Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 13, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Episode #11,373 Taped 5/7 Director – Albert Alarr

It sure is aggravating to see how easily guilty parties manage to weasel out of the truth being exposed, and today is no exception. Chloe & Philip are, as usual, talking of their little one night stand possibly resulting in him being father of her child. As Chloe reasons with Philip, he admits she is right, this has to be kept just between the two of them. And of course, Daniel walks in at that moment, wanting to know exactly WHAT should be kept between the two of them. Awkward pauses. Chloe tries to cover, but Philip says they should come clean, tell Daniel the truth, then “confesses” that Melanie told him about the baby, and he came over to congratulate Chloe, thinks the news is great, but did not want to get Melanie in trouble, since she was not supposed to tell anyone. Daniel is not angry, he is the one who told Melanie in the first place. A bit more awkward conversation, and finally Phil leaves, and now, Daniel, who has temporary custody of the Salem brain, confronts Chloe about Philip and her friendship with him. He knows they used to be a couple, they go way back, and she seems to confide in him. He is a married man, has a big important job, but manages to be able to just take the time to come over to congratulate Chloe over something he is not even supposed to know. Daniel lets Chloe know, in no uncertain terms, that her constant meetings with Philip make him uncomfortable. Chloe is surprised, didn’t realize this, tells him to remember Philip is married to his daughter. Daniel agrees, acknowledges they will all see each other as couples, but he really wishes Chloe would not spend so much time with Philip alone. She agrees, starts to talk, almost telling him about sleeping with Philip, but…doesn’t get that far…. he apologizes, says he was not in a good mood, had just had a run in with Vivian as he heard she had been upsetting Chloe. Now Chloe explains how Viv admitted paying off Greg, the nurse and the motel owner, and how she, herself, thought she was hallucinating about them. Daniel admits he did not believe her, is sorry, kiss, kiss, and next … bed in afterglow. LOL. He has to get to the hospital, shower first, both very happy. He gets out of bed, and Chloe once again tells herself he can’t know about her & Philip.

Philip leaves Daniel’s apt. telling himself that Daniel just HAS to be the father, and next he is at home, having brought his wife some daisies. (amazing how he doesn’t have to ever check in at the office!) Melanie comes out in a really cute sundress, loves the daisies, tells Philip about Viv’s visit, he gets mad, is going to call Viv, she broke the rules, but Melanie stops him, explaining how Viv was only trying to get them to move back in the mansion. She then gets into a conversation about how Maggie is doing really well, her illness in remission, wonders if perhaps it isn’t time for her & Philip to have some privacy and perhaps get their own house. Small one, with a fence, a garden, extra bedroom. Dumb Philip asks if the extra bedroom is for when Max visits. Mel explains perhaps a nursery. Philip’s expression changes, you can see him struggling with this, but Melanie goes on further that it would be there for ….later on. They will start looking tomorrow.

Earlier, Melanie was at the lake…actually, you know, that one and only picnic spot that we have seen a lot of lately. Blanket, paper plates, etc, as Arianna joins her. Oh, Ari thought they were just gonna hang out by the lake, did not know a picnic was planned. Melanie makes all kinds of cute excuses, Ari notices places for 3, and along comes wet and shirtless Brady, just back from a swim. More awkwardnessl, as they realize what Melanie is up to. She asks them to remember the Horton cabin last year, and how well that went, indicates there is no harm in them just talking, they agree, she grabs her things and leaves. Melanie is truly so chipper and funny in these scenes, kudos to Molly Burnett. So Brady & Arianna talk, she says she did not do what they say, he knows that, is not happy that she is trusting EJ. She talks of him getting her out of jail, paying her bail, Brady would have done that. She tries to make him see that their problems began when Nicole got out of prison, he tries to make her understand how every day is a challenge to him, he wakes up, vowing to stay sober one more day, he had hit rock bottom, and Nicole has, too. He thinks Arianna doesn’t understand people like him and Nicole. She says she does, is proud of him, but he cannot see what Nicole is doing. She gets a call from Frank, who calls her into work. She happily agrees, telling Brady that evidently Frank is a big believer in innocent until proven guilty.

