Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 21, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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The summary will be up later.....the show was interrupted for 1/2 hr for Oklahoma coverage. I will be able to see that part on another station here, but will tell you.......good show! Intense scenes between Nick & Jensen, and Will's face as he has to listen and hear what went on. Plus Sonny having to deal with Gabi in labor, and her having to be "quiet" so Jensen doesn't hear. Wow!
However, have to see all that went on now.

Later, folks.

Posted below now...Poirot
oh my gosh...edge of yyour seat stuff ...Nick, Jensen, Gabi,Sonny
Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 22, 2013

Wow! Excellent show, and kudos, Emmy & Oscar to Blake Berris today. Let's get the smaller stuff out of the way. Sami & EJ in afterglow, she is still trying to get him to tell who was on the phone, he won't tell, but says he would never do anything to hurt her. That is enough for her to stop questioning him.
Jennifer comes down to find EJ in the living room, she mentions him having just had a run, offers to return Daniel's MP3 player. JJ says it stopped working, he already has told Daniel. He goes to leave, she won't let him. She wants to talk, he is trying to avoid doing so, but does mention missing Dad. In comes Daniel & Abby (she already has seen him over at Maggie's). Jen starts telliong Daniel she will get his player fixed, so JJ has to let her now it is smashed. And he now tells Daniel that Parker's train set is toast. Seems he turned it on, left it running, motor burned up or something. Jen is appalled, says he has to get a job to replace, Dan says not to worry, he will get a new set. Abby takes JJ for a walk.
He talks of missing Dad, and is obviously not happy with Mom moving on. Abby is talking of Dan the nice guy, JJ resents her not looking for dad when he was a prisoner in Afganistan. Abby defends, but JJ figures she was already busy with Daniel, so Dad was not on her mind at all. They talk of how Jack died, the guilt Abby felt, how long it took her to get over it, but family helped, and they will help him, too. Some hippy looking kid is giving JJ the eye. He claims he met the guy at registration for summer school, and since he doesn't know when his classes start, maybe this guy knows. He will see her at home later, and goes to join the duded.

EJ meets up with Justin, tells him how he is a suspect because of Gabi overhearing him on the phone with Justin, and no he did not tell. Game is still on. He gives Justin 3 brown little envelopes, the final 3 things to bring down Stefano. He is going thru with this to the end.

Sami comes into the coffee shop, looking for Will, meets up with Kate. Of course, Sami is right into it, talking of Kate having been having an affair with Rafe. She is pretty nasty, and more or less figures that Rafe dumped Kate, so she had him beat up. Kate is appalled, Sami vindictive, spewing out a lot of blather how Rafe is in a coma after dumping Kate, just like Chloe was after Daniel dumped Kate for her. Kate hauls off and slaps Sami a good one, leaving Sami with a totally shocked look on her face.

Hope is questioning Vargas, needs to figure where Jensen has gone. Vargas has no idea, but does remember Vargas talking of picking up work on the docks here, camping on some island that had a warehouse. Lightbulb for Hope, who knows Smith Island has a warehouse. She shows up there with a couple other cops, they part company to search the island. It is dark out. She has a flashlight, is going alone, when she hears a scream, and goes running in that direction.

Jensen is continuing his verbal assault of Nick, eventually reciting how many times he beat up Nick til he fell in line, and did Jensen's bidding, calling him his b****! Nick says no he wasn't. (these are all intense, emotional scenes). Will is horrified, trying to keep still. He spots a huge wrench, and slowly manages to get it into his hands. Jensen has been taunting Nick, has tightening his bonds, and is threatening to go out, find wifey and kill her and the baby. Nick is begging him to leave her alone. Jensen finally decides why wait, he will kill Nick now, and he points the gun.
Will comes out, swinging the wrench, knocking Jensen down, the gun flies to the floor. Nick keeps trying, unsuccessfully, to reach it with his foot. Jensen gets up, Will lands several punches, they wrestle around, and now Jensen gets a few punches at Will, knocking him back. They both land on the floor, the gun is grabbed, they are struggling for the gun, it goes off. Nick screams WILL!,. as Will drops to floor.

Sonny has managed to get Gabi to some sort of storage room, as her water has broke, she has been having little pains all day, is in labor, is going to have this baby now. Both are pretty panicky, especially when she tells Sonny he is going to have to deliver the baby. He talks of having seen a movie, but closing his eyes. LOL. He finds clean dropcloths, and even a pair of scissors per her orders. She is taking deep breaths, worried about Nick & Will.

Nick is berating the cruel evil Jensen. Will never did anything to him, had just begun his life. But now Jensen is going to take care of Nick. He points the gun...and Hope bursts thru the door, firing her gun!

Gabi insists Sonny look and see if the baby is crowning. He doesn't want to, but finally does, says he can see the head. Push, Push, she does, screaming and Baby Ariana comes into this world. Gabi is relieved, happy, tells him to cut the cord, which he does. The baby is wrapped up in one of the drop cloths, Sonny holding it, but Gabi doesn't hear it crying. She gets upset, my baby, what is wrong with my baby".
Loved Jennifer mentioning her assistant. She has an assistant??? That is hilarious! Maybe that's why she can take off so much time? Maybe her assistant does all of her work?

Boy, we just knew Parker's train set was going to bite the dust. JJ's a vindictive little brat.

Gosh, any day that Justin is on my screen is a good day! That man is all kinds of handsome!
I love Justin but I’m disappointed in him for helping junior. Junior had Philip shot not once but tried a second time, Stephanie placed in a morgue drawer and many other things. I’m hoping he is setting junior up but I’m realistic that will never happen, just like the Dimeras will never pay for their crimes!
I love Justin but I’m disappointed in him for helping junior. Junior had Philip shot not once but tried a second time, Stephanie placed in a morgue drawer and many other things. I’m hoping he is setting junior up but I’m realistic that will never happen, just like the Dimeras will never pay for their crimes!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Justin knows that Stefano has caused more people in Salem grief than just about anyone. This temporary alliance will allow him to get rid of his family's biggest rival. After that, I'm sure that Justin would want to, or perhaps will, focus on EJ.