Days of Our Lives - Tues. June 9, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

In Chad's bed, Abby is sound asleep, as Chad places a rose next to her face. He is dressed, looks down at her with a smile. She wakes up, a bit disoriented. Chad is saying how incredible last night was, and then tells her how his father has been after him to pursue Abby ever since he returned to Salem, doesn't know why, his dad never tells him anything. But he has wanted to be with Abby always. She has a fit, won't let him touch her, is going to leave, never touch her again. It is over. Ahhh, just a daydream on the part of Chad. Abby does wake up, they have a nice conversation, he has never been so happy in his life, last night meant so much to him. Abby has to leave, the birthday party for Ari, he says she has time, she needs to go. They are down in the yard/patio area, she retrieves her purse, etc. Gets a message from Ben about missing her last night. She leaves.

Ben meets his dad for breakfast, who immediately is talking of Ben & Abby, that Chad is not a threat, blah, blah, yada, yada.
Will is on the phone with Dr. Myers, making an appt. for couples counseling, when Gramma Marlena arrives, hearing him. She really doesn't think much of Dr. Myer, wonders what happened to Dr. Lewis, Will admits he missed the appt., and she cancelled them. Marlena wonders if he really wants to fix things with Sonny, Will whines about Sonny loving Paul, she points out that Sonny is not IN love with Paul. She makes the valid observation that she still loves Roman, that Will's parents still love each other, would Will want a husband who did not care about his ex? Will whines more excuses, but Marlena makes wise retorts, advising Will to stay calm and not make waves with Sonny over Paul.

Meanwhile, Sonny runs into Paul, they have a nice conversation, with Sonny wondering why Paul was so abrupt the other day, Paul noting that Sonny & Will were fighting, he did not want to be any part of that. Sonny tells about the aborted counseling session, and Will's lame attempt at self-counseling, including the honesty hour, which did not go well.

Hope & Rafe are in her office, going over the material on Clyde, Aiden arrives, has an appt., they make plans for Thai takeout dinner tonight, he will pick up Chase, take him to practice, and whenever she gets there is fine. Kiss, kiss, he leaves. Hope & Rafe resume, and in comes Roman, who wants nicely to know what Rafe is doing there. Hope claims he is just giving her some background on a case, Roman makes sure Rafe is not violating any terms of his resignation (???), Rafe brings up to Hope that is all he has on Davison. Roman leaves, Hope thanks Rafe for quick thinking, but Rafe notes now she will have to go after Davison. They talk more about Clyde, and figure that the info Will got from Jeremiah came from Clyde, who told him every word to say. They plan to seek more info, leave the office for the birthday party.

Roman meets up with Caroline at the Pub, they talk of Ari already being two, Caroline comments that she probably won't recognize Sami's kids any more, they all grow so fast. Roman reminds her she just saw them 2 weeks ago, when she went out there. Caroline gets upset, she forgot, he shows her some pics, she recalls rides at an amusement park, and he shows her she DOES remember, so they should date the pics, and she will know when they were taken. She is laughing, would have to get a 10 yr. old to do it for her. Roman winks, says he gets Ciara, she charges a lot, but is worth it. LOL

John runs into Paul, invites him to come with him to his work. Paul is delighted. They sit in an office (Hope's??) have a nice talk. Paul tells how rude he was to Marlena, calling her & John hypocrits, & how she pointed out that if she & John had followed their hearts he might not be there. Paul notes that he thinks about how Tate was created, and realizes that they might not understand, but they are all there for a reason. He talks of how he felt he had to come to Salem, despite coaches and others telling him to go to Boston or somewhere else. But he felt he had to come to Salem for a reason, and if he had not, he would never have known John was his father, or run into Sonny again. John notes that if he had not met Will, he might not have ever come out. Paul nods, John says his mother did such a wonderful job raising him.

At the club, the party has started (it is morning), Will is holding Ari, Marlena is there, Sonny comes in, Will wonders why he wasn't there before them, learns Sonny ran into Paul, is not pleased. This is family only party, Kate throws a couple digs at Abby, who begs off to take pictures. Rafe talks to Kate commenting on her being without Clyde for a change. She asks if he likes being alone all the time.
Abby takes pic of Roman, Will, Sonny, Ari, and Will plants a big kiss on Sonny's cheek. Afterwards, Sonny asks if he had to put on such a big show. Will blathers that if anyone there had seen Sonny with Paul earlier, they would figure there was trouble. Sonny walks away, Marlena comes up, Will admits he lost his cool. So be it.

Clyde sits with Aiden, going over papers, impressed with what Aiden has done, sheltered all his assets, yada, yada. Aiden replies it was his job, tells him to go over it, let him know of any changes, he can come to the office tomorrow and sign the papers. Aiden has to leave, Clyde tries to detain him, telling him he has plenty of time to pick up his son. Aiden's face changes. How do you know that? I did not mention it at all.

