Days of Our Lives - Tues., June 7, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mami Hernandez has cooked a meal for Rafe & Dario, and lets them know that a friend of hers is coming to stay. Blanca worked with her in the clinic. Rafe is not too happy another person is coming to stay in his house, Dario claims that as soon as he gets a job, he will move out. Talking of putting clean sheets on the bed in the guest room, Dario leaves, Mami claims she has to go out to get something nice to make for dinner for Blanca, who should be here in a few hours. (this is so transparent). By the way, it is mentioned that Mama Hernandez went to Mexico for just a short time, but stayed 5 years!

Kate & Roman are at the cop shop, she spots Aiden, comments about him looking good for a dead man. Aiden wants a word from Roman, if he has time. No he does not.

Kate gives a very skeptical Roman her version of Nicole murdering Deimos by pushing him in the river, both now at the cop shop. Roman just is not taking her story at face value, even says it sounds like an accident. She shoves her phone at him, to watch the video clip, which just shows Nicole & Deimos arguing, getting a bit physical. It ends, she claims she dropped the phone, it stopped recording, but she witnessed him hitting his head, staggering a bit, and Nicole purposely pushing him into the river. She claims he had gotten a call from Nik earlier, went to meet her, Kate followed, jealous that perhaps she would find HER HUSBAND in the arms of another woman. Roman is surprised, she flashes the ring Deimos had at him, we were married yesterday. Roman laughs, Deimos, a couple months ago it was Clyde, before that...he shrugs. Roman claims they have dragged the river, no body, so is calling this an alleged murder. Kate shed a few more tears, gets ticked at Roman not wholly believing her, and leaves.

Aiden had been in with Justin, changing Chase's plea to temporary insanity, Justin not happy with that. May not accept it. Aiden gives all the excuses, Justin only says he will take what he says under advisement.

Now Aiden calls Hope, who is at the Horton cabin on Smith Island. He wants to talk to her about his visit to the courthouse, sorry, she is out of town, she says. He will talk when she gets back, would rather be in person, loves her.

Nicole is getting reamed out by Victor, knowing she would fail, they argue about him getting some plan with Justin. She says she did not agree to this for him, but did it for Maggie, who comes in then, hears it, wants to know what is up, guesses it is about Deimos. she is not happy, doesn't want this at all.

Justin gets an envelope delivered via messenger, from Deimos, his "test". Deimos wants Justin to eliminate all evidence for some thug and have him released from jail. Justin is hesitant, but does get the file, a thick one, goes through it. Later he is at Victor's, Maggie there, tells Vic he got the note from Deimos, did what he asked, and probably all for nothing, as now everything in Deimos's life will be gone over with a fine tooth comb, usually is done in a murder investigation. Maggie is horrified at that news, Victor is not, will see how he feels when they find a body.

Ciara watches a sleeping on the sofa Chad. He wakes up to hear Ciara talking to Thomas about his great daddy, and how Thomas will grow up to be like him. She comes out with a tray of food & aspirin, tending to the now hungover Chad. She cannot believe Abby would not see him, suggests going to see her, perhaps she will talk to her cousin. Chad figures Abby will refuse, but is appreciative that Ciara wants to try. "I would do anything for you" she replies.

Dario meets up with Nicole in the bar, she is rather upset over her argument with Victor, Dario assures her she did what she could, and reminds her she promised to stop beating herself up. He leaves. In comes Roman and another cop, tells Nicole he wants her to come down to the station with him. She she taken aback, wonders why. He tells her a witness has claimed to have seen her murder Deimos . Cue shocked Nicole!

Rafe sits at a table, having a beer, a knock at the door, he opens, and there is the pretty and young Blanca. She introduces herself, he must be Rafe, she is Mami's friend.

Hope walks around the cabin, looks at some framed pictures, kisses her fingers, puts them on the photo of Bo. She sits on the sofa, lays her head on the pillow. A figure enters the room, goes to end of the sofa, it is Bo. Hi Fancy Face, want me to help you figure some things out?

P.S. Cannot believe I forgot this, but then, Kate irritates me. She calls Aiden to meet her in the park, legal matter, and when he comes, says the matter is a bit illegal, Aiden starts to leave, she offers $250,000, he turns back. She tells of almost marrying Deimos, who is now dead, she wants the $$$, so needs a wedding license forged. Time is of the essence. Is he in or out?
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Chad went to school with Will, Gabi, Mia, Tad......At one point discovered he was a year older than he thought he was. That would put that group in their mid-20s, but I think they all were aged a few years after college, etc. So about 10 years would be right, since Ciara has been aged so much.
It's been so long, I can't remember the status of their relationship, either. I can't remember if she's still kind of playing footsie with Lucas or not. And since Eve is still sitting in an airport waiting for Claire, we know Justin's not knocking boots with her.
I can't say I'm interested in what's going on right now. I find all the characters to be rather shady, now, or downright evil. Kate is beyond repair and frankly, she should have fallen into the river, pushed by Deimos, not the other way around. And contrary to Deimos, who, I'm sure, is not really dead, Kate could have stayed dead. Call it poetic justice, after the whole "pushing Nick into the river" debacle. Not that I was rooting for Nick at the time, mind you, but still...

Aside from Kate, we have Aiden, who's apparently bad to the bone, despite trying to convince everyone else, especially Hope, he isn't.

