Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 2, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Days really drags this all out today, Vivian greets everyone forever, takes off her cape, says she has a plus one they all will be wanting to meet. She gets ranted at, Chloe is going to throw her out, insults fly back and forth, all done in a genteel manner. Meanwhile, we get the male legs coming out of the limo, etc. etc. Vivian claims she has come with Stefano DiMera, no one believes her, this goes on for a while. Finally the guy walks in, everyone stares, he is silent, remarks made of his youth, he is not Stefano, etc. etc. (The explanation, in my opinion, is laughable). He says he is Stefano Octavious DiMera, yaks about his father. Andre figures he is going to say his mother is dead, but Viv steps up, no she isn’t. And now she claims Mommy Dearest title. Seems when Stefano was using the name Rudolfo in Europe, years ago, seduced this lovely young gal, and she ended up pregnant. He never knew, and Vivian herself, upon the birth, was told the son was stillborn. Yep, let’s all roll our eyes here. So, about a year ago, Stefan learned the truth, who knows how, found Vivian, and thus mother and son are reunited, get the DNA testing, etc. etc. She has copies, hands them to Rafe (Jen went & got Hope & Rafe to come out see “Stefano”) so Rafe can get it all checked.

Back in that office, Hope is trying to get the drunken Ciara to tell what is bothering her. Ciara whines and moans & groans about Theo until Jen comes in, Hope & Rafe leave, Jen & Eric stay. Now Ciara moans and whines more, ending up calling Jen & Eric hypocrites, talks of the pill addicted Jen, and at least she (Ciara) did not get in her car and kill her best friend. Cue the shocked expressions on Jen & Eric. Ciara immediately apologizes, Jen & Eric take her home, via the back way.

Eve slaps Brady for kissing her, Sonny walks in looking for Will. Eve leaves, Sonny explains how Will went for a walk, Brady gives him a hard time, they have words about Titan, the business, etc, Brady leaves.

Meanwhile, Paul asks Will why he kissed him. And along come John & Marlena, who realize something was going on there. John & Marlena are going to leave with Paul, Marlena decides to stay with Will for a bit, asking him just what was happening. Will tells right off he kissed Paul, has a nice convo with Marlena. Says she & Paul are the only ones who accept him as he is now, no pressure. He likes they are friends. Paul meanwhile is telling John about Will kissing him, says he will tell Sonny. John doesn’t think that a good idea, manages to make Paul realize that, and that he has to come to terms with Sonny no longer wanting him.

Later, Will arrives home, Sonny so happy to see him, wants to toast in the New Year. Will is tired, going to go to bed, gives Sonny a peck on the cheek, Happy New Year. Sonny’s face falls, as he repeats the Happy New Year to the retreating Will.

Back at Club, the partygoers are not all that happy as Stefan goes greeting each one, his brothers, Abby, Kate. He now says he did a lot of research about the DiMera business, and family, tells Kate she was inept, losing acquisitions galore, tells Andre he is unstable, and Chad that he has been missing for quite a long time. So he is now ready to take over as CEO of DiMera Enterprises.

Eric has seen Jen home, they talk of Ciara, Stefan, and the lousy New Year’s Eve. Eric isn’t too unhappy, they still got to bring in the New Year together. They wish each other happy new year, are standing close, he goes to kiss her, but she is not moving at all, he kisses her on the cheek.

Eve is in her room, has taken off her dress, Brady pushes the door open, she grabs her robe, he pulls it away, she rips his shirt, kiss, kiss, fall on the bed.

And back to the club, where Stefan and Vivian are giving Kate, Andre, Chad copies of the DiMera’s board’s resolution. Seems it is a done deal, the board has earlier today, elected Stefan Chairman of the Board.

Vivian tells everyone it has been delightful, they will be leaving now, she & Stefan go out, Chad is super angry, biting his lip.
Oh brother, so Vivian had an affair with Stefano, but didn't realize it because he was using the name Rudolfo? Then she had a baby, was told it was stillborn and voila, we get Stefan O. DiMera? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

So, judging by his age, he'd have been born around the time Philip was?? Or maybe he's around Andre's age, but remarkably "well-preserved"? I guess this is another situation where there's no way it could've happened, but we just have to go with it. Like Paul being John's son.

They'd have been better off saying that one of Vivian's eggs was mixed with some of Stefano's swimmers and carried by another woman. That would be original. Oh, wait. :sarcasm:
Vivian goes on about being a "young woman" when "Rudolfo" seduced her for her ruby. That happened around the time Philip was born. And she was no spring chicken back then.

Well my post above was a stand alone post without reference to any other post but I agree with the story being far fetched but at this point not sure what would be a real believable story to introduce another offspring of Stefano. I think if the egg story were repeated it would draw criticism for lack of originality. I had hopes that Deimos could be the next great Days villain until they made the character uninteresting, so I'm hoping they do right with Stefan (which is oddly the name Stephen Nichols (Steve) played on GH when he played the uncle of the character Tyler Christopher (Stefan on Days and Nicholas Casadine on GH)
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Stefano used the name Rudolfo Meradi (a bit of trickery with the name DIMera). This was back in the 90s.

hard to tell about ages, since Days plays such games with children birth years. Today they are 5, tomorrow they are 16, next week, 18 and graduating, then bingo, they are 28. :)
I really don’t know what to say. Well, actually I do, but it would be severely edited. I’m thoroughly frustrated, disgusted, and extremely disappointed with the direction TPTB have chosen to script the DiMera story. I turned the channel when “Stefan” (Steve Erkel's alter ego name on the old ABC show, Family Matters) announced he was now the CEO. Enough is enough. This is pathetic.
Well Days certainly started 2018 off with a meh. LOL, I will say in fairness I did find some of Vivian's snark entertaining, especially when she asked Chad and Abigail if their wedding was a private affair and if some of the inmates (of the mental hospital I'm assuming) were invited. But overall, it just felt like the other stories Will in particular are just spinning their wheels.

I would ask if Ciara could get any more obnoxious but I'm afraid we all know the answer to that one, which is, yes indeed.

I did spot a mystery in the party scenes however, that is the mystery of the disappearing Eli and Gabi. On Friday's episode, they were in the middle of dance floor when Chloe began the countdown to New Year's and when Vivian came in. Today they were nowhere to be seen. They probably would have just been part of the wallpaper, so it doesn't really matter, but still I couldn't help noticing.

I'm reserving any judgment on Stefan since I usually given new characters a week or two. But in the final scene when Vivian and Stefan clink glasses and then grab a bottle of champagne, I couldn't help thinking of the end of Les Miserable when the Thenardiers crash the banquet to a reprise of "Master of the House" for some reason.
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I did see Eli in the far background once when all were doing the staring.

When Viv said they had the DNA tested, & Chloe replied...probably at the Sami Brady paternity lab - cracked me up. Must say, the party goers had some good snarky comments for the mother/son duo. Kate reminding she insisted they leave Viv in the sarcophagus, Andre figuring Stefan will say his mummy is dead, and no records of his birth, lol.
I wonder why they all now think Stefano is dead? As far as the Salemites know, he escaped from the jail in Prague and went into hiding. Only Shane and Steve know it wasn't really Stefano.

When they had Joseph Mascolo (Stefano) come in to tape that final scene, they should've done one more of him on a jet, holding a glass of brady and laughing his iconic laugh.