Days of Our Lives - Tues., June 28, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Another episode which could mostly be over in 10-15 minutes instead of an hour, but remembered July sweeps is nearly here, so has to be why some things are being dragged out. John calls Brady, as he has some questions and info about Brady's friend, Summer. They sit in a booth, as John tells of Clark Bernard's sister looking for him, and how Clark has a rap sheet as long as his arm, was a grifter, who had a female partner for years. The name Cindi, etc. Brady admits knowing Summer was a con artist, who used the name Cindi on occasion, but had turned her life around, blah, blah. He tells of giving her money, the $50,000 cash. John wonders if perhaps Brady was their "mark". Brady gets up, rushes off.

In her room, Summer is pacing, answers the door to Dario, is all panicky, Dario tries calming her down, but she is worried that the sister might find people she knows, or goes to the cops, and they will come to her room. Dario talks reason, Clark is gone, will not be found, she gave him the money, he left. That is all she knows, yada, yada. Knock, knock, and there is the very angry Brady, who wants Dario to leave, but Summer says, he is a friend, he can stay.

In Rafe's back yard, he sits drinking a beer, seeing on his tablet the news that Andre was released from prison. He closes it, here is Blanca, trying to escape the heat, too. Short shorts, and constantly fooling with her hair - sorry, but it got annoying, she could have just put it up in a pony tail or something. She grabs a cold beer to cool off her neck, talks/flirts with Rafe a bit. Blanca finally gets more air time, which is spent trying to get Rafe to talk about what happened with Hope, and then putting on some Latin music, which has her movin & shaking, and getting Rafe to half heartedly dance with her. He finally has enough, claims he has an early morning, goes inside. She drinks her beer, peers in the window to see Rafe finishing his beer, looking out another kitchen window.

Hope & Aiden return from dinner, chat about how good it was, go out on the balcony to enjoy the view of the waterfall, talk a bit. Music begins playing, they slow dance, she closes her eyes, remembering a time in bed with Aiden, more dancing, but now she remembers the lookalike trying to kill her. She stops, is overcome. Aiden wants her to talk about it, she doesn't want to, they came here for a break from it all, she feels she is getting to know him all over again. Dancing, kissing, he tries leading her inside, she begins to go, stops, No, they go back onto the balcony, he is sorry, he knows she wanted to go slow, and they should not do anything until both are ready. So, beautiful night, stars, moon, the waterfall. They stay on the balcony. (O.K. wake up, my friends, Brady has a brain today)

Back at Summer's room, Brady is really tearing into Summer. Dario tries at times to inerrupt, wanting Brady to back off, but Brady shout at him to back off, this is between him & Summer. He lays into her about Clark, about her lying to him, wondering if he was their next mark, did they split the money. Summer is trying to explain, denies he was a mark or that she & Clark split the money, it wasn't like that. He made threats to her, yada, yada. Brady is having none of it, he pulled her out of the ocean, brought her to Salem, found her mother. Brady thinks it was a big mistake to bring Summer here, and if her brother, Daniel were still alive, he would say the same thing.

Well, it is over. Time for her to leave and return to L.A. Summer is quite taken aback at this. Brady warns her that she better leave town, and leave Maggie alone.....

Dario pops up......Or what?

You don't want to know, spits out Brady, as he goes out the door.
Thank you, Poirot. I agree with Amanda. You deserve double blessings for sitting through this junk. Thank goodness I can fast forward most of it when I get home.

Though....I can't wait to see Brady tear Summer a new one. Her character is (and always has been) a waste of air time. She definitely needs to go back to California, and take Dario with her. I don't want him anywhere near Nicole.
Honestly, there just wasn't anything worth remembering, but it sure was good to see Brady tear into Summer.

And it was good to see John. But really, it was definitely "filler" scenes all over. John could have told Brady in 1 minute what he had to say, and done it in the office. Rafe/Blanca just really said or did nothing, and neither did Hope/Aiden.....except perhaps the intention was to show each "dancing" in the same time frame??? Dumb.

I am thinking perhaps this is transition ...wind up the old stuff, have the unwanted characters depart so new stories can begin?? Really no idea. But it is sure odd to have two days in a row of dragging material...which makes me all the more inclined to think it may be because Sweeps is nearly here.
A week ago, it was Relationship Tuesday in Salem, but today could have been entitled Snoozefest Tuesday. It could also be called "Con Artist" Tuesday with psycho Summer's world apparently collapsing, while over at the always-romantic Green Mountain Lodge, Andre's colleague, shyster Aiden, romanced Hope. And, yes, it was good to see Brady rip into Summer, He's gotten quite good at telling off women con artists, probably thanks to the experience he gained when he finally dumped Kristen. Mr. Black was rather controlled today, but God help the next shady woman who scams him.
It was nice to FINALLY have Brady see Summer for who she really is but I was still full from the helping of WHO THE HECK CARES that we were served yesterday to really enjoy it today. It was tasty enough I suppose but I've really had my fill.

I shan't be discussing the debacle that is occurring at Green Mountain Lodge.

