Days of Our Lives - Tues., June 30, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Too bad Marlena just doesn't say I now pronounce you man and wife and be done with it. Replays of yesterday's closing scenes. Gabi is strutting around Chad, bragging of her acquittal, insulting him, his “whackadoodle” wife, it is too bad Rafe cannot see her. She snarks a lot, yaps about coming after DiMera Enterprises now, claims the DNA results will prove Stefan is alive, and her husband, and they will take over the company. She prances off, calling his a loser.

At Julie's place, everyone rushes to Tamara's aid after she faints, she claims she is o.k., just her blood sugar acting up, as she had not eaten. Julie will get a cookie, but Billy has a candy bar in his pocket. Lani says they will postpone everything til she is feeling better, Tamara won't hear of it. Will go back to hotel, rest, insists Lani marry her love. All will be o.k. Billy offers to escort her, as he has had some calls about cases. They leave. Ceremony resumes, Marlena talking of last time when fate intervened. Julie pipes up Fate named Gabi, then is sorry, as she was told if he said Gabi's name 3 times she would suddenly appear, & she already said it twice. So, proceed, no Gabi of course, Gabi saunters in, smirking all the time, you said my name 3 times, poof I am here. She thought they'd all like to hear how her trial came out, since Eli & Lani testified against her, right in middle of wedding prep. See I am free. Julie orders her out, Abe asks her to leave, Gabi is not budging. Lani is feeling sick, Eli assures all will be o.k. , tells Gabi that when they were together, she said she cared about him, & if she meant that, leave now. Gabi gets a bit huffy, but says they should start looking for who really drugged Abby, turns and finally walks out. Abe goes with her, making sure she leaves.

Hope arrives at Rafe's, brings pizza, they chatter away, he finally had Facetime with David, he is looking good, seems o.k. They talk a tiny bit about Allie, her pregnancy & not telling Sami, & how it will be if Sami learns via grapevine. Upshot....Rafe & Hope are friends, period, happy they can talk together. In come Gabi with champagne to celebrate being acquitted, sees them in a hug, but Hope has to leave now. Gabi teases Rafe, something going on with him & Hope, he denies, just friends, and that is all. Gabi not too sure.

Brady sees Kristen, who stops, turns. No she is not a nun, both happy to see each other. He asks about Rachel, Kristen left her with someone she trusts. She shows him pics on her phone, Rachel is cutting 2 teeth, sings, loves the sound of her own laughter. In walks Chad, surprised to see her. She urges him to pretend he never saw her, he cannot do that, won't turn her in, but needs her shares of DiMera stock to fend off Gabi, who is planning to give him a fight for it. Kristen knows she cannot ever return to Salem or the company, so agrees to do so, will have her lawyer contact him. He leaves, time for her to go. Brady kisses her, but no, he cannot let her go. He is going with her, won't abandon Tate, but wants to know his daughter. He knows it won't be forever, but he has to be with Kristen, and Rachel. Off they go.

Back to the wedding that won't ever end. Abe returns, Gabi gone, Abe has locked all the doors, no more disturbances. Ceremony resumes again, Marlena gets to the part she was going to skip over, but since Gabi is gone, will say it.....Anyone objection to these two being married. Grins all around. Julie reads a poem, Val, Abe, Julie all grinning. Marlena continues........when there is sound of breaking glass. Julie figures her dinner plates have hit the floor. Abe will go check, no, Julie figures that is what she gets for hiring a clumsy caterer. And in comes VIVIAN! Well, since she was not really invited, she says she had to find a way to attend. So she crashed.
No idea why, with this small intimate little wedding, there has to be all this foolish drama. It could have happened at reception, but no, the 5 minute wedding that is taking 3 hrs. Sheesh.

Gabi, all cocky, giving so much lip. Vivian, who was also on the lam (like Kristen) "crashing". And yes, Kristen also showing up on the day. And then pregnant Lani in that ridiculous pant outfit. Marlena makes reference to marriage being laughter, and tears, and an occasional changing of diaper......and Eli reaches to pat Lani's tummy.:rolleyes:
I keep wondering if they did this to stretch things out, since no Olympic break, etc., to keep things relatively lined up with the calendar for Thanksgiving and Christmas???
If they get to filming again at all, the stretching will be in shows we see in November mostly, maybe a bit in end of october,.
Seriously couldnt Eli and Lani just get married, no drama? Annoying.

