Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 14, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Better show today, and thank our lucky stars for Mary Beth Evans who plays Kayla.!! Kyle continues to flirt with Paige as JJ watches from the shrubbery, finally giving her his number, hoping they can get together later. Paige has been flirting right back, but after he leaves, tells JJ to come out, she knows he is there. They proceed to argue about her hanging with Kyle the drug dealer, she telling JJ the Kyle is a step up from JJ himself, then texting Kyle to get together later, and takes off. A frustrated JJ ponders a bit, takes out a business card, calls Agent Watts, tells him he will do what was asked.

JJ & Sonny talk about his parents getting a divorce, wonder if Will's dad will perhaps marry Sonny's mom, start to talk of their own marriage, get interrupted by Chad, has some time to kill before his next meeting. Chad casually asks if either has seen Abigail, as he just saw her in Kayla's office, seemed upset. Will sees her all the time, probably a work thing, or maybe JJ, as there have been a few problems there. Sonny wants Chad to check some 2nd quarter tax stuff, Will leaves. the two guys finish business, Sonny tries to talk to Chad about Abby, is sure Chad still has feelings for her. He denies it, all over, goes to his meeting.

Jennifer & Hope are arriving at Ben's apt. with bags full of housewarming gifts, Ben comes along, lets them in. Ooops, Abby not home, must be at work. Chatter, he makes ice tea for them, knocks over the trash bin, Hope says she will pick it up. He gives Jen her tea, Hope joins in, gets hers, mentions not seeing Rogers on the mailbox. Ben tells of taking back his birth name, Weston, his dad has helped him a lot financially, Abby was the one who convinced Ben to give the guy a chance. Hope casually mentions Clyde's businesses being in Missouri, but Ben claims they practically run themselves, so he doesn't have to be there, and is in fact expanding her....some kind of trucking business.
He has to go to work, the gals wish him & Abby much happiness, and leave, too.
In the square, Jennifer & Hope warmly part company, all smiles. Jen is gone, Hope opens her purse, inside is the telltale box from Abby's pregnancy test.

Eric & Nicole are talking in the hall, Serena opens her door, asks why they are still there. Nicole says none of your business, they soon are spitting words at each other, Eric stops it, wants to talk to Serena, Nicole leaves. Inside her room, Serena starts in on bashing Nicole, Eric is trying to make her understand he doesn't want her to do so. But Serena won't stop, Eric yells, tries to leave, she gets in his way, telling him she loves him. He wants her to stop judging Nicole, Yells Stop, finally brushes past her, leaves. Serena figures she knows how to prove she loves him, texts Xander. He meets her, she has recorder going, tries to get him to talk about their dealings, but he is on to her, grabs her purse, extracts the cellphone, and in a menacing tone, says I warned you".

To be cont' a business thing, was sidetracked for a bit.......more to come, don't post until Part 2 is up. Thanks. Poirot
Abby is with Kayla wanting a paternity test, surprising Kayla, who is very concerned about her. Abby is nervous, upset. Chad comes in for a couple seconds, apologizes for interupting, leaves. Abby is again begging for this test, really babbling, constantly interupting Kayla, who is trying to explain, and finally does, that it is too early. That it is not safe until about 8 weeks, so they should wait about 3 more weeks. Abby still doesn't want anyone to know, tells Kayla she already has all the info about the person on file, so would not need anything more, so Abby doesn't have to tell him. But Kayla says there are laws.....Abby knows. She makes a heartfelt plea. Just 2 weeks ago her mom was talking of how great they have to not have anything to do with a DiMera, a baby! That would be forever. Kayla is understanding, but still unsure, however, will think about it. Abby breaks down crying, Kayla holds her.

Nicole runs into Abe in the square, asks him about the investigation, but he can say nothing about anything ongoing. She wants Xaner behind bars, Abe only says they have someone keeping an eye on Xander...from a distance. She figures there might be another way, tells Abe to lean on Serena. They were smuggling diamonds, there has to be terrorists in Africa, right. Abe will see what he can find out.

