Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 17, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Good show today....with humor provided by Anna, Austin, & Carrie. The group in Prague are talking over what has gone down so far, Rafe is on the phone with Shawn, who is having no luck searching for his mom. He covered everything from prison to Salem and no sign. No, she would not go to Horton cabin, knows the police would check there, he did anyway, no dice. Rafe debates returning to Salem, Shawn says no, stay and find Stefano.

Paul comes in, says the cops have the man who left the cafe in custody, not Stefano, Carrie wonders why he ran, Austin says who wouldn't, with someone shooting up the cafe. Marlena decides to stay with Carrie & Austin in the room, the guys go to meet up with Resnick & nab Stefano, if it is him. Rafe tells Steve to check the rooftop first, make sure all is o.k. up there. Rafe stays with Paul, who has audio and visuals set up. they spot a big limo, armored, bullet proof windows, etc. Someone is getting out, can't make them out. Uh, oh, someone rushing down the street, they hear a shot, the man gets back in limo, and it takes off.

Knocking at the door, Austin opens, a bleeding Steve enters, shocking them all, he says a shoulder wound, Marlena rushes to aid him, Austin says who shot you. Rafe comes in, pulling a reluctant Anna, ditzy as usual. She babbles about being sorry, Rafe is scolding her, she says he scares her. (laughing at these scenes). She complains she did not want to put Tony down, so could not aim properly. Marlena has Steve in another room, tending to his flesh wound. Austin is clearly exasperated with Anna, as are they all. Steve is saying he needs a scotch, Austin thinks they all do, Anna wants a splash of soda in hers, Carrie warns her to just keep quiet, or someone is going to strangle her.

Hope is coming to, barely opening her eyes, wonders where she is. Eric replies "my home". She doesn't know it is him, he turns round, she says she thought he was in prison, he thought she was, too. She is very weak, sort of in and out of consciousness, cannot remember what happened, but then it begins coming back to her, (flashback to all the events of being knocked out, dumpster, fight with the guy, etc.) She keeps passing out, Eric says she is bleeding again, stitches have pulled out, he is going to try and save her life, gives her something for the pain, all he has there, nothing stronger on hand. He leaves, returns, and yes, he sews her back up.Was in an area at one time with hardly any doctors, they had to make do.

Kayla is talking to Joey , about school, college, losing the baby, etc, when nuJade comes in (recast character now). She is downcast, sullen, sits down, seems her friend says she cannot stay there any longer. Kayla has a solution, takes them both to an apt, says she & Steve will pay the rent, help with living expenses, and college. They both have to be responsible, and lots more, conditions they have to meet, or their butts are out of there. Joey & Jade both thank her, even after warns them about being sexually active and responsible. Joey comments about separate rooms, but she knows things happen anyway. Jade wants to see her bedroom, Joey is about to take her, Ciara comes in. What are YOU doing here, asks Jade. I live here, replies Ciara. Uh, oh, the girls get snippy with each other, then Ciara says Jade can have the loft, which is small, Jade not happy. O.K. then I will take it, you can room with Claire, her phone, internet, etc. Jade takes the loft. Joey takes her upstairs, Kayla talks to Ciara about her mom, reassuring her. Ciara earlier had talked to Shawn, is meeting him at the Pub, she leaves.

Joey comes down, thanks his mom again, assures her that he is just trying to help Jade out, Kayla worried that he is giving Jade mixed signals. Yes, she has had it rough, but she is just being so uncaring. Joey figures once school starts, Jade will meet others, make friends, not be dependent on him.

Ciara meets up with Shawn at the Pub, (all red & white checkered tablecloths & curtains now) and they have a really nice brother/sister talk. Both worried about Mom, Ciara is thinking of dropping out of school, Shawn understands, they talk of Ciara's new apt., Shawn finally convinces Ciara to finish moving her things to the apt., he will help, that will take care of today, and she can think it over, decide tomorrow about whether to quit school (which is starting soon)

Kayla is on the phone with Paul, who told her of Steve being shot. Joey is coming down, hears, says she has to go to Prague, he knows she wants to see for herself that Steve is o.k. Tell him I love him, and I love you, too. Hugs.

In Prague, Austin tells Anna they are taking her tomorrow morning back home with them to Switzerland. Anna immediately figures she will see if there is a room there for her. Oh, no, they will be having a sleepover, he & Carrie will take turns sleeping so the other can keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't get carried away again.

Rafe comes into the hotel room, look what I found. He holds up a safe deposit key, was on the ground where the limo parked. Looks like it fell out when the man got out. Seems Stefano may just have made his first big mistake.
He holds up a safe deposit key, was on the ground where the limo parked.
It's to the safe deposit box that holds all of Alice's secrets from 2010, like where all the money was going! :rotfl:

New Jade reminds me of actress Allison Williams.

The Scooby Gang's new apartment looks like they used a lot of Sami and Rafe's old loft to create it. Definitely the same refrigerator that was in Sami and Rafe's kitchen.
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Was he amused or annoyed by Anna?
I think both, but more annoyed.

Well, technically, Kayla isn't paying half; she'd be paying 2/5, since Ciara, Claire and Theo will be paying the other 3/5 of the rent. (unless I missed it and she said she was paying half of it) Not that it really makes much difference.
Thanks for the summary. This episode was a hoot, for sure. The scenes in Prague sound fun.

