Days of Our Lives Tues., July 30, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

There will be a lot of eye rolling today as events unfold. Stefan calls Gabi, he picked up the wedding license, also the rings. Ooops, she forgot about that. Good thinking. She will get dressed and be right over, can't wait to become Mrs. Stefan DiMera. Rafe has walked in, heard this, she hangs up, and he gets on her case, she will marry that guy over his dead body. Nope, she is adult, can do whatever she wants. They argue big time, she explains the circumstances, Rafe protests, but she talks of doing this for Ari as well, wants her to have all kinds of good things, music lessons, college, etc. stuff she & Rafe never had. He sees her point, but still thinks a big mistake, however, yes, she is adult, makes her own choices.

Ciara wakes up to Ben, sitting beside her, reading about what the board did to Stefan. They talk about this, he wonders if this will affect his job, they nuzzle a bit, Stefan comes over. He & Ben talk about the situation, he tells of upcoming wedding to Gabi & why, Ciara not sure Stefan should trust her, oh, she has stood by me, yada, yada. Wants Ben to be witness, he says sure.

Jennifer runs into Eve in park, and totally expected, Eve lashes out at Jen, but brags how Jack will never her or her kids. Jen is pretty calm, Eve pretty nasty, even putting down her box of junk (she had cleared out her office) and getting rather physical with Jen. Luckily, Abe arrives, breaks it all up, Eve leaves. Jen explains briefly, thanks him, he has to leave for an appointment.

Jack is at the cop shop, telling Eli & Lani that Eve is no longer commissioner, that he has to appoint someone, any ideas. No, both Hope & Abe do not want to work with him, what about you, Eli? He is taken aback, not sure, Jack does a few accolades, then says he can try it, if not happy, can go back to being detective. Eli will think it over. Jack leaves, Eli & Lani chat about it, then their wedding. She thinks he would do well, everyone is dept. respects him. Well, salary increase will help with wedding, gee they have not even set a date. She figures they better start looking for a venue. Rafe arrives, they tell him about Eve being fired, Jack looking for replacement. Lani says he did ask someone, but that person hasn't made up his mind yet. Eli says oh, yes, he has. Tells Rafe, I'm your new boss! Rafe is happy for him, Congrats.

Kristen on phone to Tony, wanting to make sure he marries her (as fake Nicole). Tony is reluctant, wants to know exactly how she will explain HIM being alive, etc. Knock at door, she has to go. Brady arrives, (she is in fake Nicole garb) what so urgent. She says she had a very vivid dream about the fire, and tho she remembered someone dragging her out of the fire, she did not know who. But in this dream, she saw his face, recognized him, but doesn't know who. Brady questions this, she shows him pics. He says that is Andre & Tony. She goes on how it means a DiMera is alive, if she can find him, get him to marry her, she & Brady can help Titan, bring down DiMera Enterprises. How can she find the guy (Brady is protesting all this). She figures to call the hospital where they took her, maybe they have name of who brought her in. She calls the hospital( actually, it is Tony) & does her pretense. Tony gets wise, realizes someone there, warns her he wants to know her plan, she is saying one thing, he answers another. Brady wants to talk to hospital, she won't give him phone, finally hangs up, pretending the person gave her an address. (now mind you, Tony is supposed to be in Chicago, so they evidently were beamed up by Scotty from Star Trek, as they are there in a couple minutes. )

Gabi arrives at DiMansion, wearing a sexy, glittery, halter top pants outfit, did not want to wear white, Stefan in suit. He knows they were never engaged, gives her a huge engagement ring, says it belonged to his mother. Gabi thinks Vivian had good taste. He puts it on. She glows, Ben & Ciara arrive.

In the park, Jack arrived as Jen was explaining to Abe what Eve & her clashed about, Abe leaves, Jack is sorry. They talk over the situation, how Eve fooled Jack, lied to and manipulated him. He is upset with himself that he did not see thru her. Jen is sorry, he says she is being kind, no she isn't. She admits she is kind at times, but can be judgmental and unswerving. She reminds him he had no memories of the man he was, so was easy for Eve to get him to do what she wanted. They are having a nice talk, then Jen says something about him being a hypocrite, slimeball. He takes umbrage.....Excuse me? Thinks that tho he was taken in by Eve, has done well as mayor, gets up, leaves to go “run the city”.

Stefan also picked up the pre-nup, Gabi can sign now. She acts a bit hurt he doesn't trust her, but signs it. After Ciara & Ben arrive, Abe comes in, mentioning he ran into Nicole, who evidently is getting married, tho he doesn't know who the groom to be is.