Justin is now willing to destroy evidence to get revenge on Deimos.

Victor basically threw Nicole under the Deimos bus.

Dario is a part time con artist.

Don't get me started on what appears to be headed for the characters of Ciara and Chad. Talk about déjà vu. Abigail and Austin, Sami and Austin, anyone ? :angry::beat:

Seriously, where are the real good guys ? Where are the values, like courage, honesty, friendship ? Where is the real romance, not just the sex ? Apparently not on Days of our Lives ! :angry:

And indeed, where are Adrienne, Lucas, Paul, even Jennifer, who I don't even like anymore ?

Lastly, a silly thought : Could Justin come to Nicole's defence and could this lead to something romantic, wayyyy down the line ? Sorry, again, I'm being silly. Then again... why not ? If the Adrienne and Justin's boat has sailed...
I can't believe Kate is involved with a dead body in the river story again.

I also agree that the Ciara/Chad reminds me of Abigail/Austin! Yuck!

And indeed, where are Adrienne, Lucas, Paul, even Jennifer, who I don't even like anymore ?

I knew we wouldn't see Jennifer again (or even Lucas) so soon! ugh
Oh Kate, you would do anything for power, money, and at times a roll in the hay. You really need to be stripped of everything again and maybe it would humble you a bit.
Don't you think Kate has been stripped enough by all the men she's bedded over the years?!?! As Rew used to say..........I'm off to the corner now. I'll need some company so if anyone else needs to come to the corner, I'm about to crack a cold beer. LOL! :drunk:
Kate is splashing in the deep end of the Salem pool this time. Usually, her schemes depend only on her own lies and ruthlessness, but this time she's also depending on luck and the the duplicity and stupidity of others. Is Deimos really dead? After all there's no body, especially in the river. Kate's not going to look too good if he pops up somewhere. Will the often-clueless Roman eventually drop his skepticism and buy into her b/s, and will his cops be as dumb as usual? Once she hears the whole story, the clever Nicole will be onto her and could eventually outfox her. Will shyster Aiden hold up his end of the deal or will he take the money and run or give her such a crudely forged marriage certificate that her whole plan unravels? That said, the worst thing that happened today was Hope rudely depriving the Horton cabin raccoons of their peace and solitude. The poor creatures probably thought it was going to be a peaceful, Salemite-free summer season.
:OT: Which reminds me... and I'm sorry if I missed something, where is Rew ? Do we know ? :back:
She said to tell you all she is passed out in the corner. LOL

But, since she went to teaching full time, she has been unable to watch any of her soaps, said she might try and do some catching up this summer. (I think last year she even was teaching during the summer??) I don't have the heart to tell her she won't recognize it any more. Days I mean. Well, Steve & Kayla are there, so is Hope, Roman. Heck, she undoubtably has no idea Bo is dead, or Stefano, or that Andre' came back.
That said, the worst thing that happened today was Hope rudely depriving the Horton cabin raccoons of their peace and solitude. The poor creatures probably thought it was going to be a peaceful, Salemite-free summer season.
I must have watched a different show. I thought it was entertaining compared
to the last few episodes.

I wonder how many bedrooms Rafe's house has, since Adriana took the junk out
the one bedroom for Blanca to use. We know Gabi, Dario, Adriana, Ari and Rafe
live there. Maybe Ari sleeps in the room with Gabi.

I enjoyed Roman with Kate. It's been awhile since he laughed. He talked about how
he was confused since she was dating Deimos, a few months ago Clyde, and who
remembers before him. Interesting to see her mascara run. She must have forgotten
to use the waterproof kind.

Do we know how much Kate video taped? Did she tape the part when Nicole
left? If she did, did she edit that part out? Will Roman ask for her phone and make
sure she didn't do edit the video?

Interesting to see Justin go to the Dark Side taking evidence out of the police station.
I wonder if he signed the box out and took it back empty.

The one thing I didn't like was Chad and Ciara. I hope Chad "wakes up" soon to realize
she has crush on him. Maybe when she told I would do anything for you would make
him start thinking about that.

Nice seeing Bo with Hope at the end.

I'm still wondering what's going in California with Joey, Steve and the commune gang.
Well, today's episode was a little bit better than yesterday's but not by much. I'm glad that Roman at least seems to be rather skeptical of Kate's story but why would he tell Justin that there is "damning" evidence against Nicole. Really? Because if anything that video could be seen as proof of self-defense if it were really true that she did this and not Kate. Roman at least threw the idea out there that perhaps Kate is just trying to frame Nicole for something she (Kate) did. Of course all this will be moot as I don't believe for a second that Deimos is dead.

Nice to see Bo again. Can he please knock some sense into Hope? Better yet, take her with him for a short while because I could sure use a Hope break.

I thought they were bringing Aiden back to try to redeem him somehow (even if that didn't mean reuniting with Hope). If he takes the money from Kate to forge a marriage license he's a bigger scumbag than I thought. I just fail to see the point of his return and the only thing I can figure is this was an overreaction by the powers that be to fan reaction of Aiden's character assassination and subsequent death at the altar of Bo Brady last fall. Given the taping schedule this seems to make sense since what we are seeing now was taped 6 months ago so the actor would have been back taping around the same time or shortly thereafter as his onscreen death.