Rafe and Blanca: I will say that I didn't find their scenes or their dance to be as cheesy or forced as others might. They were okay, but did they move anything forward? Nope. Did they make up for the other forty-five minutes of blah? Sadly they did not. But I didn't find them painful either.
So, I didnt miss too terribly much today, but in reading this, I hope that Brady uses his "outside" voice to let Summer know she is no longer welcome.

I caught just a second of Blanca putting the moves on Rafe. :sick:

She can leave Salem or stop listening to Rafe's mom, she is in too many faces, telling who to do what and when.
I forgot to mention....Rafe asked Blanca how her interview at the hospital went, she thought it went rather well. Thus, we now are officially told that Blanca will be getting a job. Or at least trying to get one. Rafe thought the fact she was smart, bi-lingual...and because they were joking around, also a good sense of humor, which should nail it for her.
Thanks Poirot

I had this on but tuned most of it out. Will we ever see Blanca outside of Maggie's oops I mean Rafe's house? I also wasn't annoyed by their scenes but when you show parallel scenes with another couple, it's pretty clear who TPTB want you to root for. And it's not Blanca and Aiden. Someone needs to tell Ken Corday that's not how it works. Jealous and desperate Rafe doesn't work either. He was never like this with Sami. He was a little bit with Jordan but never to this extent. It's not appealing. Let's see the strong cop who can see right through people. We saw a little bit of that with Blanca today but we never see that with Hope.

Why is John on for half an episode. Yesterday it was half a second. Meanwhile Summer has been on 2 days straight. Enough! And while I liked Brady calling her out, it doesn't seem like TIIC plan to reverse Summer's history. She is still Maggie's daughter and to me that's a bigger problem than her being a con-artist.

Regarding Hope and Aiden, based on today's episode I'm not so sure she is playing him as some have speculated.
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Thanks, Poirot.

My question was why did John and Brady leave the penthouse and talk about Summer
in public at Club TBD? They should have stayed at the penthouse. It was interesting
to see John drinking milk.

Poor John. He found out Dopey.. I mean Brady..paid Clark money not realizing he
was a con man. Too bad Brady doesn't have John's common sense. I'm glad Brady
found the Salem brain on the way Summer's hotel room.

And Brady needs to pass the Salem brain to Hope. It annoys me she can't see Aiden
is lying to her.

The line of the day goes to Brady when he told Summer "It was a big mistake
bringing you to Salem".. I think everyone who watches the show agrees with him.
Luckily it took me about 10 minutes to watch today's episode.

I noticed that too, katmouse, with John and Brady starting off at the townhouse and then the next scene at TBD. I thought I missed a scene.

I didn't mind the Rafe/Blanca scenes too much although I thought it was stupid of Blanca to get up and dance when she said she was so hot and trying to cool off. Seemed counterproductive to me. If I thought that these two had a chance I would consider rooting for them but it's painfully obvious who the "rooting" couple is here. Sorry, not a fan. As to Hope and Aiden.....FF material today.

Hey, I actually watched a Summer scene! Way to go Brady calling Psycho Mermaid out!! Now get the heck outta town missy!
It looks like I am in the minority today because I thought the episode was well done. I liked the directing and the dialogue and the acting by everyone. There was a feel of what Days used to be...entertaining.

I haven't watched the last several episodes so it was my first time seeing Blanca. She impressed me. I like her character so far. She seems authentic and has a personality. And she had more chemistry with Rafe in the few scenes today than I have ever seen between Rafe and Hope (there is no chemistry there in my opinion). So I hope Blanca stays and I hope Rafe will let go of Hope so he can explore things with Blanca.

Really liked the scenes between John and Brady. Here's hoping we get more screen time for John. And I liked that Brady finally woke up and realized the mistake it was to bring Summer to Salem. This is the Brady I've been waiting years to see. Ever since Kristen he has been missing. Glad to have him back.

Hope and Aiden....I think these two have great chemistry. (Again....I see no chemistry between Hope and Rafe). I thought the scenes today were well done and realistic. Unfortunately I can't forget what the writers did to Aiden's character and the lies he has told....even since coming back to Salem. I wish the writers would have kept him honest when he returned to Salem after being locked up for 6 months. His lies and his working with Andre and Kate make it impossible for me to get behind a Hope/Aiden romance.
There is no getting away from it. Aiden may truly love Hope, but he lied to her back when, DID plot to kill her, and even if he WAS being held prisoner, and a lookalike is the one who tried to kill Hope, he lied to her the first time he saw her after arriving back. (saying he was taken right after he proposed).

I cannot imagine why the show brought the character back if they only intended to continue the assassination of the character. What was the point?
Just do not see the chemistry with Hope and Aiden at all. Didn't like him before, don't like him now. I personally do like Rafe and Hope together.
I was hopeful when Blanca first showed up at Rafe's home. I thought they would make a good couple. But after a couple of days, she only seemed interested in strutting around in her most revealing clothes. Today's scenes were too much for me, with her fooling with her hair and the cold bottles and then getting up and dancing. She seemed very shallow to me. I don't want Rafe with Hope but now I don't want him with Blanca either.