, over at Kmansion.

Leo stays glued to Sonny's side, giving him a hard time about Seth Burns not expecting him. Will is hiding behind a wall, so Sonny begins questioning Leo about his mom, but Leo only says she was terrible, only cared about herself, doesn't keep in touch. Sonny decides he doesn't want to wait around for Seth to make room for him, is going to tell him, will be right back. He meets with Will, kiss, quick exchange of info, Will has John working on the case, won't be long. Yayyy.

Melinda is in Abe's office, on phone with Haley, usual warning about keeping her mouth shut. Abe comes in, not happy Melinda was harassing Abby, and threatening to prosecute her husband. Melinda points out he is ex, and goes on about how all these Salemites, friends, relatives walk free, and this is due to Abe's inept police force. Abe retaliates with her being unable to convict anyone, except Gabi Hernandez, who wasn't guilty. They go back and forth, Melinda brings up the inept police commissioner, who is so fixated on putting Ben Weston behind bars, arrests him over and over, for things he did not do. Abe says Hope is protecting the Salem citizens, Melinda says the state has determined Ben is no longer a threat, and is also a Salem citizen. She thinks Abe should get rid of the police commissioner, Abe reminds her he appointed her as well, and could easily fire her. Melinda says meeting is over, leaves.

Marlena has Haley in her office, who doesn't think she belongs there, not necessary, learned her lesson, won't happen again. Marlena really does a nice job of assuring her that everything is in confidence, that while she has to report to Kayla her assessment of whether Haley is fit to return to work, everything said in the room is confidential. She is safe, Marlena would tell no one. She can see Haley is troubled by something. Haley finally admits she has carried this secret inside all her life, and is tearful as she says she just cannot do it any longer.

Rex comes out into living room with towel, there is Sarah, he thinks she is there because Eric called her to come talk to Rex. No, she told Eric Xander was alive, Eric left, told me to wait her til he came back.

Xander sits peeling a banana, gets a text from Leo asking if he has made up his mind yet. He stares at the banana. Later, he is starting to leave the room, Eric arrives, shoves him against the wall, you killed Nicole, and now I am going to kill you!
Thank you, Poirot.

At least Gabi and Stefan aren't on today.

Did anyone else find Leo to be just plain creepy with his sexual harassment of Xander. Does Days think they can do this just because it is a man doing it to a man instead of a man / woman or woman / man situation? It doesn't matter if Xander is straight, gay, or bi-sexual. It is just wrong to me that Leo is doing this.

Melinda Trask was on a roll with her accurate criticism of Hope Brady. Since when does a subordinate tell the boss when the meeting is over? I wouldn't even think of doing that. The closest I've come is telling my now-retired boss that I had to leave by a certain time to make it to a contracted site on time.

I've changed my mind about Haley.I feel sorry for her seeing how Melinda treated her the other day. She probably has endured that verbal abuse from big sister her entire life.
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I did love Trask going off on Commissioner Brady. Couldn't argue with a thing she said!! Can't believe Abe defended her.

I'm tired of the whole Will/Sonny thing. Leo was amusing to start but now not so much.

Oh my god Haley!! Tell the secret already!! It was nice but weird to see her being all smiley when she first woke up at JJ's.
Loved today’s episode. John and Marlena were so cute. Those two are perfect. Of course, Will had to come in whining and get the subject changed to a certain couple who shall remain nameless. I’m glad John is going help him & Sonny, although a part of me wishes he would tell them to get lost.

This Rex will never be my Rex. He is such a bum lol. Shirtless, drinking out of jug instead of getting a glass, and begging for Eric’s help when it is pointless. I did like hearing him talk about his daughter though.

The Trask and Abe scenes were good. I have a feeling Abe made big mistake.

Has Leo ever had someone be intimate with him that wasn’t through blackmail lol? Xander was great with Leo and even made Sarah somewhat watchable. Can’t wait to see the showdown between him and Eric.
Well, let's not get greedy. Actors have at most 2 episodes per week, and when they get used up if an actor appears 3 or 4 times during a week, then they end up only appearing once or zero. Patience.........LOLOL
Party Pooper: Xander was having a fine time today: toying with Leo, swiping Sarah's blueberry muffin, swatting aside her predictable negative remarks, and scarfing down his tasty banana, but then sourpuss Eric showed up squawking death threats. The rude fallen Father Eric (as Xander calls him) may have bitten off more than he can chew this time.

