Days of Our Lives - Tues., March 5, 2024


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Dec 29, 2012
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39 minutes, another filler day with lots of blah, blah, blah.

Ava, John, Steve arrive at Wendy & Tripp's apartment. They're discussing Clyde wanting to break out of jail and they have 24 hours to do it.

Tripp and Wendy still trapped in the warehouse, discussing where they want to go after Paris. Tripp says Italy. They would find a cafe for food. Tripp says this is more bearable with her at his side. They kiss.

Stefan arrives at the DiMansion and gets a drink. EJ steps out wearing pajamas. He wants to know why Stefan called him? Stefan says after he has another drink.

Kate and Roman in their Salem disguises arrive at a door. Kate wants to make sure they weren't followed. Roman says they weren't. Kate knocks at the door. A monk answers. It's Lucas.

Steve doesn't want to break out Clyde. Ava reminds him Clyde will have Tripp and Wendy killed. They want to know how Ava was contacted? She tells them she found a burner phone when it was ringing. Clyde told her to get him out of Statesville and to call her family. She says the clock is ticking. Steve wonders how she got involved with Clyde? John says they're out of options and that a programer is going over video to find clues.

At the table, John is playing with little green limes. He counts what they need to do to get Clyde out. He moves a lime each time. Need to get blueprints, know what security system the prison has and their video system. Steve says if they had more time they could have Weston disappear in thin air. John says what if they can? Steve asks if he has a plan? John says he thinks so.

Stefan tells EJ he needs help. EJ says he won't help him. Stefan says he's the only family EJ has left. EJ talks about the dark path Stefan is on. Stefan says he shot Harris and he needs EJ's help. EJ says Stefan needs to confess. Stefan says he didn't have a choice. He was supposed to kill Harris or Gabi would be hurt. EJ talks about how Stefan clings to that woman. Stefan says it's worse since he couldn't finish the job and now Clyde will be after him. Stefan says Harris knows he tried to kill him. EJ says they need to call the police.

EJ gets ready to call Rafe, and Stefan looks at Stefano's portrait. He says if Stefano was alive, he would stand by him. Preserve the family. EJ says he will help him, but there is no get out of jail card with this game. EJ wants Stefan to sign over his DiMera shares, his land holdings and offshore accounts. Stefan says he can't do that. He'll be broke (so sad). Stefan wants to know what he gets in return? EJ will give him safe passage to country that doesn't have an extradition treaty to the US. Stefan agrees, to help keep himself and Gabi safe. He gives his word. EJ says his word is worthless, but his signature on a contract isn't. EJ says he'll work on that, and winks as he walks away.

Kate and Roman enter Lucas' room, taking off their disguises of sunglasses and hats. Kate hugs him and asks how he's doing? Everyone thinks Lucas is taking a vow of silence and others stay away from him. Kate and Roman discuss his room, saying it's the minimalist look. Roman mentions he's been watching house design shows with Kate. He likes sitting with her, but would like to watch baseball. Lucas talks about no TV or music. Kate suggests walking outside and they saw the abbot before they saw Lucas.

Lucas says the abbot suggested to him he should make life changes. They ask Lucas what he does to keep busy? He says he was in charge of the vegetable garden, but he over-watered the seedlings. Now he's doing laundry. Lucas says he's bored with no phone. Kate grabs the bags she brought. One bag is full of treats. Another bag has toiletries. The last bag is full of books that Doug found in the house. Doug wants him to read The Count of Monte Cristo first. The family thinks Lucas back in Statesville. Lucas misses his family and his life.

Tripp tells Wendy when they will get out he plans to give her a full spa day with everything. Wendy asks what he wants to do? He says sitting on the couch for three weeks and watching March Madness. Tripp jumps off stool and says he can't stand sitting there anymore. Wendy suggests they go on another imaginary trip. Tripp sits back down and Wendy pretends she's driving a sports car. (oh my). She's driving to Pisa.

Once they arrive, they get up and pretend to climb the tower. At the top, they look at the view. They sit back down and plan to drive to the coast. Oh no, the car breaks down. Tripp talks about being with her under the stars. They hear a noise outside the chamber. They pound on the door to let someone know they're inside. A latch turns. Tripp looks up and says the vents are closed. Wendy asks how he knows? He says he doesn't feel the air. We're sealed in.

Later, Kate, Roman and Lucas are playing poker. (Kate brought cards too). Lucas asks how Harris is doing? They say he's out of the coma. Lucas wants more info about investigation. Roman says police are not saying anything. They all agree Clyde has to pay. Lucas says if Clyde is still alive, he (Lucas) still has target on his back.

