Days of Our Lives - Tues., June 19, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The show today centers entirely on the birth of Lani & Eli's baby, Kayla tells Lani she has lost a lot of blood, she is in labor, the placenta is covering the cervix, they have to do a C-section now. Lani refuses to sign consent form, too early, only 26 weeks. Kayla assures her 90% survival rate for babies, citing Joey being born at 26 weeks. Lani is still saying no, Eli & JJ are listening, JJ speaks up, encouraging Lani, she is strongest person they know, they all need her, she can do this, Eli agrees, noting the baby needs her, too. Lani agrees.

JJ goes out in the hall, calls Abe. He & Valerie are at the club with Doug & Julie, making plans for a baby shower in July. Julie is all excited, has given lots of showers, has great recipes. Abe gets off the phone, tells them all about Lani now in hospital, they all rush down there.

Chloe, Lucas, Jen & Eric are at the Pub, toasting Chloe's rescue, Lucas's sobriety (yes, with cider) when JJ comes rushing in to get some food. He fills them all in on Lani, and all 5 rush down to the hospital as well.

Abe arrives just as they are taking Lani to the O.R. He stops the gurney, talks to Lani, wishes her well, etc. Am surprised the Chief of Staff has to push the gurney, plus do the operating. When they are gone, Val offers to scrub up, and be there, Abe is grateful. Eli is very concerned, and when the Pub group arrives, more Horton support, he complains he just needs some space. But within a couple minutes, he is sorry, asks them all to stay, over reacted, thanks them all.

In the tiny O.R. Room, Lani is being put out, and begins having a dream, she walks thru a corridor, lots of doors, into a white cloud, with Kayla's voice saying “stay with us Lani, do you hear me”? Lani starts with getting the news she is pregnant from Kayla, is 6 weeks along, is relieved as it means this is JJ's baby. She does explain to Kayla about her seeing Gabi & JJ, getting wrong impression, going to see Eli, and ...Kayla gets the picture, is glad all worked out,. Lani continues, is with JJ, talking of their baby, raising it, etc. Now it is a co-ed baby shower. Julie is complaining about men being there, Doug noting isn't her shower, tis Lani's. Eli rushes up to Lani, tells her that Gabi found out about them sleeping together, broke up with him, is furious, he wanted to warn her. He leaves as JJ comes up, Gabi just called him, told him about Eli & Lani. She swears this is his baby, Kayla will tell you. She is sorry, says it was Christmas Eve. JJ shuts up, remembers it was the day he was going to.........knows they were broken up, she could do whatever she wanted. He is not mad, tis o.k.

In between all these scenes the staff in O.R. Is having a difficult time, Lani has lost a lot of blood, pressure is dropping dangerously low, and in fact they nearly lose her.

Lani, in her dream, goes into labor at the shower, her water broke, she is on a sofa, no time to get to hospital. Chloe goes for towels, Kayla tells JJ to slip under Lani, hold her in a sitting position.

In real time, Julie asks Eric to lead them all in a prayer, he says he is not a priest now, she notes that doesn't matter, quoting “when two or more are gathered in his name”. Eric agrees, everyone gets in a circle, holds hands as he says a prayer.......and we see those in the OR doing compressions and giving oxygen to Lani.

Back to her dream, she is in the hospital, asking to see her baby. JJ talks about a difficult delivery, Lani is figuring something went wrong, but a nurse walks in with a little baby, congratulates her, Lani hold her baby boy, talking to it, etc.

And in real time, Kayla comes out, tells all that they almost lost Lani, but she is stable, came through o.k. Eli asks about the baby, you have not said anything about the baby. Kayla sadly says the baby did not make it, they did all they could. Reaction shots of various faces...especially JJ. Jen hurries over to hug him.

In Lani's room, Val sits with her, stroking her face (Lani is still unconscious, but in a sitting position. She tells her she is o.k. She made it. Val gets up, kisses Lani on the forehead, turns out the light, leaves the room.
P.S. Chloe explains at the table with Jen & Eric, that it was so wonderful seeing Parker, and tho they wanted to bring him back to Salem, he wanted to stay for the summer, has friends, a day camp, so as hard as it was, they (meaning her & Lucas) decided to let him stay.
Thank you for the summary, Poirot. I won't watch this one. Frankly, I really don't care enough about the character of Lani. As I said before, she brings absolutely nothing to the show, whether she is with JJ or with Eli, there is no chemistry there. So to have an entire episode focused on the birth, a dream, etc, is a big waste in my opinion. And I may be heartless, but I don't care that the baby dies. In fact, if Lani had died with him (or her), I would not care either. In fact, I would be glad as this would mean budget to see more of other characters who do bring something to the show.
@TheWriter Sooooo, what you're saying is to submit this episode for a daytime Emmy?? :):):) I'm just teasing!!

