Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 27, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Episode #11383 Taped 5/18 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Philip & Melanie are hot & heavy in Maggie’s kitchen, nearly getting it on and taking it upstairs, but are interrupted by frantic knocking at the door. Tis Chloe, looking for Daniel, who has signed out at work, isn’t answering his phone, yada, yada, Melanie leaves quickly to give Philip & Chloe time to talk, Chloe is all upset over her fight with Daniel, things are getting worse. She would have told him already, but knows there then would be trouble with Phil & Mel, doesn’t want that.

Over at the hospital, surprise, Daniel is still there, talking with Carly who again thanks him for saving Bo, who is stable and doing fine. Now she wants to know why he wanted to see her last night, Daniel is hesitant, but finally says things between him & Chloe are terrible, it is all over. She doesn’t want to marry him, won’t explain….Carly assures him Chloe loves him, blah, blah.

Daniel goes home, Chloe soon comes in, they talk, she loves him, is scared about the pregnancy, remembers how happy Nicole was, then it all fell apart on her. This is why Chloe has not even told her parents or her sister. She is just worried, frightened, wants to marry him, just needs some time, maybe a month. Daniel is apologetic, agrees.
Meanwhile, Melanie has gone to see Carly, is worried about Bo, knows how much Carly loves him. Is glad everything is going o.k. and also is glad Carly is her mom. Hugs.

Philip sits in the park, on Benchie, telling himself this all has gotten out of hand, then starts to imagine Melanie’s reaction to learning of his infidelity. Melanie is screaming at him, asking how he could have an affair with her father’s fiance’, says she hates him, never wants to see him. Crying. Philip’s head is in his hands as he contemplates it all.

Rafe is working on decoding the page from Nicole’s journal, Arianna comes in, wants to know what he is doing. (I have no idea why!) Rafe doesn’t tell, Arianna is persistant, accusing him of no longer trusting her, he used to always tell her. She guesses it must have something to do with EJ, Rafe doesn’t admit it, but does mention her trusting EJ in spite of his warnings. She finally leaves. Rafe is at his computer, and evidently has had a break through with the code. He says something to the effect of “gotcha”.

Nicole sits in her room, talking to her little black book and how she is the only one who knows EJ’s secret. Knock, knock, and there is Brady, bringing a sort of housewarming plant, joking around a bit about her shabby digs. She offers to get him a soda, goes into another room/area, he looks around, spots the black book, starts picking it up as Nicole returns, telling him hands off. She pretends it is a diary, Brady wants to read what she has written about him. She about has a cow, he backs off, they talk of going somewhere for lunch. He will be back in an hour to pick her up, they can take a drive, eat somewhere along the way. He leaves…….she calls EJ, leaves a message about keeping his secret and what he owes her, she wants him to pay up.

Stefano is at the Pub with Will, looking over some kind of plan, praising Will for it, telling him when his internship is over, he will be wanting Will to work for DiMera Enterprises part time. Will is very flattered, but then somber, as he has not told his mom about this at all. Stefano figures that is a good thing, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, and besides, we all keep our secrets, don’t we?

Earlier, Kate was reading the obit on Madeline, when Stefano came in, telling her to stop dwelling on it. Their secret is safe, buried, no one knows. Kate claims that as a mother, she feels for Chad, having lost his at such a young age. Stefano reminds her they hardly know that boy, he will be fine. After Stefano leaves, Kate gets a phone call from Chad who wants to talk with her, and later he comes over. He is upset about his mom, wants to know if it is true, that his mom was a “working girl” or to put it in plain language, a hooker, then admits this is what they were fighting about when she fell. Kate tells him all that is important is that is mother loved him very much, always wanted the best for him and to protect him. Chad seems to feel a bit better, asks Kate if they can talk again…of course they can. Chad opens the door to leave and there stands Stefano, surprised to see him. Kate covers, saying Chad came to see Will who wasn’t home, and she had just expressed her condolences. Chad leaves after thanking Kate, Stefano doesn’t want her talking with Chad any more, and in fact, is going to give Harold instructions to tell the young man that Kate is not there, should he come again.