Thank goodness Brady asked about his daughter's whereabouts! I am hoping beyond hope that the writers are going to have Kristen do something so despicable that Brady cant forgive her and end this madness!

Please tell me we are not going to revisit Hope and Rafe!
These writers have no idea whatsoever what to do with Hope. There aren't any men to pair her up with (not that she needs one, but the writers, again, have no use for a single woman), so she just bounces around. I kind of feel bad for Kristian Alfonso (Hope), but she had her disastrous Princess Gina story, so she will been the sidelines for a while.
Such a weird ceremony. I think Marilyn McCoo (Tamara) and Billy Davis Jr. (Billy) must have signed a contract where they could only appear for 12 minutes and 28 seconds or something.

I do appreciate the Chad/Gabi/Abby stuff a little although it seems we already have our answer on that. At least trying to figure out where they are going is something to look forward to.
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Thanks for the summary. I hope I can make it through this one. I'm not big on weddings in the first place.

I won't mind if Brady goes away with Kristen. I know I would never, ever miss seeing her, and Brady is not someone I care to watch, so long as he's attached to Kristen. Seems like a replay of Sami and EJ.
Hope had a decent story with Aiden......til the writers screwed it up. I do agree they don't know exactly what to do with Hope. No longer with the police, so she doesn't have to work, but maybe some volunteer work would at least have her doing something.

The current problem is the head writer, who just cannot seem to be able to tell more than 1 or 2 stories at one time. This is why some scenes are exactly as they seem........time fillers. And why some characters just do the same thing over and over. Ben & Ciara are constantly nuzzling each other, Kayla is only doctor in entire hospital, Gabi smirks and snarks at everyone, Will & Sonny talk non-stop of having another child, Xander moons after disgusting Sarah, trying various things to have her forgive him, Sarah only yells & is mad. Nicole & Eric get dragged into a scene to be voices of reason, & Kate just to be a source of annoyance. Look to Corday........
Wretched excess was the order of the day as the writers did their best to test the patience of the viewers.

Eli-Lani wedding: This ceremony had to be the most interrupted ceremony in Salem history. Why did Gabi have to appear? She'd already annoyed the audience beyond belief with her horribly obnoxious performance with Chad. And why pile it on with the resurrected Vivian? Why was she there anyway? Shouldn't she have been over at Jake's place squawking, "my son, my son."

Gabi: Just when one would think that she couldn't get any worse, she does. She was beyond awful with Chad while gloating over her escape from justice (he should have her terminated with extreme prejudice), was truly over the top at the wedding, and then barged into the Rafe-Hope pizza party. Who invited her there?

Brady-Kristen: These two are always annoying and they didn't disappoint today. Dimbulb Brady should do everyone a favor by running away with Kristen (how about fugitive love in Manitoba again).
Thanks, Poirot.

I wondered too if Marilyn McCoo (Tamara) and Billy Davis Jr. (Billy) were only on a short time because
of money or something.

It's too bad Marlena couldn't have done the faster wedding so Tamara could watch it.

Valerie looked at Julie after she said Gabi's name a third time. Now you've done
it and Gabi magically appeared.

Brady leaves with Kristen. Will anyone at Titan notice he's not at the office?

Nice to see Hope being nice to Rafe. He needs a friend and I can't be there.
Yep, this headwriter gives the characters "a rest" in one way or another. Sometimes we just don't see them, sometimes there's a "reason". Rafe went off to Italy to "help" Sami, - Sarah, Xander, Kayla just are not seen for a while. Jennifer has been gone for a while now. Heck, what about Roman? Kate pops in and is gone. Guess it is Brady's
One interruption at a wedding would be quite enough, but how many today?! And why was Julie constantly yakking? The poem was nice, but good grief. I wish someone had the intestinal fortitude to slap Gabi silly. She gets more disgusting every day.