Days of Our Lives - Tues., March 7, 2023


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Dec 29, 2012
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EJ and Nicole are still in DiMera living room. Nicole takes the cup Stefan drank from and dumps rest in the plant. EJ is surprised. Nicole says it's ok since the plant has probably been poisoned over the years. They discuss Stefan being drugged. EJ says Gabi is going to be the perfect witness how Stefan acts. EJ is worried if Stefan gets suspicious. Nicole says he can blame Gabi's perfume. EJ says or the last effect of Rolf's treatment. EJ says he wants to work to take the company from Stefan, just as Johnny walks in.

EJ tries to cover and says the vial belonged to Stefan since his fingerprints on it. He says Stefan's taking drugs. EJ tells Johnny he wants to save company and not to tell anyone what Stefan is doing. EJ says to trust him and he'll try to get Stefan help. Johnny leaves. Later, Nicole tells EJ he's a gifted liar (I think that's a requirement when you live in Salem). EJ hopes Johnny will watch Stefan and see him decline. Nicole starts to go to work. She's worried Brady's not focused. EJ starts to feel woozy. Nicole is concerned. EJ said he was faking since he needs to act that way with Stefan.

Gabi and Stefan in the small park. Stefan feels dizzy. He tells Gabi he's happy to be with her. Stefan wants to know why Gabi stayed with Li. Gabi tells him she got his DiMera shares. Stefan feels dizzy again. She's worried. They talk about how her relationship with Li is a merger and not a marriage. Gabi wants to be with him and give the shares back to Li. She wants to leave Li and be with Stefan. Stefan says he wants her to stay with Li.

Stefan wants Gabi to be his Co-CEO. Stefan gets light headed again. Gabi asks if he's ok. He says it's probably something that Rolf did. Stefan says EJ is going to be incapacitated. Stefan tells Gabi he's drugging EJ. He wants the board to remove EJ. Li's shares are an insurance policy. She's says she'll stay with Li. Stefan says what's 6 months when they love each other? They kiss. (6 months is a long time for the viewers).

Sloan is talking to Eric outside his jail cell. Belle told her she wasn't going to be his lawyer. She asks if he wants a good lawyer. She reminds him she got Li out of jail. Eric wonders why she wants to be his lawyer? She tells him about Lady Whistleblower, who is Leo Stark. She lets him read the article about having the best sex ever. (Does mean Alex is lousy in bed?) Eric is surprised. Sloan says she was upset but misses our fun together. She says they can work out a deal. Eric says he can't afford her. Sloan says they can do it in trade. She leaves.

Li is talking to himself about Gabi lying to him. He throws something just when Wendy comes out of the bedroom area. He's surprised she's there. (so are we). Wendy wonders what's going on since Li is supposed to have ice water in his veins. Li tells her Gabi lied to him. He called the school and tracked her phone. Gabi is in the park. Wendy says you're stalking her? She tells him if you love someone you set them free. She calls him a jerk. He can't let Gabi go. He's never loved anyone like he loves her. Wendy asks if he wants a wife who loves another man?

Sloan is in the police station when she gets a call from Li. He tells her he has 2nd thoughts about the contract with Gabi. He wants to cancel it. Sloan explains there is clause that states if Gabi has an affair she loses her shares. Li changes his mind and leaves the apartment.

Chloe and Brady are in Horton Town Square. Chloe is glad he's out of jail. She's afraid he'll go to prison for kidnapping. Brady hopes Belle will get the charges dropped. Brady hopes they can find their way back together. Chloe understands Brady undid what Kristen and Li did to Stefan. She tells him Rachel hates her. Brady hopes to have a new start since Kristen is gone. He's going to have lunch with Rachel. (Chloe is still eating breakfast).