And now let’s go over to the pier, where Sami has arrived at Nicole’s request, wanting to know what is going on. It is too bad Nicole continues to dance around what she wants to tell Sami, instead of coming straight out with it. Gives EJ too much time to think, but then we have Sami herself, who immediately starts yammering, chattering, going on and on how this has to be about Arianna, and Nicole doesn’t like that EJ got her out of prison, is trying to make trouble. EJ goes along with this, Sami has linked her arm in his, Nicole is denying this is the case, but still beating around the bush. Sami gets a call from Caroline about her kids, goes off to the side. Nicole tells EJ he was just saved by the bell, but not for long. He tells her how voice tapes are not admissible in a court of law, as they can be doctored, and since she already went to jail for kidnapping Sydney by her own admission, it will be easy to say she has faked the whole thing. Nicole is not put off so easily, mentions the pier being the spot where EJ threw Sydney’s bloody clothes in to make everyone think she was dead. Perfect place. EJ protests that he and Sami are very happy with their family, getting along great, he has bonded with Will, plus Will is looking at Stefano like a grandfather.
In the background, we see Will and Gabi have arrived, Sami, still on the phone, is talking with them. Nicole has gone off. Arianna arrives with the camera, wondering what Gabi is doing there. Nicole returns, tells Arianna the story is here, and good, cause this is going to be a doozy. Now Brady arrives, Nicole says perfect, everyone is here. Arianna is holding the video camera on Nicole, who announces she is Nicole DiMera, who is here to talk about a mystery, which up to now, has been unsolved.

Sounds like an episode filled with almosts i.e. Chloe almosts tells Daniel, Melanie almosts gets Brady & Arianna back together, Nicole almosts tells Sami. Argh! Can't Days follow through and resolve something? Anything! I'm wanting Daniel to find out, not because I'm a fan of anyone really involved but just because I'm so tired of hearing Chloe & Philip talk of how guilty they are. I do want EJ to get his karma though & I'll be glad if Nicole gives it to him. Not that she's innocent by any means but he's done some really bad things with no consequences & she's lost everyone in her life. I'll just keep telling myself somethings will be resolved by Labor Day... hopefully this year.
Thanks for the day ahead~ do we really think that Nicole will spill the beans on TV??? ... wish some of the other story lines will be done too... this is not really a summer of excietement here..
Oh, I am sure something is goind to stop her. Sami's mouth, EJ's lies, maybe Arianna will fall in the river. However, one preview shows EJ with the mike saying something about Nicole telling a pack of lies. But, knowing Days, this could just mean he grabs her mike BEFORE she spills the beans. ....
oh I so cant wait to see the show. It sounds like a fun episode. thanks for the awesome writeup.
Wow! Thanks for the write up Barb!! Nicole is very intense!! Just wish she was going about getting Brady a different way though!!
Melanie is so funny!! I love it when she plays match-maker. She cracks me up.
I also think Philip & Chloe should be shaking in their boots!! I hope the truth comes out!
OMG... can it get Daniel wants to control Chloe's friends... I know he takes it back but geez. And Sami couldn't be made to be a bigger fool if the writers tried really really hard. And now Ari, Gabi, & Will are joining in the dunce game... the citizens of Salem are in for a rude awakening & some serious psychological help.

Am I the only one pricing a lobotomy so I can enjoy Days again... I can't stomach certain couplings with out it. The writing makes it seem like we as the viewers have already had one. Is this suppose to be the good parts I've heard rumors about, am I out of the loop? Can someone tell me what I'm missing?
Sounds like a filler show to me. Not much happens just almost. Thanks for the write up Poirot. I am just so sick of the EJ kidnapping storyline and wanting it to be over so Sami can go back to being the Sami I know and love.
This stuff about Will and Stefano bonding . . . and Will thinking of Stefano like a grandfather . . . ugh!

I know they're building up to this. The writing and the acting has hinted at this for a while. And if Madeline's secret involves Chad and Stefano, this could lead to some Chad and Will rivalry, too.

However, after all that Will's parents and grandparents have been through at the hands of Stefano DiMera and his family, I still can't believe he would think of him like a grandfather.