Eric comes to see Nicole, finds several boxes all packed, sealed. She lets him know she is moving in with Daniel. Eric is taken aback, she can't do that until they talk of what almost happened. She reminds him they were dying, it was good to know they cared about each other, but they both lived. They have to put that all behind them, move forward. Eric is insistent, she is pleading. He interrupts, "I love you, Nicole. I am in love with you, never stopped loving you".

Abby is with Will, tells him yes, she is pregnant. He says o.k., now you can decide what you want to do. She is restless, no, she is having another test, is hesitant, Will is saying Ben would be o.k. with all this. It is not about Ben, it's......her voice trails off. She looks so unhappy, Will finally realizes the truth, Ben might not be the father. He tells of how Chad was so concerned, after seeing her with Kayla earlier. It could be Chad. Abby is crying as Will holds her.
Come on August, come on August, come on August!!!

The 20 or so fancy wrapped housewarming gifts courtesy of Jen and Hope were a bit much. Give the kids a gift card or cash and a personally selected gift or two for heck's sake. It looked like a bridal shower up in there :rolleyes:

What's Hope going to do with the box? There are just some things that you might notice, but you don't just go making assumptions before anyone has told you anything. I really would like to think her common sense helps keeps her mouth shut. But she should have left the box there in the trash where she saw it. Ugh.

And speaking of the Salem PD- yes Abe, Nicole has some investigative ideas that even the SPD collective 'brain' hasn't considered. Why not put HER on the force? She'd be twice the cop that Fancy Face ever was. And likely 100 times the one JJ is going to be, since he can't even surveil Paigey without being discovered.

I wish I could feel 2 ounces of sympathy for Abby, but I just can't. I actually feel sorrier for Chad at this point. I really hope Ms. Deveraux is carrying Sami-style twins: one courtesy of Stefano's frozen EJ embryo, and one Weston spawn. Yes, I have an evil streak. :drunk:
I really hope Ms. Deveraux is carrying Sami-style twins: one courtesy of Stefano's frozen EJ embryo, and one Weston spawn. Yes, I have an evil streak.
Heck, KatieR, go for triplets: a frozen EJ-pop, a "Little Ollie" and a "Little Chadsworth".

Sami would be pea-green with envy over that feat!
It's so long until August!

Hope actually steals Abby's trash. Why put the box in her purse? Is she just going to confront Abby with it? Why is this her business? Is she going to demand an answer from Abby? I really dislike that we aren't reminded of familial relationships until one family member discovers something about another family member. Will hasn't said 2 words to Abby in months but he's there when she finds out she's pregnant. I don't remember the last time Hope and Abby spoke but Hope discovers the test in the trash. And why did DUMB DUMB DUMB Abby put the box right there in the trash for anyone to see.

It's getting so hard to hold on. Next month can't get here soon enough. I hate wishing my days away on something as trivial as a soap.

Edited to add: I actually dropped a "Thank you" card in the mail to Ken Corday today LOL. The last month or so of episodes have made me so thankful for the changes coming for the 50th anniversary (even if we don't know anything about future plots) that I just felt the need to express my gratitude lol. I also included a small comment asking to bring back Jack LOL.
Thanks for the summary. I started watching but then changed the channel because it was so boring.

JJ & Paige---so boring. Why would anyone think this makes a good summer story?

Hope & Jennifer--I agree that the gifts were a bit too much for Ben & Abby. And that was quick thinking of Hope (thank goodness Ben didn't see it!) but still a bit strange.

The Eric/Serena/Nicole story is getting so old and dull. I'm glad we saw Abe today though.
Sonny & Will keep having the same conversations over and over and over again.
Heck, KatieR, go for triplets: a frozen EJ-pop, a "Little Ollie" and a "Little Chadsworth".

Just imagine Jennifer's reaction!