Rachel and John come up. Rachel yells at Chloe that it's her fault Brady was in jail. Brady looks at John. John tells him that Rachel read "The Spectator" when he thought she was playing a game. Rachel mentions it was odd what was written about Uncle Eric (oh my). Brady tells her "The Spectator" is a nasty paper and prints lies. Rachel isn't done with her outbursts and says it was Chloe's fault you kidnapped Stefan. Rachel goes over to Chloe and say you sent my mom and dad to jail. Brady tells her to stop and it wasn't Chloe's fault.

John steps up and explains to her that her dad knows how she feels. John and Rachel sit down. John tells her Brady and your grandma had problems. Marlena didn't want to replace his mom, but she loved him. He tells her that if Marlena was here she could help Rachel. Rachel says she misses her. Rachel yells at Chloe and says she's not my grandma and wants her gone. Brady wants John to take her home.

John can't since he has meeting with Steve. He leaves. Rachel accuses Brady trying to get rid of her. Brady says no. He just wanted to talk to each of them separately. Brady says let's have lunch. Rachel's mad that she has to eat with Chloe. Chloe says she'll leave. People are watching. Rachel puts on a pouty face and sits on the ground.

Sloan is back with Eric. She tells him he's free and they need to discuss his retainer. She leaves the jail area.

Wendy is at Stefan's computer. Johnny comes in. He asks why she's there? (good question). She's adding new software. He wants to take her to lunch. She says no since she just got to work 20 minutes ago. She asks about the vial. Johnny can't restrain himself and blurts out that vial is not his dad's. Then he says he can't say more since he promised his dad. Wendy decides she needs to know everything. Johnny says the vial is Stefan's, but don't tell his dad she knows. She wonders if his dad is telling the truth (smart girl).

Wendy knows Stefan's life is a mess, but his work seems ok. He doesn't act like he's taking drugs (wait a few days). Johnny tells Wendy he overheard his dad wants Stefan out of his job. Johnny realizes he said too much. Wendy thinks EJ wants to help Stefan since he has a drug problem. Johnny says EJ wants to help Stefan. He stops and realizes he was in the room with his nonno's picture (Stefano). He wonders if his dad was lying since Stefano was good at it. Johnny wonder is EJ is using him as his star witness against Stefan? We see EJ walk in behind Johnny.

Nicole and Eric meet outside the pub. She's happy Belle got him out. Eric tells her Sloan is his lawyer.

Rachel is on the ground. Chloe decides to leave. She says Rachel needs to feel she comes first. She walks away.

Nicole is surprised Sloan is his lawyer since they broke up. Sloan walks up and says why give up on the best sex of her life. Then Sloan kisses Eric while Nicole watches.

EJ looks at Johnny and Wendy. He asks why are you here and what are you two co-conspirators up to this time?

Gabi and Stefan are kissing. They tell each other they love the other. Stefan is sorry the way he treated her, but they are together now. They kiss again. Li comes up and asks what they are doing. They stop kissing.
Thank you for the great summary and pics, Kat!

I think Rachel needs to be programmed to like Chloe, seriously! But no ice cream scooper this time, though that would be appropriate for a kid.

Rachel is Kristen's daughter to the nth degree. The only way I see her changing her tune is if Chloe saves her life. Gee, a child in peril in Salem? Has that ever been attempted before? :head scratch:

I like how John tried to explain it all to Rachel, but she has her mind set.

Sloan is disgusting, and Eric is even more so for having anything to do with her.

Boy, it is sure taking Wendy a long time to install that software.

We all knew Li would find Stefan and Gabi canoodling.

What will the long-term effects of Stefan's being drugged be? Will it ruin his entire life, even cause Gabi to run?
Thanks for the summary

Rachel is a brat who is acting about as awfully as Sloan and Eric. I have no use for any of these characters. I feel so bad for Chloe, but admire her doing the right thing, what's supposed to be the right thing, anyways.

I know secrets never stay secret in Salem, yet am still shocked at how fast Johnny blurted everything out to Wendy, especially when he just learned all of this information. Ditto for Li walking up on Gabi kissing Stefan.