Ben is standing near the gate, Chad happens by. They have a short, silent starefest. Chad walks away, Ben calls him back. He tells Chad he knows he was with Abigail.
I know Hope is a shirt-tail relation/family (let's see, she was married to Bo, so that makes (made?) her Sami's aunt, so would be Will's great aunt? and Ari's......great great aunt?) but her being at the party really made no sense to me. Where was JenJen, who would be more closely related, or Kayla or other Bradys? Party continues on tomorrow so maybe they will show up yet.
Well, Abby was there......but let's see. Victor is Sonny's Uncle, Justin & Adrienne are Sonny's parents. John did say he was not there because he had to work.Roman said Sami was sick, could not come, but sent a big, "workable" Barbie house. Should go over well in that tiny apartment. LOL

Grampa Lucas had to go out of town on Business, seems Mama Kate did something or other that had Lucas scrambling. She got asked how she could do something that would negatively affect her own son.....Kate gave her usual answer...just business.
I can't believe how these writers go out of their way to keep Marlena and John from sharing scenes together. Lately, if they're both on the same day they're either in separate scenes or perhaps have a 30 second scene talking about Paul or Sonny and Will. Um, ok. Hopefully the new writers make a huge change come August/September. This is ridiculous.

I don't quite understand why they're celebrating Arianna's birthday party 3 weeks after the fact but I guess I should be happy they even remembered such an event. Seems to me it's just a plot device for Sonny and Will to argue.

Way too much Clyde/Ben lately. Is it really necessary to spend so many episodes with the two of them sitting having coffee and discussing Abby and Chad? Wow. I hope Clyde is dead soon because I just can't with this character anymore. I hope Kate gets totally burned in the process. She deserves it for hanging out with scum like that as if he's some prince charming. She was pathetic today threatening Paul to John.

Abigail needs to either come clean to Ben about what happened with Chad or at the very least just break things off with him. She obviously is not in love with Ben and wants to be with Chad so she might as well follow her heart (and her body, apparently) and go be with the DiMera boy.
I loved the comment Roman made about Ciara.

Caroline had forgotten how long it had been since she'd seen Sami and the kids. Roman got concerned and told her it was only two weeks, as she had apparently gone out to California to visit them. He took her phone and showed her the pictures of her visit and a trip to Universal Studios (nice product placement). She easily remembered Allie taking care of Sydney. And a picture of her and the kids getting off a ride at Universal Studios. She said it was The Mummy, which was Johnny's favorite.

Roman then suggested they could put dates on the pictures or somehow put the pictures into the calendar on her phone so she could remember the dates of when she saw them last. Caroline loved the idea, but said she'd need a 10 year old to do that on her phone. Roman laughed and said he always asks Ciara to help him. He said she was "expensive" but worth it. LOL
Well, perhaps tomorrow, we will see a few more attendees. As I pointed out, there are other family members missing. Abby is a cousin, ........oh, heck, face it. Days is doing whatever it is ON THE CHEAP as usual.
I said nothing even close to that they did or should cut her from their lives due to the divorce. I said it didn't make sense to me since others that are more closely related weren't there and that Hope was. Where was Ciara?
I was just pointing out that it was not at all unusual for Hope to be there, even though she's no longer married to Bo.
deleted spoiler info in a non-spoiler forum - JS

Gotcha. I didn't say it was unusual due to Bo, so wasn't sure where you came up with anything to do with that.
Lucas' cousin, Will's....second cousin? And Ari's...I don't know as I don't the terms once it gets out that far. I was only saying my opinion, to me is was odd, but it had nothing to do with being divorced.
I have a feeling, since Will made a point to identify himself as 'a writer for Sonix magazine' while he was making the appointment with the sketchy marriage counselor, he's not even being truthful with the counselor, or more to the point, Sonny- about the reason for the appointment. He's about to shoot his last toe off with his marriage.
You have a good point. Is Will perhaps going to insinuate that he might write a favorable article about the doc, thus promoting him and his practice? If the doc says ....whatever. ??? Marlena did not think much of that therapist. Hmmmmm
Everyone is related in this town somehow!

I love Marlena, but I can't deal with Will whining for more than 30 seconds before my fast forward finger gets twitchy. Also re Will, I HATE his Ken-doll hair.

John and Paul had some nice scenes. I also enjoyed Caroline and Roman. The family scenes in general are lovely, as long as Will isn't flapping his mouth.

Kate looked kind of haggard today, normally she looks really put together.

Did we really need another day of Ben and Clyde in the booth talking about Abby?

Is Abby wearing yesterday's rumpled clothing? Ew. Go home and shower and change first girl! Edited - different outfit, I take it back. Its still a white top with a jacket over so I got confused.