Hope is a cop, the fact Ben mentioned nothing, neither has Jennifer, and the fact the box was at the bottom of the trash had Hope thinking perhaps Abby had a problem. She was making sure Ben did not see the box, that was all. If she is wrong, o.k. she made an error in judgement.
We all know if any of us were writing, Abby would have taken that box with her, disposing of it elsewhere. But, guess it is going to be a plot point or something later on. A reason for Hope to have a nice talk with Abby. Actually, it is nice she has caring family she can have her breakdowns in front of without worrying someone will "tell".
I think we all have better ideas than the current writers. Maybe Aiden could find the box at Hope's place and assume it's hers. Or, Ciara could find it and put it in her backpack, where the nuns find it when she goes back to school. The possibilities are endless.

August! August! August!

deleted spoiler info...Poirot
I have really been enjoying Kate Mansi's (Abigail) performances the past few days. Kudos to the actress! :clap:Sure, this is a mess of her own making but she is doing a wonderful job of portraying all those emotions and just the sheer helplessness she probably feels at this situation she's got herself into. I actually like how this is playing out so far. The past couple days have been the first time in a really long time that I have been able to stand Will. Some might think he's misplaced in this story but I disagree. Given what he went through with Gabi he's been in a similar situation, he's Abigail's cousin, and he's friends with Chad and Ben (sort of). So it works for me and anything to get him doing something other than whining about his own problems or blaming Paul for everything under the sun.

I agree with KatieR about the gifts that Jen and Hope brought over. I thought it was funny how Jen mentioned something about the amount of cabinet space in the kitchen and I was like "there are no cabinets in that kitchen". Seriously, have y'all taken a good look at that thing called a kitchen in that apartment? It's ridiculous. Hope taking the pregnancy test out of the trash was kinda gross. The only thing I can think is that she jumped to a really huge conclusion that Abby is trying to hide something and therefore wanted to confront her about it? I don't know if she assumed Ben didn't know and Abby was trying to hide it from him or maybe didn't want Jen to see it. Whatever the case, it's a huge invasion of privacy. Speaking of Ben, I know he made the decision to stake his territory with Abigail and not confront her about her infidelity but I feel like he should showing some more emotions about what he knows. While talking to Jen and Hope he was all smiles and nothing but good things to say about Abby and his life with her....which is fine but it just feels like there should be some underlying anger and resentment coming through. As a viewer, if you missed a couple episodes (specifically the ones where he found out about Abby/Chad or talked to Clyde about it) you might think Ben is completely in the dark about everything.

So sick of Xander/Serena already. Just kill each other and get on with it.

I wonder how Nicole is going to react to Eric's declaration of love. It's probably a good bet that Daniel will walk in on them tomorrow, right? LOL. I sure hope not but that's usually how these things go. I don't usually care for triangles but I like the idea of two men fighting over Nicole. It's a nice change. I just hope the new writers do the right thing and have her go with her true heart and be with Eric.
So many things wrong with this summer. It is what, 22 days till the new writers take over fully????

Because I'm not paying full attention to these things, Abby is now 5 weeks along, correct? Because she has to wait until she's 8 weeks for the paternity test. Okay, so was she living with Ben in the very fluid time warp 5 weeks ago or just dropping by for a session of sheet flapping and heading home???

And Eric, good lord man, talk about a day late and a dollar short. You love Nicole and have always loved her? You loved her when you accused her of rape? You loved her when you would stalk out of a room if she entered, as if sharing the same air with her was unpleasant. But now, now that you've been baked by an oven, you love her and she is supposed to believe you and trust you??? Your love is the only love she will ever know or appreciate???
AND I'M SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE THIS?? :fan: That is the most insulting thing of this entire storyline.
Maybe Aiden could find the box at Hope's place and assume it's hers.

My first thought was "oh geez, someone is going to see her with that test and think it's hers!" I know Hope doesn't usually carry very large purses but I'm thinking perhaps the prop department could have had her carry something a little larger than what she had. I saw on another site recap that Hope took the test before I actually watched the show. When I saw her purse I thought, "how in the heck is that going to fit in there?!" I swear she must have been carrying an empty purse with her phone and wallet in her pockets or something because that thing barely looked large enough to fit those two things let alone a pregnancy box along with it! :eek:
According to Abe the Salem PD has someone tailing Xander at a distance. Well since they've finally recruited that seasoned ace detective Frank mean JJ Deveraux I say put him on the case. If they do that I'm sure they'll have the sinister Mr. Cook on his way to Sing-Sing in no time flat.