Color Me Delusional: Sexy Rexy thinks that Sarah hates his sin, but not him? He ought to guess again. If she could get away with it, she'd probably dump him in the Salem River.

Oooh, I Love Pancakes: John really has a thing for Roman's pancakes. Roman might want to consider featuring them on his breakfast menu along with such other morning favorites as EJ Chow, Choco Puffs, and the breakfast burrito. In fact, John could help out by doing commercials on Titan TV. E.g., "Hi, I'm John Black. When you've been in as many comas as I have, you need a real boost to start your day. That's why my choice is a stack of the Pub's tasty pancakes. They never let me down."

I'm Mr. Nosy: JJ was acting like a traditional Salem busybody today, trying to pry out secrets from Haley's past. If Maggie and Julie ever retire from busybodying, JJ can take right over.

The Ugly Truth: Melinda was right on target today with Abe. He may not have like what she said, but actually she was kind not to unload with what could be her best zingers: Couldn't you find anyone for police commissioner who isn't a ex-convict; just how many felonies has Hope Brady committed, and what have you done about the exploding tunnels problem.
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I sure hope that we get to hear the "big secret" tomorrow (or more likely, Thursday) and that it is something interesting. I read some the rumor/spoilers and they aren't anything exciting. But, the longer they drag it out, the less I care by the time it is finally out there. I am liking Haley.
Did anyone else find Leo to be just plain creepy with his sexual harassment of Xander.

Melinda Trask was on a roll with her accurate criticism of Hope Brady. Since when does a subordinate tell the boss when the meeting is over?

I've changed my mind about Haley.I feel sorry for her seeing how Melinda treated her the other day. She probably has endured that verbal abuse from big sister her entire life.

I find everything about Leo to be creepy. The best thing I can say about him is that he reminds me of a little Banty rooster, strutting around, cocking his head from one side to the other. I keep wishing Xander would pick him up by his collar and throw him out, with a swift kick to send him rolling.

I agree about Trask and what she said about Hope. Also that she shouldn't get by with talking to her boss the way she did.

I haven't watched yet but I also think I will feel sorry for Haley. Having to endure being related to Melinda would be enough to make anyone think about suicide.
Will feels guilty about Paul, John comes up, and admits he was not all that thrilled at first about Will & Sonny, but then after a period of time, appreciated how Will stayed with Paul, despite wanting to be with Sonny, e
Man, they can't keep an idea for three weeks about how this played out. I'm bored already. And Will was John's (functional) grandson long long long before he knew Paul sprouted from his fling with Tori.
Abe retaliates with her being unable to convict anyone, except Gabi Hernandez, who wasn't guilty
Wow, they really should be yelling at Greg Meng (executive producer) and Ron Carlivati (head writer).
Thanks, Poirot.

A new day in Salem.

Someone needs to tell JJ when he's cooking he needs to wear a shirt. A lot
of people get burned from grease.

Marlena wore jeans.

Sonny called Leo "Voldemort" (villain in Harry Potter movies) in tweet to Will.

It was icky when Xander told Sarah that he liked the sheets she had on her
bed in Nashville.

Did Melinda read what people posted on the internet about Hope and that's
why she
started the whisper campaign :)
I sure hope that we get to hear the "big secret" tomorrow (or more likely, Thursday) and that it is something interesting. I read some the rumor/spoilers and they aren't anything exciting. But, the longer they drag it out, the less I care by the time it is finally out there. I am liking Haley.
We won't. She'll get a call; someone will come in the door, etc.
Remember when Leo first came on Sonny was quite hot for him. Slept with him on the first date I think.
I’m in total agreement with you. Nothing against the actors, they do a great job with what is handed to them but please, the whole gay story needs to go away
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Do you mean as in Sonny and Will need to go, or that they need to drop Leo's forced marriage to Sonny and trying to have sex with Xander?
Thanks for the summary!
Did anyone else find Leo to be just plain creepy with his sexual harassment of Xander. Does Days think they can do this just because it is a man doing it to a man instead of a man / woman or woman / man situation? It doesn't matter if Xander is straight, gay, or bi-sexual. It is just wrong to me that Leo is doing this.
Wow! I certainly agree - these writers have no clue as to how to handle sexuality issues!:whack: