Days of Our Lives - Tues., Mar. 27, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Leo arrives for his appointment with Vivian, who says he will do just fine, tells him she is not only paying him to date Sonny, but to “reel him in”, giving him an envelope with a large sum of money. Kate has seen this last exchange, Leo leaves, Kate confronts Vivian. They do the verbal cat & mouse game, Viv not admitting who the guy was or why she paid him, both insulting the other, & Kate giving fair warning that she, Chad & Abby will oust both her and Stefan. Kate leaves, Viv murmurs something about maybe Kate & Chad have one life.........

And so, over to Hong Kong, where Abby has appeared, is scared and confused upset, where is she. Stefan come in, tries his best to calm her down, explaining he needed to come to Hong Kong, needed her for P.R. Abby is buying none, wants to talk to Chad, grabs her cell, is calling when she suddenly sees herself in the mirror. What the blazes is she doing with this wig, and these clothes that are not hers. She removes the wig, Stefan is still trying to calm her down, when another headache strikes, and Dr. Laura appears, all business, scolding Stefan for bringing Abby here, she warned him about this. He claims he just wanted to help Gabby, to be herself. Dr. Laura has twisted her hair into a bun, put on glasses, and is adamant about going back to Salem. Stefan wants to talk to Gabby, and right now, Laura refuses, he threatens to turn Abigail in for killing Andre unless he can talk to gabby now. Laura reminds him, if Abigail goes to prison, so does Gabby, they are going home, she has to keep Abigail safe, that is why the alters were created. Stefan cannot, has important meeting, she tells him, then he is going to miss it, because they are returning to Salem within the hour.

At the police station, Chad is pacing, is belligerent, wants to go check on his wife, see she is all right. Shawn stops him, he cannot leave, Belle comes in, she has managed to get Chad freed. How? She says don't ask. (LOL, ahhh, in soapland it is so easy! ) Again Chad wants to take off, bad idea says Belle, he could get picked up again. Chad is just refusing to listen. He rants about Stefan killing Andre, framing Gabi, putting drugs in his luggage to frame him, thinks they should go to the board, tells them what liar and manipulator he is. Belle points out that he has no proof, and if he goes to the board ranting about all this with nothing to back him up, he is the one who will look foolish to them. Finally, Chad has had enough, he is going to check on his wife, going to the hotel, and stalks out. Shawn & Belle talk over how much Chad really loves his wife, would do anything for her. Shawn says just like I would do anything for you. Kiss!

Sonny meets Leo, glad he looks like his picture, heard that sometimes, so friends have told him, there are misrepresentations. They go to a restaurant, and there sits Paul & Will, out on their own date. A smiling Sonny brings Leo over, introduces him to the guys, awkward scenes, but Sonny & Leo leave the guys and go sit elsewhere. Leo notes it was odd, Sonny explains having been engaged to Paul, married to Will. Leo comments ...and now they are together? Weird.

Will talks to Paul of the need to get a job, Paul suggests the Spectator, Will says no, he doesn't remember anything about writing. Paul is encouraging, mentioning how they worked together about his dad, Will's thought processes, etc. Will figures Sonny's mom being owner makes that not a good idea. Paul points out his aunt is the other owner. They check the newspaper ads, yep, Spectator does have opening for a reporter.

Will & Paul get up to leave, enjoyed their dessert, they briefly kiss, Paul suggests going back to Will's place. Smiles, they leave. In Will's room, they are hesitant, Will asks if Paul is sure, and they kiss, kiss again, off come the shirts, (don't guys wear t-shirts under their shirts anymore?? lol) and they fall on the bed.

Leo & Sonny are parting, Sonny apologizing for talking all about his past relationships, and not finding more about Leo, likes, dislikes, etc. Leo figures Sonny can do that on their second date. Sonny leaves, Leo calls Vivian, reports the 2nd date is in the works. Vivian is praising him, Kate behind her, listening to it all.

Victor joins Maggie, learns Sonny on a date (Maggie & Sonny had convo about it earlier), they sit and chat a bit. Victor mentions Vivian coming over when Maggie was gone to try and seduce him, the fur coat with nothing on under, he thinks he has PTSD because of it. She wanted to merge Titan & DiMera, he refused on both counts, she threatened to destroy Titan. Told Sonny the same thing, she is coming after Titan. Vic is not worried, but Maggie notes that Viv once buried her alive, don't put anything past her.

Dr. Laura is in the lobby, sees Chad passing, whips off her glasses as he comes over. She pretends to be Abigail, talks of wanting to go home, which is why the suitcase. Chad wants to go look for the woman who he thinks could have impersonated Gabi, and may have killed Andre. Nope, we are going home, and now. She hurries off.

