Days of Our Lives - Tues., July 24, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Rafe & Hope continue to badger Ben, trying to get him to admit setting the fire. In comes Ted, who quickly puts a stop to it, he is Ben’s lawyer, has done his homework, gets the pair to admit they have no concrete evidence Ben started the fire, and in fact, no confirmation it was set deliberately by anyone. He corrects their impression that Ben hired him, no, he was hired by someone else. Who was that, and in comes Ciara announcing it was her. She hired him, has her trust fund to which she got access when she turned 21, and can spend however she likes. A bit of a standoff, Hope takes Ted off somewhere, while Rafe talks to Ciara, who talks of how Ben took care of her, made her meals, made sure her leg did not bother her, and saved her life at the very beginning, so why would he try and kill her now. She relates how they talked of many things, things she never talked about to anyone, and they are friends.( LOL as Ted refers to Hope & Rafe previously having covered something up as he insinuates perhaps she herself had something to do with trying to frame Ben for a fire. )

Hope returns with Ted, and since they are not charging Ben with anything, Ted wants him released. Hope takes him to sign papers, Ben thanks Ciara for doing this, he is sorry for the trouble. Hope returns, Ben leaves with Ted, Hope hugs her daughter.

Kayla is at Steve’s bedside, he had his surgery, she takes off the bandage, he still cannot see. Later, Kayla is closing the door after the “engineer” leaves, commenting on the statement that it can take several hours for the optic nerve to adjust. He is returning in 24 hours. Outside, Tripp is waiting, Claire is there as well.Kayla crawls up on the bed with Steve, they nuzzle a bit. Tripp comes in with a burger and fries for his dad, Kayla leaves to talk to the engineer. Tripp chats, tells Steve all about his problems with Ciara, who won’t even talk to him. Steve tells him to just hang in there, talks of how Kayla has been his rock, and they did not hit it off too well in the beginning. Claire talks to Aunt Kayla, learns Uncle Steve will have to wait a bit to see if this all worked, and now wonders if Aunt Kayla ever was into a guy that was into someone else. Yep, it was David Banning, who was into Renee DiMera. She pined after him for ages, but then realized they were not meant to be. And good thing, because if she had continued, she would never have gotten together with Uncle Steve, and he is the one for her. Kayla figures someone will come along eventually, be patient. Tripp goes out to the waiting area, Claire has good news, Ciara is returning to the loft to live with them. Tripp is one happy dude, takes off quickly, as Ciara might be there already. Claire stays a while at the hospital, giving them time.

Kayla goes back to Steve’s room, Tripp leaves, she checks Steve’s vision with a tiny flash light, no dice, puts the bandage back on to promote the healing, crawls up on the bed with Steve, is staying there til morning, so she will be the first thing he sees then.

Stefan is with Gabi, who brought back the Gabi Chic papers he forgot to sign. Stefan actually makes a good Sherlock, as he figured out Gabi did not give him those DNA papers by accident, she wanted him to know about Abigail, and yes, Abby is not getting an abortion. Gabi blabs on and on about her best friend, but Stefan isn’t buying any of it. He intends to be a hands on daddy to his child, Chad be damned. Gabi protests he cannot do that, Chad won’t want that, she loves Chad. Stefan figures Chad be damned, this is his child, not Chad’s. They argue back and forth, Stefan cannot even imagine why Gabi wants to work with him, since she hates him so much. She says as much as she does, she loves her company more. They argue back and forth a bit, but Stefan lets Gabi know he figures Abby is really not Gabi’s best friend, tho Gabi pretends they are.

Abby has something to tell Chad, it is so hard for her, she hesitates, but finally says she is pregnant. Chad is in 7th heaven, hugging, happy, til she quickly quashes that mood with the news that Stefan is the father. Very emotional, as she explains about not wanting that to be the case, having the dna test done, shows him the papers. Chad is very upset, it has been so hard for him to deal with her being with Stefan, for him to walk into a room and find his wife in bed with this man. Abby knows, she is sorry, both are tearful now. He paces around, she tells how she went to the clinic, going to abort. Why didn’t you? She now has to tell of Stefan being there, saying something to make her decide not to do so. Chad is beside himself, so now what. Does he move in here, we are all one big happy family. Does he get it on Wed., and me on Sunday? He walks around, he can’t deal with this. He is sorry, but this time he cannot tell her everything is going to be o.k. He walks out.
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Actually, I was half expecting Abby to say she will go thru with the abortion, or else will give the baby up for adoption. But then, Stefan would not agree (and he is really not the father). And if they were not in her mother's house, Abby could have said she will move out. bad this business on integrating the personalities was done, as it gives Stefan plenty of ammo, and Chad plenty of misery. And of course it gives Gabi plenty of time to smirk as she sips her cosmopolitan. Ugh. Not working for me, not at all. And now Gabi is gonna pretend all sympathy for Abby, and be there to console Chad, while pretending to be all nasty and mean to Stefan. Ugh, and double Ugh.
Yes, David Banning is Julie's son (her only child). He is Eli's father, and also of a son named Scotty (Julie's grandsons). At one time, David was married to Renee DiMera, Stefano's daughter, who was eventually murdered by Andre.