John was definitely the highlight of the episode.
How old is Rachel supposed to be??
She was born on Mother's Day of 2020; she should be almost 4 years old due to the time jump, but since Days has erased that, she'd be coming up on her third birthday.

She's obviously been SORAS'd to be about 7-8 years old.

Finley Rose Slater, who plays Rachel, is 8 years old.
I will not be able to tolerate a lot of Rachel. Children should not be allowed to behave like that.

Well, was nice Stefan and Gabi got to be happy for 2 minutes! Li needs to listen to his sister. You don't want to be with a woman who loves another man.

Eric and Sloan are just yuck. Eric by himself is just yuck.

Chloe does not seem all that upset that Brady kidnapped Stefan. I kind of thought it would be a deal breaker for her.
Sloan: She is worse than I imagined. The idea of an attorney defending a client against charges he/she brought is absurd. All the shyster has to do is drop the complaint she filed against seedy Eric. (If this nonsense keeps up Sloan jokes are going to become popular in the Salem legal community.)

Rachel: This brat is hopeless. Even John couldn’t talk sense to her. Brady should send her to boarding school in Switzerland.

Li: If he’s having a fit because Gabi lied to him it shows he‘s not fit to live in Salem. A real Salem resident expects to be lied to multiple times a day and doesn’t bat an eye about it.
A final note: Shyster Sloan thinks that she’s a “world class” attorney. This is ridiculous. She’s not even a “Salem class” lawyer. By now, local legal mediocrities like Belle, Carrie, Justin, and EJ are laughing about Sloan’s lack of ethics and her wretched lawyering abilities.
Thanks kat.... Ms. Finley Rose Slater is doing a great job. I truly dislike Rachel. I wish someone would remind the writers that John married Isabella, they shared a child and IzzyB died while Brady was an infant. He NEVER KNEW his mother. Kristen was his mom, then Marlena. So did he prefer Kristen, his one true love, over Marlena?? Is that who he is talking about when he was telling Rachel he was a brat toward Marlena. Now that would be hysterical.
Eric is a moron. Why does he trust Sloan? Because she’ll sleep with him and she cried once about her parents? Get in line, sweetie. Everyone in Salem has a sob story. She’s a horrible character with no purpose. One of the worst additions to the show in a very long time (since maybe Summer). Is she even still suing Paulina and Chanel? They haven’t revisited that story in weeks. I can only hope they’re abandoning it and the lawsuit will evaporate soon (along with Sloan).

Gabi needs to put some constraints on the Li situation—even if she’s keeping the shares. He’s acting like a loon. Tell him they can live together and he gets one dinner a week or something. But he acts like she should be with him all day, every day. Is he going to spend each day following her around town?

With all that’s gone on with drugging people, the minute I was unexpectedly sick, I’d head to the hospital for blood tests. And if I’m Stefan and I know I’ve been brainwashed and that I’m currently poisoning someone else, get thee to the doctor. But no, he’s going to ignore symptoms he should recognize especially since it’s what he’s trying to do to EJ.

The good news is they seem to be moving faster and not dragging stories out. On the old show, Gabi and Stefan would sneak around for weeks or months before being caught. Or EJ would still be getting drugged for weeks before the story shifted.
@DrBakerFan, why should Sloan worry about ethics?? Patient confidentiality is not known to exist in Salem. Anyone with a last name matching the last CEO of a company and who has graduated from kindergarten can become the next CEO.

Competence really isn't a thing in Salem.
robinsnest, there may be no shortage of unethical lawyers, but the profession does stress ethical behavior. Law students have to take an ethics course and then pass the professional responsibility bar exam in addition to the main bar exam. Also, major bar associations have ethics committees that send opinions to attorneys who have ethical questions. That said, shyster Sloan seems to have forgotten everything she was taught in an ethics class and wouldn’t dream of contacting the Salem Bar Association to get advice about an ethical question.