Kyle asked Page, "are you intrigued?" Well Kyle by "intrigued" do you mean annoyed, bored, rolling my eyes and zoning out by counting the number of hairs on my head? If that's the case then my answer is a resounding YES!! I am most definitely intrigued!:wink:

And finally when Will told Abigail that he didn't want to sound dumb I wanted to tell him he didn't have to worry about that. He went past that benchmark a long time ago. :rotfl:
If by some miracle of modern science, Jack the Ripper returns to life, he might just have a chance with Paigie-poo. After all, according to her, nobody is worse that JJ. As for the episode in general, there was much of the same old. What made the now ex-writers think that anybody would be up for another round of Paigie-poo trashing JJ, Nicole and Bluebird ripping into each other, foolish Bluebird trying to fool the X-man, and Mr. Sourpuss obsessing over his "almost" moment with Ms. Walker? Somebody should tell him that on the Salem love circuit, like in baseball, almost doesn't count. Surely, Abigail would be thrilled to learn that she had almost gotten pregnant after her hot tryst with Chad.
Heck, KatieR, go for triplets: a frozen EJ-pop, a "Little Ollie" and a "Little Chadsworth". Sami would be pea-green with envy over that feat!
Careful, JS, if Sami thinks you favor such an event, she'll send you one of her "I HATE you" messages.
I tortured myself and my hubby by watching this episode today. Kate Mansi is doing a great job as Abby, but I don't recognise the character anymore.

Hope stole trash. Trash that her cousin's daughter peed on. Okie-dokey...:eek:

I actually didn't mind Will & Sonny's scene. But how can Sonny not remember when his parents divorced less than 10 years ago? Only in Salem...!! :rolleyes:

I enjoyed Nicole telling Abe how to do his job. Seems she's been hanging around Daniel too long. LOL

Melissa Archer (Serena) is so much better than the material she's been given. I just want it to end so we can all forget about it. And now Eric's scowling at her and declaring love for Nicole? OK, getting cooked to death made him see things in a new light. But I'm over him. I want him on the next train to ...anywhere else. Now that he's forgiven Nicole, can he go back to being a priest...PLEASE? LOL

I really would love it if the writers kept SOME reality in this train wreck of a show. Abby slept with Chad 5 weeks ago in real time, but it was only a few days as shown on the show, WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING TOO HARD. Stupid. I can't care about her pregnancy or her triangle and I just want it to stop. I do like all three characters individually, however, and the actors are doing a fine job with D- writing. (My honest hope for these characters is some sort of meteor or fireball smashing them in the DiMera garden.)
Hope stole trash. Trash that her cousin's daughter peed on. Okie-dokey...:eek:

I actually didn't mind Will & Sonny's scene. But how can Sonny not remember when his parents divorced less than 10 years ago? Only in Salem...!! :rolleyes:

I enjoyed Nicole telling Abe how to do his job. Seems she's been hanging around Daniel too long. LOL
Yes, Hope stealing Abigail's peed-on test does rate a few :eek: :eek:, but maybe should couldn't help herself. After all, as a member of the Salem P.D., she's probably been pawing through suspects' garbage cans for years. As for Sonny forgetting his parent's last divorce, living in Salem and being married to brat boy has probably given him "Salem brain," meaning he forgets things to stay sane. Finally, Abe may need help doing his job. It's not as if he's very good at it. He even cited "probable cause" in the case of Xander. As that master of breaking-and-entering Bo Brady would say: "Probable cause, I don't need no freakin' probable cause."
I can't believe I'm saying this but I was actually impressed with how supportive Will was being for Abby. He really SEEMED to show actual concern and compassion to her....UNLESS he's got a scandalous Abigail pregnancy story idea cooking for his rag tabloid banging into the walls of his normally empty noggin.