Here's a picture of Tony, Renee, David and Kayla (who was played by Catherine Mary Stewart at the time):

The writers were lazy and missed a golden opportunity with this chapter of Abby, Chad, Gabi, Stefan.
Instead of pulling out the ancient over used, not a shock, paternity switch,
it would have been a hallelujah it’s about time jaw dropper for Abby, via the paternity results,
to have shown definitive documentation that Stefan is not a DiMera.
I am saddened to think Gabi would have actually left Abby go through with aborting.
She told Stefan “by accident” so he swayed her decision but WOW she really has gone to the dark side
I think this is moving in an "I don't really care" direction. Who's the daddy/baby switch is so overplayed, it's just not interesting, even with these "twists". Been done to death on soaps and happens on Days pretty much with every pregnancy.
Absolutely agree. Can a baby be born just once without drama? Personally, and I know most everyone knows my op0inion about baby storylines, I wish they'd give up on any baby storylines for a year or two and focus on the kids that have already been born and given 2 minutes airtime.

I think the biggest twist and would much more drama is the fact that at the end of the day, it is Abigail's choice whether or not to have an abortion given this baby is a product of manipulation and under duress if you think about it, as Abigail was in her mind at some point not wanting sex with Stefan to happen. Stefan has NO rights whatsoever in this.

The drama would be the fallout of her and Chad dealing with the fact that it really was Chad's baby and Gabi dealing with what she set in motion. This would be something I don't think anyone would've expected.
The drama would be the fallout of her and Chad dealing with the fact that it really was Chad's baby and Gabi dealing with what she set in motion.
I really hope it doesn't take too long to reach this point. I don't want this baby to get to be 15 years old before he/she learns the true identity of the father!!!!! And, I agree, Muzz, there could be plenty of drama in the fallout of the discovery of the truth.
She hired him, has her trust fund to which she got access when she turned 21
Groan - this girl wasn't 18 in February of 2016. Da plot clanks on.
He intends to be a hands on daddy to his child, Chad be damned
If they want me to like this guy, give him an epiphany that this would be harmful to his victims.

Also, I don't care about Gabi at all.
He is sorry, but this time he cannot tell her everything is going to be o.k. He walks out.
I am officially over these two as a couple. I'm going to start supporting a Ben/Abby reunion because that makes as much sense as anything on this show.
Stefan has NO rights whatsoever in this.

The drama would be the fallout of her and Chad dealing with the fact that it really was Chad's baby and Gabi dealing with what she set in motion. This would be something I don't think anyone would've expected.
Hear, hear, but we can't have original or interesting on Days (and certainly not with this twice-rehashed Ron Carlivati alter nonsense story).
Thanks, Poirot.

I wasn't watching way back when Kayla was dated David Banning.
She should have told Claire she looked a lot different back then :)

How long will Gabi keep quiet about Chad being the real baby
daddy? Why
didn't Chad question the DNA test since it was done at University Hospital?

Did anyone else notice the spots on Abby's dress? I guess they were
her tears.

So Claire told Tripp about Ciara going back to the loft. Does Claire
have a plan to get Tripp for herself?
It's interesting to me that two long weeks of intensive therapy WITH HER GRANDMOTHER has Abby sort of cured until she accepts Slimy StefanO's analysis and diagnosis of her current state of mind as correct? Abby is really dumb. And StefanO as a hands on dad, sharing custody, is as vile and repulsive as it can get.
Yes, David Banning is Julie's son (her only child). He is Eli's father, and also of a son named Scotty (Julie's grandsons). At one time, David was married to Renee DiMera, Stefano's daughter, who was eventually murdered by Andre.

Thank you JS for the answer. I thought that was correct.... sure would be nice to have Scotty or his kids return..... along with Steven's kids, (Julie's brother) instead of yet another Stefano spawn
If I were Chad, given the history of switching results in Salem, I'd insist on another DNA test, completely private between himself, Abby and an independent lab. But I realize that Gabi (with an i) would probably overhear them talking about it in the park and would rush down to the lab and perform her magic switcheroo act. Bleh, bleh, bleh!