Stefano tormented the Bradys, "killed" Roman but faked his death, sent a fake Roman back to bond with the Bradys, faked Marlena's death and kept her in a coma, released the real Roman to screw around with John and Marlena, kidnapped Sami and her siblings, kidnapped Marlena numerous times, faked John's death, etc., etc., etc. Even if Sami truly did love E.J., it's hard for me to accept that Sami and Will are living in this man's house.

And as much as I love Stefano and Kate together, it's also hard to believe that she would be so lovey-dovey with him after their past, her hooking, and his using her to produce two Roman/Kate lab children.
OMG... can it get Daniel wants to control Chloe's friends... I know he takes it back but geez.

Philip isn't just a friend, he is a former lover. I know if my hubby was hanging around a former lover all the time, it would not make me very happy.
(especially if the former lover was married to my son)
Am I the only one pricing a lobotomy so I can enjoy Days again... I can't stomach certain couplings with out it.

I think your need for a lobotomy is because you want Days to make all your couples agreeable to you. Days is fiction. Just enjoy the story, even when it doesn't go your way.

I am just so sick of the EJ kidnapping storyline and wanting it to be over

Me too!

Thanks for the writeup, Barb.
Thank you, Barb. Looks like Nicole is the most interesting character today.

I am sick sick sick of how they have dumbed down Sami. She used to be so smart, conniving, etc. This Sami is just plain old disgusting so much of the time. Linking arms with EJ, and defending him is just too much for me. :sick: Sami, you'll feel like a complete idiot when the Sydnapping truth comes out.
Philip isn't just a friend, he is a former lover. I know if my hubby was hanging around a former lover all the time, it would not make me very happy.
(especially if the former lover was married to my son)
I totally agree with you.
The same could be said for the many conversations between Daniel and Carly. If he forbids Chloe from seeing Philip, he should stop seeing Carly. It's not like they have to put their heads together on how to raise Melanie.
I'm a couple days behind and my viewing is sporadic lately, but I had to comment how adorable Philip and Melanie were on Tuesday's episode. I loved it when she pretended that she wanted to live in a mansion with tennis courts and servants and Philip teasingly called her a golddigger. (Funny, because that's exactly what she used to be.) Melanie always approaches her requests tentatively, but Philip pretty much never says no to her, even before he had something to feel guilty about, he would give her anything she wanted.

I really liked how easily Melanie slid over to sit on Philip's lap. Contrast that with the more awkward way Carly sat on Bo's lap on Wednesday's show. Have to say, I was a lot less worried about the condition of Philip's leg (real or fake) after Melanie sat on him than I was about Bo's legs after Carly plopped herself on top of him.
I'm a couple days behind and my viewing is sporadic lately, but I had to comment how adorable Philip and Melanie were on Tuesday's episode. I loved it when she pretended that she wanted to live in a mansion with tennis courts and servants and Philip teasingly called her a golddigger. (Funny, because that's exactly what she used to be.) Melanie always approaches her requests tentatively, but Philip pretty much never says no to her, even before he had something to feel guilty about, he would give her anything she wanted.

I really liked how easily Melanie slid over to sit on Philip's lap. Contrast that with the more awkward way Carly sat on Bo's lap on Wednesday's show. Have to say, I was a lot less worried about the condition of Philip's leg (real or fake) after Melanie sat on him than I was about Bo's legs after Carly plopped herself on top of him.

Yeah it may have been adorable but at the same time it also made her look like a little girl who is sitting on her daddy's lap trying to be cute so she can get anything she wants from him. Come on I thought Melanie was starting to act more mature and now the writers ever since she found out about the baby are having her act like a spoiled brat who is jealous that the new baby will take all the attention away from her. Also to me it seems like Mel is still a golddigger because she keeps mentioning the fact that her husband is rich. :D
karebr, a big welcome to you! Good comments and great first post. I hope we'll see a lot more of you.

KathyLu - were you serious??? Do you really like Melanie and Philip? Have they won you over too? I know you hate that he cheated, but putting that aside for a second (please), are you saying you like them?
Darlin' kpatch, I have always loved Philip and Melanie together and really hate that he cheated. I don't know if they should stay together, though. He was a whipped puppy with Belle and boring with Stephanie. Melanie seems to have lit his least until Chloe got hold of Philip's lighter.