I actually like the scenes with the teens today. Seems the writers caught on that for the past year or so, they haven't really been entertaining, and so now they're looking to change directions with them. Good.
That was my memory, as well. Heck, Tony died years ago, and she waits til now to "seek revenge"?

Something has snapped. I do remember her coming either to get Tony's ashes, as he had no funeral that I remember.

I have to say, though, her being ditzy, Austin exasperated, was a hoot. Carrie trying to make peace. LOL. The other day, Carrie did have to get Austin to agree, knew he did not like the idea of her coming home with them, but he said it was because he knew Anna drove Carrie bonkers. That said........

Since WHEN has Carrie become so "close" with her bio mother? Did I miss something through the years? John & Marlena raised her the most, (John was Roman for a good portion of that time). So what happened that I don't remember, or has that all been off screen?
You know this may just be my imagination but I could have sworn there was something different about Jade today. I'm sure if I really take a second I'll be able to figure out just exactly what... Oh I got It! They changed her fingernail polish didn't they? Nice try writers but you're going to have to get earlier in the morning to slip something like that past me. I got the eyes of a hawk! :)

Now as at the idea of all the teens sharing apartment goes I can't think of a more joyless living arrangement. It makes me wonder if some of us in the audience did some horrible things in past lives and this is karma catching up with us? LOL I don't know maybe I'm jumping to conclusions and this will play out better then it looks. I certainly hope so.

So Eric just happened to be walking down the street and just happened to come across Hope? Nope no there's contrivance to see here folks, just move along. LOL
Well, to be fair about Eric, he said she was laying in the road (which she was), and he saw someone, so stopped. He could have been in a vehicle, in fact, I think he did say today he was on his way back to town.

And yep, I would say, Kathy Lu, the Salem Money Tree has come in handy for nearly every single Salem resident (or visitor) at one time or another.
Very funny, Troy about Jade. I guess one of the Salem elves gave Jade a new
face and body while she was sleeping :)

Someone needs to buy Anna a black jacket. I'm sure a lot of people noticed her
wearing the green outfit. And no one notices the others since they all
wear some
sort of black jacket.

I didn't realize Chet dropped off Hope by the side of the road. Lucky for her,
Eric was the first one to find her.

I enjoyed Austin. He called Anna "Mother Dimera". He was funny in the background.
He got out the small bottles of liquor and started drinking them.

I guess Steve was lucky when he got shot that his black jacket didn't get a hole
in it. Maybe he brought two jackets with him.
The Scooby Gang's new apartment looks like they used a lot of Sami and Rafe's old loft to create it.

For the most part. They also used pieces of the other loft from across the hall as well. Most notably the spiral staircase. They already use the hallway for alley/cafe sets.

Since WHEN has Carrie become so "close" with her bio mother? Did I miss something through the years? John & Marlena raised her the most, (John was Roman for a good portion of that time). So what happened that I don't remember, or has that all been off screen?

I had the same thought. How would Anna know about Carrie and Rafe of all things? But she doesn't have time for Nameless Boy Reed.

I loved all the stuff with Carrie, Austin and then with Anna. And the little bit with Austin snapping at Rafe. SO glad they remembered the history. I've never seen Austin and Anna interact so I'm ok with him snapping at Anna. It creates conflict for him and Carrie without an interloper. And the scenes were hysterical. It was hilarious how Anna mentioned Carrie falling for Rafe right in front of Austin and equally funny was Carrie's reaction. This is the type of conflict they should have done with Shawn, Hope and Rafe as well.

Good episode but not a great one. These are the cast members I want to see regularly but the story is still very weak with a lot of plot holes. How did we go from Rafe and Paul abandoning a laptop in a foreign alley to suddenly Steve being shot? That's a bit too fast moving for me. And how come Claire and Theo didn't mention the apartment yesterday nor did Ciara? All rather sudden. I hope the teens don't become isolated now. They are best when interacting with family.

New Jade ok so far. Still don't get the need for a recast but I appreciate that they are dressing her the same way as the other actress. It helps with the transition.

The Shawn/Ciara stuff was good but where is Claire? Why isn't she even being mentioned? They seem to have isolated her completely from Shawn.

Nice to see Eric. How nice of him to care for Aunt Hope. Glad that was overemphasized. Eric the ex-priest/photographer can perform surgery with a cigarette lighter and a needle and thread. Who knew? At least Sami gave Rafe alcohol to numb the pain.
Austin exasperated, was a hoot
My husband did not like these scenes, and I was at a loss to explain whether Austin was exasperated, confused, angry. My husband quipped that his dialogue indicated he was angry but his face said he was laughing. Thanks for clarifying JS.

I liked Austin's jacket and Carrie's outfit, too.
Since WHEN has Carrie become so "close" with her bio mother?
I was wondering this, too. As much as I liked the idea of Carrie/Anna interacting, it really felt like about 11 story beats were missed in this debacle.
It makes me wonder if some of us in the audience did some horrible things in past lives and this is karma catching up with us?
LOL - I had the same thought.

Hope came off as a total space cadet in those flashbacks. I wonder what's up with Hattie.