Daniel has left Chloe as he has a date with Melanie, Carly comes to see Chloe, tells her that she has arranged for her paternity test across town at St. Mary’s hospital, under an assumed name. It will be tomorrow. Chloe breathes a sigh of relief. Daniel has comes to see Melanie, Philip leaves them . Daniel is talking of Melanie’s graduation from nursing school, bought her a gift, some lovely earrings. Melanie is delighted. Daniel gets a call, hangs up telling Melanie he was asked to assist at an unusual skin grafting operation in a hospital across town, inviting Melanie to come observe. Yep, it is tomorrow, and at St. Mary’s.

oh I so cant wait to see tomorrow's show. and uh oh melanie and daniel are going to the same hospital at the sametime the paternity is being done. that cant be good. I am so glad things are starting to move along.

thanks for the awesome write up.
My oh my... is the
or what???
FINALLY!!!! We are getting somewhere! This is why I watch soaps - how can a talk show compare to Hope trying to burn her cheating husband alive or the "who's the daddy" drama of husband who cheated with his wife's father's fiancee?

Oh and lucky for Maggie she is never home...newlyweds about to get it on in her kitchen - that would have been a shocking sight to come home to. Phil/Mel need their own place fast.

Thank u so much Barb for making my morning...I have things to contemplate now as I make it through my work day.
FINALLY!!!! We are getting somewhere! This is why I watch soaps - how can a talk show compare to Hope trying to burn her cheating husband alive or the "who's the daddy" drama of husband who cheated with his wife's father's fiancee?

Oh and lucky for Maggie she is never home...newlyweds about to get it on in her kitchen - that would have been a shocking sight to come home to. Phil/Mel need their own place fast.

Thank u so much Barb for making my morning...I have things to contemplate now as I make it through my work day.
slyn you are so right. philip and melanie really do need their own place. I keep waiting for the moment when maggie is going to walk in on them.LOL.
Huh? It is Melanie's father that Chloe is all upset about. Why wouldn't she assume Chloe wanted to talk with her? Why would she think this is something Philip needs to be involved in?

I guess because her and Chloe aren't close? And basically Chloe is Philip's best friend? I know I wouldn't be quick to leave my husband with a woman like Chloe, but I guess it isn't Mel's turn to be suspicious yet. I am sure it will come...Daniel got his rant about being jealous of Philip, so Melanie will probably get her moment. LOL
I guess because her and Chloe aren't close? And basically Chloe is Philip's best friend? I know I wouldn't be quick to leave my husband with a woman like Chloe, but I guess it isn't Mel's turn to be suspicious yet. I am sure it will come...Daniel got his rant about being jealous of Philip, so Melanie will probably get her moment. LOL
slyn so true.LOL.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Really enjoyed the show today. Had to smile that both Chloe, Carly and Mel, Dan are all going to St. Mary's tomorrow.
Cannot wait to see if they actually "run into each other" or play Keaston cops and have a revloving door and keep missing each other....
But I bet ~~
Mel will probably be the one "to spot" the other 2 gals and then begin to wonder what is up.. too funny if she confides to Philip that she saw them there and he will panic!!
Wow, some bonafide intrigue. It's nice to see Chloe getting out of the apartment for a change. The girl needs fresh air.

Lots of jewelry going around lately. Stephanie gets a bracelet. Melanie gets a bracelet. Then she gets earrings. Now this would be a perfect product placement for Kristian Alfonso's Hope Faith Miracles line of jewelry.

Has anyone else besides me noticed that Philip only appears on Mondays and Tuesdays? Makes for a boring Wednesday - Friday.

Thanks for a great summary, Poirot!
Wow, some bonafide intrigue. It's nice to see Chloe getting out of the apartment for a change. The girl needs fresh air.

Lots of jewelry going around lately. Stephanie gets a bracelet. Melanie gets a bracelet. Then she gets earrings. Now this would be a perfect product placement for Kristian Alfonso's Hope Faith Miracles line of jewelry.

Has anyone else besides me noticed that Philip only appears on Mondays and Tuesdays. Makes for a boring Wednesday - Thursday.

Thanks for a great summary, Poirot!
nope your not the only one kpatch. I noticed that too. we definitely need more philip on our screens.
Cannot wait to see if they actually "run into each other" or play Keaston cops and have a revloving door and keep missing each other....
But I bet ~~
Mel will probably be the one "to spot" the other 2 gals and then begin to wonder what is up.. too funny if she confides to Philip that she saw them there and he will panic!!
you know it may just playout this way.
Anything re: Lucas's call to Kate? Or will that just turn out to be nothing? I wouldn't be surprised if it was dropped entirely. Kate mentioning Lucas's name was the highlight of today's (Monday's) show for me!
Rafe no longer trust Ari....give that woman a prize for figuring that out...