While I do not like how Lani was introduced, I like her and hope she becomes more integrated with some of the other characters outside of work. I think would help cemented her presence in Salem.
Personally, it was very hard to watch this......but then I knew the ending. But it was all very well done. Abe's apology to Doug & Julie over how he treated them when Theo was shot, JJ telling Jen that he thinks his presence there is uncomfortable for Eli, then Eli's telling JJ he is greatful for all he did for Lani, things he should have done, mentioning getting her to hospital, calling Abe, convincing Lani to have the C-section. And I really did tear up when the Hortons all got together to pray, Eric saying the words, while we are seeing inside the O.R.
Thank you, Poirot.

So Val, the woman who caused so much stress and put so much pressure on Lani to begin with, was the one with her after surgery? Nope. Don't like it one bit. It would've meant more to me if it had been JJ or Abe.

Most of this episode sounds like a bunch of filler to make sure that some of the contract cast got their required time on screen.
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Wow. I haven't been reading much of the spoilers for months, so I hadn't seen this coming at all. Very sad, moving, well-acted. And for that matter, well-written, given that we haven't had miscarriage in a few years, and so many babies have been born lately in weird familial circumstances. Still, what a show. Thanks for the write-up.
There is a paper laying on a table in Lani's room with the baby's footprints on it. At the end, Val picks up the paper, kisses the footprints, holds the paper to her heart, and cries, as she leaves the room. A small moment, but heartfelt.
The acting was good today but the writing and editing felt very cheap and lazy. The whole dream sequence seemed like a home video. I didn’t like it and didn’t see what the reason for it was. The writing and directing were awful. But the actors still stepped up and did a good job. I was surprised with the ending as I had not read any spoilers about the baby dying. I agree it would have been better for the baby to survive and Lani to die. The character of Lani is boring and she has no chemistry with Eli nor JJ. It would have been a better story to watch Eli being a single parent.
Fantastic acting and a fantastic script in a crappy storyline. Were we supposed to care about this baby and his parents' twice-monthly appearances? Cheap drama.

This story could have been so much better. Oh, well.

But kudos to the actors; I'll wish them well if any of them choose this for their Emmy® reels.

More Lucas and Chloe, please!!!
I thought it was a very good episode. Very sad. I did cry a little. I have learned to like Lani and I liked Lani and Eli. Babies dying is always sad. Not sure why Lani was crashing though. She went into distress pretty quick. She was a healthy woman.

The baby feet on the card on the table did look big but when Val was holding it I didn't think they looked big. Was weird that Val was the one in the room with Lani. Should have been Abe. Lani finding out I'm sure is going to be heartbreaking. Eli was heart broken. Sad day in Salem.
Thanks, Poirot.

Sad day indeed in Salem.

Poor Lani. She's dreaming that the baby lives and JJ is the daddy.

Poor JJ. You can tell he still cares for Lani. I'm glad he was there
for her and helped out with everything.

Poor waitress. Everyone left without paying or giving her a tip.
She'll just have to go to the money tree and get some there.

I enjoyed the conversations people had while waiting. Abe and Eli
discussing what the plans are for Lani and the baby. And everyone
being there for Eli.

I enjoyed these lines when Eli said "Lani says I'm hovering." Doug looks at
Julie and says "You come by it naturally"
Not sure why Lani was crashing though. She went into distress pretty quick. She was a healthy woman.

She was crashing because she was bleeding too much and they couldn't stop the bleeding initially. It's one of the risks with placenta previa.

This was a really hard episode for me to watch as I had placenta previa when I was pregnant with my son. I went to the hospital at 26 weeks and was very close to having an emergency C-section. I held out to 33 weeks and now have a beautiful 20 month old. But this episode was my nightmare. I never cared about Lani but I do feel for her. The episode where she finds out will be a very hard one too.