Brady & fake Nicole outside apartment door. She is ready to knock, Brady worries, if a DiMera in there, who knows what he could do. He knocks instead. No answer. He is ready to leave, come back later, she tries the door handle, door is not locked. They go inside, hello, anyone here? Fake Nik mutters to herself, where is he, as she looks around , down a hall. Brady says, well, we know which one is here, take a look at this. He shows fake Nik a pic of Tony & Anna.
Always amazed at how Ciara, with her long, waved hair, manages to wake up after a night's sleep, and her hair is perfectly groomed. Not a tangle anywhere or a hair out of place. LOL
Eve wanting to get physical with Jen was ........ridiculous.
So.........fake Nicole went to see Tony in Chicago, back to Salem, calls Brady in with her dream tale and bingo they are back in Chicago!
Anyone here ever driven in Chicago? the traffic? know how large a city it is? Oh, wait, express train to the door. Got it!
Aww Chicago traffic is a breeze! NOT!! But seriously she is selling it to Brady that they can find Tony and in a day he will agree to marry Nicole Walker! Even tells Abe she may be getting married today!! This story is getting ridiculous. I hope Tony outs her.

I thought Ciara's dress was very similar to the bride's. That's just rude!! Did Stefan check that Gabi actually signed it? Did she sign someone else's name? Shouldn't there be a witness that she signs it? I'm sure Gabi has a plan to get around it. At least Ciara and Ben had the Salem brain today. They know this marriage is huge mistake.
Ciara had no idea what Gabi would be wearing, and vice versa. Fault wardrobe, but evidently it is plunging neckline time period. LOL Heck, look at what the ex-police commissioner is wearing to clean out her office, and carry box of whatever thru the park?? Ah, Salem!
In re my remark about Chicago Traffic..........those writers live in L.A. and all of them have to have been caught in the traffic jams on "the 5"........yes, been there, experienced it. I seem to recall some time back a mention that Chicago was about an hour north of Salem. It has to be close enough, since they mention Chicago sport teams. But getting to Chicago is one thing. Traveling within the city is another altogether. Even the suburbs, just as bad. Add "construction" to the mix.........egads!. Oh, well, maybe one only travels so far, then fold one's arms, nod head, or wrinkle one's nose, and bingo (referring to I Dream of Jeannie, & Samantha, on Bewitched)
Poirot - I agree about Chicago traffic, my sister lives in one of the suburbs on the north side (literally a block or 2 form the city), when I visit it's a 3 1/2 hours drive from my city to hers, and 1 hour of that is just trying to navigate through Chicago. I need a Salem Teleporter, it would make visiting my family who's scattered all over the country to much faster. :rotfl:

I'm glad Eve is done as police commissioner, that never made 1 iota of sense to me.
The pot calls the kettle black: Gabi actually complained that Rafe was eavesdropping on her conversation? She ought to get real. Eavesdropping is a major indoor and outdoor sport in Salem and she is one of its biggest participants.

Be careful what you say: Rafe actually said that Gabi would be marrying Zero "over my dead body." That's not too wise in Salem, where turning somebody into a dead body can easily be arranged. (Just ask Stefano, Tricky Nicky, and Andre.)

History repeats itself?: When "Nicole" announced to Brady that she wanted to marry Tony, he might have pointed out that she was once married to another DiMera, EJ, and it didn't go all that well.

Gullibility personified: Pity poor Brady who believes anything that Nicole or "Nicole" tells him. If one of them told him that Bigfoot and Elvis were dancing the boogaloo at the West Salem Mall food court, he'd be rushing over there to watch the show.
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

It was interesting to hear "Nicole" turn her 'I had a dream' speech into a memory.
she faked a call in front Brady. How could he not question how someone who was in
Nashville give an address in Chicago when he dropped her off at the hospital? It's Brady.

Eve tried to blame Jennifer for all the things that happened with Jack. She told Jennifer she
wanted to rip her face off. She needs to say that to "Nicole" and do it :)

Jennifer wore summer clothing today.

Eli is the new commissioner. Will he hire Hope back?

Where, oh where, did Tony go? Did he leave his apartment? Did he leave to find Anna?
Interesting you'd say that, 65days. I was just thinking I might skip this one. Sounds like it's got too much Eve and too much Kristen for me. I often fast forward their scenes anyway.

Poirot, thank you for the summary. I probably will watch tomorrow but I'm pretty sure I'll be skipping through a lot of it. I can't get into the Gabi-Stefan wedding either.