Stefan uses the connecting door to enter Abigail's room. The wig is on the bed. He flashes back to kissing Gabby, picks up the wig, shoves it into his bag. He is not going to give up on her. Out the door he goes.
Hong Kong
I am beyond finished with this alter nonsense. I will fast forward the rest (only 24 minutes into the show here).
Leo arrives for his appointment with Vivian
Important note: Leo will do anything for the right price. He said it himself.
Shawn stops him, he cannot leave, Belle comes in
Hey @Heather4CU! Were you happier than I when this occurred!?!?
The wig is on the bed. He flashes back to kissing Gabby, picks up the wig, shoves it into his bag. He is not going to give up on her. Out the door he goes.
Sick. Kill this guy before they try to sell him as the next Eeeeej.
The thing with Stefan is.....he was/is attracted to Abigail, but she will have nothing to do with him, she even says today she would not tell him anything, how does he know? (she last remembers going to Kayla because of the headaches and memory loss. Stefan says all the tests came out great, you are o.k.) But because the Gabby alter is not repulsed by him, and has shown some interest, Stefan can still have Abby, even if he has to call her Gabby.

Yes, sick, twisted, and HE needs a shrink as well. And there is Viv, aware of Abby's disorder, and ignoring it, not worried. Guess she figures it keeps Stefan out of the way while she goes about her evil doings.
So, I'm guessing by "reel him in", Vivian means "distract the hell out of him so I can take him down". Well, there's one little problem, lady. Even with all of his distractions, Sonny still manages to keep his eye on the prize!

I want Leo to genuinely fall in love with Sonny, and he (Leo) can play double agent.
I'm glad Sonny realized that were other fish in the deep blue sea and is dipping his toes back in the dating pool. And this guy Leo seems like a real catch. Nope don't see anything going wrong there. :)

On a serious note, I was glad to hear Maggie express concern for Gabi. I'm sure it's based more on concern for Arianna than Gabi herself considering not only what happened with Nick, but because of Melanie, as well. Still, it was nice nevertheless. I find it interesting that given how close Maggie once was to Nick, she's able to not hold on to it. Maybe it's because even though she loved Nick, she was still able to clearly see what he had become, unlike another member of the Horton family. *cough* Julie *cough*:huh:
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Thanks, Poirot.

Happy to see Belle and Shawn together today and they kissed.

When Stefan picked up the wig, I wondered if he would sniff it
it would smell like Abigail.

Chad was annoying with his ranting and raving about Stefan.

What's Kate going to do after she heard Vivian on the phone? Did
she hear Sonny's name?
Hopefully the brief appearance of Abigail today reminded viewers (and Stefan) how repulsive a person he is for having a romantic relationship with one of Abigail’s alter personalities. The shock and horror that Abigail displayed was palpable. She did not know where she was, how she got there, and what might have happened to her.

Instead of telling Abigail the truth and telling her husband about the different personalities Abigail has been manifesting, he is taking advantage of a mentally disturbed woman. This is so unforgivable. No chance for this character to come out of this as a likable person in the future, no matter how good he looks without a shirt. He is disgusting. In fact, he may surpass the sins of EJ (raping Sami, kidnapping Sydney, doppelganger Rafe, affair with Abigail, just to name the bigger ones).

Marci Miller (Abigail) performed so well today. I must give her accolades for how great an actress she is growing into. I must admit, I have not been a fan until very recently. This story is giving her the chance to show the viewers what she can do. I am impressed after today’s show.

Side note: so happy that Sonny tucked in his shirt for his date today. :)
So Belle, Shawn and Hope cannot appear in the same episode? But Kate can wear a couch? OK.

Seriously I was SO HAPPY to see romantic scenes between Shawn and Belle!!! And Chad referred to her as Shawn's ex-wife. Time to rectify that and remarry these two! And can we please keep them??

I thought Leo seemed too old for Sonny. But when has that stopped anyone on the show before. But I do hope there is more to Leo than just being a con-artist. I wonder if he is even gay.

I felt so bad for Abby. I knew Laura would show up but didn't realize that quickly. I wonder if Stefan is somehow causing the personalities since he still hasn't fessed up to Chad.
I wonder if he is even gay.
Depends on the price. As to their ages, there's an 11-year difference which I didn't realize until Heather pointed it out. Certainly not insurmountable in real life or on Days but I guess it depends on how old Leo's actually supposed to be, or whether we're supposed to care or not.
I'm glad Sonny realized that were other fish in the deep blue sea and is dipping his toes back in the dating pool. And this guy Leo seems like a real catch. Nope don't see anything going wrong there. :)
Sonny is really being bold -- venturing outside the tight little circle of Salemites when seeking romance. Unfortunately, if word gets out that Sonny's venture outside Salem's quasi-incestuous dating circle caused him to hook up with a Vivian stooge, no other Salemite will be so bold in the future. For example:
  • Q: Eric, why are you dating that ranting, sleeveless Jenny? You have to know that she'll dump you as soon as Jack returns.
  • A.: You're right, but if I start a relationship with some stranger, she might be working for Vivian Alamain, Victor Kiriakis, or that faker Stefan O.