Lucas asks about the Horton house construction. Kate says Julie wants the house to have its original look. Roman and Kate doing a 5K marathon. Kate's doing it for an expensive wine and dinner. Lucas is jealous they're having fun. He wants to start a new venture when he's free. Kate says when he's a free man, everyone will make up for lost time with him. They will show him love and affection. Lucas says he can handle that.

Kate and Roman get ready to leave. Lucas questions their disguises. He tells Kate the hat she wore makes her look like Audrey Hepburn. Lucas is concerned no one followed them. Kate says no. Roman made sure of that. Kate reminds him of all the things she brought him. Julie wrote him a note and it's tucked inside another book. Lucas is glad they came. He hugs Kate and Roman. Kate says he'll be safe soon. He wonders once it's over if he goes home or Statesville?

EJ shows Stefan a legal pad. It covers everything they discussed. EJ signs it. Stefan says father wouldn't approve. EJ says it's right from father's playbook. EJ reminds Stefan he couldn't handle Clyde or Harris and to sign the paper. Stefan signs it. EJ gives him one of those smiles.

Steve wished there was another way to do this. They ask John what they need to do? John puts the limes back and gets up from table. He needs to get to the office. Steve asks to get hardware? John says to get equipment and contact vendors. Ava wants to help. John says she needs to contact her family members. Ava says they will be ready.

Wendy is having a panic attack. She wants to know how much time they have? Tripp says to calm down and hugs her. She says they need to get out of there or they will die. He hugs her again.
I hate what they've done to Wendy. She used to be plucky, fearless, and interesting. Now, she's just panicking and gripping Tripp? She used to be a problem solver. Can't she MacGyver something?

EJ is disgusting.
So, Stefan talks about "father" yet he has never met the man, he was raised by a really wealthy family, so when Stefan-0, truly a zero, runs his little buttocks home, EJ is able to take all of his money??? I do so wish they writers would write a "bible" about a character and not change core things. But I guess, we aren't supposed to remember.

The trip to Italy was super exciting. I hung on every word and was saddened when they broke away to other stories. :sarcasm:

Kate, Roman and Lucas were sort of fun except for all of the whining about things. I did laugh at Lucas' surprise his mother was going to run a 5K. She doesn't even own a pair of tennis shoes.

Thanks kat for writing up this show.
It truly is a shame that characters who have always been intelligent, are now making the most stupid, ridiculous choices, let alone saying dumb things. Amazing how sunglasses are Salemites' favorite choice for disguises. The hats Kate & Roman chose just did not do it......were laughable. Both should have worn caps, the knitted kind you pull over your ears. After all, It's March, still winter, still cold. And Kate should have pulled her hair up so it would not show at all under the cap. LOL

Hope Days "behind the scenes" woes will soon be over. Am sure they are by now, but............we are seeing filming done 5-6 mos. ago.
If Ava’s mob family could easily break Clyde out of prison, couldn’t they just as easily end the Clyde problem permanently? Am I missing something here?

Speaking of ending things, why doesn’t EJ enhance his credibility as DA by calling Rafe and asking that he send some cops over to the DiMansion to pick up the hopeless Stefan Zero? Lord knows, nobody would miss him.

The writers have really outdone themselves — they’ve crafted a kidnapping plot where nobody cares if the victims live or die.

Lucas should reconsider his opposition to a future as a monk. Who knows, maybe getting up a 4 AM for prayers or tending the monastery garden or making cheese just might be the thing for him. As for monkish celibacy, it’s not like his past bedroom adventures have brought him lasting bliss. Just ask Kate about all the “happiness” his erotic relationship with Sami has brought into his life.

Finally, somebody should tell Kate that a disguise should help her blend in, not stick out like a sore thumb. Apparently Katerina is such a drama queen that she can’t help herself when it comes to making wardrobe choices.
So, Steve didn't catch the signal. Boo.

I agree about Wendy. She's not recognizable now. I know they're not popular, but I don't hate Tripp and Wendy. I'd probably list Tripp as a favorite character if he was shirtless more and Ava wasn't his mom (or he hated her and distanced himself from her).

Stefan was ruthless. I hated the original Stefan, but he'd never have signed his shares over to Eeej without a double-cross up his sleeve. As much as I like Stefan and Gabi, this story is a dud.
Stefan is going a long way to protect Gabi without doing the most basic thing of telling her police commissioner brother that she’s in danger. This is why I just can’t deal with all this. Murder? Okay. Signing all worldly possessions over to nasty idiot brother? Sure. But make one phone call that might actually be effective to get her in protective custody or transferred? Too risky.

So dumb.
Thanks for the summary. I guess I'm mildly entertained by John, Ava, and Steve plotting together. I definitely want to know what this plan is all about. And it was nice seeing Lucas, Kate, and Roman all together. I'm just so sick of Clyde, DiMera shares, and Wendy's dullness with Tripp.