Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 9, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Gabi comes to see Eli, wants to talk to him about being betrayed. Seems she signed with DiMera (Kate) thinking Chad was going to be CEO, and tho she would not be working with him, or even seeing him, she trusted him. Now this new guy is in, Chad is gone, what if he gets rid of Kate as well. Today is the last day for her “trial” period, in which she could back out, go with the much better offer from Eve. However Eve doesn’t really know anything about the fashion business. Eli is rather non-committal, mostly just saying she should do what she feels would be best for her. She thanks him, could have talked to her brother, but he always listens, then tells her exactly what she must do.

Will comes in to see Victor & Maggie, who are reading the paper. He tells them he is moving out, Vic gives him a hard time, breaking Sonny’s heart, heck you just moved in, on and on, just like he berates Nicole, Chloe, and all the rest. Will understands how they feel, thought he could give the marriage a try, did not want to hurt Sonny, but this is not working for him. Best he leave now. Thanks them for the hospitality.

Sonny passes Paul in the square, doesn’t say boo to him, but then calls him out, blaming him for Will leaving, and for the New Year’s Eve midnight kiss. Paul lets him rant, and rave, then lets him know that he did not initiate that kiss, it was Will, just like last time. He feels sorry for Will, who doesn’t know who he is, is confused, and unable to deal with expectations. He lets Sonny know that true love means one wants the other person to be happy, and that is all Paul has ever wanted for Sonny, was for him to be happy.

Later, Paul runs across Will sitting on a bench, asks him if he going to live with his grandmother again. Will is not sure what he is going to do. Paul is sorry things did not work out for Will & Sonny. Will is, too. they are getting a divorce. He could not stay when he is attracted to someone else. Will walks off.

Sonny goes home, Victor is talking to him about heading up Titan, Sonny thinks he needs some time to know what to do. Victor tells him to go ahead, do that, but don’t let things get out of hand. Later, Sonny comes down with packed bags, and Victor lights into him, go ahead, move out, take the cowardly path, on and on. Finally Maggie tells Victor to be quiet, let Sonny speak. And Sonny thinks Uncle Vic was right, Sonny has his head on straight, will run Titan, use a current business deal in London as a distraction. Could do it on phone, but figure in person would be better, especially for future. The jet is waiting, kisses Maggie, hand shakes Uncle Vic. When he is gone, Vic & Maggie smile at each other, clasp hands.

Lani is telling JJ all about Theo going to South Africa for treatment, and why. JJ wants to stay there at hospital with her, but she will not let him cancel is counseling appt. with Eric. He leaves, is with Eric, tells him how he was going to cancel, Lani would not let him. He feels something off with Lani, she is being distant, no, he doesn’t know if it is because of Theo, feels it is something else. JJ is working on thinking of others, especially his mom, who has done so much for him. He knows she & Eric have been getting close. Eric gets a bit discombomulated, is not sure about Jen, JJ says to just ask her then.

Lani is tired of waiting for Theo in his hospital room, gets up, feels dizzy, just as Kayla comes in. Kayla checks her out a bit, no fever, but let’s do a check up.

Jen runs into Kayla in the hospital, they chatter about Eric & Jen’s New Year’s Eve date, kiss, and what Anna told her about what Eric was saying to Roman. Kayla is upbeat, giving Jen advice, but she is reluctant. She just came because the Center is still looking for a volunteer doctor. Kayla sees Dr. Shah, who she knew, was wanting to do some volunteer work. She introduces Jen, they talk of the Center, Kayla suggests, since the doc is on a break, Jen take him to the Center, show him around.

They go, she does, he is definitely on board, she mentions going over details later, he suggests dinner tonight, she agrees, Eric appears in the doorway, hears the date making.

Steve is at the Pub, Paul comes in, is glad some work came along, take his mind off the Sonny thing. Steve gives him the file, left something about it in the car, gets up to go get it, gets dizzy. Paul sits him down, gives him water. The dizziness passes, Paul figures they can talk of the case later, despite Steve saying he is fine. But Paul leaves, Steve is later reading some reports, the pages blur up. He wonders what the blazes is going on.

Eli has called JJ to the cop shop, wants to talk to him, something important.

Lani is now feeling right as rain, Kayla is glad to hear it. Lani asks how the tests went, is she o.k. Yep, she is fine. Lani is eager, so what did the tests say? You’re pregnant, replies the smiling Kayla.
They ALWAYS have women find out they are pregnant when they stand up too quickly and are dizzy. PUHLEEZ. This is a tired approach. When men are dizzy, they are usually dying. Again - predictable. Oh well.

Tired of the sleeping around they do when they are mad at their ex or just having an emotional time. It always "just sort of happens" "it didn't mean anything" "it was just one time" "we were in a bad place" "we don't love each other", blah, blah and more blah. In my humble opinion.

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I use to like Sonny so much but he is unbearable. So absolutely mean to Paul. Blaming him, saying he was happy about it and that he planned it. It's as if Sonny was never in love with Paul. It's sad. Paul deserves better. And I still just don't see this great love that Will and Sonny had. Will cheated on him twice!! Maybe because Sonny was Will's first and only, until he cheated. I just don't see it.

Would have been more surprising if it was revealed that Steve was pregnant. Hey, they were both dizzy. We all knew Lani would end up pregnant. Soap staple when someone has sex with someone they weren't suppose to - bam! Pregnant! Umm, Sami?

As an aside John Aniston (Victor) was a clue on Jeopardy today and none of them got it!!
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This is a tired approach.
That's the show's style now. Grafted thought stillborn child from 40 years ago. Takeover threat. Mortgage follies. Hated couple sleeps together while drunk (Brady/Eve). The show is taking all the easy turns. It's not even trying.

And Sonny, once the nicest, friendliest, most caring guy, is now a ruthless CEO who treats everyone like dirt. And poor Victor just can't make a cutting remark when his patsy's male.

I'm sorry - even finding out (as I did from a person on Twitter) that Vivian and Stefano slept together in the 1970s wasn't enough to make me keep watching today's dreckfest.

Meanwhile, I did the math on twitter - Lani and Eli had their revenge boink on 12/24 (Salem time) and it's no more than 1/2 (Salem time, since it is approximately the day after New Year's Day which Hope stated yesterday). SHE CAN NOT KNOW SHE IS PREGNANT ALREADY. So this baby has to be JJ's (their last escapade happened about six weeks ago, on Lani's birthday, which happened before any notice of Thanksgiving on the show). If it's not, then they're adding insult upon insult to our intelligence.
Meanwhile, I did the math on twitter - Lani and Eli had their revenge boink on 12/24 (Salem time) and it's no more than 1/2 (Salem time, since it is approximately the day after New Year's Day which Hope stated yesterday). SHE CAN NOT KNOW SHE IS PREGNANT ALREADY. So this baby has to be JJ's (their last escapade happened about six weeks ago, on Lani's birthday, which happened before any notice of Thanksgiving on the show). If it's not, then they're adding insult upon insult to our intelligence.
One of my aunts insisted she knew when she put her feet on the floor the next morning!!! Anyway, why the Sam Hill did she have to turn up pregnant? I really don't care for Eric and Jennifer together.
We finally get a break from the Dimeras yet everyone else is still talking about them? :rolleyes: MORE BALANCE PLEASE!!

I like Dr. Shah already. He has chemistry with Jennifer and I'm willing to bet with Hope, Eve, etc. Of course this also probably means he's not long for Salem.

I fast forwarded most of this one. Even Steve and Kayla as glorified extras couldn't save it. Nor could Eric.

Kayla's reaction to Anna was funny though. I would have rather seen that play out in a scene with her, Roman and Anna though.
Yup, this episode was full of predictability, and frankly wasn't that good.
No it wasn't. I generally have a high tolerance for tedium, but it tested my ability to stay awake.
I use to like Sonny so much but he is unbearable. So absolutely mean to Paul.
Agree, Sonny is the pits. Paul should have told the entitled Kiriakis brat to get stuffed -- possibly with a Big Boy hamburger.

As for other characters:

Dr. Shah: Somebody should warn him that he's in a no-win situation. No physician can ever compare to the sainted Dr. McScruffy. The last one to try, Dr. Fynn "Dingo" Thompson, eventually scurried off to the Outback.

Kate: Why do people automatically assume that she knows fashion? Have they ever taken a good look at the outfits she often wears? They might work (sort of) for Ms. Blue Chunk, but if any other woman wore them, people might assume that they're going to a costume party.
This is what a normal woman would look like wearing Kate's wardrobe:
